Renova Foundation

5 – Social Protection

Objective of the program

To promote social protection, by means of social assistance actions, including sociocultural actions and psychosocial support, assisting the families and individuals affected by the collapse, prioritizing the impacted who were physically displaced

Progress of Program

There were no relevant facts this month.

Seed Collection in the Imbiruçu Village in Carmésia/MG.

Delivery of supplies for two Coexistence and Strengthening of Bonds Service Workshops in Mariana-MG on 07/09/2024 and 07/17/2024.

- Signing of the Closing Agreement for Baixo Gandu.

- Signing of the Closing Agreement of Timóteo.

- Signing of the Closing Agreement of Fernandes Tourinho.

- 2nd Galileia Comapps Meeting.

- COMAPPS closing meeting in the municipality of Rio Doce
Theme 3 Training in Mariana.
- Training in Aimorés; Baixo Guandu; Baixo Guandu; Belo Oriente; Bom Jesus do Galho; Caratinga; Conselheiro Pena; Córrego Novo; Fernandes Tourinho; Galileia; Ipaba; Ipatinga; Linhares; Marilândia; Marlieria; Naque; Periquito; Pingo D'Agua; Rio Casca; São José Goiabal; São Pedro Ferros; Sem Peixe; Sobrália; Sooterama; Santa Cruz do Escalvado; Timóteo; Tumiritinga.

- COMAPPS meeting in Santa Cruz do Escalvado.
- Training Themes 1 and 2 in Mariana.
- Closing of COMAPPS in the municipality of Governador Valadares.
- Signing of the Ipatinga closure agreement.
- Completion of online training offered to the municipalities of Aimorés (MG), Belo Oriente (MG), Galiléia (MG), Iapu (MG), Ipatinga (MG), Linhares (ES), Naque (MG), Sem Peixe (MG), Sooretama (ES), Timóteo (MG), Tumiritinga (MG), Alpercata (MG), Baixo Guandu (ES), Bom Jesus do Galho (MG), Caratinga (MG), Conselheiro Pena (MG), Córrego Novo (MG) , Fernandes Tourinho (MG), Marilândia (MG), Marliéria (MG), Periquito (MG), Rio Casca (MG), São José do Goiabal (MG), São Pedro dos Ferros (MG), and Santa Cruz do Escalvado ( MG).

COMAPPS meeting of the State of Espírito Santo.

Closing of COMAPPS: Ipatinga, Pingo D'Água, Rio Casca and São José do Goiabal
Signing of closing terms with the municipalities: Bugre, São Domingos do Prata and Tumiritinga.

Signing of closing terms with institutions: IBIS and Nosso Lar Institute in the municipality of Governador Valadares.

Closing of COMAPPS in the municipalities of:
- Bugre
- Belo Oriente
- Fernandes Tourinho
- Tumiritinga

Termination of Terms and Agreements in the municipalities of:
- Aimorés
- Belo Oriente
- Dionísio
- São José do Goiabal.
- Barra Longa

Regarding Barra Longa, for evidence forward the demobilization minutes that signal the end of execution on 12/31/2023 and a screenshot from the SAP system with information about the end of the period on 02/28/2024.

Termination of Terms and Agreements in the municipalities of Rio Doce.

Closing of the Pingo D'água Technical and Financial Cooperation Agreement;

Comapps Aimorés;

Closing of the Rio Casca Technical and Financial Cooperation Agreement;

Closing of the Caratinga Technical and Financial Cooperation Agreement;

Closing of the Marliéria Technical and Financial Cooperation Agreement.

Delivery of Cria and Recriavida supplies to the municipality of Mariana-MG

Delivery of supplies to the municipality of Barra Longa-MG.

2nd Training on Social Assistance Surveillance in the municipality of Barra Longa.

Termination of the Cooperation Agreement with the municipality of Alpercata.

COMAPPS of São José do Goiabal - 4th Meeting.

Termination of Agreement with the municipality of Iapu.

COMAPPS Closing Meeting in Linhares.

3rd Training on Sexual Violence and its Developments in the municipality of Mariana

Barra Longa
Delivery of supplies for bond strengthening workshops for the municipality of Barra Longa.

"COMAPPS meeting: Pingo D'Água; Belo Oriente; Sooretama; Baixo Gandu; Marilândia; Colatina; Aracruz; Institution of COMAPPS of Galileia"

Meeting with Social Assistance Secretariats: Aracruz; Baixo Gandu; Colatina; Marilândia; Sooretama.
Training in Mariana.

Comapps in Santa Cruz do Escalvado and Rio Doce.

“Results” and Comapps expanded in Aimorés.

End of training in Social Work with Families, offered to the municipalities of: Bugre – MG, Galiléia – MG, Allpercata – MG, Iapu – MG, Marliéria MG, São José do Goiabal – MG, Sem - peixe – MG, Sobrália – MG, Tumiritinga – MG, Colatina – ES, Marilandia – ES, Sooretama – ES, Ipatinga-MG, São Pedro dos Ferros – MG.

1st Mariana Training 2023

COMAPPS meeting in the municipalities of Bugre, Fernandes Tourinho and Ipaba

Signature of the Galileia Technical and Financial Cooperation Agreement

Accounting write-off of SETADES/ES, ending the bureaucratic follow-up process.

Monitoring the actions of the Reparation Plan in the municipality of Sooretama with a visit to the SESI workshop and a meeting with the Municipal Department of Social Assistance

“Results” in 4 communities from Linhares and 2 communities from Marilândia, to present the results of the Social Protection Program.
2nd COMAPPS meeting held in Marilândia.
Completion of the 2nd cycle of training in 2023 for municipal Social Protection operators.

Approval of the social assistance reparation plan by the municipality of Galileia.
Completion of financial transfers with write-off of the social assistance repair plan in the following municipalities: Aimorés, Aracruz, Barra Longa, Belo Oriente, Fernandes Tourinho, Pingo D’Água, Rio Casca e São José do Goiabal.
Financial transfer for carrying out the activities foreseen in the social assistance repair plan in the municipality of Santa Cruz do Escalvado.
COMAPPS (Commission for monitoring the actions of the social protection repair plan) meetings and accountability with the participation of those affected in the following municipalities: Linhares, Colatina, Sooretama, Baixo Guandu, Aracruz, Aimorés, Bom Jesus do Galho, Pingo D'Água, Belo Oriente, Ipatinga.

COMAPPS of Fernandes Tourinho; Santa Cruz; Rio Doce; Bugre.
Delivery of the vehicle from São José do Goiabal.
End of negotiations with Galileia.
Meeting with all entities and Municipalities of ES, to improve the monitoring of the reparation process in Social Protection.
Transfers to SJG, Linhares and Pingo D'água.
Write-off for Linhares.

Delivery of inputs for the coexistence service workshops and strengthening of links with the municipalities of Barra Longa and Mariana.
Write-off of the Terms of Technical Cooperation of Bom Jesus do Galho, Naque, Santana do Paraíso entities of Governador Valadares and Tumiritinga.
Provision of vehicles to the municipality of Aimorés to support the activities of the teams supplemented by the Technical and Financial Cooperation Agreement
Finished Training course offered to municipalities: Corrego Novo, Alpercata, Dionísio, Gov. Vazares, Marlieria, São Pedro dos Ferros, Sobralia, Tumiritinga.
Comapps held in December, municipalities of Pingo D'água on 12/01 and São José do Goiabal on 12/15/2022

Carrying out of a workshop for social assistance entities that work with reparations in the Social Protection Program
COMAPPS in Naque, Conselheiro Pena and Santa Cruz do Escalvado.
Start of training offered to the municipalities of Córrego Novo, Alpercata, Dionísio, Governador Valadares, Marliéria, São Pedro dos Ferros, Sobrália and Tumiritinga;
Write-off of the Technical and Financial Cooperation Agreement of the municipality of Bugre.

Conclusion of the eleventh training for social protection agents in the municipality of Mariana with the
theme Collaborative practices in social intervention with people in vulnerable situations. Publication of an ordinance to formalize the COMAPPS (Commission for monitoring the activities of the plans of
social protection) by the municipality of Marilândia.
Signing of the social protection compensation plan with the municipality of Belo Oriente.
-Delivery of vehicles to support the displacement of the additional team to assist families in the communities
reached in Pingo D'Água, Rio Casca and Barra Longa.
Accompaniment in a conciliation judicial hearing for an attempt to negotiate with non-adherent municipalities
of Resplendor and Galileia
Completion of the sixth training for social protection agents in the municipalities of Minas Gerais with the theme
Social work with families, focusing on the quality of social assistance to vulnerable families affected.

Conducting accountability meetings and monitoring the activities of social protection plans, with
the participation of those affected and municipalities in the municipalities of: Linhares, Aimorés, Itueta, Santana do Paraíso and Periquito.

Signing of the new social protection repair plan with the municipalities of Bugre.
Signing of the new social protection repair plan with the municipalities of Fernandes Tourinho
Delivery of supplies for workshops in Mariana, to offer workshops to strengthen community and family bonds to vulnerable families affected
Conclusion of training 5 (Social work with families) for social protection agents for the municipalities of MG and ES and the state of ES, with the objective of qualifying the assistance to vulnerable families affected by the teams of the municipalities.
COMAPPS/meetings for the accountability of social protection repair plans, with the participation of communities, in the following municipalities: Aracruz, Baixo Guandu, Colatina, Fernandes Tourinho, Governador Valadares, Ibapa, Itueta, Santa Cruz, Sooretama.

Signing of the technical and financial cooperation agreement for the execution of the social protection repair plan with the municipality of Aimorés.
Conclusion of activities and assistance to vulnerable families affected, according to work plans agreed with the municipalities of Santana do Paraíso and Bom Jesus do Galho.
Conclusion of two more training classes for social protection agents in the affected municipalities with the theme Social Assistance Surveillance", focusing on the quality of care for affected families and the respective monitoring of information.
Monitoring meetings of municipal and state plans, with the participation of those affected, representatives of the municipalities/state and representatives of the Renova Foundation, in the municipality of the state of Rio Doce and Espírito Santo.
Creation of COMAPPS (Committee for Monitoring the Actions of the Social Protection Program) in the municipalities of Santa Cruz do Escalvado and Marilândia.
Transfer of resources to municipalities and entities, as provided for in the repair plans agreed upon, for the development of activities with vulnerable families affected, with a view to strengthening family and community ties.

Signing of terms with the municipalities of Pingo D'Água, Rio Casca and São José do Goiabal (the latter being to change the model, at the request of the municipality), for the execution of the social protection repair plan, with the objective of meeting the affected communities and focus on vulnerable families.

Municipality of Belo Oriente (until now considered non-adherent) formalized the “ok” for the agreement of the term and reparation plan in social protection.

Closing of the activities of the municipal social assistance reparation plan in Itueta.

Delivery of two more vehicles for the supplementary social assistance team of the municipality of Linhares to access the affected communities.

Signing of a new agreement with the municipality of Marilândia to carry out activities to strengthen family and community bonds with vulnerable families affected through a social assistance entity.

Obtaining the “Agreement” from the municipality of Resplendor (previously considered a non-adherent municipality) to agree on the social assistance reparation plan.

Training for social protection operators in the municipality of Mariana with the theme “Non-Violent Communication”.

Obtaining the “OK" from the municipality of Aimorés to proceed with the agreement on the reparation plan for social protection.

Completion of the activities under the responsibility of the Renova Foundation of the Bom Jesus do Galho municipality plan.

Conclusion of the activities of the social assistance and reparation plan in the municipalities of Periquito and Conselheiro Pena, with assistance and execution of activities for vulnerable families in the impacted communities.
After negotiating rounds to change the modality of the reparation plan, the program received an “OK” from the municipality of São José do Goiabal to agree on the reparation plan.
Conclusion of face-to-face training for social protection agents in the municipality of Mariana with the theme "Mental health in times of a pandemic".

Start of training for social protection agents in 14 municipalities in the state of MG with the theme "Social Work with Families in Disaster and Calamity Situations, Focusing on Gender Issues".
Last financial transfer to supplement human resources to assist vulnerable families in the municipality of Itueta.
Implementation of COMAPPS (Committee for Monitoring the Actions of the Social Protection Plan), with the participation of those affected, in the municipality of Rio Doce.
Delivery of supplies to carry out workshops to strengthen family and community bonds in the municipality of Barra Longa.
Completion of the reparation plan in the municipality of Ipaba.

Last financial transfer to the municipality of Naque.
The distribution of the incident of divergence on the concept of vulnerable was carried out (12th FV).
Conclusion of the activities of the municipal plan of Caratinga.

Acceptance by the municipalities of Aimorés (non-adherent) and Marilândia (impacted by the new concept of vulnerable) of the social assistance reparation plan.
Beginning of collective activities with the families of the affected communities in the municipality of Tumiritinga through the entity approved in the Social Protection RFP, Rede Vidas.

Accountability for the activities of the social protection reparation plans for the communities of the following municipalities: Tumiritinga, Alpercata, Ipatinga, Ipaba, Santana do Paraíso, Bom Jesus do Galho, São José do Goiabal and Caratinga.
Completion of training in 2021 for social assistance agents in the municipalities of ES and Mariana.

Completion of the second training for municipalities in ES and the fourth training for Mariana for municipal social assistance agents.

Delivery of supplies for the service of coexistence and strengthening of SCFV bonds, for assistance to vulnerable families in Mariana.

Implementation of the Evaluation Committee, with the participation of those affected, in the following municipalities: Aracruz /ES, Colatina /ES, Baixo Guandu/ES and Sooretama/ES.

Presentation of the repair plan for municipalities impacted by deliberation 533 and respective acceptance for implementation of the following terms: Fernandes Tourinho, Bugre, Rio Casca and Pingo D'Água. The plans aim to increase assistance to affected vulnerable families, with a focus on social monitoring and carrying out activities to strengthen family and community ties.

Signing agreement with the municipality of Governador Valadares for the implementation of the Social Protection Reparation Plan, with the following objectives: strengthening the social assistance network, training of social protection agents and managers and monitoring of vulnerable families in the municipality.
Training for social protection agents in the municipality of Mariana with the theme: "Family Integral Protection and Assistance Service – PAIF/ Specialized Protection and Assistance Service for Families and Individuals – PAEFI – and its transversalities".
Presentation of the work plans of the entities selected in the RFP to repair the social assistance network in the municipalities of São José do Goiabal, Tumiritinga, Aracruz, Baixo Guandu, Colatina and Sooretama.
Accountability session (“Results”) in partnership with Dialogue in the municipalities: Bugre, Córrego Novo, Dionísio, Fernandes Tourinho, Iapu, Marliéria, Pingo D'Água, Rio Casca, São Domingos do Prata, São Pedro dos Ferros, Sem-Peixe, Sobrália, Timóteo, Conselheiro Pena and Naque.

Signatures in accordance with the municipality of Baixo Guandu for the implementation of the Social Protection Reparation Plan, with the following objectives: strengthening the social assistance network, training of social protection agents and managers and monitoring of vulnerable families in the municipality.

Approval of the scope of the Social Protection Program by the CIF, with definition of pillars of performance, goals, indicators and schedule.

Training for social protection agents in the municipality of Mariana with the theme “Work of social assistance professionals in disaster and calamity situations”.

1st meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the actions of Social Assistance Plans, with broad social participation of those affected and public authorities, in the following municipalities: Aracruz, Colatina, Sooretama and Marilândia.

Term signatures and agreement for the implementation of the Social Protection Reparation Plans, to strengthen the public facilities and infrastructure of the municipalities, qualification of their agents and social assistance managers and monitoring of vulnerable families affected in: Rio Doce de Sobrália.

Announcement of the projects approved in the Social Protection RFP for the implementation of social protection reparation plans via social assistance entities in partnership with the municipalities of Aracruz, Colatina, São José do Goiabal, Sooretama and Tumiritinga, to carry out activities with affected vulnerable families, aiming at strengthening community and family bonds.

1st meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the actions of Social Assistance Plans, with broad social participation of those affected and public authorities, in the following municipalities: Bom Jesus do Galho, Ipaba and Santana do Paraíso.

Signing of terms and agreements for the implementation of reparation plans in social assistance, to strengthen public facilities and infrastructure of social assistance to municipalities, qualification of its agents and managers of social protection, and monitoring of vulnerable affected families in: Aracruz, Fernandes Tourinho e Ipatinga.

Capacitation of social assistance agents in Mariana, with the topic “National social assistance policy, SUAS and the different services offered by the Municipal Department of Social Development and Citizenship of Mariana”, evaluated as adequate by 99% of the participants in the contribution with the work developed with the vulnerable affected families.

1st meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the Actions of the Social Assistance Plan, with broad social participation of those affected and public authorities in the following municipalities: Periquito, Conselheiro Pena and Naque.

Terms and Agreements signed with the Municipalities in June: Alpercata, Bugre, Colatina, Corrego Novo, Dionisio, Iapu, Marlieria, Pingo D'Água, Casca River, Sao Jose do Goiabal, Sao Pedro dos Ferros, Sem-Peixe and Tumiritinga.

Cooperation Agreement was signed with the State of Espirito Santo: Department of Labor, Social Assistance and Development (Setades).
RFP: Publication of list of the 30 proposals classified in Phase 1 (Technical Analysis).
Establishment of the Monitoring Committee of the Social Protection Reparation Plan, with representatives of the affected communities, municipalities and the Renova Foundation in the following municipalities: Bom Jesus do Galho, Conselheiro Pena, Ipaba, Itueta, Linhares (1st Committee meeting), Naque, Periquito, Santa Cruz do Escalvado and Santana do Paraiso.

Signing of the Social Protection Program’s technical cooperation agreements with the following municipalities: Marilandia, Sao Domingos do Prata, Sooretama and Timoteo.

Social protection agents in Espirito Santo municipalities started training.

According to the Prosas Platform, 88 proposals were submitted by civil society organizations in the Social Protection RFP. It is worth mentioning that registration was closed on 04/30/2021.

Publication of the Social Protection RFP, on 03/09/21, with the purpose of selecting and supporting existing projects or initiatives presented by institutions of the social protection network and other entities in social assistance that can provide services to the vulnerable population affected in the municipalities in scope. The RFP aims to strengthen the social protection network by supporting projects that converge with the objectives of the Renova Foundation's Social Protection Program.

The Technical Board CTOS validated the new social protection repair strategy for non-adherent municipalities or those without a position on the plan originally proposed (RFP for social assistance entities).

2nd financial transfer to the municipalities of Ipaba/MG - Implementation of the social protection repair plan.

Updated data of the Vulnerability Map for providing priority within other Renova Foundation programs in 2020.

Completion the integrated action plan to promote Social Protection in the Fisheries field.

An additional social worker and psychologist started their activities at CRAS in Barra Longa, action provided for in the Technical and Financial Cooperation Term.

Delivery of the Playroom and equipment in Barra Longa, action provided for in the Technical and Financial Cooperation Agreement.

Planning of the training programs for social protection operators with the municipality of Mariana / MG.

Acceptance of the social protection repair plan by the municipality of Rio Doce / MG.

Validation of the integrated plan between the Indigenous and Traditional Peoples Program and the Social Protection Program to start implementing actions with identified vulnerable families, according to activities agreed in the work plans.
Provided a vehicle and fuel card to the municipality of Barra Longa/MG in the Upper Doce River territory, as provided for in the work plan signed by the municipality with the Renova Foundation.
Accepted the technical and financial cooperation agreement with the municipality of Ipatinga/MG, to sign the agreed reparation plan.

*Signature of the term of technical and financial cooperation with the municipality of Barra Longa in Minas Gerais, in the territory of Upper Doce River, to start the activities in the agreed work plan;

* Transfer of funds to the municipality of Santana Do Paraiso in Minas Gerais, in the territory of the Doce River trough, to start the activities stipulated in the work plan agreed with the municipality;

* Transfer of funds to the municipality of Linhares in Espirito Santo, in the territory of Foz Doce River, to start the activities stipulated in the work plan agreed with the municipality;

* Provision of vehicle and fuel payment card to the city of Itueta in Minas Gerais. In the territory of the Lower Doce River, as stipulated in the work plan signed by the municipality and Renova Foundation;

* Provision of vehicle and fuel payment card to the municipality of Santana Do Paraiso in Minas Gerais in the territory of the Doce River trough, stipulated in the work plan signed by the municipality and Renova Foundation.

• A technical and financial cooperation agreement was co-signed with the municipality of Linhares, in the Doce River Mouth territory in the State of Espirito Santo, to start activities according to the agreed-upon work plan.
• Acceptance of the technical and financial cooperation agreement with the municipality of Barra Longa/MG, in the Upper Doce River territory, to start activities according to the agreed-upon work plan.
• Funds were transferred to the municipality of Santa Cruz do Escalvado/MG, in the Upper Doce River territory, to start the activities provided for in the work plan agreed upon with the municipality.
• Funds were transferred to the municipality of Itueta/MG, in the Lower Doce River territory, to start the activities provided for the work plan agreed upon with the municipality.
• Vehicles and fuel vouchers were provided for the municipality of Naque/MG, in the Mid Doce River territory, as provided for in the work plan signed between the municipality and the Renova Foundation.

• A technical and financial cooperation agreement was signed with the municipality of Santa Cruz do Escalvado (MG), in the Upper Doce River territory, to start activities according to the agreed-upon work plan.
• Funds were transferred to the municipality of Naque (MG), in the Mid Doce River territory, to start the activities provided for in the work plan agreed upon with the municipality.
• Vehicles and fuel vouchers were provided for the municipality of Periquito (MG), in the Mid Doce River territory, as provided for in the work plan signed between the municipality and the Renova Foundation.
• Amendment to the contract with the supplier “Contexto” to supply additional Health and Social Protection professionals in the municipalities of Mariana and Barra Longa in the state of Minas Gerais. Commencement on 07/01/2020, without interruption of the services provided.
• Termination of the contract with the supplier “Financial Education Association of Brazil” and conclusion of financial education workshops in the State of Minas Gerais.

• A technical and financial cooperation term was co-signed with the municipality of Itueta, in the Lower Doce River territory in the State of Minas Gerais, to start activities as per the work plan that was agreed upon.
• The plans integrated between the Social Protection program and the Mediated Indemnity and Emergency Financial Aid programs (PIM and AFE) started being monitored and followed-up on.
• Vehicles and fuel vouchers were provided for the municipality of Caratinga, in the Doce River Channel territory in the State of Minas Gerais, as provided for in the work plan co-signed by the municipality and the Renova Foundation.

• Signing of the technical and financial cooperation term with the municipality of Naque/MG (Mid Doce River territory) to start the activities of the agreed work plan.
• Validation of integrated plans between the areas of Economy and Innovation (E&I), Education, Culture, Recreation and Tourism, Sustainable Land Use (SLU), and the Social Protection program to start implementing actions with vulnerable families identified according to activities agreed in the work plans.
• Availability of vehicles for the municipalities of Bom Jesus do Galho/MG and Ipaba/MG, as provided for in the work plan signed by the municipal governments with the Renova Foundation.

• Transfer of funds to the municipalities of Ipaba/MG, Bom Jesus do Galho/MG, Caratinga/MG (Doce River Channel territory), and Conselheiro Pena/MG and Periquito/MG (Mid Doce River territory) to start the activities foreseen in the work plans agreed with the municipalities (hiring of labor and acquisition of inputs and equipment).
• New draft of the work plan was forwarded, with adjustments agreed between the Renova Foundation and the municipality of Barra Longa/MG (Upper Doce River territory), for signature by the municipality.
• Validation of the integrated plan between the Mediated Indemnity and Emergency Financial Aid (PIM/AFE) area and the Social Protection program, to start implementing actions for vulnerable families, identified according to the activities agreed in the work plan.
• Financial Education workshops held in the municipalities of Naque/MG (Mid Doce River territory) and Ipatinga/MG (Doce River Channel territory).

• Signature of the terms of technical and financial cooperation referring to the municipalities of Caratinga (Mid Doce River territory) and Periquito (Doce River Channel territory), to start the activities of the agreed work plans.
• Forwarded the Integrated Action Plans of the Social Protection program to the following Renova Foundation areas: Economy and Innovation (E&I); Education; Culture, Sports, Recreation and Tourism; Sustainable Land Use (SLU); Emergency Financial Aid (AFE); Customer Service Channels; Mediated Indemnity Program (PIM); and Human Rights - for validation by the managers of the programs involved and starting the activities as planned.
• Organization of the “Senior Carnival Dance", the first workshop of the Service for Coexistence and Strengthening of Ties (SCFV) in the town of Mariana/MG.

• Signing of the technical and financial terms of cooperation referring to the municipalities of Ipaba/MG and Bom Jesus do Galho/MG (Mid Doce River territory), and the municipality of Conselheiro Pena/MG (Doce River Channel territory), to start activities of the agreed work plans.

Completion of the work agenda for alignment and beginning the elaboration of integrated action plans between the Social Protection Program and the Renova Foundation's Registration, Fisheries, Sustainable Land Use and Economy and Innovation areas.
Completion of the first addendum to the contract with the supplier Contexto for supplementing labor in the municipalities of Mariana and Barra Longa.
Completion of the contract with the supplier responsible for and realization of the financial education workshops (“Financial Talk”) in the state of Espirito Santo.
Submission to the municipalities of the Doce River Channel of the draft of the Cooperation Terms, to be signed between the municipalities and the Renova Foundation for the implementation of actions to support SUAS (United Social Assistance System), for the evaluation of municipal and state legal entities.
Agreement, execution and monitoring of municipal social protection repair plans, which were scheduled for 2019, have not been completed. The plans were reviewed with the municipalities, and the implementation of the Plan for Mariana and Barra Longa has begun. For the other municipalities, the legal term is being updated for signing. Cause: Legal terms between municipalities and the Renova Foundation not signed until October 2019, due to the need to readjust the Human Resources hiring model and other activities on the part of the other municipalities of the Doce River Channel region. Countermeasure: Complete the adjustments to the standard draft for the legal term to be signed between the Renova Foundation and the municipalities. The draft was prepared, adjusted according to the legal committee's considerations and is being updated to start the signing. Complete drafting the RFP for hiring a social entity for municipalities that cannot receive financial resources for HR supplementation.
Agreement, execution and monitoring of state social protection repair plans, which were scheduled for 2019, have not been completed. The plans were revised with the states and the execution of the plan for the state of Minas Gerais (Mariana and Barra Longa municipalities) was started. Signing of the legal term for the other municipalities in the states of Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo is underway. Cause: Legal Terms between States and the Foundation were not signed until October 2019 due to the need to readjust the HR contracting model. Countermeasure: Make necessary adjustments based on the comments issued by the states (Minas Gerais / Espirito Santo) and sign the terms already approved by the legal committee.
The training of Social Protection agents, scheduled for 2019, has not been completed. Training was carried out in the municipalities of Mariana and Barra Longa. For the other municipalities, Technical Requests (TRs) were opened by the states (Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo) to hire an institution that will carry out the planned Training for Social Protection agents. Cause: For the municipality of Mariana, reprogramming of the training was requested for 2020 due to the hiring of a new team by the municipality. For other municipalities, there was a delay in the contracting process of institutions for providing training in 2019 due to the lack of proponents. Countermeasure: Readjust the text of the TRs, to facilitate the interest of proponents in presenting technical proposals for training and agreeing a new training agenda with the municipality of Mariana and add contract for the responsible supplier.
The financial education workshops, which were scheduled for 2019, did not take place. Cause: Delay in the kickoff of the financial education workshops in the state of Minas Gerais. New date scheduled for the end of October 2020. Countermeasure: Add a contract with the institution responsible for conducting the workshops for the year 2020.

• Submission of the document defining the Social Protection Program, reviewed by its team, to the CIF.
• Submission of the proposed contractual model for hiring extra labor (HR) to the municipalities of the Doce River Channel and public agencies involved committed to the Fiscal Responsibility Law.
• Delay in completion of financial education workshops in the municipalities of Serra and Linhares (Espirito Santo). Cause: Due to reprogramming of workshop schedules in agreement with the municipalities, the workshops will be finalized in December 2019. Countermeasure: present a new workshop schedule for December 2019.
• Delay in the contract amendment process with the supplier Contexto (Addendum 2) to supplement the workforce in the municipalities of Mariana and Barra Longa. Cause: delay in the procedures of the Renova Foundation. Countermeasure: Set new deadlines in December 2019, together with the Suppliers Area, for completion of the amendment process with the supplier.

• Termination of emergency contract for vehicle rental to serve Mariana and delivery of vehicles to the municipality through the new contract.
• Completion of the mobilization of dedicated teams to support the implementation of mitigation measures, in accordance with the repair plan of the municipalities in the Doce River Channel region. Introductory training sessions marked the beginning of activities.
• Completion of workshops for the elaboration of integrated action plans between the Social Protection Program and the Registration, Fisheries, Agroforestry, Economy and Innovation programs.
• Adjustments to the Social Protection Reparation Plans of the municipalities of the Doce River Channel, with the states of MG and ES (state plans with actions in the municipalities).
• Delay in the validation of the Definition of the Social Protection Program document by CTOS, and consequent delay in submission to CIF. The Program Definition document was sent on 05/23/2019 for evaluation by CTOS, which responded to the Renova Foundation on 08/28/2019. The Social Protection Program team is reviewing the document received, and the updated version of this Program Definition will be resubmitted directly to the CIF in November/2019.
• Delay in 3rd Training Workshop for Social Protection agents in Mariana. The municipality requested the postponement of the workshop to await the completion of the selection process of new agents, which is expected to be completed in February/2020.
• Delay in signing the cooperation agreement with the municipality of Barra Longa and consequent delay in hiring extra labor. The municipality claims to be within the prudential limit of the Fiscal Responsibility Law and cannot receive funds for direct or indirect hiring of professionals. The Renova Foundation advises to contract a Social Entity to adopt the new model. The new deadline for signing the cooperation agreement with the municipality is December/2019.
• Activities related to emergency social protection assistance were excluded from the package, based on the routine care of families with compromised resilience. The amendment occurred due to the readjustment of the Social Protection Program schedule, which began in October/2019.

• Completion of the sourcing process for car rental (new contract).
• Delivery of supplies to the SCFV (Service for Coexistence and Strengthening of Ties) for the event to commemorate the International Day of Older Persons in Mariana (MG) - in agreement with the Social Development and Citizenship Department (SEDESC). The event will be held in the beginning of October 2019.
• Delay in the validation of the Definition of the Social Protection Program document by CT-OS (and consequent delay in submission to CIF). The Program Definition document was sent on 05/23/2019 for evaluation by CT-OS, which responded to the Renova Foundation on 08/28/2019. The leaders of the Social Protection team are reviewing the received document and the updated version of this Program definition will be resubmitted in October/19, directly to the CIF.
• The 3rd workshop to train Social Protection agents in Mariana was postponed. The municipality requested the postponement of the workshop to await the completion of the selection process of new agents. The Renova Foundation is evaluating the best agenda for the training with the municipality.
• Finalization of action plans integrated with the Registration, Agroforestry and Fishing Programs. Delay in completing the plan integrated with the Economy and Innovation Program due to scheduling conflicts of the managers for October/19.
• Delay in the first transfer of funds for additional labor in Barra Longa. The municipality claims to be within the prudential limit of the Fiscal Responsibility Law and cannot receive funds for direct or indirect hiring of professionals. The model to be used to hire extra labor is being reevaluated in order to begin the process.

• Play spaces were delivered and installed in the municipality of Mariana.
• Completed the hiring of the territory teams that are to support the implementation of mitigation measures (providing support to the Social Protection and Health programs) in the affected municipalities.
• Delay in the validation of the Definition of the Social Protection Program document by CTOS (and consequent submission to the CIF). The official statement of CTOS with the recommendations regarding the proposal submitted on 05/23/2019 was received by the Renova Foundation on 08/23/2019.
• The 3rd workshop to train Social Protection agents in Mariana was delayed. The municipality requested the postponement of the workshop to await the completion of the selection process of new agents.
• The first transfer of funds for additional labor in Barra Longa was delayed. The municipality claims to be within the prudential limit of the Fiscal Responsibility Law and cannot receive funds for direct or indirect hiring of professionals. The model to be used for extra labor is being reevaluated with CT-OS and the municipality so that the process can be started.
• Delay in finalizing the integrated action plans of the Social Protection Program with the Registration, Fisheries, Agroforestry, Economy and Innovation programs, due to rescheduling of the managers' agenda. The new planned termination is in September 2019.

• Definition of the Social Protection Program presented at the monthly CTOS technical board meeting. The document was sent to CTOS on 05/23/2019.
• Supply process for installation of the playroom in Barra Longa was completed.
• Procurement process for purchase of furniture and equipment for CRAS in Barra Longa was completed.
• Workshop of the Service for Coexistence and Strengthening of Ties - SCFV - was held in Mariana, mobilizing 40 elderly and 23 family members.
• Delay in the validation of the Definition of the Social Protection Program document by CTOS (and consequent submission to CIF), as CTOS has not yet officially expressed its opinion on the proposal submitted on 05/23/2019.
• Delay in the first transfer of funds for additional labor in Barra Longa. The municipality claims to be within the prudential limit of the Fiscal Responsibility Law and, therefore, cannot receive funds for direct or indirect hiring of professionals. The model to be used for extra labor is being reevaluated with CTOS and the municipality so that the process can be started.
• The playrooms that were expected to be delivered to the municipality of Mariana (initially on 06/29/2019) were not delivered. The municipality fell behind on the definition of the layouts with the supplier, hindering the planned initiation date of the production of furniture and assembly of the spaces in July/2019.
• The hiring and mobilization of the territory teams that are to support the implementation of mitigation measures (providing support to the Social Protection and Health programs) with the affected municipalities was not completed. The Renova Foundation will request new technical proposals from participating suppliers to complete the procurement process.

• Financial education workshop in the municipality of Ipaba.
• Completion of module 2 of the training workshop for Social Protection operators.
• First workshop to define activities of action plans integrated with the Registration area.
• Meeting with municipalities for joint elaboration of the work plan (Aimores, Alpercata, Belo Oriente, Bugre, Conselheiro Pena, Corrego Novo, Galileia, Governador Valadares, Ipatinga, Itueta, Naque, Periquito, Pingo D’Agua, Raul Soares, Rio Doce, Santa Cruz do Escalvado, Santana do Paraiso, Sao Domingos do Prata, Sao Jose do Goiabal, Sao Pedro dos Ferros, Sem Peixe, Sobralia, Aracruz, Baixo Guandu, Colatina, Conceicao da Barra, Fundao, Linhares, Marilandia, Sao Mateus, Serra, Sooretama).
• Although the “Definition of the Social Protection Program” document was submitted to CTOS on time, the document has not yet been evaluated by this Technical Board, which should occur at the next July/19 meeting.
• Delay in the first transfer of funds for additional workforce in Barra Longa. The municipality claims to be within the prudential limit of the Fiscal Responsibility Law and cannot receive funds for direct or indirect hiring of professionals. The model to be used for extra workforce is being reevaluated with the municipality so that the process can be started.
• The playrooms that were expected to be delivered to the municipality of Mariana in June/19 were not delivered yet. The definition of the layouts between the municipality and the supplier were delayed, hindering the planned initiation date of the production of furniture and assembly of the spaces.

• Delivery of furniture and equipment for the implementation of the CREAS in Mariana, according to the Mariana ACP Judicial Agreement.
• Delivery of furniture and equipment for the implementation of the Service for Coexistence and Strengthening of Ties of Santo Antonio, municipality of Mariana, in compliance with the Mariana ACP Judicial Agreement.
• Delivery of leased vehicles to the Health Department of Mariana to attend the municipality, in compliance with the Mariana ACP Judicial Agreement.
• Forwarded the revised definition of the Social Protection Program of the Renova Foundation to CTOS and CIF, in compliance with CIF Resolution No. 278 of April 23, 2019.
• Implementation of financial education workshops in the municipalities of Caratinga, Rio Casca and Mariana (MG).

• Judicial Agreement of ACP Mariana was signed.
• Leased the space to install the CREAS of Mariana for attending the public and it was made available to the municipality.
• Furniture and equipment for the CREAS of Mariana was purchased and delivered to the municipality.

Visits were made to families in socially vulnerable situations in the municipalities of Rio Casca (MG) and Linhares (ES). The purpose of these visits was to better understand the situation of the families and to make the necessary referrals to Public Agencies and the programs of the Renova Foundation.
A financial education workshop was held on March 15, for professionals of the Social Assistance area of the municipality of Rio Doce.
Training sessions were held for social workers of Mariana on March 19 and 20, on the topic social-welfare surveillance, as requested by the municipality.
Revision of the Reparation and Social Protection Plan of the municipality of Mariana, according to the actions proposed in the Term of Judicial Agreement of the Public Civil Action (ACP).
Elaboration of the draft of the Reparation and Social Protection Plan for the municipality of Barra Longa (MG).
Elaboration of a response to Technical Note No. 33/2019 of the Technical Board of Social Organization (CTOS), regarding the scope, definition and results of the Social Protection Program.
Actions of the Social Protection Program were carried out with the families impacted by the floods of the Pequeno River and Juparana Lagoon.

Presentation of the Financial Education proposal for the municipalities of Rio Doce, Barra Longa and Mariana, to be conducted by the Brazilian Financial Education Association (AEF).
Assisted with the RECRIAVIDA project for the elderly and their relatives at the Service for Coexistence and Strengthening of Ties (SCFV) in the municipality of Mariana.
Formulation of a response to official note No.01/2019 of the Technical Board of Social Organization (CTOS), referring to the Conceptual Model of Social Protection.
Monitoring of families impacted by the flooding of the Juparana Lagoon and Pequeno River, in the municipalities of Sooretama and Linhares.
Financial education workshops “Papo Valor” were held in the municipalities of Colatina and Marilandia.

Evaluation of letter 696/18 of the Prosecution Service and definition of the negotiations related to the 12 cases of families from Mariana that were physically displaced, as requested in the letter.
Annual planning of the actions of the Service for Coexistence and Strengthening of Ties (SCFV) for the elderly, children, youth and relatives, together with the Resettlement Program and Social Development and Citizenship Department (SEDESC) of Mariana.
Elaboration and delivery of the Draft of the Conceptual Model of the Social Protection Program, as forwarded by the 30th Technical Board of Social Organization (CTOS), based on the new concept of the program defended in the workshop with management and maintainers in December 2018.

Support to social activity of the Service for Coexistence and Strengthening of Ties (SCFV) with the affected population of Mariana.
Discussion of Social Protection actions for the promotion of employment, income and activation of vulnerable families, as part of the Economy and Innovation, Agroforestry/Sustainable Land Use and Fisheries programs, together with the State Secretariat for Labor and Social Development of MG.
Restructuring the scope of the Social Protection program based on a new perspective of joint actions with the other programs of the Renova Foundation.
Discussion of the demands raised by residents, due to the opening of the barrier in the Juparana Lagoon and Pequeno River, with the Prosecution Service, Public Defenders of Linhares (ES) and residents of Beira Rio.

Continuity of workshops for social protection operators in the CRAS and CREAS centers.
RECRIAVIDA activities were held for elderly people and their families at the Center for Coexistence and
Strengthening of Community Ties (SCFV) in Mariana.
Continuity of the collective actions of the assisted indemnity project, with
financial education workshops that were held in the municipality of Baixo Guandu/ES.
Assisting families from Linhares and Sooretama who were impacted by the flooding of the Juparana lagoon.

Presentation of the Social Protection Reparation Plan for the municipality of Mariana.
Draft of the new scope of the Social Protection program.
Assisting families from Linhares and Sooretama who were impacted by the flooding of the Juparana lagoon.
Budget review of the program, including the new demands of the municipal and state plans for Social Protection Reparation.

Presentation of the Social Protection Reparation Plan for the Mariana municipality.
Draft of the new scope of the Social Protection program.
Assisting families from Linhares and Sooretama who were impacted by the flooding of the Juparana Lagoon.
Budget review of the program, including the new demands of the municipal and state plans for Social Protection Reparation.

Discussion of the Social Protection Reparation Plan for the State of Minas Gerais; Forwarding of response to the CIF on NT 024/2018/CTOS-CIF; Elaboration of the Action Plan to assist families with housing problems due to flooding of the Pequeno river and Juparana lagoon.

Creation of the Reparation and Social Protection Plan of the municipality of Barra Longa (Work plan), with the Municipal Department of Social Assistance of the municipality.

Responses to the recommendations of the Technical Advisory Body of the Social Protection Program, regarding the definition (scope) of the Social Protection Program for the Technical Board CTOS.

Representatives of the program carried out visits to impacted municipalities with the objective of discussing actions aimed at vulnerable families and/or individuals within the municipal reparation and social protection plans. The team passed visited the towns of Serra, Sooretama, Sao Mateus and Conceicao da Barra, in Espirito Santo, and Pingo D’Agua and Sobralia, in Minas Gerais.

In addition, the outline of the Assistance Plan, which will be incorporated into the Mariana Conduct Adjustment Agreement (TAC), was submitted to the Board of Governors for approval. The document details all the social protection actions that will be carried out in the municipality.

The Reparation and Social Protection Plan for the municipality of Mariana was also completed this month, jointly with the Social Development and Citizenship Department of the municipality.

The second module of the training for social protection workers of the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) and the Specialized Reference Center for Social Assistance (CREAS) also took off. The workshops took place in Aracruz, Marilandia and Colatina, in Espirito Santo.

Renova visited the municipalities of Baixo Guandu, Colatina, Marilandia, Aracruz, Naque, Periquito, Belo Oriente, Ipaba, Bugre, Caratinga and Rio Doce. The goal, with this activity, was to discuss our actions with the communities and to implement plans of reparation to the families. With this initiative, the team has visited a total of seven municipalities in Espirito Santo and 27 in Minas Gerais.

The following municipalities that were impacted by the dam collapse were visited: Baixo Guandu, Colatina, Marilandia, Aracruz, Naque, Periquito, Belo Oriente, Ipaba, Bugre, Caratinga, Rio Doce. The purpose of the activity was to align the actions with the communities and to implement the reparation plans for the families.

Visits were made to the affected municipalities of Aimores, Resplendor, Itueta, Conselheiro Pena, in Minas Gerais, and Sao Mateus and Linhares, in Espirito Santo, in order to align actions with communities and implement the reparation plans for the families.

The agreements for the construction of a partnership between the Renova Foundation, the Brazilian Financial Education Association (AEF-Brazil) and the Espirito Santo State Industry Federation (Fies) were initiated in order to implement the Assisted Indemnity Project.

Strategies for social work with families were presented in the municipalities affected in Minas Gerais.

In addition, training on Process Management was carried out with the teams and a workshop to elaborate the flow of assistance to those affected in Mariana and Barra Longa, in Minas Gerais, with the participation of the technical teams.

In February, actions were taken to join the reparation plan of vulnerable families and individuals, impacted in the town of Linhares (ES). Strategies for Social Work were defined with the families identified as being in social vulnerable situations in the state of Espirito Santo.

Also, the implementation was started of workflows and protocols for the service provided and referral of the impacted families of Mariana and Barra Longa, in Minas Gerais, mainly the families that were physically displaced.

Aimed at improving the workflow for the service provided to impacted families in Mariana (MG), technical alignments were made between the Renova Foundation and the Municipal Secretariat for Economic and Social Development and Citizenship (Sedesc).

Two meetings were held, on January 23 and 30, with the Social Protection Department of the Ministry of Social Development and staff of the State Secretariat for Labor and Social Development. Discussed were strategies for social work with families identified as being in a vulnerable situation within the affected territory, aiming to align the federal and state government of Minas Gerais in the work plan.

A workshop was held on the Full and Integrated Compensation Policy for the Impacts on Social Protection of the municipalities of Espirito Santo, with the participation of managers and technicians from the municipalities of Linhares, Aracruz and Baixo Guandu. The workshop presented the Vulnerability Map of each locality and the Integrated Actions Matrix for reparation of the impacts presented on the maps.

In November, four workshops were held to align actions of the Full and Integrated Compensation Policy for the Impacts on Social Protection in Minas Gerais, involving the municipalities of Santa Cruz do Escalvado, Sem Peixe, Ipatinga, Dionisio, Sao Pedro dos Ferros, Raul Soares, Caratinga, Ipatinga, Timoteo, Marlieria, Santana do Paraiso, Ipaba, Bugre, Coronel Fabriciano, Governador Valadares, Sobralia, Fernandes Tourinho, Resplendor, Aimores, Belo Oriente, Periquito and Naque.

The meetings had the objective of providing feedback on the first conversation with the municipalities - held in March, April and October of 2017 - and also to present the Vulnerability Map of each locality. Constructed by the Renova Foundation, using the Integrated Registration database, this document, besides identifying the communities and families affected, also shows certain aspects of vulnerability per municipality among families, arising from and/or becoming worse due to the dam collapse. For the municipalities’ Social Work professionals and managers, the evaluation of the territory in numbers and details, as provided in the workshops, are fundamental for assisting the social work provided to the families.

The Integrated Repair Actions Matrix was also presented to the municipalities, with information on the Renova Foundation programs that are consistent with the impact presented on the maps.

On November 27 and 28, the Renova Foundation organized the Family Social Work Workshop, with professionals of the Social Protection Program and managers from the municipalities of Barra Longa and Mariana (MG), representatives of the Ministry of Social Development (MDS), of the Department of Work and Social Development (Sedese). The training aimed to improve the social work carried out after the dam collapse with the affected families, through training of the professionals offering social assistance services in the municipalities.

An important strategy to organize social vigilance, the event was facilitated by Dr. Dirce Koga - a specialist in social management, social research, territorializing and social assistance policy - and the team of the Casa das Caldeiras Cultural Association. In addition, women from the community of Gesteira (MG) were invited to prepare their rural coffee to welcome the participants of the event.

On November 30, an alignment meeting with the State Department of Labor, Assistance and Social Development (Setades) discussed the organization of workshops with the affected municipalities of Espirito Santo. That same day, Renova conducted a workshop with the participation of the municipalities of CIF Resolution 58, the State Department of Labor, Assistance and Social Development (Setades) and representatives of the municipalities of Sao Matheus, Serra, Fundao and Conceicao da Barra (ES). The objective was to hold a hearing to raise subsidies for the implementation of a coordinated and intersectoral action between public authorities and the Renova Foundation, to serve the population of the municipalities considered affected.

Support to public services continues with the provision of 22 professionals, specialized in social work and psychology, to provide psychosocial care and other services in the municipalities of Mariana and Barra Longa (MG).

A meeting between the Renova Foundation and the Ministry of Social Development, with the participation of representatives of the Board of Directors of Basic Protection, discussed the scope of the Social Protection Program, where important contributions were received for alterations to the content and format of the program presentation. Renova also met with representatives of the State Department of Labor, Assistance and Social Development (Setades), in the town of Linhares (ES), to present the scope of the program and hold a collective discussion with the public sector.

In a meeting with the State Department of Labor and Social Development (Sedese), the construction of a joint agenda of activities to be carried out by the Renova Foundation and the State of Minas Gerais was discussed. At another moment, Renova met again with Sedese and presented the scope of the Social Protection Program to the Secretary of State, Undersecretary of Labor, Undersecretary of Social Assistance and technical staff, and discussed the collective construction of actions to assist the affected families.

In addition, Social Protection workshops were held on October 26 and 27 in Governador Valadares and Ipatinga (MG), respectively, with the participation of the municipalities Sao Jose do Goiabal, Corrego Novo, Caratinga, Naque, Periquito e Fernandes Tourinho. The objective of the workshops was to listen to qualified professionals who work in the area of social assistance and hear about their first impressions of the impact caused by the collapse in the territories.

A meeting was held between the Renova Foundation, the Ministry of Social Development and the Department of Social Development of the Municipality of Sao Paulo, in order to plan the training of the Social Development teams of the territories. Also discussed was adding projects and actions to the scope of the Social Protection Program that foster productive inclusion, the incentive to entrepreneurial activities that generate work and income and that enable the resumption of the living conditions of those affected.

A training was held with the Social Dialogue and Customer Service Channels teams of the municipalities of Santa Cruz do Escalvado and Barra Longa, in Minas Gerais, for the presentation of the Social Protection Program and integration of the teams of these programs. The objective of this action was to improve the service support through the customer service channels of the Renova Foundation.

In the municipality of Sao Mateus (ES), a meeting with the members of the Municipal Department of Social Assistance, the State Public Defender and Renova Foundation clarified how the Dialogue, Registration, and Compensation and Indemnity programs will operate. The Municipal Department of Social Assistance reported on the current situation of the communities and the public defender gave an explanation about the process history of complaints.

Support to public policies continues with the provision of 22 professionals to provide psychosocial care in the Social Assistance Reference Center (Cras), Specialized Social Assistance Reference Center (Creas) and other services in the municipalities of Mariana and Barra Longa, in Minas Gerais.

Support to public policies continue with the provision of 22 social and psychological care professionals to work in psychosocial care in the Social Assistance Reference Centers (Cras), Special Social Assistance Reference Centers (Creas) and other services in the municipalities of Mariana and Barra Longa, in Minas Gerais.

The goals of the Social Protection Program were presented to the Ministry of Social and Agrarian Development (MDSA) in a meeting attended by representatives of the Board of Directors of Basic Protection, the Board of Special Social Protection and the Board of the Single Social Assistance System. It was defined that the program will be accompanied by the Board of Basic Social Protection, which will be the focal point and will facilitate the relation between municipalities, states and the Renova Foundation.

In a meeting with the State Department of Labor and Social Development (Sedese), a proposal was organized to carry out Social Protection workshops in ten municipalities in Minas Gerais that did not participate in the workshop sessions organized in March 2017.

The Social Protection Program held a meeting in Linhares (ES) to plan actions for integrated intervention in the region. The meeting was attended by representatives of the municipalities of Baixo Guandu, Colatina, Marilândia, Linhares and Aracruz, all in Espirito Santo, the Department of Labor, Department of Social Assistance and Development, the Ministry of Social and Agrarian Development and the Registration Survey Program and Mediated Indemnity Program (PIM).

The Renova Foundation continued working on the plan to support public policy in the area of social assistance, providing 22 professionals, including social workers and psychologists, to work in psychosocial care at the Social Assistance Reference Center (Cras), Specialized Social Assistance Reference Center (Creas) and other services in the municipalities of Mariana and Barra Longa (MG), until January 2019.

At the same time, the goals of the Social Protection Program were completed. They are:
● To carry out training for the 40 municipalities affected by the collapse of the Fundão dam;
● To continue the implementation of the emergency plan and support the public policies carried out in Mariana and Barra Longa;
● To map social vulnerabilities of the 40 municipalities affected by the collapse of the Fundão dam;
● To prepare 40 Municipal Plans for Vulnerability Reduction;
● To develop activities to help families adapt to the new housing after resettlement.

As efficiency indicators for achieving the goals, the following will be considered: the number of qualified professionals in the area of social protection; percentage of vulnerability reduction plans agreed with the municipalities and percentage of the implementation of actions of vulnerability reduction plans agreed with the municipalities.

The program continued to support the public social assistance plan, providing 22 professionals, social workers and psychologists to work in the psychosocial care in the Social Assistance Reference Center (Cras), the Specialized Social Assistance Reference Center (Creas) and other services in the municipalities of Mariana and Barra Longa, in Minas Gerais.

Conclusion of five Social Protection workshops with public managers, carried out in municipalities of Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo. The objective was to raise the first views of the professionals who work in the ​​social assistance and health care area related to the impact caused by the collapse in the territories. The workshops generated a report that will support the preparation of action plans for vulnerability reduction in the municipalities, focused on addressing the impacts suffered by the population in each locality.

Initiation of mapping the social vulnerabilities along the impacted area, which will be included in the studies of the integrated registration database of the Renova Foundation, necessary action for the development of the intervention plan. Social protection teams were trained in the 40 municipalities so they are ready to assist the affected population.

Purchase of material, such as games and furniture, to support the installation of a playroom, which will be used by the Specialized Social Assistance Reference Center (Creas) and the Social Assistance Reference Center (Cras), in Mariana (MG), in operation to serve the demand of the municipality. The initiative aims to improve the psychosocial care of the 372 families who had to leave their homes because of the collapse. The team of the reference centers holds group activities, seeking to recover the social aspects of community life and work on family conflicts that have arisen as a result of the new way of life.

Continuation of the Social Protection workshops to raise subsidies to implement a coordinated and intersectoral action between the public authorities and the Renova Foundation. The meeting was held on April 7 in Governador Valadares (MG). The objective of this initiative is to better serve the population impacted by the collapse of the Fundão dam, by listening to the communities of Naque, Belo Oriente, Fernandes Tourinho, Periquito, Iapu, Sobrália, Alpercata, Governador Valadares, Tumiritinga, Galileia, Conselheiro Pena, Resplendor, Itueta and Aimorés (MG). In the state of Espirito Santo, the workshops took place in Colatina, on April 18, and in Linhares, on April 19, focusing on the residents of Baixo Guandu, Colatina, Marilândia, Linhares and Aracruz.

Meeting with Committees of Affected People of the Municipality of Mariana (MG) to present the matrix of actions being implemented by the Renova Foundation for the community.

Completion of contracting of consultancy services for the Social Protection program. The action is necessary to map social vulnerabilities along the impacted area, design of intervention plan, training of teams and structuring of monitoring systems of the territories identified after the case studies.

A social protection workshop was held to raise subsidies for the implementation of a coordinated and intersectoral action between public authorities and the Renova Foundation. The objective is to assist the people impacted by the collapse of the Fundão dam in the best possible way, starting by hearing the Mariana mining municipalities, Barra Longa, Santa Cruz do Escalvado, Rio Doce, Sem Peixe, Dionísio, São Domingos do Prata, São José do Goiabal, Rio Casca, São Pedro dos Ferros, Raul Soares, Bom Jesus do Galho, Córrego Novo, Pingo D’agua, Caratinga, Ipatinga, Timóteo, Marliéria, Santana do Paraíso, Ipaba and Bugre.

In Mariana (MG), the team of Renova supported the workshops of the Vertical Vegetable Garden pilot project, the Reference Centers for Social Assistance (CRAS) Bairros, Colinas and Cabanas. There were also home visits to families to provide responses to recorded requests at the Customer Service Center.

Among the completed internal actions, we highlight the discussions on analysis of case studies requested from the Foundation by the teams of CRAS (Mariana / MG) and the alignment of the programs involved in the actions requested by the Commission for Affected Residents of Bento Rodrigues and Paracatu (MG).

There was also a meeting with the Municipal Department of Social Development and Citizenship, management of CRAS and CREAS of Mariana (MG) to optimize the actions and activities aimed at the restoration of family and community ties and the development of potentials.

In Mariana (MG), meetings were held with the Reference Centers of Social Assistance (CRAs) for the analysis of the Renova Foundation case studies required for the construction, planning and implementation of the pilot project of vertical vegetable gardens. There were also referrals of cases to the social assistance services network and home visits to support the case studies, required by the other programs managed by the institution. The Renova team also met with the Municipal Department of Social Development and Citizenship to prepare the new scope of the action plan related to the contracting of social care professionals.

In January, alignment meetings were held with the teams of the public bodies of the Reference Centers for Social Assistance (CRAS) and Recria, in Mariana (MG). The project "Vertical Gardens" is being discussed for the elderly. Health, public education and social assistance cases continue to be addressed to the public network in Mariana.

In December alignment meetings were held with the teams of the Reference Centers for Social Assistance (CRAS) and Recria in Mariana (MG). The Program for the Elderly of Recria Vida is also being discussed. Health, public education and social assistance cases continue to be addressed to the public network.

Colatina and Baixo Guandu (ES). In Mariana, school support groups (parents, students and teachers) received assistance, especially on the subject of hostility. The public network in Mariana (MG) continues its referrals of cases for public health, public education and social assistance and for the program for the elderly called Recria Vida (Recreate life).

In October 2016, meetings were held to present the program to the State Department of Social Assistance of Espírito Santo and also to the Technical Chamber of Social Organization. During the same period, the school network was assisted by support groups focused on parents, students and teachers, in addition to families indicated for the Social Assistance Reference Centers (CRAS) and forwarding people to the elderly program Recria Vida.

During the month of September 2016, the affected families of Bento Rodrigues and Paracatu de Baixo were assisted and furthermore there were home visits, thematic groups and sociocultural activities. During the same period, schools were assisted by support groups and elderly were forwarded to the program Recria Vida.


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