Renova Foundation

27 – Springs recovery

Objective of the program

To recover five thousand springs, 500 per year.

Progress of Program

Participation in the Workshop dedicated to reviewing the definitions of programs 26 and 27, including a visit to areas of forest restoration in progress, in the city of Governador Valadares/MG.

Presentation of the progress of Programs 26 and 27 at the 67th CT-FLOR, held in Governador Valadares, Minas Gerais.

Participation in the event "Start of Planting 2024/2025" by the partner CIAAT in Guanhães, Minas Gerais.

Committee and Safety Tour in the Corrente and Suaçuí Basins, held in Guanhães, Minas Gerais with the contractor Inovesa.

Manhuaçu Basin Safety Committee and Tour held in Lajinha, Minas Gerais, with the contractor Restaura Rio Doce.

Participation of the Doce River Seeds and Seedling Network in the ETHOS Conference held in São Paulo, São Paulo.

Mini-course "Generating income for rural women through the collection of forest seeds" held during Farmers' Week, in Viçosa, Minas Gerais.

Presentation of the Doce River Seeds and Seedling Network at the Brazilian Seed Congress in Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná.

Botanical identification training for the application of Quality Monitoring methodologies with the inspection team of the Suaçuí Basin, held in Governador Valadares/MG.

On August 21, 2024, the Renova Foundation filed with the SAAE of Governador Valadares/MG and AEGEA - Águas de Valadares, the technical documents that make up the basic project of the Waste Treatment Unit (UTR) of the Central ETA in Governador Valadares/MG.

On August 22, 2024, Renova Foundation
filed with the city hall of Resplendor/MG the Scope Declaration regarding alternative water withdrawal, ETA improvements and implementation of the UTR in Resplendor/MG.

On August 26, 2024, the Renova Foundation made available to CIF the technical documents that make up the executive projects for the Structural Improvements of the Nossa Senhora Aparecida, Marista and Columbia WTPs, in the city of Colatina / ES.

On August 28, the emergency supply in the town of Senhora da Penha was terminated, which occurred for a period of 30 days. In compliance with the judicial agreement made within the scope of axis 09, at the conciliation hearing held by the 4th Federal Court on July 24th.

On August 29, 2024, COPASA approved the technical documents that make up the basic project for the Waste Treatment Unit at the Pedra Corrida WTP, a district of the municipality of Periquito/MG.

On August 29, SAAE Galileia/MG approved, together with Renova Foundation, the documents that make up the executive project regarding the structure for removing the set of motor pumps.

On August 8, 2024, the technical session regarding Milestone A of the ETA and UTR Improvement projects in the municipality of Alpercata/MG took place.

On August 30, 2024, COPASA approved the documents that make up the executive project for the Salt Storage Unit at the Resplendor/MG WTP.

On August 31, 2024, the municipal government of Belo Oriente and COPASA signed, together with the Renova Foundation, the Scope Declaration for improvements to the ETA, alternative water withdrawal and implementation of the UTR in Perpétuo Socorro, a district of the municipality of Belo Oriente / MG.

On August 30, 2024, Renova Foundation filed with Copasa the documents that make up the executive project regarding the Water Treatment Plant (ETA) and Waste Treatment Unit (UTR) to be implemented in Itueta / MG.

On August 16, 2024, Renova Foundation filed with Copasa the documents that make up the executive project for the Salt Storage Unit at the Resplendor/MG WTP.

On August 1, 2024, the Renova Foundation made available to SAAE - Baixo Guandu/ES, the documents that make up the executive project for the Waste Treatment Unit of the Baixo Guandu/ES WTP.

On August 1, 2024, COPASA approved, together with Renova Foundation, the technical documents that make up the study of the treatment process for the Tumiritinga/MG UTR.

On August 1, 2024, Renova Foundation
filed with Copasa the documents that make up the basic project for the Waste Treatment Unit at the Pedra Corrida WTP, a district of the municipality of Periquito/MG.

On August 1, 2024, the Renova Foundation filed with the SAAE of Governador Valadares/MG and AEGEA - Águas de Valadares, the technical documents that make up the basic project for the Waste Treatment Unit (UTR) of the Vila Isa WTP in Governador Valadares/MG.

On August 5, 2024, the Renova Foundation made available to AEGEA - Águas de Valadares, the arrangements for the Waste Treatment Unit (UTR) of the São Vitor WTP, a district of the municipality of Governador Valadares / MG.

On August 1, 2024, Renova Foundation and SAAE Galiléia signed the term of delivery, receipt and payment of equipment for the scopes agreed upon judicially within the scope of axis 09 in the municipality of Galiléia/MG.

On August 2, 2024, SAAE of Governador Valadares/MG formalized with Renova Foundation the Term of Receipt of works and start of the assisted operation of the alternative water withdrawal and ETA Improvements implemented in São Vitor, district of the municipality of Governador Valadares/MG.

2nd edition - New Bento Moonlight Serenade.

Resumption of actions of the Opening Spaces Program in Barra Longa.

Preservation of the woodwork of the Chapel of São Bento.

Delivery of the new uniforms of the Santo Antônio Musical Corporation - Rio Doce.

Exclusion of 06 financial aid beneficiaries.

Inclusion of 02 financial aid beneficiaries.

Completion of work on ID 103-UH1.

Completion of work on ID 125.

Transversal Actions - Carrying out exchanges with COMPDECs to share experiences.

Safe School Project - Implementation of the training "First aid - Lucas Law".

No progress this month.

Start of training and mentoring for participants in the Doce River Impulse Project.

No progress this month.

No progress this month.

Payment Approval for ID 188.

Completion of work on ID 20A.

August 28th and 29th (Belo Horizonte-MG) - 5th Workshop for presentation and discussion of PMBT results, referring to the 23/24 rainy season.

August 3rd and 4th (Mariana-MG) - Technical Workshop of the Meliponiculture Project in MG - Introduction to Meliponiculture and Management Techniques for Native Stingless Bees. In response to action 29 of the PABT.

August 24th to 29th (Regência and Povoação-ES) Technical Workshop of the Meliponiculture Project in ES - Cycle 2. In response to action 29 of the PABT.

Completion of the publication of the Red Books of Terrestrial Biodiversity in compliance with Action 5 of the PABT."

Start of works to carry out the final recovery of the paved road between the MG-262 junction and Monsenhor Horta in Mariana/MG;

Payment of 146 agreements in August/24 of the Axis 04 Judicial proceeding, accounting for 267 payments, which corresponds to 35% of the total scope of PG10.

Mobilization of the Boa Esperança Settlement. Tumiritinga - MG

Training in forest seed management - Settlement. Boa Esperança. Tumiritinga - MG.

Mobilization of the Florescer Center. Marilac - MG

Training in forest seed management - Center. Florescer. Marilac - MG

"Evaluation of germination tests of Peltophorum dubium, 5 batches. Location: Seed Laboratory - Vale Environmental Institute.

Linhares - ES"
"Assembly of germination and emergence tests with Senna macranthera, batch 103. Seed Laboratory and Nursery - Vale Environmental Institute.

Linhares - ES"
"Assembly of germination and emergence tests with Grazielodendron rio-docensis, batch 143. Seed Laboratory

and Nursery - Vale Environmental Institute Linhares -ES"

Mobilization of the Belo Oriente Center - Quilombolas and Rural Producers. Belo Oriente - MG

Training in forest seed management - Quilombo Sesmaria Center. Guanhães - MG

Training in forest seed management - Quilombo São Domingos Center. Guanhães - MG

Training in forest seed management - Quilombo Santa Bárbara Center. Guanhães - MG

Recycling Center Quilombo Sesmaria. Guanhães - MG

Recycling Center Quilombo São Domingos. Guanhães - MG

Recycling Center Quilombo Santa Bárbara. Guanhães - MG

ComeSee BHP Communication. Seed House Governor Valadares - MG

"Workshop on Management of Native Forest Seeds of the Atlantic Forest. Flower Festival - Praça dos Pioneiros. Governador
Valadares - MG

Mobilization of the São Roque do Canaã Collecting Center. São Roque do Canaã - ES

Training in forest seed management - São Roque do Canaã Collection Center. São Roque do Canaã - ES

Recycling (2h) and Training (2h) Quilombola Community Córrego Mestre + Presentation of the Representative of the company Consórcio Florestar to the Nucleus for purchase

Recycling (2h) and Training (2h) São Roque Quilombola Community. Sabinópolis- MG

Seed planting techniques training - theoretical part: Sebrae, Guanhães-MG

Training in seed planting techniques - theoretical part. Sebrae, Guanhães-MG

Direct sowing training - Atlas Florestal .Colatina - ES

Removal of forest seeds at the Egídio Brunetto Settlement. Campanário - MG

Removal of forest seeds at the Iraguiar Settlement. Santa Maria do Suaçuí - MG

Manhuaçu Basin Safety Committee and Tour in Santa Rita do Itueto/MG. Company: Sartori

Safety Tour and Committee in Espírito Santo in the Guandu River Basin in Afonso Cláudio-ES conducted by INOVESA

Safety Tour and Committee of the Corrente and Suaçuí Basin in the Pataxó Geru Tucunã Indigenous Village in Açucena/MG.
Company: Consórcio Florestar

Start of mechanized soil preparation for total planting in the Oziel Settlement - CFFV

Start of the implementation of SAF in the Pataxó Geru Tucunã Indigenous Village
Training on Quality Monitoring with the operational team of the Santa Maria (Colatina), Suaçuí (Guanhães and Governador Valadares) and Piranga (Viçosa) basins

Participation and poster presentation at the 5th Brazilian Conference on Ecological Restoration - SOBRE in Juazeiro and Petrolina

- Activity: Torra Collection Center Recycling Meeting.
Location: Sabinópolis/MG.

- Training in forest seed management - Bom Jardim Collector Center.
Location: Sabinópolis/MG.

- Pre Recycling Kaña Mihay Indigenous Village
Training in forest seed management Pataxó Gerú Tucunã Indigenous Village.

- Setting up germination tests with Dalbergia nigra, batch 173.
Location: Seed Laboratory and Nursery - Instituto Ambiental Vale/ES.

- Governance Meeting Revés do Belém Association.
Location: Governor Valadares/MG.

- Evaluation of germination and emergence tests with Astronium graveolens, lots 155, 156 and 183.
Location: Seed Laboratory and Nursery - Instituto Ambiental Vale/ES.

- Technical visit and monitoring of seedling production at the Cantinho do Céu nursery for the Francisca Veras-CFFV Training Center contract.

- Mobilization Workshop.
Location*: Revés do Belém/MG.

- Training in forest seed management Settlement Maria da Penha.
Location*: Governor Valadares/MG.

- Manhuaçu Basin Safety Committee and Tour in Pocrane/MG. Company: Reflore Consortium.

- Corrente Basin Safety
Committee and Tour in Guanhães/MG. Company: Ecovale.

- Guandu Basin Safety Committee and Tour in Laranja da Terra/ES. Company: Reflore Consortium.

- Participation in the Night of Ideas in Celebration of Environment Week at Instituto Terra.

- Presentation of FollowUp, Forest Inventory and Socioeconomic Monitoring of programs 26 and 27 in the Local Monitoring Units (UALs) of the Suaçuí and Manhuaçu sub-basins on 06 and 10 of June 2024, with the participation of WWF and local environmental leaders from each sub-basin.

- Start of the 2024 Ecological Monitoring campaign. Work started in the experimental areas located in Colatina and Marilândia.

Recycling with the Settlement 1° de Junho Collector Center - Asca. Tumiritinga, Minas Gerais.

Training with the Collector Center Settlement 1° de Junho - Asca. Tumiritinga, Minas Gerais.

Recycling with seed collectors from the Janette Telles Settlement Collector Center - Grupo Sabiá. Frei Inocêncio, Minas Gerais.

Evaluation of germination/dormancy-breaking tests with Bowdichia virgilioides. Seed Laboratory and Nursery - Vale Environmental Institute.

Training in forest seed management with seed collectors from the Settlement Collector Center - Grupo Sabiá. Frei Inocêncio, Minas Gerais.

Training in forest seed management with collectors from the Núcleo Coletor Mundo Velho Settlement. Nacip Raydan, Minas Gerais.

Evaluation of tests with Peltophurum dubium, lots 120 and 121. Seed Laboratory and Nursery - Vale Environmental Institute.

Pre-Recycling with the Geru Tucuna Pataxo Village Seed Collector Center. Açucena, Minas Gerais.

Recycling with the Seed Collector Center of the Padre Josimo Settlement. Santa Maria do Suaçuí, Minas Gerais
Training in forest seed management with the Seed Collector Center of the Padre Josimo Settlement. Santa Maria do Suaçuí.

Technical assistance and monitoring of seedling production - Viveiro Mudas Martins. Governador Valadares, Minas Gerais.

Technical assistance and monitoring of seedling production - Viveiro Agromig. Governador Valadares, Minas Gerais
Recycling with the Ajudaar Seed Collector Center. Jampruca, Minas Gerais.

ComeSee with the Governador Valadares State School. Seed House, Baguari.

Setting up germination and emergence tests with Astronium graveolens, batches 155, 156 and 183. Seed Laboratory and Nursery. Vale Environmental Institute.

Security tour in Guanhães - Inovesa - GHGH0194
Security tour in Taoaruba - Sartori.

Visit of the Suaçuí/Corrente team to the Manhuaçu Territory to align the activities of Conducting Natural Regeneration
Start of Natural Regeneration Conducting activities in the Suaçuí/Corrente Territory.

Presentation of FollowUp, Forest Inventory and Socioeconomic Monitoring of programs 26 and 27 in the Local Monitoring Units (UALs) of the Mountain Tops and Lagoons, Santa Maria do Doce, Guandu and Piranga sub-basins with the participation of WWF and the local environmental leaders of each sub-basin.

Training on Quality Monitoring with the operational team of the Manhuaçu basin, held in Ipanema - MG.

Setting up germination and emergence tests with Piptadenia gonoacantha, lot 107, at the Seeds and Nursery Laboratory of the Vale Environmental Institute.
Set up of germination and emergence tests with Apeiba tibourbou, lots 123, 124 and 125, at the Seeds and Nursery Laboratory of the Vale Environmental Institute.
Receipt of new equipment from the LASF Seed Network Laboratory of the Vale Environmental Institute.
Evaluation of germination and emergence tests with Guazuma ulmifolia, lot 122 and Cordia trichotoma lots 150 and 151, at the Seeds and Nursery Laboratory of the Vale Environmental Institute.
Governance, Organicity and Dynamics Meeting with representatives of the Barra do Santo Antônio Quilombola Community, in Sabinópolis - MG.

Technical assistance with training in monitoring seedling production, held at Viveiro C4 in Sabinópolis - MG.

Technical assistance with training in monitoring seedling production at Viveiro Vita Verde, in Ponte Nova -MG.

Remote training on forest seed loss prevention, with managers Cláudio Barboa and Tercio Koehler.

Recycling with seed collectors from the Manoel Ferreira Alves Settlement, in the Maracanã Group, in the city of Jampruca - MG.

Recycling with the Mundo Velho Collection Center, in the city of Nacip Raydan - MG.

Start of irrigated planting in partnership with CFFV in the 2 ha pilot area of the Egídio Bueno Settlement, in Jampruca-MG.

Presentation of FR's Forest Restoration programs for students at the Center of Studies on Ecosystem Restoration (Nere) at Instituto Terra.

Participation in the 1st Research Integration Symposium - Integra Rio Doce, held on the UFV campus, in Viçosa - MG, with delivery of 5 abstracts and banners from the Monitoring and Management team of PGs 26 and 27
Participation in the training course "Environmental adequacy of rural properties with a focus on Forest Restoration" held at USP- Esalq, in Piracicaba - SP.

- Governance/Organicity/Dynamics meeting with representatives of the Iraguiar Settlement

- Governance/Organicity/Dynamics meeting with representatives of the Mundo Velho Community

- Governance/Organicity/Dynamics meeting with representatives of the Cachoeirinha Settlement

- Governance/Organicity/Dynamics meeting with representatives of the June 1st Settlement (ASCA)

- Governance/Organicity/Dynamics meeting with representatives of the June 1st Settlement (ACOPAGI)

- Governance/Organicity/Dynamics meeting with representatives from Quilombo Torra
Governance/Organicity/Dynamics meeting with representatives of Quilombo São Roque

- Governance/ Organicity/ Dynamics meeting with representatives of the Manoel Ferreira Alves Settlement - Maracanã Group
Governance/Organicity/Dynamics meeting with representatives of the Quilombola Community Quilombo District

- Governance/Organicity/Dynamics meeting with representatives of the Padre Josimo Settlement

- Governance/Organicity/Dynamics meeting with representatives of the Santa Bárbara Quilombola Community

- Governance/Organicity/Dynamics meeting with representatives of the AJUDAAR group
Governance/ Organicity/ Dynamics meeting with representatives of the Egídio Brunetto Settlement

- Setting up germination and emergence tests with Paubrasilia echinata, batch 118. Vale Environmental Institute

- Setting up germination and emergence tests with Croton floribundus, two batches from Vale/ Brumadinho

- Set up germination and emergence tests with Astronium graveolens, a batch from Vale. Vale Environmental Institute

- Setting up germination and emergence tests with Anadenanthera colubrina, batch 118. Vale Environmental Institute

- Governance/Organicity/Dynamics meeting with representatives of the Bom Jardim Quilombola Community

- Governance/Organicity/Dynamics meeting with representatives of the Roseli Nunes Settlement Community

- Committee and Safety Tour in the Manhuaçu Basin, Caratinga/MG, with the presence of SESMT managers and representatives from all companies operating in the Basin

- Round of conversations with Sartori's operational teams, contract 4900000498 was contextualized and explained why the Renova Foundation is restoring areas, that the sum of our work contributes to a much greater effort and that all of this loses meaning if one of them gets hurt on the job.
- The importance of teamwork and active and genuine care was discussed and, finally, the incidents that occurred were presented and the importance of always being alert and aware of the risks that surround us

- Tour and Safety committee for Forest Restoration supervision in the Baixo Doce territory, in the city of Afonso Cláudio-ES., in a planting maintenance area under the responsibility of the company Sartori, with the presence of managers and SESMT representatives from all operating companies in the Basin and the Safety and Operational Managers

- Participation in an event promoted by Inovesa, contract 4900000497 in celebration of 365 days without accidents and the opportunity was taken for a round of conversations with Inovesa's operational and administrative teams, to contextualize and explain why the Renova Foundation is restoring areas, that the sum of our work contributes to a much greater effort and that all of this becomes meaningless if one of them gets hurt at work. The importance of teamwork and active and genuine care was discussed and, finally, the incidents that occurred were presented and the importance of always being alert and aware of the risks that surround us

- Round of conversations with the operational teams of Consórcio Reflore Brasil, contract 4900000412, Baixo Guandu team, it was contextualized and explained why the Renova Foundation is restoring areas, that the sum of our work contributes to a much greater effort and that all this loses meaning if one of them gets hurt on the job. The importance of teamwork and active and genuine care was discussed and, finally, the incidents that occurred were presented and the importance of always being alert and aware of the risks that surround us.

- Round of conversations with the operational teams of Consórcio Reflore Brasil, contract 4900000412, Laranja da Terra team, it was contextualized and explained why the Renova Foundation is restoring areas, that the sum of our work contributes to a much greater effort and that all this loses meaning if one of them gets hurt on the job The importance of teamwork and active and genuine care was discussed and, finally, the incidents that occurred were presented and the importance of always being alert and aware of the risks that surround us.

- Round of conversations with the operational teams of Gênese, contract 4900000499, in Brejetuba, it was contextualized and explained why the Renova Foundation is restoring areas, that the sum of our work contributes to a much greater effort and that all of this loses meaning if one of them gets hurt on the job. The importance of teamwork and active and genuine care was discussed and, finally, the incidents that occurred were presented and the importance of always being alert and aware of the risks that surround us.

- Round of conversations with Inovesa's operational teams, contracts 4900000210 and 4900000647, in Colatina, it was contextualized and explained why the Renova Foundation is restoring areas, that the sum of our work contributes to a much greater effort and that all of this loses meaning if one of them gets hurt on the job. The importance of teamwork and active and genuine care was discussed and, finally, the incidents that occurred were presented and the importance of always being alert and aware of the risks that surround us.

- Presentation of the results of the mobilization/fencing phase of Program 27, in the Manhuaçú river basin, for CBH-Manhuaçu members.

- Field audit of Forest Inventory activities carried out by the company Tetra Tech
Training on SAF for the Pataxós Association, in the Pataxós Indigenous Territory_ Açucena/MG.

- ComeSee in forest restoration areas, Melquiades_GV.

- Verification of the quality of activities and operational training with the soil preparation team in forest enrichment areas of Consorcio Reflore Brasil in Laranja da Terra-ES.

- Verification of the quality of activities and operational training with the soil preparation and seedling planting team in Total Planting areas of the company Gênese in Brejetuba-ES.

During this period, germination and emergence tests were carried out. These activities generate information about forest species not yet available in the literature, while we have predictability of how many seeds we should send to the field and reach the density of individuals per hectare determined for delivery of the restoration program indicators, the species analyzed in this period were: Carpotroche brasiliensis (lots 68; 70), Lithraea molleoides (4 lots - Vale collection), Genipa americana (lots 59; 69), Apeiba tibourbou (lot 64), Guazuma ulmifolia (two lots - Vale collection), Cedrela fissilis (Collection Vale), Cybixtax antisyphilitica (Vale collection), Luehea grandiflora (Vale collection), Amburana cearensis (lot 80), Zeyheria tuberculosa (lot 65), Dalbergia nigra (9 lots - Vale collection), Melanoxylon braúna (Vale collection), Croton floribundus (three lots - Vale collection), Myrsine coriácea (lot 33).

The Seed House is a special Department where decision-making activities take place for the success of the restoration. During this period, Doctor Kamila Antunes trained the seed house team to carry out the activities of – Seed management and batch formation, in line with the IN 17/2017 of MAPA.

REDE's partner forest nurseries are visited monthly, the visits can have different purposes, in this case, a Technical Visit was carried out to evaluate the quality of the seedlings produced in the CM nursery - Taparuba, MG.
A stage of great significance that demonstrates and strengthens the engagement of seed collectors is the collection stage, this activity involves all those in the community, who are involved with the project, in a single place. They take the seeds and each species that each person collected is weighed. At that time, a quality control of the seeds is carried out, using an expeditious method developed by the project team, to ensure that the seeds are ready to become seedlings. On this occasion, the collection of forest seeds was carried out at Settlements Iraguiar - Santa Maria do Suaçuí, MG.

REDE's Technical Team is developing a project with the purpose of reducing the cost of restoration, in partnership with the GIS, Projects, Monitoring and Operational team, this project is called "Forest of the Future", this project is divided into stages, in occasion of this evidence, part of the technical team went to the field to test the data collection methodology to carry out the "Clusterization" stage whose objective is to evaluate the behavior of species planted by seeds in sites with different edaphoclimatic variables.

REDE has a partnership with the Vale Environmental Institute, to use the laboratory infrastructure for seed analysis. Given the great demand, IAV understood the need to expand the structure and implemented the seed laboratory's germination room - IAV.

Periodically, the laboratory equipment needs to undergo calibration and maintenance. During this period, maintenance of the seed laboratory equipment took place - IAV.

SEPLAG MG Technical Visit to Pataxó Geru Tucunã Indigenous Village.

Technical Visit and Seed Collection Cachoeirinha Settlement - Tumiritinga, MG.

Participation and Presentation of Programs 26 and 27 at the 62nd CT-FLOR, 02/20/2024.

Supervision of the activity of processing field collections and identifying species for the Forest Inventory in Ubaporanga/MG.

Moment of safety - Progen

Field management visit to forestry planting areas in the municipality of Divinolândia de Minas/MG, carried out by the female team from Florestar Consortium.

Operational alignment meeting in the Pataxós indigenous territory, in Açucena/MG.

Digitization of 434 exsiccates in JABOT, the collection management system of the Research Institute of the Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden and the SpeciesLink Platform, forming a collaborative network for the biological collections information system managed by CRIA (Reference Center for Environmental Information). This material was collected in the Espírito Santo portion of the Doce River basin and is part of the Forest Inventory of the Doce River Basin.  

First Seed Collection in the Pataxó Indigenous Village, Sede, in Carmésia, MG.

Set up Psidium rufum germination and emergence tests - batch 41; Hymenaea courbaril - lot 19; Cordia trichotoma - batch 45, carried out at the Seeds and Nursery Laboratory of the Vale Environmental Institute
Second day of Seed Collection in the Pataxó Indigenous Village, Sede, in Carmésia, MG.

First day of Seed Collection from the Pataxó Imbiruçu Indigenous Village in Carmésia, MG
Seed delivery at Viveiro Primavera in Rio Bananal, ES.

Technical visit and photographic records with Mayra at Viveiro Ouro Verde in Belo Oriente, MG
Technical visit with former environment minister José Carlos at Viveiros Mudas Martins and Agromig in Governador Valadares, MG
Technical visit and photographic records with Mayra at Viveiro C4 in Sabinópolis, MG.

Lessons Learned III in Governador Valadares, MG.

Technical Visit to Viveiro Vita Verde in Ponte Nova, MG.

Evaluation of the germination tests of Hymenaea courbaril lot 24 and Stryphnodebdron polyphyllum lot 20, at the Seed Laboratory of the Vale Environmental Institute
Quality assessment and removal of Settlement Roseli Nunes II Seeds in Resplendor, MG.

Set up of germination and emergence tests of Pterygota brasiliensis lots 06 and 09 and Senna macranthera lot 36 in the Seeds and Nursery Laboratory of the Vale Environmental Institute
Seed collection from AJUDAAR group in Jampruca, MG.

Online technical visit for clarification on planting forest seeds using an Agricultural Drone.

Evaluation of technical proposals for the Agricultural Drone contracting process.

Inspection on the operational front of Cons Florestar to monitor the work of a team made up of 14 women in Guanhães

Inspection of the seed house and planting area in Periquito with Ibama, Ipê and Instituto Terra

Inspection of the Pataxó areas in Açucena with Ibama, Ipê and Instituto Terra

Security tour in Guanhães_Inovesa Company Presentation
Technical visit by the IBAMA team to Renova’s forest restoration areas

CIAAT wins the award for best service provider company in FR in health and safety of the year 2023

Realization of the first integrated SIPAT-R in the Guandu River basin.

"Come and See with the participation of IFMG students at Seed House
– Baguari_GV/MG"
Mobilization of seed collectors from the group of rural producers linked to Laranja da Terra/ES
CIAAT mix preparation – Baguari_GV/MG
Mobilization of seed collectors from the Rosa de Sharom Settlement. - Águia Branca/ES and the Águas Claras Association – Brejetuba/ES
Seed collection in the Quilombola Communities of Sesmaria, Santa Bárbara, Bom Jardim, Torra and São Roque – Sabinópolis/MG and in the 1 de Julho Settlement – Tumiritinga/MG
Participation in the entrepreneurship and citizenship event - Governador Valadares/MG
Participation of Seed Network in the "Producer in Focus" event in Aimorés/MG
Participation of the Network in ComeSee by the Médio Rio Doce Communications team, visit to Seed House. – Baguari_GV/MG
Presentation of the Network during “Results” Naque – Naque/MG
"Come and See representatives from ASPIPEC (Association of Fishermen and Islanders of Pedra Corrida) and ACOAL (Agricultural Association of Liberdade Settlement) at Seed House
– Baguari_GV/MG"
Storage of 3 tons of seeds at the seed house in Baguari_GV/MG
Monitoring outdoor seed sprouting tests
Monitoring seedball germination tests
Transport of 3 tons of seeds
Application of the first expedited method for analyzing seed purity and vigor in the field
Monitoring of sowing in the field
Visual assessment of the behavior of species planted by seedlings and seeds
Checks on the application of good seed planting practices by companies
Presentation of the current scenario of PG 27 in the Santo Antônio river basin in Naque/MG
Presentation of the status of PG's 26 and 27 to UGR members

Presentation of forest restoration programs at the VII Brazilian congress on environmental reforestation-Vitória ES.

Come and See with the visit of the Plural Cooperative team to the Forest Restoration areas in Colatina- ES, on 08/02.

Security Tour in Afonso Claudio-ES with the participation of all companies operating in ES, on 08/03.

Come and See MRD Forest Restoration - Presidential Board.

Entrepreneurship and Citizenship Event - Resplendor, MG.

Forest Nursery Course - Senar/Agromig - Baguari MG.

Assessment of seed quality at CM Serviços Ambientais – Ipanema/MG, in Quilombo Corrego Mestre and Santa Bábara – Sabinópolis/MG, in the Pataxo Geru Tucunã Indigenous Village – Açucena/MG.

Application of Socioeconomic Diagnosis research in Quilombo São Domingos, Quilombo Torra and Quilombo Sesmaria - Sabinópolis, MG.

Monitoring the EY audit of PG 26 in Galiléia and Itambacuri - MG.

Field visit by Renova's board and presidency to forest restoration areas in Governador Valadares/MG.

Second meeting for the Application of Network Diagnosis, Training, with seed collectors from the Pataxo Kanã Mihay Indigenous Villages, Pataxo Sede, Encontro das Águas, Imbiruçu – Carmésia/MG.

Technical Visit to CM nursery – Ipanema/MG.

Start of germination tests at Agromig nursery – Baguari/MG.

Application of Socioeconomic Diagnosis with collectors in the RPPN Preserve Muriqui – Caratinga/MG.

Seed quality assessment and technical support with collectors from RPPN Preserve Muriqui – Caratinga/MG.

Start of planting seedlings and seeds in the Manhuaçu Basin, 08/10/2023, Caratinga/MG.

Application of Socioeconomic Diagnosis with rural producers in Colatina, Espírito Santo and Periquito/MG.

Participation in the Entrepreneurship, Citizenship and Recreation Action in Linhares with distribution of seedlings and information about PG's 26/27 for the community.

Celebration of the results achieved in the first phase of the Education, Landscape and Community project, carried out in partnership with IPÊ.

Inspections on the 6th and 7th of July in Guanhães with CT-Flor, Affected, Ibama, IEF and Emater

Visit to the Doce River State Park herbarium, an institution that will receive part of the botanical material collected in the Basin Forest Inventory (07/06/23)

Application of the Network Diagnosis, together with the seed collectors of the Manoel Ferreira Settlements (Maracanã Group) and Ulisses Oliveira (Maricatas Group) – Jampruca/MG, and the Iraguiar Settlement - Santa Maria do Suaçuí/MG

Technical visit to the CM nursery – Ipanema/MG, and to the Abel-Manhuaçu/MG nursery

Seed harvesting and handling training at Egídio Brunetto Settlement – Campanário/MG

Alignment on the Senar course for forest nursery - Pataxós - Governador Valadares/MG

Presentation of the Doce River Seeds and Seedlings Network at CTFLOR – Brasília/DF

Start of Forestry Inventory field activities - Approval Stage

Technical Visit to the Mudas Martins Nursery - Governador Valadares/MG, to the Terra Viva Nursery - Afonso Cláudio/ES and to the Nursery at IFES Campus Santa Teresa/ES

Application of the Network Diagnosis with the collectors of Aldeia Pataxó Geru Tucunã – Açucena/MG and Aldeia Sede – Carmésia/MG

Recycling/Training with seed collectors at Aldeia Pataxó Sede – Carmésia/MG

1st Come See with the collectors of the Doce River Basin Seed and Seedling Network, Municipality: Governor Valadares/ Melquíades.
Lessons Learned II Event, in Governador Valadares/MG.
Meeting at Aldeia Geru Tucunã on setting up a seedling nursery.
Visit of UFJF students from the economic sciences and accounting sciences course at Casa de Sementes and Aldeia Geru Tucunã in activity of the Come See project.
Training on seed harvesting in the Iraguiar Settlement (Santa Maria do Suaçuí/MG), in the Revés do Belém Group (Revés do Belém/MG), in the quilombola communities Sesmaria, São Domingos and Bom Jardim (Sabinópolis/MG).
Workshop with the collectors of Córrego Mestre, Quilombo District, Maitaca/Maritaca and Sesmaria, to prepare the list of species and distribution of the amount of seed per collector, in Sabinópolis/MG.
Data collection for monitoring the Agromig nursery in Baguari/MG.

Training, alignment and recycling of the Progen team on PGs 26 and 27, validation of areas and PIPs_PGs 26 and 27.
Second stage of Drone Training for the Lower Doce River class. Practical class and image processing_PGs 26 and 27.
Inspection of springs and internal alignment of quality and ecological monitoring activities (Coimbra and Viçosa - MG) _PGs 26 and 27.
HandOver Meeting - Quality Monitoring Agreement_PGs 26 and 27.
Inspection of Botanical Identification activities of exsiccata collected in the Forest Inventory - Herbarium SAMES, UFES - São Mateus - ES_PGs 26 and 27.
Meeting of the Seeds and Seedlings Network with FIEMG_PGs 26 and 27.
Meeting of the Seed Network with SENAI, articulation for leadership training courses with seed_PGs 26 and 27 collectors.
Meeting with SENAI for the application of Lean methodology in the forest nurseries of Rede_PGs 26 and 27.
Production monitoring, Ouro Verde nursery_PGs 26 and 27.
Survey of Pataxós_PGs 26 and 27 biojewels.
Seed and Seedling Network: Recycling with the collectors of the Quilombo Communities District of Quilombo, Bom Jardim, São Domingos, Córrego Mestre, Sesmaria, Santa Bárbara, Barra do Santo Antônio and Maritaca_PGs 26 and 27.
Seed and Seedling Network: ComeSee receiving USP and University of Colombo - USA_PGs 26 and 27.
Seed and Seedling Network: Maintenance of the Cold Chamber refrigeration system_PGs 26 and 27.
Seeds and Seedlings Network: preparation and shipment of 20Kg of native forest seed mix for planting_PGs 26 and 27.
Identification of the status of the Quilombola Community Associations Córrego Mestre, Córrego Sesmaria and Maritaca_PGs 26 and 27.
Presentation of the consolidated results of Ecological Monitoring – Ambipar_PGs 26 and 27.
Seed and Seedling Network: Recycling with the collectors of the Settlements: June 1st, Ulisses Oliveira, Beija Flor, Boa Esperança, Laje and Iran Aguiar_PGs 26 and 27.
Boa Esperança and Beija Flo Settlement Training_PGs 26 and 27.
Lecture at the Frei Afonso Maria Jordá State School in Aimorés/MG, on the Renova Foundation's forest restoration programs and the importance of water preservation_PGs 26 and 27.
Review of the Technical Instruction for quality monitoring and application of the procedure in the field in order to test the methodology and data processing_PGs 26 and 27.
56th Ordinary Meeting CT-Flor_PGs 26 and 27.
Alignment meeting with the GIS, Seeds and Seedlings Network, Projects and Monitoring teams.

Ecological Monitoring Field Audit PG27 Year 1 - Company: Ambipar
First part of the Training Course for the use of drones for the MRD team taught by Cleverson Vieira Pires - SENAR. Syagro.
Last Ecological Monitoring field audit - Year 1 - Ambipar 4800121551.
Participation in an interaction activity between former students and students from the 2023 class of the Nucleus of Studies in Ecosystem Restoration at Instituto Terra.
PROGEN document management team training - with the companies Meio Biótico and Agedoce. Guidance and training for using the Sharepoint repository.
SharePoint training for the company NBL with the document management team (Progen).

The presence of the Foundation's forest restoration program team renews the presentation of the End of Course Works by NERE students, Class of 2022, the first group to be formed under contract No. 4800032296.
Sending 25,000 seedlings to the company Inovesa - Viveiro Ouro Verde.
200KG of muvuca prepared and sent for planting by CIAAT.

“Results” Galileia 11.17.2022 - Presentation of the PG26 and PG 27 Forest Restoration Programs;
Caminhos da Água - 11.16.2022 - Presentation of the seed network and execution of reforestation projects along the Doce River. Governador Valadares (MG):
Caminhos da Água - 11.18.2022 - Presentation of the seed network and execution of reforestation projects along the Doce River. Governador Valadares (MG):
ComeSee - Instituto Terra NERE - 17.11.2022 - Presentation of Programs 26 and 27 and technical visits to 2 model properties participating in the programs in Colatina/ES (José Custódio and Edson Pancieri) and visit to the Mandala Horticulture project at the Escola Família Agrícola of Marilândia;
ComeSee - Technical visit in the Suaçui basin with the presence of the UGR, UALs, IEF and GV City Hall (PG 26 and 27)
Delivery of Domingos Folli Seeds - Living Forest (PG 26 and 27)
Field audit of the company AMBIPAR regarding Ecological Monitoring in Pancas and Colatina/ES. Held from November 16 to 18, 2022;
Mobilization meeting of rural producers in Iuna – ES- 08.11.2022;
Participation of the Seeds and Seedlings Network in the water circuit (PG 26 and 27)
Presentation on the Seeds and Seedlings Network project at the Brazilian Conference on Ecological Restoration, Vitória ES (PG 26 and 27)
Removal of seeds from the Ira Aguiar settlement (PG 26 and 27).
Seed Removal at the Roseli Nunes Settlement (PG 26 and 27)
Seed Removal at the RPPN preserve Muriqui (PG 26 and 27)
Seedling shipment to CIAAT, 07 thousand seedlings (PG 26 and 27)
Shipment of 50Kg of Muvuca to the CIAAT (PG 26 and 27)

Inspection of the AMBIPAR measurement regarding the measurement of the ecological monitoring plots in Colatina - ES _PGs 26 and 27;
Lessons Learned Workshop_PGs 26 and 27;
Presentation of the results of PGs 26 and 27 for the affected community of Pedra Corrida, Periquito – MG_PGs 26 and 27;
Progen team training (Manhuaçu) in Ipanema_PGs 26 and 27;
Sending the Lessons Learned document to all participants_PGs 26 and 27;
The Seeds and Seedlings Network started the second seed removal cycle, there were 309 Kg of seeds from the Dionísio municipality, collected near the buffer zone of the Doce River State Park_PGs 26 and 27;

Sustainable Development Team presenting work, in Berlin/Germany, on gain of scale in the validation of areas using the mathematical models of the study of priority areas, carried out in partnership with UFV and UFMG_PG's 26 and 27;
Presentation of the Seeds and Seedlings Networks Project of the Doce river basin, at Aldeia Patoxó Encontro das Águas - Carmésia/MG_PG's 26 and 27;
Seed Removal at the Boa Esperança Settlement, in Alto Rio Novo - ES_PG's 26 and 27;
Presentation of the Seeds and Seedlings Project in the Doce River basin, at Aldeia Sede in Carmésia/MG_PG's 26 and 27;
Presentation of the Seeds and Seedlings Project of the Doce river basin, in the indigenous village Imbiruçu- Carmésia/MG_PG's 26 and 27
From 05 to 09/09, Team participation (Karina, Tieppo and Leandro) in SERE2022 _PG's 26 and 27;
On 09/07, presentation by Leandro and Karina, at the Symposium on Restoration Planning, at SERE2022_PG's 26 and 27;
On 09/09, Tieppo's presentation at the Society and Reparation_PG's 26 and 27 Symposium;
The Forest Restoration Team presented Renova's work at the Brazilian Seeds Congress_PG's 26 and 27;
The Forest Restoration Team presented Renova's work at the II ETRAD, an event promoted by Vale_PG's 26 and 27;
Area validation training, in Afonso Cláudio/ES, with new Inovesa, Gênese and Sartori_PG's 26 and 27 contracts;
Preparation and sending of seeds for direct planting by the CIAAT, in the Melquiades_PG's 26 and 27 stream;
Renova's visit to the Arboretum Program, a reference in the collection and processing of seeds_PG's 26 and 27;
Seed shipment to CIAAT planting_PG's 26 and 27;
First results of direct planting of seeds from the Network sent to field_PG's 26 and 27;
Presentation of the results of PG's 26 and 27 for the affected communities of Aimorés and Resplendor – MG_PG's 26 and 27;

Proposals were submitted for 3 symposia and 1 workshop for Sobre2022_PG's 26 and 27;
Meeting with Cenibra to exchange technologies and possibility of mutual cooperation partnership_PG's 26 and 27;
Visit of the curator's council, socio-environmental committee and directors in the field activities of PG 26 and PG 27 in Colatina/ES_PG's 26 and 27;
Presentation of programs 26 and 27 as a tool to accelerate the PRA (Environmental Regularization Program) in MG. Lecture held in Ubá - MG at the event "PRA Produce Sustainably" organized by IEF_PG's 26 and 27;
Confection of didactic kits to support the training of collectors of the Seeds and Seedlings_PG's 26 and 27 Network;
Mobilization of seed collectors in the Maitacas quilombola community in Sabinópolis_PG's 26 and 27;
Mobilization of seed collectors in the quilombola community of Bom Jardim_PG's 26 and 27;
Mobilization of collectors in Barra de Santo Antônio community_PG's 26 and 27;
Mobilization of collectors settlement São Domingos_PG's 26 and 27;
Mobilization of collectors in the quilombola community Sesmarias_PG's 26 and 27;
Mobilization of collectors in the community Córrego Mestre_PG's 26 and 27;
Mobilization of collectors in the district of Quilombo_PG's 26 and 27;
Mobilization of collectors in the quilombola community Santa Bárbara_PG's 26 and 27;
Visit to C4_PG's 26 and 27 nursery;

Training of 12 collectors at RPPN Feliciano Abdala in Caratinga_PG's 26 and 27;

Approval of the works/summaries of the Sustainable Development team at SERE2022 Alicante/Spain and ForestSat in Berlin/Germany_PG's 26 and 27;

Conclusion of the internal audit process of Programs 26 and 27, conducted by the company BDO_PG's 26 and 27;

Definition of sample areas for monitoring the plantations with drones_PG's 26 and 27;

Carrying out a Safety "Tour" with the executing companies in the Corrente Grande river basin_PG's 26 and 27;

Carrying out a Security "Tour" with the executing companies in the Manhuaçu river basin_PG's 26 and 27;

Installation and renovation of the completed seed house_PG's 26 and 27;

Launch event of the 5 contracting lots in the Corrente River basin in Guanhães_PG's 26 and 27;

Visit of the technical team of the Seed Network to the Boa Esperança Settlement (Alto Rio Novo) Pontões basin and Lagoa ES_PG's 26 and 27;

Visit of the Seed Network Network technical team to the Beija-flor Settlement (Alto Rio Novo) Pontões basin and Lagoa ES_PG's 26 and 27;

Visit of the Seeds and Seed Network technical team to the Lage Settlement (Alto Rio Novo) Pontões basin and Lagoa ES_PG's 26 and 27;

Visit to Pataxós_PG's 26 and 27;

Forest Restoration Workshop_PG's 26 and 27;

Technical visit to Vale's Reservation in Linhares to leverage the collection of seeds_PG's 26 and 27;

Mobilization of the CRM nursery with 150 thousand seedlings ready for planting, including pau-brasil and peroba-amarela_PG's 26 and 27 species;

Partnership between Instituto Pagus and Seed Network to mobilize collectors in the ecological corridor RPPN Sossego do Muriqui and RPPN Miguel Feliciano Abdala_PG's 26 and 27;

Technical visit to support the production of seedlings RPPN Miguel Feliciano Abdala PG's 26 and 27;

Presentation PG 26 and 27 to the City Council of São Roque do Canaã 21/06_PG's 26 and 27;

Mobilization of a group with 10 seed collectors in the Liberdade settlement in Periquito_PG's 26 and 27;

Receipt of the first batch of seeds collected by the Pataxós Indigenous from Aldeia Geru Tucunã in Acucena - MG, totaling approximately 250Kg of native forest seeds, total value of approximately R$ 20,000.00_PG's 26 and 27;

Field day in Pancas - ES, for the review of the Quality Protocol, in the Total Planting and Total Planting TUs + Densification of Year 1 and 2_PG's 26 and 27;

Participation in the Safety Workshop promoted by the Reflore Consortium with the participation of all employees of the 3 contracts it has with the Foundation_ PG's 26 and 27;

Publication of the Piranga, Santa Maria and Corrente RFP, on 06/08/2022, referring to 829.87 ha and 420 springs (1 lot in the Piranga Basin, 2 in the Santa Maria Basin and 2 in the Corrente Basin);

Visit of the director, Luiz Scavarda, in the work areas of Pg26 and Pg27 in ES;

Publication of an article in Valor Econômico magazine, signed by the editor Ivo Ribeiro, about investments in forest restoration in MG and ES_PG's 26 and 27;

Participation in the field day "Subsoiling in Pasture in the da Prata River Basin", in São Domingos do Prata/MG_PG's 26 and 27;

Participation in the Guandu River Basin Committee Meeting to present programs 26 and 27, held in Baixo Guandu-ES;

Resumption of the operational activities of the Seed Network, technical visit to Elo Guarani Danila in Aracruz and beginning of seed collection with the Pataxó Group from the Geru Tucanã village in Açucena;
Participation in "Vim Plantar" in São José do Goiabal-MG. 26 and 27 actions of environmental education and planting of seedlings were given by the PG's team;
Inspection of URG members in forest restoration work in ES;
Launch of the RFP notice for the Manhuaçu basin with a budget of R$300 million;
Come and See Event in Governador Valadares, Planting in the Springs Area, together with the Government (GV) and the Board of Directors (Renova);
Participation of the Sustainable Development team at the Agrishow in Ribeirão Preto;
Meeting with IEF on Forest Restoration in the Rio Corrente State Park.

Announcement of programs 26 and 27 for the local radio in the municipality of Mutum - MG.

Meeting organized by the Espírito Santo State Department for the Environment to publicize forest restoration actions with the participation of all the mayors of the Guandu and Santa Maria river basins, in addition to representatives from Ibatiba and Iúna.

There were no relevant facts this month.

There were no relevant facts this month.

The date of execution of the planting of the ICIC0006_UT01_NAS01 artesian spring was reported by the Renova Foundation as being in September 2017, but the planting date is amended to November 2019, carried out by a contracted company

In the 2017 ""Annual Activity Report"" which read ""311 properties were registered and 687 springs surveyed"" read: 249 properties were registered and 476 springs surveyed, through the declaration of the producers”.

In the CIF 2019 report which read "In year 2 of the recovery of springs and PPAs (2018), 528 springs in 233 properties are covered" read 529 springs in 245 properties covered" according to the shapefile "PG27_Mob_Nascentes_ANO1_YEAR2".

There were no relevant facts this month.

CIF Resolutions 528/2021 and 538/2021 that approve the revisions to the definition of programs 26 and 27.

Registration of 256 rural properties in the 2021 Public RFP for mobilization for restoration programs;
WWF and Renova Foundation teams in the field to register the 2021 public RFP;
Contract with the company Ecovale for the implementation and maintenance of 350 springs and only maintenance of 230 springs in the regions of Campanário, Frei Inocêncio, Jampruca and Itambacuri belonging to the Itambacuri Basin, and Mutum and Lajinha belonging to the Manhuaçu Basin for 48 months;
Contract with Plantverd for the implementation and maintenance of 380 springs in the municipalities of Açucena, Guanhães, Governador Valadares, Periquito, Sabinópolis, Santa Efigênia de Minas and São Geraldo da Piedade, belonging to the Corrente Grande River Basin.

Registration of 224 rural properties in the Tender of mobilization for restoration programs.

Publication of the 2021 mobilization RFP;
Kickoff with Lower Doce River contractors (Consortium Reflore, Inovesa, Vital and Arvore Engenharia).

Lower Doce River

Finalized the contracting of 4/5 companies through the RFP for forest restoration activities.

There were no relevant facts this month.

Mid Doce River

Authorization to resume activities in the Itambacuri Basin (140 springs) – Instituto Terra.

Mid Doce River

Continued suspension due to Covid.

Upper Doce River

There were no relevant facts this month.

Lower Doce River

Suspension of activities in the period 03/29 to 04/28 due to the pandemic.

Upper Doce River

There were no relevant facts this month.

Lower Doce River

In Espirito Santo, activities were suspended on 03/30 due to a State Decree related to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Mid Doce River

There were no relevant facts this month.

There were no relevant facts this month.

Lower Doce River

Year 2 maintenance activities started in 2020.

Mid Doce River

There were no relevant facts in January.

Upper Doce River

There were no relevant facts in January.

Upper Doce River

In December, the springs field survey was completed in the municipality of Paula Candido/MG, referring to the total number of registrations in the 2019 tender.

Mid Doce

In December, rural producers were registered and received PSA.

In December, the second Suaçui springs maintenance campaign was concluded.

Lower Doce River

In December, the forest restoration of year 02 (2017/2018) in the sub-basin of Pontões and Lagoons was completed."

Upper Doce River Region

Resumed Forest Restoration maintenance activities in the municipality of Coimbra.

Mid Doce River

Registration of rural producers for PSA payment.

Lower Doce River

Resumed Year-1 Rural Producer Engagement activities in the Guandu River Basin

Resumed Year-3 Engagement and IPP activities

Upper Doce River Region
Resumption of the engagement of producers and the mapping of the springs in the municipality of Paula Cândido.

Middle Doce River region

CIAAT/INSTITUTO TERRA/PROGEN training for technicians on mobilization, engagement and validation of areas for forest restoration
As-built of the moved fences in the springs of Year 1, after the geo-referencing carried out by the Terra Institute

Lower Doce River Region

CIAAT/INSTITUTO TERRA/PROGEN training for technicians on mobilization, engagement and validation of areas for forest restoration.

There were no relevant facts this month.

There were no relevant facts this month.

There were no relevant facts this month.

There were no relevant facts this month.

There were no relevant facts this month.

• Submission of the Integrated Rural and Economic Development Plans for the states of Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo, on 07/31, in compliance with and determined in the public civil action. The plan for Espirito Santo is already in its first revision, considering the comments in technical note 76/2020 issued by the Technical Board of Economy and Innovation.
Upper Doce River
• Maintenance activities were suspended in Coimbra/MG due to the non-release by the Municipal Office.
Mid Doce River
• There were no relevant facts this month.
Lower Doce River
• There were no relevant facts this month.

Upper Doce River
• Maintenance activities were suspended in Coimbra (MG) due to non-release by the Municipal Office.
Mid Doce River
• Continuation of maintenance activities.
Lower Doce River
• Launch of RFP for hiring forest restoration institutions. In addition to planting and regenerating, the scope also covers ATERA (Technical Assistance for Environmental Regularization), engagement, and forest maintenance activities.

Upper Doce River
• There were no relevant facts.
Mid Doce River
• Resuming maintenance activities.
Lower Doce River
• There were no relevant facts.

• Following the warnings from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Health and given the increase in confirmed coronavirus cases (new COVID-19 virus) in Brazil, the Renova Foundation decided to adopt preventive and safety measures, suspending its field activities.
Upper Doce River
• Completion of forest plantation on properties in Coimbra/MG in March/2020.
Mid Doce River
• Planting of Macauba palm trees in settlements and on the Pataxos Indigenous Territories.
Lower Doce River
• There were no relevant facts.

• Following the warnings from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Health and given the increase in confirmed coronavirus cases (new COVID-19 virus) in Brazil, the Renova Foundation decided to adopt preventive and safety measures, suspending its field activities.
• Completion of the forest inventory field survey for diagnosis in the Pontoes and Lagoas and Santa Maria do Doce sub-basins, and commencement of data collection activities in the state of Minas Gerais in the Manhuaçu and Suaçui basins.
Upper Doce River
• Planting activities on properties in Coimbra/MG.
Mid Doce River
• Second expedition to verify the identification of species and to evaluate the methodology for implementing forest inventory.
• Completion by Inovesa of the first stage of year 3 of forest maintenance at the springs of year 01 (2016/2017) in the Suaçui Sub-Basin.
Lower Doce River
• Implementation of experiments for studying forest restoration models in order to identify the best planting methodology to be applied in the Lower Doce River territory.
• Obtaining signatures of the terms of commitment of the owners participating in the program in the Pontoes and Lagoas Sub-Basin for year 03 (2018/2019).
• Completion of activities by the Technical Information and Assessment Center (CIAAT) in year 03 (2018/2019) in the Pontoes and Lagoas Sub-Basin.

Upper Doce River
• Planting activities on properties in Coimbra/MG.
Mid Doce River
• There were no relevant facts this month.
Lower Doce River
• Completion of the mobilization of the institutions Emflora and Vital, responsible for forest restoration in Marilandia/ES, Pancas/ES and Colatina/ES.

• Closure of RFP for forest restoration on January 1, 2020, with several applications from producers of the following basins: Turvo Limpo River, Itambacuri River, Eme River, Corrente Grande River, Laranjeiras River, Manhuaçu River, Guandu River and Iriritimirim River. The meetings were attended by more than 1,200 people and involved several institutions, such as the Doce River Basin committees and their affluent committees.
Upper Doce River
• Planting activities on properties in Coimbra/MG.
Mid Doce River
• Continuation of planting activities in the municipalities of Galileia/MG, Governador Valadares/MG and Periquito/MG.
• Continuation of forest maintenance activities in the spring areas of Year 01 (2016/2017).
Lower Doce River
• Kickoff with the institution Emflora, responsible for forest restoration in Marilandia/ES and Colatina/ES for the next 12 months.
• Conclusion of very promising first tests of mechanical soil preparation through subsoiling, with approved technical results and economic evaluation in progress.

An agreement was signed with the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF), with the objective of developing an innovative large-scale forest restoration project integrated with regional rural development at the landscape level, in an inclusive community approach, in order to be replicated in 40 thousand hectares of degraded permanent preservation areas in the Doce River Basin.
Implementation of Demonstration Units in the towns of Governador Valadares (MG) and Periquito (MG), which should serve as references for good planting practices.
The planting of Year 2 (2017/2018) has not been fully completed. As of December, planting and/or regeneration in 206 springs was carried out. Cause: Termination of contract with the company previously hired to perform the planting service. Countermeasure: Companies were hired to assume the scope not fulfilled by the previous supplier. In addition, planting that should have been carried out in Year 2 (2017/2018) and that has not been completed will be carried out in parallel with the following years.
The mobilization and engagement of rural producers to be contemplated in Year 3 (2018/2019) has started and is underway. However, it has not been completed yet. Cause: The hiring process was almost completed but had to start over again, after identifying problems in the originally selected proposal, which would affect the quality of service delivery. Countermeasure: Amendment to contract with the supplier of one of the territories.
The fencing of approximately 500 springs for Year 3 (2018/2019) has not been fully completed. A total of 14 springs were fenced. Cause: Delay in the mobilization stage, due to delay in hiring the supplier. Fencing only begins after mobilization. Countermeasure: New companies were hired to carry out the mobilization. In addition, the fencing of Year 3 (2018/2019) will be carried out in parallel with that of other years.
The activities of the pilot project of the Institute for Ecological Research (IPE) did not start. Cause: The scope presented by the institute did not converge with the Foundation's interests, did not provide for interaction with social actors, and needed to be reviewed. Countermeasure: Request a revision of the work plan, taking into account requests for change (already requested).
In 2019, 2,511,826 seedlings were expected to be produced in 13 nurseries or more. Also expected was the expansion of the arrangement and construction of new partnerships to incubate the first seeds and seedlings network in the Doce River Basin. However, 1,006,647 seedlings were produced in 10 nurseries through the seeds and seedlings network. Cause: Demand less than initially projected. After detailing the study of planting locations, there was less area available for planting. Part of the areas made available by rural producers presented rocky outcrops, water mirrors, very steep relief and large erosions, making planting unfeasible, for physical and safety reasons. Therefore, it did not make sense to produce the number originally planned. Countermeasure: There is no countermeasure.
Signing of the term of adhesion to the Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact. With the adhesion, another channel is created for the development, knowledge and sharing of forest restoration techniques. With over 260 thousand members and ten years of experience, the Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact aims to improve forestry techniques with large-scale results and generate environmental, social and economic benefits. The main focus is to enable the worldwide recovery of 15 million hectares by the year 2050, including annual targets and the monitoring of results. Through this partnership, all forest restoration actions carried out by the Renova Foundation in the Atlantic Forest biome become part of the Pact's initiatives. These actions cover approximately 45 thousand hectares along the Doce River Basin.
Upper Doce River
Execution of tillage services for forest restoration by EGIS on the properties in Coimbra (MG).
Obtaining the number of engaged landowners for the takeoff process with the non-governmental organization CIAAT in Ponte Nova (MG), for Year 3 (2018/2019).

• More presentations of the Forest Restoration RFP were held in the municipalities of Frei Inocencio (MG), Campanario (MG), Divino das Laranjeiras (MG) and Resplendor (MG).
Upper Doce River
• Continuation of tillage activities of Year 03 (2018/2019) in permanent preservation areas (PPA) and groundwater recharge areas (GRAs) in the municipality of Coimbra (MG);
• Planting at springs on properties of the municipality of Coimbra (MG).
Mid Doce River
• Continuation of planting activities in the spring areas of Year 02 (2017/2018) in the Suaçui Sub-Basin (MG) by the non-governmental Technical Information and Assessment Center (CIAAT).
Lower Doce River
• Filing of 150 springs for Year 03 (2018/2019) in the municipalities of Colatina (ES), Marilandia (ES) and Linhares (ES), distributed over 85 rural properties.
• Continuation of the second year of maintenance and replanting of year 01 (2016/2017) by the company Inovesa.

• The third stage of the working group meeting was held in Brasilia-DF, for the revision of decree 5.153/2004, which provides for the National Seed and Seedling System - SNSM and other measures. The participation of the Renova Foundation, together with members of the Atlantic Forest Seed Networks, Cerrado and other partners was essential to maintain the designation of the forest seed collector in the decree. According to the Foundation, the use of the seed collector guarantees the traceability of the entire forest seed chain process, as well as giving visibility to the seed sector chain link that is usually marginalized.
• Presentation of the Restoration RFP in the municipalities of Itambacuri (MG), Jampruca (MG), Galileia (MG), Linhares (ES), and Rio Bananal (ES).
Upper Doce River
• Initiation of the soil preparation activities of Year 03 (2018/2019) in the Permanent Preservation Areas (PPAs) and Water Recharge Areas (ARH) in Coimbra (MG).
• Completion of the fencing for demarcation of the plants of Year 03 (2018/2019) in Coimbra (MG).
Mid Doce River
• Initiation of planting and maintenance activities in the spring areas of Year 02 (2017/2018) in the Suaçui Sub-Basin (MG) by the non-governmental organization Technical Information and Assessment Center (CIAAT).
• Maintenance activities in the spring areas of Year 01 (2016/2017) in the Suaçui Sub-Basin by the company Inovesa.
• Fencing activities in the spring areas of the year 03 (2018/2019) in the Suaçui Sub-Basin by indigenous Krenak people.
Lower Doce River
• Mobilization related to the milestone “Conclusion of the mobilization of the contractor to implement the forest restoration of Year 02 (2017/2018) in Espirito Santo” did not occur. Cause: Need to review the deadlines for the technical scope due to strategy change. Countermeasure: Redefine business proposal to meet new strategy for shorter term contracts. This will allow to start activities in December.

• Second operational training by the Bioflora consulting team on 09/02 and 09/03, in Governador Valadares, to train the team of the Mid and Lower Doce River in the application of the operational procedure for implementation of the areas under restoration.
• Presentation of the program to the Doce River Basin Committee (CBH-Doce) to help update the Integrated Water Resources Plan (IWRM) in the Doce River Basin.
• Presentation of the political, social, institutional, ecological and technological criteria used to map and prioritize forest restoration areas along the Doce River Basin, and work on post-collapse emergency actions, integrated rural property repair, and strategy for farmer involvement. The presentation was made by the Sustainable Land Use team between 09/24 and 09/28, at the 8th World Conference on Ecological Restoration, held in Cape Town, South Africa. The studies were developed in partnership with the Federal Universities of Minas Gerais and Vicosa (UFMG and UFV).
Mid Doce River:
• Mobilization of the non-governmental organization CIAAT (Information and Technical Assistance Center) for the implementation of forest restoration in the sub-basin of Suacui (MG) in Year 02 (2017/2018).
• Remobilization of rural producers in the Suacui sub-basin (MG).
• Beginning of pre-planting activities in the spring areas of the Suacui sub-basin (MG) by the non-governmental organization CIAAT (Information and Technical Assistance Center).

• Presentation of the methodology and schedule of the Forest Inventory carried out by the contractor Brandt at SEAMA-ES (with the participation of the Espirito Santo State Secretary of Environment) and at ICMBio (Brasilia).
• Technical training for monitoring natural areas and those being restored, held on 08/19/2019 and 08/20/2019 at Instituto Terra, in Aimores (MG). The technicians involved in the recovery of the Doce River Basin attended practical and theoretical classes taught by specialists from Bioflora Restoration Technology. In addition to staff of the Renova Foundation, Progen, Brandt and Instituto Terra, members of the Technical Board CT-Flor also participated (Ibama, CBH-Doce, IEF, IEMA).
• Presentation of the GIS (Geographic Information System) and commencement of registration process and training of CT-Flor members. The portal will facilitate monitoring and improve inspections and progress of the programs.

• Mid Doce River: Planned: Terms of commitment to the Program (PSA) signed by the landowners in the Suacui Sub-Basin were not obtained in their entirety. This activity refers to the milestone “Maintenance process in the properties in the Suacui Sub-Basin (CIAAT) of Year 02 (2017/2018)”. Cause: Pending points with some producers delayed the completion of the activity. Countermeasure: Increase the deadline by one month to resolve outstanding issues and obtain the terms of commitment, so as not to delay the completion of forest restoration and maintenance of the Suacui Sub-Basin.
• Mid Doce River: Mobilization of CIAAT, which will implement forest restoration in the springs of the Suacui Sub-Basin for Year 02 (2017/2018), after cancellation with the previous contractor.
• Lower Doce River: Planned: Terms of commitment to the Program (PSA) signed by the owners of the Pontoes and Lagoas Sub-Basin were not obtained in their entirety. This activity refers to the milestone “Forest maintenance process in the properties in the Pontoes and Lagoas Sub-Basin of the Year 02 (2017/2018)”. Cause: The field team had to prioritize other activities, reducing the pace of the activities of program 27. Countermeasure: Increase the deadline to obtain the terms of commitment with 15 days, so that it does not delay the completion of the Pontoes and Lagoas Sub-Basin.
• Lower Doce River: A technical field visit was carried out with companies that will be selected to carry out forest restoration in years 01 (2016/2017), 02 (2017/2018) and 03 (2018/2019). Companies delivered technical and commercial proposals.
• Presented the methodology for Forest Inventory to SEMAD and requested support regarding consent, information and maps.
• Publication of the RFP of the Forest Restoration Program.
• Presentation of the Forest Inventory methodology to IEMA-ES, ICMBio/SISBIO and request for support regarding consent, information and maps.

• Mid Doce River: terms of commitment to the Program (PSA) signed by the owners of the Suacui sub-basin were not obtained in their entirety. The field team had to prioritize the identification and fencing activities of Springs of Year 03, temporarily halting the activities of Year 02 (2017/2018). Countermeasure: increase the deadline to obtain the terms of commitment in one month, so that it does not delay the completion of the maintenance of the Suacui sub-basin.
• Mid Doce River: Fence builder courses for indigenous people (3 groups).
• Mid Doce River: partial delivery of inputs (wires, stakes, posts and staples) and equipment (PPE) in the Krenak Indigenous Territories.
• Lower Doce River: collective presentation of program 27 for the mobilization of properties in the Pontoes and Lagoas sub-basin.
• Lower Doce River: terms of commitment to the Program (PSA) signed by the owners of the Pontoes and Lagoas sub-basin were not obtained in their entirety. The field team had to prioritize forest restoration activities of program 17 (Resumption of Agricultural Activities), temporarily halting activities of program 27. Countermeasure: increase the deadline to obtain the terms of commitment in one month, so that it does not delay the completion of forest restoration of the Pontoes and Lagoas sub-basin.
• Lower Doce River: Initiated the process that monitors the quality of the planting in the sub-basins of Suaçui and Pontoes and Lagoas of the Year 01 (2016/2017).
• Approval of distribution of all springs of the River Basin Committees CBH-Pontoes and Lagoas, CBH-Suaçui and CHB-Piranga in a plenary meeting at CBH-Doce.
• CIF Resolution 293 of June 24, 2019, which approves the document “Doce River Basin Springs Recovery Program” (PG27) and recommends observing CIF Resolutions No. 135/2017 and No. 186/2018, which approve the inspection reports of Augias Operation, Olhos D’agua Springs Phases I and II, for implementation of the Program.
• Presentation at the National Water Agency in Brasilia of all SLU water-focused programs to contribute to the Doce River Basin Integrated Water Resources Plan.

• Candonga to the River Mouth (Mid Doce River): mobilization of the contractor (Bioma) to monitor the quality of the plantations of the Suacui, Pontoes and Lagoas sub-basins and Krenak Indigenous Territories.
• Candonga to the River Mouth (Mid Doce River): There was a delay in installing the fences on the properties of the Krenak Indigenous Territories to implement the Individual Property Project (IPP), as there was a misalignment in the understanding of the scope of the program by the indigenous people, requiring a negotiation among the interested parties. Extra staff of Renova will be mobilized to define the scope of the Krenak Indigenous Territories program, in partnership with indigenous people, compensating for the delay and meeting the program’s demand.
• Candonga to the River Mouth (Mid Doce River): the mobilization team faced difficulties in the detection of springs in the region to complete the installation of the fences on the properties of the Suacui sub-basin to implement the IPP. CBH-Doce will be asked to define new areas to reallocate the number of springs that will be recovered to new regions, thus meeting the expected amount until 07/26/19.
• Candonga to the River Mouth (Lower Doce River): presentation of program 27 for mobilization of properties in the Pontoes e Lagoas sub-basin was not carried out due to a delay in the signature of the contractual addendum and in the availability of contracted resources (CIAAT) caused by the contractor's difficulties to meet the prerequisites, for example: meeting the required safety requirements. The program will be presented to homeowners by mid-June 2019, mobilizing resources once all signatures of the Partnership Agreement have been collected, in order to execute the forest restoration works according to expected timeframes.
• Scope of the Springs Recovery Program and its indicators with goals and budget were approved by Technical Board CTFlor.

• Candonga to River Mouth (Lower Doce River):
Planned: to issue a purchase requisition for competitive bidding process for a Service Provider in Espirito Santo for the implementation in the field of programs 26 and 27, replacing the predecessor, who terminated the contract. Cause: not accomplished due to the high complexity of the activities and demands, in addition to the lack of staff for structuring the process in Espirito Santo. Countermeasure: search for technical support in other teams.
• Candonga to River Mouth (Mid Doce River):
Planned: perform selection and ranking of properties for forest restoration around springs for Year 3. Cause: was not accomplished due to the difficulty in prospecting springs in the defined locations. Countermeasure: CBH-Doce was asked to define new locations where forest restoration could be carried out.
• Candonga to River Mouth (Mid Doce River): Partial elaboration of participatory rural diagnosis (DRP) and paddocks of work units defined for Forest Restoration in Springs.
• Candonga to River Mouth (Mid Doce River): submitted the Forest Inventory contract with Brandt for ecological monitoring.
• Candonga to River Mouth (Mid Doce River): initiation of the delivery of supplies for fencing of springs in the Krenak Indigenous Territory.
• Candonga to River Mouth (Upper, Mid and Lower Doce River): approval by the Doce River Basin Committee of the areas of implementation of the Springs Recovery Program Recovery Program and its execution in conjunction with the implementation of the Permanent Preservation Areas Recovery Program.
• Candonga to River Mouth (Mid Doce River): approval by the Piranga River Basin Committee for the composition of the local unit to support the Springs Recovery Program.
• Candonga to River Mouth (Mid Doce River): approval by the Hydrographic Basin Committee of Pontoes and Lagoons of the Doce for the installation of a local unit to support the Springs Recovery Program and the Permanent Preservation Areas Recovery Program.

Upper Doce River: Regarding the enclosure of the PPAs, 38.03 ha of the 50-ha target has been completed. Activity on 53 properties, of which 48 have been completed and released for planting. Under evaluation, alternative solution for planting this rainy season, for replacing the current Contractor. New goal agreed with the producers to be finalized by April/2019.
Mid/Lower Doce River: Approval by the CIF of P4 - Scheduling of priority restoration areas in Permanent Preservation Area (PPA) and Water Recharge Area (ARH) on 03/28/2019.
Mid/Lower Doce River: Validation and approval by the CIF of the PPA/ARH areas and springs of the Pilot Project on 03/28/2019.
Lower Doce River: On 03/19, 03/20 and 03/21/2019, an audit was carried out in Colatina and Pancas (ES) in the areas of programs 26 and 27. Positive feedback was received in relation to the actions carried out and especially the commitment that the Renova Foundation has demonstrated with the rural producers. The contracted audit reported that possibly two teams will conduct audits for programs 26 and 27, one responsible for the activities in ES and another for those in MG. At the next audit, at the end of April, the contractor must monitor the execution of the activities of the company responsible for maintaining the plantations.
Approval of the escalation of springs to the Technical Board of Critical Events Management (CTGEC) of the Doce River Basin Committee (CBH).

In January/2019, the third year of the Spring Recovery Program began, a fundamental action to revitalize the Doce River Basin.
Of the 500 springs expected to be recovered in this stage, 350 are in Minas Gerais (100 in the Piranga basin and 250 in the Suacui basin) and 150 in Espirito Santo. The regions were selected by the Doce River Basin Committee (CBH-Doce), together with the River Basin Committees (CBH) of Suacui, Pontoes and Lagoons of the Doce and Piranga Rivers.
The first year, the recovery process started with 511 springs on 216 properties. The second year, it were 528 springs on 233 properties. The goal of the program is to recover 5,000 springs in ten years.
On 2/19, 2/20 and 02/21/2019, an audit was carried out in the areas of PG027 in Colatina and Pancas (ES) by the RAMBOLL/Prosecution Service team.

In January, the third year of the Spring Recovery Program began, a fundamental action for the revitalization of the Doce River Basin.
Of the 500 springs expected to be recovered in this stage, 350 are in Minas Gerais (100 in the Piranga basin and 250 in the Suacui basin) and 150 in Espirito Santo. The regions were selected by the Doce River Basin Committee (CBH-Doce), together with the River Basin Committees (CBH) of Suacui, Pontoes and Lagoons of the Doce and Piranga Rivers. The first year, the recovery process started with 511 springs on 216 properties.. The second year, it were 539 springs on 236 properties. The goal of the program is to recover 5,000 springs within ten years.
Furthermore, the last call was held for the collective presentation of the Spring Recovery Program to landowners in the Suacui River Basin region.

On 12/17/2018, the document "Definition of the Recovery Program for Environmental Area 1" was approved by the Technical Board of Forestry Restoration and Water Production (CT-FLOR) of the Interfederative Committee (CIF), in compliance with TTAC clauses 158, 159 and 160.
On 12/08/2018, a technical training course was held for analysts and environmental educators of the Technical Information and Assessment Center (CIAAT).

On 11/13, a workshop was held to create awareness about the Doce River basin restoration project in Galileia (MG) - a partnership between the Renova Foundation and WWF.

On 10/25 and 10/26, the II Symposium of Native Forest Species took place in Belo Horizonte. The event, organized by the Federal University of Vicosa through the CIF, was attended by 7 nursery workers of the Renova Foundation. Renova's participation in this process made it possible to aggregate knowledge for nursery workers, to expand the network of contacts, and to serve as a trigger for the seed and seedlings network.

Completed Phase 1 of the Payment for Environmental Services (PSA) Tender with 300 registered farmers and approximately 270 eligible properties. Of these properties, 188 hectares of Permanent Preservation Areas and 711 hectares of other areas were made available for restoration.
On 09/26, a field visit was carried out in 5 of the 8 indigenous villages of Resplendor/MG, at the request of the tribal chiefs to learn more about the springs and PPAs recovery activities on the properties of Year 1 and 2. The Foundation team clarified doubts, gathered experiences and aligned the expectations of the farmers already participating in the program. This visit helped to increase the confidence of the participating villages, resulting in an agenda for mobilization (social cartography) of their activities. With the purpose of getting to know the pioneering work of ecological restoration and Xingu Seed Network, technicians of the Renova Foundation and Tribal Chief Krenak participated in the 3rd Expedition of the Ecological Restoration and the Xingu Seed Network in the State of Minas Gerais between 09/27 and 09/30. The group were shown several collection areas and how the collectors make benefit of the seeds, and where and how they are stored. With a focus on forest restoration, they visited areas in the process of greenery restoration using a sowing technique known as "Muvuca". The expectation is to replicate the knowledge in the activities of the program.
At the Juparana Lagoon, in the municipality of Linhares (ES), all the farmers who are requesting "emergency aid" are being attended, with provision of sheep feed, cattle pasture leasing and stabilization of trees in a recreation area on the properties affected by the flooding, due to the Pequeno River barrier.

On August 13, a workshop was held in Mariana/MG, aimed at promoting discussions with local stakeholders interested in the territory to incorporate their perceptions in the methodology developed jointly with the UFV and UFMG Universities for area prioritization. The methodology will supplement the definition of locations in the Doce River basin to receive forest restoration of 40,000 hectares in a participatory manner. The model of perceptions was consolidated after this workshop and sent to the Universities to evaluate the possibility of incorporating suggestions in the methodology by 09/30.

Between 7/24 and 7/26, workshops were held in the municipalities of Governador Valadares, Caratinga, Aimores and Colatina, with the aim of promoting discussions with local stakeholders interested in the territory, to incorporate perceptions in the methodology for prioritization of areas elaborated in conjunction with the Federal University of Vicosa (UFV) and the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG). The methodology will support the definition of districts in the Doce River Basin that will receive forest restoration of 40 thousand hectares in a participatory manner. The next workshop will be held on 08/13 in Mariana.

4th Meeting of Environmental Education for Fire Prevention. As a deliberate measure, the pilot project will initially focus on environmental education for fire prevention, on properties included in the Forest Restoration programs, and public schools near the districts. 16 properties were defined in Periquito/MG, 4 in Jampruca/MG and 29 in Colatina/ES.

In year 1 of the recovery of springs (implementation in 2017) recovery actions were implemented for 511 springs, which are in maintenance and monitoring phase. In year 2 of the recovery of springs (implementation in 2018), 532 springs are contemplated, in addition to 776 hectares of PPAs and water recharge areas, on a total of 229 properties. 46.8% of these springs have been fenced and 27.2% of PPA areas and water recharge have been fenced. The PSA Tender (Payment for Environmental Services) already received 224 registrations, with a total of 209 eligible properties in the Doce River Basin, which total 228 hectares subject to payment.

In June, the activities of the agreement between the Renova Foundation and the WWF began. The objective is to develop an innovative large-scale forest recovery project integrated with regional rural development into an inclusive community approach.

The idea is to replicate it in 40,000 hectares of degraded PPAs within the Doce River basin area. By September 2018, local governance will be structured and strengthened for the implementation of this initiative through the formalization of a Project Management Unit (PMU).

The agreement has the following goals:

1. Ensure that 300 ha of PPAs are undergoing the forest recovery process by March 2019;
2. Implement three demonstration units by December 2019;
3. Make Payments for Environmental Services (PES), by December 2020, to at least 50 rural producers committed to forest recovery and maintenance;
4. Have, by February 2021, at least 25 owners with possibilities of rural development in progress on their properties.

Within the program, the last delivery of inputs was also carried out to guarantee the fencing and allow planting in 2018. The materials were delivered to the owners for the construction of protection fences in the areas to be recovered, according to marking done in the field by the program team. Fencing is the responsibility of the owners.

In addition to the delivery of inputs, payment was made to the owners for the fencing of areas undergoing planting recovery in 2018. The action is carried out in partnership with Instituto Terra, by verifying the fences that were made and elaboration of the project.

These programs’ actions are reported in the section dedicated to Program 17, which deals with the integrated action between socioenvironmental and socioeconomic initiatives to repair and adapt rural properties impacted by the collapse of the Fundao dam.

A work plan was developed together with the Ipe Institute, focused on education for the restoration of native forests. The target audience for this initiative are the partner institutions of the Renova Foundation. They will be responsible for acting directly or indirectly in the recovery of PPAs and springs.

A partnership with IBIO was also approved to begin the process of promoting the first seeds and seedlings supply chain in the Doce river basin area. The objective of this activity is to provide assistance and technical support, training nursery producers in management skills and seed and seedling production techniques. The goal is for these locations to be able to meet the demands of the reparatory and compensatory programs.

Another activity initiated this period was the collection of soil samples, for fertility analysis, on the properties selected in the forest restoration programs. It will be carried out on all the selected properties and will provide the definition of the appropriate cultivation practices for planting in each area.

In addition, a map was issued showing the degradation sources that affect the Doce River Basin, a document that integrates the scope of the study on prioritization criteria and areas for environmental recovery in the Doce River basin. This will be one of the main sources for the mapping of priority areas for reforestation. The study is the result of an agreement signed between the Renova Foundation and Federal Universities of Minas Gerais (UFMG) and Vicosa (UFV).

Another action worth mentioning is the completion of the immersion course in social technologies and field assessment. The purpose of this course was to train the technicians of the Renova Foundation’s partner companies for the implementation of the Rapid Participatory Assessment and Social Cartography, which will support the creation of the Individual Property Projects (IPPs). The course is the result of a partnership between the Renova Foundation and the Technical Information and Assessment Center (CIAAT), an institution active in the mid Doce River region.

Fencing of the springs of year 2 began. The Renova Foundation was audited by the audit firm RAMBOLL at the springs of year 1, with the objective of checking out the fencing, existence of springs, plants and plant maintenance.

Software to support the development of executive projects for the Recovery of Springs and other Permanent Preservation Areas (PPAs) was developed. The tool stores properties mapped using georeferencing, is available (online) and in full operation. The Individual Property Projects (IPP) records for year 2 have already been posted on the platform.

The technical immersion training in social technologies and field assessments started this month, at the Technical Information and Assessment Center (CIAAT) for the preparation of the individual property projects.

The Payment for Environmental Services (PSA) Call was published. It aims to engage producers, seeking support for forest restoration activities.

A meeting was held with professors of the Rural Economy Department of the Federal Universities of Vicosa (UFV) and Minas Gerais (UFMG), starting work as part of the Agreement to study which areas should receive priority in forest restoration.

Continuing the mobilization process for the recovery of 600 hectares of PPA and springs in year 2, the PSA - Phase 1 Call was approved by the Technical Board for Forestry Restoration and Water Production (CT-Flor). The announcement contains information on the payment for environmental services, rules, form for participation, selection criteria and others.

Individual meetings were also held with producers to confirm data for the CAR registry and collective consent protocols of owners contemplated in the mobilization for the recovery of springs in year 2, and the recovery of Permanent Preservation Areas. For the consent meeting were delivered the invites for the property owners, selected or not, and the consent protocol.

In January, a meeting was held with the State Secretariat for the Environment and Water Resources (Seama-ES), with the objective of knowing the portal of the Reforestation Program, tool for the management and control of the paid environmental services projects.

Responses to CIF resolutions No. 133 and 134 were elaborated. They cover the document for selecting and marking parent plants and collecting forest seeds, and the technical report on the identification and mapping of nurseries of native and exotic species. Issued by the CIF, Resolution No. 135, which approves with exception the Ibama report "Recovery of Springs in the Doce River Basin - Year 01", in compliance with clause 163 of the TTAC, included a response to item 4.

The planting stage along the 511 springs of year 1 has come to an end. The planting of seedlings, which will help to restore the springs of the Doce River Basin, began on November 13 in Colatina, Espirito Santo. This action is being carried out in partnership with the Earth Institute (Instituto Terra), which provided about 306 thousand seedlings.

Collective meetings were also held with the rural landowners to present the program and register those interested in the process of recovering 600 hectares of Permanent Preservation Areas (PPAs) and 500 springs of year 2. The actions were defined together with the committees of Suacui, Pontoes and Lakes of the Doce River and Piranga and took place in the regions of Coimbra, Periquito, Galileia, Sao Victor, in Minas Gerais, and Pancas, Marilandia and Colatina, in Espirito Santo, between December 2 and 21. In these meetings, 311 properties were registered, and 687 springs were analyzed in the different localities.

Booklets on the recovery of springs, developed by the Renova Foundation, were sent to the Earth Institute, who will distribute the material to the rural landowners who participated in the first year of the Springs Program.

The Renova Foundation started planting seedlings around the 511 springs already fenced. The action, which will support the revitalization of the Doce River Basin, began in Colatina (ES) and is expected to be completed by the end of the year. The work is being carried out in partnership with the Earth Institute (Instituto Terra), which provided about 306 thousand seedlings for planting.

During the month of November, rural property owners were called for collective meetings to present the program. This campaign is part of the registration process of the owners that may participate in the process for recovering 600 hectares of PPAs and 500 springs of year 2. The actions were defined together with the committees of Suacui, Pontoes and Lakes of the Doce and Piranga rivers. The meetings will take place between November 2 and 21 in the regions of Coimbra, Periquito, Galileia and Sao Victor (MG), Pancas, Marilandia and Colatina (ES).

Pre-planting activities were carried out, such as mowing, alignment, crowning, dibbling and liming of the first 511 springs. The activity, carried out by the rural owners, is paramount for the success of planting the seedlings and will take place along the Doce river basin in the short rainy season, from November to January.

In October, meetings were also held with the Suacui, Pontoes and Piranga committees, with the purpose of outlining the strategies for meetings to register property owners that are candidates for integrating the fencing process for restoration of springs in year two.

Weeding, alignment, tilling and liming of the first 511 fenced springs. Done by the rural property owners, these activities are essential for the successful planting of seedlings, which will be carried out in the short rainy season of the Doce River Basin, which takes place between November and January. For including the next 500 springs, the proposal of the Renova Foundation was filed at the committees of the Piranga, Pontoes and Suacui basins.

To make sure the field date collections are done with agility and uniformity and are reliable, training took place with teams of Progen and Instituto Terra to align how to use the data collector. The study includes hydrological characterization, landform, flora, fauna and monitoring of pre-and post-planting activities, besides the georeferencing of the fenced area and the springs.

The basic botanical identification training was completed with field technicians at the Instituto Terra to identify species that are fundamental to the balance of local ecosystems. This work makes it possible to minimize the planting of regenerating forest species.

Activities were initiated involving the fencing on properties and weeding around some springs, besides marking the seedlings.

The process of social mobilization, including local municipal governments and landowners, is being aligned with the river basin committees of the Suaçuí, Pontões and Piranga rivers in Minas Gerais, to engage in the recovery process of springs. The document was presented and should be filed in September 2017.

The Technical Board for Forestry Restoration and Water Production (CT-FLOR), approved the Study of Prospecting and Assessment of Nurseries and the Term of Reference for Marking Forest Matrices and Seed Collection. The study will guide the deployment of the recovery of springs program and recovery of PPAs Program. It will be possible to understand and structure the seedling production chain and to prepare the mapped nurseries to meet the demands created by revegetation activities.

Realization of theoretical and practical training, organized by the Renova Foundation, at the Instituto Terra, with the field technicians of the institute, with the aim of aligning the techniques for restoring the Permanent Preservation Areas (APPs) of the springs fenced in year 1. Field technicians at Instituto Terra have also received basic training to identify key species in the field, which are essential for the balance of local ecosystems. This identification also makes it possible to minimize the planting of regenerating forest species, which are already being used in great quantity in the revegetation of the springs.

The revised working plan on the evaluation and monitoring of the impacts on the terrestrial flora of the Doce River in the areas affected by the collapse of the Fundão dam. The revision was conducted in compliance with warning 0179/2017 of the State Institute for Environment and Water Resources of Espirito Santo (IEMA/ES), in which adjustments were requested to the earlier registered document.

On June 14, 2017, the term of reference of the public notice for Payment for Environmental Services (PSA) was filed. Due to some additions, a new document was filed on June 19, 2017. The term meets the decision of the Inter-Federative Committee (ICF), which establishes the minimum criteria for the adoption of payment for environmental services in compliance with clause 161 of the TTAC. The objective is to detail the technical specifications, as well as to provide guidelines with minimum criteria for the adoption of PSA in the Doce river basin.

Development of the operational procedure for soil collection and analysis, which aims to standardize activities of this nature, with the purpose of analyzing the aluminum content, soil acidity and nutritional deficiencies of the planting areas and recommend the use of correctives and fertilizers, when necessary.

On June 20, 2017, this procedure was presented in the form of training to the technicians of Instituto Terra (the Earth Institute), who were responsible for soil collection in the areas of the springs. The selection of the sampling points for soil collection considered the distribution of the springs, according to the different types of soils. Instituto Terra was responsible for using the recommendation for the use of correctives and fertilizers in planting.

A Study of Nurseries was carried out in response to the IBAMA workshop, which presents the identification and mapping of nurseries of native and exotic species of the Doce river basin.

Workshop on Forest Restoration in the Doce River Valley, on 3 and 4 May 2017, with the participation of specialists from private and public sectors and various parties representing society. Environmental and economic alternatives were presented related to forest restoration, in 40,000 hectares (almost 100,000 acres) and 5,000 springs in the Doce River Basin, such as agroforestry systems, payment for environmental services and tropical silviculture.

The Inter-Federative Committee (CIF) was given the Working Plan for Mapping Alternative Springs in the water catchment areas. Filed with the Executive Office of the CIF the study of prospection and diagnosis of the nurseries of seedlings of native and exotic species of the Doce River Basin. This study will support the planning of the Springs Recovery and APPs programs.

The Technical Cooperation Agreement with the State Environmental Institute (Iema-ES) and the international NGO The Nature Conservancy (TNC) is being drafted for the purpose of assigning the use of the Reforestation Portal to the Renova Foundation. The tool will be able to provide data for the management activities of the Spring Recovery and Permanent Preservation Areas Recovery (APPs) programs.

Initiation of recovery of the first 500 springs along the basins of the rivers Pancas, Santa Maria do Rio Doce and Suaçuí Grande, as defined by the Doce River Basin Committee (CBH-Doce). The first and most important step for the recovery of the springs was the protection or fencing, for which posts of treated eucalyptus were used with 4 to 5 threads of barbed or barbless wire in an average circumference of 314 meters (1030 feet). 511 springs were identified on 217 properties. The next phases of the implementation process will take place in the coming months, with the implementation of firebreaks, natural regeneration by conduction, control of unwanted grasses, control of leaf-cutting ants, fertilization, liming - if necessary -, plantation and replantation.

The activities of the Earth Institute as part of the project for the recovery of 500 springs during the first year of the Transaction and Conduct Adjustment Term (TTAC) are ongoing. To date, 511 springs have been fenced and protected and 204 rural farmers have been mobilized. Furthermore, the preparation of the Standard Operating Procedure for forest seedling production has begun.

The activities of the Earth Institute within the project for the recovery of 500 springs during the first year of the Transaction and Conduct Adjustment Term (TTAC) are ongoing. So far, 204 farmers were mobilized and 370 springs were protected/fenced, of which 259 in January only.

Initiation of activities of the Earth Institute within the project for the recovery of 500 springs during the first year of the Transaction and Conduct Adjustment Term (TTAC). So far, 204 farmers were registered, for 513 springs a technical design project was developed, material was distributed for the fencing of 300 springs, of which 111 have already been fenced, and planting was completed in 4 springs.

The Earth Institute began its works on November 8 and has already registered 262 springs, of which 124 in the basin of the Suaçuí Grande River, 78 in the basin of the Santa Maria do Doce River and 60 in basin of the Pancas River. Furthermore, on November 28 the delivery of basic materials for fencing and planting started. The supplies for 44 springs were delivered, of which 30 in the basin of the Suaçuí Grande River, 7 in the Santa Maria do Doce River and 7 in the Pancas River basin.

The agreement with the Terra Institute for the initial recovery of 500 springs is under review to meet the timeframe of the Transaction and Conduct Adjustment Term (TTAC).

In September 2016, the civil non-profit organization Institute Terra was contracted, which acts in the Vale do Rio Doce region, between the States of Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo, to recover 500 springs by March 2017.


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