Renova Foundation

30 – Terrestrial fauna and flora

Objective of the program

To develop a study for identifying and listing the impact of the collapse within the environmental area 1(areas comprised by the deposit of tailings in the channels and riverbanks of the Gualaxo do Norte, Carmo and Doce rivers, considering the respective passages of their formation streams and tributaries, as well as estuarine, coastal and marine regions  in the parts impacted by the collapse), of the terrestrial endangered species and present a conservation plan for the terrestrial fauna and flora.

Progress of Program

Technical assistance for 60 families participating in the Meliponiculture Project in MG (Sem Peixe, Mariana and Governador Valadares), between 16 and 27 of September/24. In compliance with actions 29 and 30 of the PABT.

Prototyping Workshop for Propolis, Samburá and Soaps from the Meliponiculture ES project in Povoação and Regência (Linhares), from September 21st to 29th. In compliance with actions 29 and 30 of the PABT.

Finalization of the signing of contracts for the eight winning subprojects of RFP No. 02/2024, launched in partnership with FUNBIO, in compliance with actions 02 and 03 of the PABT. Date: September 11, 2024.

"[Support for PG013 Tourism, Culture, Sports and Leisure] Publication of an article in the 26th edition of the Vozes do Território newsletter about libraries in the Calha do Rio Doce territory supported by the Reading Incentive project."

1. Completion of field sampling for the 6th campaign of the Terrestrial Biodiversity Monitoring Program (PMBT) for the 2024 dry season on July 24, in compliance with action 4 of the PABT.

2. Technical Workshop of the Meliponiculture Project in MG - Introduction to Meliponiculture and Techniques for Managing Native Stingless Bees. In response to action 29 of the PABT.
*July 20th and 21st in Tumiritinga and July 27th and 28th in Sem Peixe.

3. Carrying out the Training Workshop for the execution of initiatives selected by the Doce River Biodiversity Project (FUNBIO), within the scope of Call for Projects No. 02/2024 (Actions 02 and 03)
– Support for the conservation of target species of terrestrial biodiversity in the Doce River basin.
*Date: July 31st

1. Carrying out monitoring for year 4 of PABT, on June 10th and 11th.

2. Selection of target families for the Meliponiculture project in MG.

3. Launch of the fifth public call by Funbio regarding Actions 12 and 23, on June 21st.

4. Launch of the Red Books of Terrestrial Biodiversity of the Doce River Basin.

5. Carrying out co-production workshops for Citizen Science projects in the Doce River Basin, in the following locations: Novo Bento Rodrigues, Novo Paracatu, Barra Longa, Governador Valadares, Santa Rita do Itueto, Conselheiro Pena, Linhares, during the period from June 20th to 27th. Action carried out in partnership with UNESCO in response to action 7.

On May 22, 2024, a presentation was made at the 81st ordinary meeting of CTBio, of the results of the study to define priority areas for biodiversity conservation (Action 11 of the PABT), by the team from the International Institute for Sustainability.

On April 5, 2024, the book "A trip through the Doce River: getting to know the terrestrial biodiversity of the basin" was launched, part of the Action Plan for the Conservation of Terrestrial Biodiversity. The book was launched at the Symposium on Research Integration in the Doce River Basin - Integradoce, held at UFV (Federal University of Viçosa).

On March 25, 2024, the second research notice was published via Funbio (Brazilian Biodiversity Fund), Call for Projects No. 02/2024 - Support for the conservation of target species of terrestrial biodiversity in the Doce River Basin - Actions 2 and 3 of the PABT.

On February 6th and 7th, 2024, the Workshop on Validation of Priority Areas for the Conservation and Restoration of Biodiversity in the Doce River Basin was held in Lagoa Santa/MG. The event brought together the Technical Advisory Groups for Biodiversity Action Plans, PABA and PABT, with the aim of presenting the results of the study of Priority Areas for Conservation and Restoration of the Doce river basin, carried out by FBDS (Brazilian Foundation for Sustainable Development ) and IIS (International Institute for Sustainability).

On January 18, 2024, letter FR.2024.0141 and its annexes referring to the PMBT Report regarding the 4th Dry Campaign 2023 were sent, in compliance with Clause 168.

No progress this month

On 11/29 and 30 of 2023 in BH, the 4th Workshop of the Terrestrial Biodiversity Monitoring Program will be held with discussions regarding the results of the 2023 dry campaign collections - Action 4 of the PABT.

On 22 and 23 of november 2023 in Lagoa Santa, the Validation Workshop for the Assessment of Conservation Status of target species is held - Actions 1, 5, 11 and 16 of the PABT.

11/27/23 Start of execution of action 46 of the PABT - Bird release and reintroduction program - in compliance with the 2023 strategic goal.

11/30/2023 (online meeting) Training was carried out for institutions technically approved in Call No. 04/2023 of the Doce River Biodiversity Project, carried out in partnership with FUNBIO - Actions 2 and 3 of the PABT

09/15 - Publication of the call for the third RFP via FUNBIO for the selection of research projects for the ex situ conservation of terrestrial species - Action 22 of the PABT.
09/20 - Completion of the contracting of the second scientific conservation breeding site for PABT target species, in compliance with action 49.
09/21 - Start of the Rainy Season Campaign (year 23/24) of terrestrial biodiversity monitoring - Action 4 of the PABT.
09/25 - Protocol at CTBio of the results report referring to the Rainy Campaign (year 22/23) - Action 4 of the PABT.

Workshop to discuss the results of the 3rd terrestrial monitoring campaign on August 24th and 25th. Action 4 of the PABT.

Protocol of the 3rd PABT Monitoring Report on August 16th.

Start of the Partnership with Ipe Institute on August 14th to execute actions 24 and 25 of the PABT_ Mapping of areas and species targeted by illegal extraction in the Doce River Basin.

No progress this month

PABT Actions 2 and 3 - Launch of the first research call for proposals via Funbio (Brazilian Biodiversity Fund), on May 26
PABT Action 4 - Start of sampling for the 2023 Dry Campaign of the Terrestrial Biodiversity Monitoring Program, on May 10
PABT Actions 11 and 16 - Presentation to the GATs of the Terrestrial (PG30) and Aquatic (PG28) Action Plans of the Methodology for Assessing Priority Areas for Biodiversity Conservation carried out by the FBDS and IIS, on May 18
PABT Actions 7 and 31 - Sete Salões State Park Driver Training Course (PESS), as part of the Citizen Science Project carried out in partnership with UNESCO, on May 20, 21, 27 and 28.
PABT Action 36 - Receipt of proposals for the Call for the promotion of Scientific Collections, on May 25

No progress this month

Inspection by representatives of the Technical Board of Biodiversity (CTBio) to field activities for monitoring Terrestrial Biodiversity.
Launch of a booklet on the biodiversity of the Sete Salões State Park, part of the Citizen Science project in partnership with UNESCO, part of the Action Plan for the conservation of Terrestrial Biodiversity.

Publication of the UNESCO annual report for the Citizen Science project: Biodiversity on 12/23/2022.

On November 29, 2022, Official Letter FR.2022.1881 and its annexes related to the Flora and Soil Monitoring Report / 2021/2022 rainy season were filed, in compliance with Clause 168.
On November 9, 2022, a Workshop was held to present the results of the 2022 Rainy Campaign of the PMBT - Terrestrial Biodiversity Monitoring Program.

On 10/15/2022, the Flora and Soils Dry Campaign 2022 was concluded with the end of field sampling activities.

On 10/17/2022, the Fauna Monitoring Report regarding the 2021/2022 Rainy Campaign was filed at CTBio.

On 09/19/22, the Report of the Monitoring Workshop II of the Action Plan for the Conservation of Terrestrial Biodiversity, already approved by the GAT, was filed with CTBio/CIF.
On 09/30/22 there was the conclusion of the field sampling referring to the 2022 Fauna campaign for the Monitoring of Terrestrial Biodiversity.

On 08/20/22, the first campaign of the Project for the Conservation and Management of Endangered Species (UFV/CCSS) was concluded.
On 08/02/22, the 2nd cycle of PABT monitoring meetings ended

On 07/12/22, the samplings of the dry campaign of the monitoring of flora and soil began.

On 07/25/2022, the activities of the Citizen Science Project began at the EEEFM Nossa Senhora da Conceição and CEEFMTI Bartouvino Costa Linhares schools

On 06/01/22, a partnership was signed to execute the Project for the Conservation and Management of endangered species with the Federal University of Viçosa - UFV and the Saguis da Serra Conservation Center - CCSS, as part of the Execution of the Action Plan to Conservation of Terrestrial Biodiversity of Doce River.

On 06/15/22, a partnership was signed with FBDS (Brazilian Foundation for Sustainable Development) to carry out an assessment of the conservation status of the species and define priority areas for conservation and restoration in the Doce River basin in compliance with the Aquatic and Terrestrial Biodiversity Action Plan , PGs 28 and 30.

As part of the execution of the Action Plan for the Conservation of Terrestrial Biodiversity, the partnership agreement between the Educational Institutions and UNESCO was concluded for the Pilot Project of Participatory Monitoring of Biodiversity:

1- UNIVALE - Civil and Environmental Engineering - Governador Valadares/ MG
2- IEF/ Sete Salões State Park – Conselheiro Pena/ MG
3- EEEFM Our Lady of Conceição – Linhares/ES
4- CEEFMTI Bartouvino Costa – Linhares/ES
5 - IFES/ Campus Colatina - Technical Course on Environment - Colatina/ES

On April 29, the sampling of fauna, flora and soils of the rainy season of the Terrestrial Biodiversity Monitoring Program was completed.

There were no relevant facts this month.

There were no relevant facts this month.

There were no relevant facts this month.

On 12/02/21, the Program Definition was approved - Resolution 552

On 11/19, the completion of the 1st monitoring report was filed, including the result of the process of reviewing the goals and indicators of the Action Plan's actions by the GAT.

There were no relevant facts this month.

On 09/22/2021, the general revision of the Definition of Program 30 was filed in compliance with the Technical
Note No. 02/2021/ CTBio/DIBIO/ICMBio

On 08/31/2021 the CTBio report and monitoring matrix 1 of the Action Plan was filed
On 08/02/2021, the Operational Plan of the Terrestrial Fauna Program was filed in compliance with CIF Resolution No. 517.

On 07/09/2021 the Monitoring Meeting - Action Plan for Biodiversity Conservation - was held

Submitted to GAT the Work Plan of the Terrestrial Biodiversity Conservation Action Plan.

On 05/28/21, a meeting was held between CTBio and Renova to discuss the Program Definition document 30.

Issued Technical Note 3/2021 that approves the Proposal for Monitoring Terrestrial Biodiversity with suggestions for changes that need clarification.

There were no relevant facts this month.

Filed the report of the second Flora Campaign, part of the Terrestrial Biodiversity Monitoring.

Filed the proposal for restructuring the monitoring of terrestrial Biodiversity, in compliance with resolution 449 of 2020.

Completion of the “GAT” to propose the new scope of terrestrial monitoring in the Doce River Basin MG/ES in December 2020.
- Completion of the “GAT” to propose the new scope of terrestrial monitoring in the Doce River Basin MG/ES in December 2020.

There were no relevant facts in November/2020.

There were no relevant developments in October

Filed the updated matrix of the Action Plan for Terrestrial Biodiversity Conservation with CT-Bio.

Publication of the Executive Summary on The Maintenance of the Conservation of Terrestrial Biodiversity Action Plan on the website of the Interfederative Committee (CIF). Conservation of The Doce River Terrestrial Biodiversity Action Plan aims to develop actions for the conservation of species of fauna and flora potentially affected by the collapse of the Fundão dam, in Mariana, Minas Gerais.

• This month, the Action Plan for the Conservation of Terrestrial Biodiversity was revised after a monitoring meeting with the Technical Advisory Group (GAT). This revision aimed to provide greater clarity in the texts of the actions and to optimize them to increase their effectiveness.
• This month, the Executive Conservation Summary of the Action Plan for Terrestrial Biodiversity Conservation was published on the Renova Foundation website.

• On 06/30/20, the Technical Board of Conservation and Biodiversity (CT-Bio), issued Technical Note 9 for approval of the Consolidated Elaboration Report and the Executive Summary of the Action Plan for the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora and Fauna affected by the Fundao Dam collapse, in compliance with the first paragraph of TTAC Clause 168.

• On May 08, 2020, a protocol for the new version of the Terrestrial Fauna and Flora Rapid Ecological Assessment report was conducted and adjusted as agreed upon by the TB-Bio and members of the Technical Advisory Group (GAT).

• On 04/04/2020, the Consolidated Elaboration Report and the Executive Summary of the Action Plan for the Conservation of Terrestrial Fauna and Flora affected by the Fundao Dam collapse, were approved by the Technical Board-Biodiversity (TB-Bio) in compliance with the first paragraph of Clause 168 of the Transaction and Conduct Adjustment Term (TTAC).

• Field collections of botanical and genetic material and soil samples for monitoring terrestrial flora in area being studied. Flora measurements and data collection in the period from 03/14 to 03/20/2020 showed measurements of 4,279 plants.
• On 03/19/2020, field activities of the 3rd campaign for monitoring terrestrial fauna in the rainy season in the study area were halted, due to the recommendations for preventing the spread of COVID-19.

• On 02/13/2020 and 02/14/2020, meetings were held to present the progress and alignments regarding the Action Plan for the Biodiversity Conservation affected by the collapse of the Fundao dam in Mariana/MG, together with the Technical Advisory Group (GAT). During the event, the following were presented and discussed: the Action Plan of the Sustainable Land Use programs and its actions underway; the strategy for critical evaluation of the proposed actions and for the implementation of actions dependent on research RFPs; in addition to deliberating the next steps.

• On 01/20/2020 and 01/21/2020, the “Workshop to Review the Definition of the Biodiversity Programs” was held, in compliance with TTAC Clause 203. The participative event was attended by the Renova Foundation, representatives of TB-Bio and the Prosecution Service to review the objectives, scope, indicators and targets, and criteria for closing programs 28 - Biodiversity Conservation -, 29 - Improving Wildlife Screening and Rehabilitation Structures -, 30 - Conservation of Terrestrial Flora and Fauna -, and 39 - Conservation Units.
• On 01/27/2020, the license was issued that authorizes the capture and collection of terrestrial fauna, related to the activities of “Assessment of Impacts and Monitoring of Terrestrial Flora and Fauna in the States of Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo”, necessary for compliance with IBAMA Notification 678322-E and TTAC Clause 168.
• Beginning of the 2020 rainy season monitoring campaign with sampling of herpetofauna in modules in Marlieria/MG, inside the Doce River State Park, and Resplendor/MG, in the vicinity of the Sete Saloes State Park; and monitoring of terrestrial flora, with sampling on lots located in Linhares/ES, Mariana/MG, Santana do Paraiso/MG, Ipaba/MG and Periquito/MG, in compliance with the monitoring defined by Notification IBAMA 678322-E and TTAC Clause 168.

• Publication of the executive summary of the Action Plan for the conservation of terrestrial biodiversity, scheduled for 2019, has not been completed. Cause: The Technical Board (CT-Bio) requested the budget for the actions, to be presented together with the summary, which, due to the high complexity of preparing the budget without a detailed Action Plan, impacted the deadline for submitting the summary for CT-Bio’s approval, required for publication. Countermeasure: The budget was prepared and the executive summary must be approved by CT-Bio for later publication.

• On 11/04, the field teams were mobilized for the second Terrestrial Flora and Soil Monitoring Campaign in Environmental Area 1. Samples of terrestrial flora field have already been collected in 12 plots in the municipality of Linhares (ES).
• On 11/13, the authorization was issued for collection, capture and transportation of biological material for data collection of fauna, referring to the “Impact Assessment and Monitoring of Terrestrial Flora and Fauna in the States of Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo”, which was required for compliance with Ibama Notice 678322-E and TTAC Clause 168.
• On 11/14, field activities started for herpetofauna monitoring in the rainy season. For herpetofauna, samples are collected twice in the rainy season, due to the dependence of hot and humid climate for the activities of most animals belonging to this group. Data collection for other monitored terrestrial fauna groups (including herpetofauna) is scheduled to begin in January 2020.

• On 10/08, CT-Bio presented the executive summary of the action plan for terrestrial biodiversity conservation, as determined by Normative Instruction No. 25/2012 of the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conversation (ICMBio), and the corresponding budget of the first implementation phase of the Action Plan.
• On 10/16, the internal contracting process for suppliers to continue the monitoring of terrestrial fauna in Environmental Area 1 was completed, in compliance with IBAMA Notice 678322-E and TTAC Clause 168. The mobilization of the teams began in October, with field activities scheduled to begin with herpetofauna sampling in November.
• On 10/24, the kickoff was formalized for the Action Plan for the Conservation of Terrestrial Flora and Fauna Affected by the Fundao Dam Collapse, in a meeting with the Technical Advisory Group (GAT). The objective of the Action Plan is to restore populations and habitats of target species within scope of the Plan within 10 years. Ninety-two actions were outlined, encompassing activities such as Biodiversity, Sustainable Land Use, Environmental Education, Economy and Innovation, among others.
• On 10/31, the analytical report of the Rapid Ecological Assessment of the Doce River terrestrial flora and fauna was filed with the Technical Board of Conservation and Biodiversity (CT-Bio). The report aims to present the analysis of the results obtained during the 2018 drought and 2019 rainy season of the Terrestrial Flora and Fauna Monitoring Campaigns of the Rapid Ecological Assessment in the Doce River Basin, in the areas affected by the Fundao dam collapse in the states of Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo.

• On 09/04/19, a presentation was made to the Technical Board of Conservation and Biodiversity (CT-Bio) regarding the budget of the Action Plan for Terrestrial Biodiversity Conservation and the implementation premises for the first two years of activities, focusing on the plan’s actions that are already underway by the Renova Foundation. Next, the Plan of Action Advisory Group (GAT) is scheduled to meet on 10/24/2019, with the presence of specialists, members of CT-Bio and the Renova Foundation, to formalize the official starting point of the implementation of the Terrestrial Biodiversity Conservation Action Plan.
• On 09/12/19, the internal hiring process for the continuity of monitoring of terrestrial flora and soils in Environmental Area 1 was completed, in compliance with IBAMA Notification No. 678322-E. During the month of October, the team will be mobilized and the trails cleared where samples will be collected, followed by the start of the field activities of the second terrestrial flora and soil monitoring cycle, scheduled for November.
• The completion of the internal contracting process for suppliers to continue the monitoring of terrestrial fauna in Environmental Area 1, in compliance with IBAMA Notification 678322-E, scheduled for September, was rescheduled for October due to the delayed approval by the Board of Governors for hiring and issuing the technical opinion of the supply area, necessary for this phase.

• On 08/19/2019, an alignment was made with representatives of IBAMA and the Technical Board of Conservation and Biodiversity (CT-Bio) of the implementation of the Action Plan for Conservation of Terrestrial Biodiversity, with presentation and alignment of the strategy for definition of the premises for the execution of Phase I actions of the plan and budget preparation.
• The Protocol of the Consolidated Report of Terrestrial Flora Monitoring - referring to data from the rapid ecological assessment monitoring campaign, carried out in the 2018 dry season -, planned for July, was rescheduled to October 2019 due to CT-Bio's request to change the data evaluation methodology as discussed at the workshop held in July.

• On 07/01/19 and 07/02/2019, the first workshop was held to evaluate and discuss the results of the first cycle of terrestrial flora and fauna monitoring in Belo Horizonte (MG). The workshop focused on the discussion of the data produced during the 2018 dry season campaign. The event was attended by the thematic coordinators of the contractor, Renova Foundation's technical team and representatives of the Technical Board of Conservation and Biodiversity (CT-Bio).
• The Protocol of the Consolidated Report of Terrestrial Flora Monitoring, referring to data from the rapid ecological assessment monitoring campaign, carried out in the 2018 dry season, planned for July, was rescheduled to September 2019. Replanning was done after CT-Bio requested to adjust the form of evaluation of the monitoring results of the campaigns during the workshop held in early July.

• The seminar to evaluate and discuss the results of the semi-annual monitoring of terrestrial flora and fauna for the first dry season monitoring cycle of 2018, scheduled for June 2019, will be held in July 2019.
• In June, technical proposals for the monitoring of flora, fauna and soils for the beginning of the second monitoring cycle, scheduled for October 2019, were received and analyzed. The next steps will be the analysis of the commercial proposals and the negotiation to sign the contract, under the responsibility of the Renova Foundation's supply area, to continue the monitoring of terrestrial flora and fauna in compliance with IBAMA Notification No. 679322-E.

• On 05/29/2019, the first consolidated report of the terrestrial fauna monitoring was filed with the Technical Board (CTBio), referring to the first monitoring campaign in the 2018 dry season.

• End of sampling activities of the 2nd Terrestrial Fauna Monitoring Campaign (rainy season - cycle 1), closing the field activities of the Rapid Ecological Assessment.
• Completion of the soil monitoring activities of the 1st monitoring cycle carried out during the rainy season.
• Approval of the Consolidated Report of the Action Plan for Terrestrial Biodiversity by CTBio. Upon approval by the Technical Board, a recommendation will be forwarded to the CIF for approval.

Completion of the majority of samples of the groups of fauna in the field, part of the 2nd Campaign for Monitoring of Terrestrial Fauna (rainy season 1). The samples of the group of bees of module 23T in Mariana are still pending, and will be finalized in the first week of April.

Approval, in the CIF, of the Consolidated Report of the Action Plan for Land Biodiversity-PA, in which the recovery of endangered species of terrestrial flora and fauna were described and structured, and that will be implemented in the areas impacted and consolidated in this report.

On 01/16, the second campaign to monitor terrestrial fauna (rainy season) was started for the group of medium and large mammals. In the areas, methods of direct and indirect data collection were employed, using mist nets, dip nets, fruit traps, among others.
This survey is part of the methodology to evaluate the population of the fauna in the Doce River basin, established by the environmental agencies.
The CIF revised the definition of the Program, in compliance with Technical Note No. 16/2018/CTBio/DIBIO/ICMBio* dated 10/01/2018. In this review, the resolutions and other documents that have emerged since the last review were updated (information on actions taken and in progress), timeframes, adequacy of the analytical framework of the programs, and review of indicators and costs.

The first herpetofauna campaign of the rainy season was completed. This survey is part of the methodology to evaluate the population of the fauna in the Doce River Basin, established by the environmental agencies. Herpetofauna is an artificial group created to designate reptile and amphibian species in general.
The Consolidated Report of the Action Plan was filed in which the recovery actions for threatened terrestrial flora and fauna species were drafted and structured. They will be implemented in the impacted areas as consolidated in the report.

Filed with Ibama (Brazilian Institute of Environment and Natural Renewable Resources) is the Technical Topography Report related to the installation of infrastructure modules RAPELD - combination of the acronyms and concepts applied in the Rapid Assessment Program (RAP) and PELD (Long Term Ecological Study Program) to study the biodiversity in the Doce River basin.
This report is an integral part of the actions to study the impacts and monitoring of terrestrial flora and fauna in the states of Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo in areas affected by the Fundao dam collapse, at the Germano mine of Samarco Mining S.A., which is part of the Alegria Complex, located in the district of Santa Rita Durao (municipality of Mariana), in Minas Gerais. The report was revised according to guidelines aligned with IBAMA on 10/22 and involve the exclusion/relocation of not-installed points.

On 10/08, the synthesis report of the planning workshop held in Aug/18 was filed with the CTBio (Technical Board of Biodiversity). This workshop was conducted by the Bicho do Mato Research Institute, contracted by the Renova Foundation, and was attended by the main interested entities, such as researchers with experience in the Doce River area, representatives of federal and state public agencies (IBAMA, ICMBio, IEF, IEMA, state police), associations, NGOs, managers of the Conservation Units and other institutions working in the region. In it, actions were raised and structured for the recovery of endangered species of terrestrial flora and fauna and they will be implemented in the areas impacted and consolidated in this report.
From 10/02 to 10/04, a workshop was held in Belo Horizonte on Goals and Indicators of the Action Plan for the Conservation of Terrestrial Biodiversity of the Doce River, with the participation of the Technical Advisory Group (GAT), composed of researchers and representatives of public bodies and the Renova Foundation. In it, the indicators and respective goals were established, which will make it possible to verify if the recovery actions of the terrestrial flora and fauna species are effective.

There were no relevant facts in September.

A workshop was held on participatory planning, a step outlined in the normative instruction (IN 25), which establishes, among others, the procedures for creating and monitoring the implementation of the National Action Plans for the Conservation of Endangered Species, within the framework of the The Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conversation (ICMBio). This workshop was moderated by Bicho do Mato, a company contracted by the Renova Foundation, and was attended by the main interested parties, such as researchers that have experience with the Doce River, representatives of federal and state public agencies (IBAMA, ICMBio, IEF, IEMA, state police ), associations, NGOs, Managers of Conservation Units and other institutions working in the region. In it, actions were raised and structured for the recovery of endangered terrestrial flora and fauna species that will be implemented in the impacted areas.

Monitoring began of terrestrial fauna in Environmental Area 1 and area of direct influence. The information obtained from this monitoring and collection of terrestrial flora, which started this April, will provide part of the data for the Rapid Ecological Assessment Study. This study will evaluate the impacts on terrestrial flora and fauna in this region, after the dam collapse.
Based on this evaluation it will be possible to direct the elaboration of terrestrial flora and fauna restoration actions that will comprise the PABT (Terrestrial Biodiversity Action Plan).

We will have 120 monitoring points of terrestrial flora and fauna throughout Environmental Area 1 and Direct Influence, monitoring species from invertebrates to mammals. Of the 120 monitoring points, 45% have already been demarcated through the installation of transects and plots. R$ 12 million will be invested in just 1 YEAR of monitoring.

This month, Ibama issued a permit to capture wildlife, which allows the monitoring of terrestrial fauna in Environmental Area 1 and its Direct Area of Influence.

The information obtained through this work on terrestrial flora collections (started in April this year) will provide part of the data for the Rapid Ecological Assessment.

The analysis will assess impacts on terrestrial flora and fauna in this region after the dam collapse. Based on this, it will be possible to direct the recovery actions of this biodiversity, that will compose the Plan of Action for Earth Biodiversity (PABT).

In May, the secondary data survey report was submitted, a step that the National Action Plan (PAN) drafting and implementing normative instructions provide for. The report issued by Bicho do Mato contains information on the conservation of ecosystems, considering structural, economic, social and historical components. This information will point to factors that threaten land fauna and flora and will subsidize the definition of recovery action to be taken in the impacted areas.

In March, the Renova Foundation started installing transects and parcels, which are areas delimited by a strip of land and where the terrestrial fauna and flora are monitored. The following month, sample collection began of the terrestrial flora in the municipality of Ipaba, which will provide part of the data to conduct the Rapid Ecological assessment study.

This study will assess the impacts on terrestrial flora and fauna in Environmental Area 1 and in the area of direct influence. This way, it will be possible to define the actions for recovery of terrestrial flora and fauna that will be part of the National Action Plan (PAN). It is emphasized that the fauna survey is to start after the license for water withdrawal and collection is issued by IBAMA.

CTBio also approved the document that defines the purpose of the PAN for the recovery of terrestrial flora and fauna in Environmental Area 1 and the area of direct influence. With this at hand, it will be possible to start the workshops on planning of the recovery actions.

The preparatory meeting for the PAN was also held. In this stage participated: Renova, the company Bicho do Mato and representatives of Ibama, ICMBio, Iema and IEF. During the meeting the following was approved: the list of participants, logistics, costs, programming and the coordination and implementation team of the planning workshops. The recovery actions of terrestrial flora and fauna will be defined during this activity.

Implementation of first plots and transects - stage prior to the monitoring of terrestrial flora and fauna.

Program activities are ongoing.

In January, the Renova Foundation filed a document with the Interfederative Committee and CTBio with the proposal of the National Plan of Action for Terrestrial Species Threatened by Extinction within Environmental Area 1 - Doce River (PAN Doce River). In addition, the institution that will perform the monitoring of terrestrial flora and fauna was contracted.

The Renova Foundation has finalized the competitive process for the selection of the institution that will carry out the monitoring of terrestrial fauna and flora. The institution that will prepare the National Action Plan (PAN) was contracted and already at work.

In November, Renova continued its contact with owners/managers of the areas proposed for monitoring flora and fauna, in order to obtain approval for interventions.

It met with Ibama in the Federal District to present the status of this negotiation with the owners and the proposal to change the location of some sample units for monitoring terrestrial flora and fauna.

In addition, the competitive process for the selection of the institution that will implement the National Action Plan (PAN) has been finalized.

Renova contacted owners and managers of areas that were recommended for the monitoring of flora and fauna. The intention was to obtain the approval for interventions. Some of them were not located. The Renova Foundation is looking for alternative areas. Those who were contacted, asked for some time to consider.

A working plan for the preparation of the National Action Plan for Terrestrial Species Threatened by Extinction within the Environmental Area 1 - Doce River (PAN Doce River) was submitted to CTBio, with a proposal for a Terrestrial Fauna and Flora Monitoring Program, in response to deliberation 91 of the Inter-Federative Committee (CIF).

Conduct studies to define the scope of work and planning of actions, so that, after approval, the implementation is initiated.

Program activities are ongoing.

The Working Plan was submitted to IBAMA - ES with the proposal of a Monitoring Program for Soil Fauna and Flora.

Awaiting contracting of the company that will prepare the National Action Plan (PAN), a study on the conservation of terrestrial fauna and flora.

In definition phase.

Pending evaluation by the Biodiversity Technical Board (CTBio) on the study for identification and characterization of the impact of the collapse of the Fundão dam in environmental area 1.

So far, no information has been received on the studies previously filed.

The Working Plan in accordance with the Notification on terrestrial fauna was sent to the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Natural Renewable Resources (Ibama). Upon receipt, the Institute presented suggestions and additions that should be put into practice.

On December 27, the impact assessment of the fauna and flora species threatened with extinction along the area affected by the collapse of the Fundão dam, elaborated by the company Golder Associates Brazil, was filed with the Inter-Federative Committee (CIF).

According to determination of clause 168, the company Golder Associates Brazil is working on the elaboration of the assessment of impacts on the species of fauna and flora threatened with extinction throughout the area affected by the collapse of the Fundão dam.

During this month, the assessment started of the impact on endangered fauna and flora species throughout the impacted area.

Golder Associates Brazil was hired to carry out an assessment of the impact on terrestrial fauna and flora, as per caput of clause 168. The document prepared by the company will be submitted to the Inter-Federative Committee (CIF) in December 2016, meeting the TTAC deadline. After analysis by the Technical Board of Conservation and Biodiversity (CTBio), this document will supplement the elaboration of the National Action Plan for terrestrial fauna and flora, thus fully addressing the provisions of the TTAC clause.


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