Renova Foundation

16 – Resumption of aquaculture and fishing activities

Objective of the program

To recover the production areas and the production conditions for fishermen, equal or better than the conditions before the passage of the plume: preparation of a recovery plan of the impacted aquaculture and fishing activities; to register the non-registered fishermen; provide technical assistance to the impacted fishermen and their cooperatives and associations, as to make the resumption of their activities possible; to offer professional qualification courses in other activities and to relocate in cases where it is impossible to resume fishing activities. The program is also applicable to affected sand fishers, provided they are legally authorized to practice the activity. The recovery plan of the affected aquaculture activities must be articulated with the environmental studies.

Progress of Program

- Illustrated Guide to Fishing Activity and the main fishing resources in the Doce River.

- Interactive Data Panel - Fisheries Statistics - Rio Doce MG/ES and Coast of Espírito Santo. The thematic portal was developed using the Power BI tool, but for evidence purposes it was transformed into a
PDF presentation.

1st professional qualification course for the association of fishermen and friends of Doce River (APARD).

Issuance of the environmental license for the construction of the Association of Fishermen and People of Povoação (APAP) – ES.

Delivery of the Final Report of the Panel of Experts.

Start of work on the ASPER Mini Shipyard in Regência, Linhares - ES.

Hiring of the Institution that will carry out the Professional Training (Training) in ES.

Closing of Fishing Tour Driver training.

Delivery of 02 aquaponics systems in Regência and Entre Rios, finalizing the partnership in November of the Cultivating for Fishing Project.

Formalization of the APARD partnership - Social Fish Farming Project.

Protocol of the new proposal to define the scope of PG16 with the CTEI.
Formalization of the hiring of the institution that will offer the “Professional Formation” Trainings – MG,
according to demand.
Formalization of the hiring of the institution that will offer the “Professional Formation” Trainings – MG, according to demand.

Environmental licensing of the ASPER ramp

Closing 2nd Fishing Tournament - MG

Closing of 1st Fishing Tournament - ES. Closed on 08/26/23.

Start of works on the Belo Oriente processing unit

Delivery of the Areal and Povoação Aquaponics Systems of the Cultivating for Fishing Project.

Start of awareness-raising and advisory workshops for productive groups.

Delivery of the second Annual Report on the Socioeconomic Characterization of Fishing and Aquaculture and Fishing Monitoring referring to fishing production in the Doce River and coast of Espírito Santo.
Implementation progress of the photovoltaic microstation corresponding to phase 2.

Delivery of the eighth Quarterly Report on the Socioeconomic Characterization of Fishing and Aquaculture and Fishing Monitoring referring to fishing production in the Doce River and coast of Espírito Santo.

Approval of two projects that make up the Reinforcing actions for Strengthening Productive Groups at CIF, APARD and Empower Belo Oriente.

Delivery of the seventh Quarterly Report on the Socioeconomic Characterization of Fishing and Aquaculture and Fishing Monitoring referring to fishing production in the Doce River and coast of Espírito Santo.

There were no relevant facts this month.

Delivery of the first phase of the photovoltaic Micro Station at the Fishermen Association of Regência (ASPER).
Delivery of the third Semiannual Report on the Socioeconomic Profiling of Fishing and Aquaculture and Fishing Monitoring referring to fishing production in the Doce River and coast of Espírito Santo.
Holding of the fishing tournament in Governador Valadares - MG, under the line of Strengthening Culture and Fishing Activity.

Delivery of the sixth Quarterly Report on the Socioeconomic Characterization of Fisheries and Aquaculture and Fisheries Monitoring regarding fisheries production in the Rio Doce and coast of Espírito Santo.

There were no relevant facts this month.

Delivery of the Annual Report on the Socioeconomic Characterization of Fisheries and Aquaculture and Fisheries Monitoring regarding fisheries production in the Doce River and coast of Espírito Santo.

Workshop to identify training aimed at women involved in the Cultivating for Fishing Project, in Areal.

Delivery of the fifth quarterly report on the Socioeconomic Profiling of Fisheries and Aquaculture and Fisheries Monitoring regarding fisheries production in the Doce River and coast of Espírito Santo.

Presentation of Fisheries Monitoring results to the State Forestry Institute (IEF).

Mid Doce River

Visit to the productive group of Belo Oriente.

Beginning of the execution of the 1st phase of the Photovoltaic Micro Station at the Regência Fishermen's Association.

Delivery of the second semi-annual report on the Socioeconomic Profiling of Fisheries and Aquaculture and Fisheries Monitoring regarding fisheries production in the Doce River and coast of Espírito Santo.
Obtaining a license waiver for the work on the Photovoltaic Micro Station at the Regência Fishermen's Association.
Completion of 27 municipal books of the Complementary Diagnosis of the Fisheries Productive Chain.

Delivery of the fourth quarterly report on the Socioeconomic Characterization of Fisheries and Aquaculture and Fisheries Monitoring regarding fisheries production in the Doce River and coast of Espírito Santo.
Completion of 10 municipal books (Baixo Guandu, Conceição da Barra, Conselheiro Pena, Governador Valadares, Itueta, Marliéria, São Domingos do Prata, São Pedro dos Ferros, Sem Peixe and Timóteo) - Complementary Diagnosis of the Fishing Production Chain.

Completion of the assembly of the fish farming system and start of tests in the Areal community of the Cultivating for Fishing Project.
Completion of 5 municipal books (Alpercata, Colatina, Marilândia, Fundão and Serra) of the Complementary Diagnosis of the Fisheries Productive Chain.

Conclusion of the field activities of the Complementary Diagnosis of the Fishing and Aquaculture Productive Chain, with the participation of 405 people in the DRPs, as follows:
240 - Foz do Rio Doce
68 - Lower Doce River
62 - Mid Doce River
35 - Doce River Channel

There were no relevant facts this month.

Delivery of the third quarterly report on the Socioeconomic Profiling of Fisheries and Aquaculture and Fishing Monitoring regarding fisheries production in the Doce River and coast of Espírito Santo.
Presentation of the new preliminary proposal for the RFP for Support to Fishing and Aquaculture Productive Groups to CIF.
Definition of the Regência and Entre Rios implementation areas of the Cultivating for Fishing Project.
Start of execution of the contract to inspect the program's field activities

Obtaining municipal consent for the Aquaponics system in Entre Rios from the Cultivating for Fishing Project.
Completion of training in super-intensive fish farming under the Cultivating for Fishing Project Management

Delivery of the first half-yearly report on the Socioeconomic Profiling of Fisheries and Aquaculture and Fisheries Monitoring regarding fishery production in the Doce river and the coast of Espirito Santo
Suspension of the RFP of Support to Productive Groups by decision CIF 542/21

Delivery of the second quarterly report on the Socioeconomic Profiling of Fisheries and Aquaculture and Fishery Monitoring regarding fishery production in the Doce River and the coast of Espírito Santo.
Start of face-to-face activities for collecting primary data for the Complementary Diagnosis Project of the Fishing and Aquaculture Chain and Market Study

Publication of the RFP for Support to Fisheries and Aquaculture Productive Groups on 08/02/21
Preliminary decision suspending the RFP of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Recovery Plan on 08/09/21
Return of the Cultivating for Fishing Project activities with those affected

There were no relevant facts this month.

Publication on 06/30 of the RFP for the Fisheries and Aquaculture Recovery Plan.
Delivery of the first quarterly report on the Socioeconomic Characterization of Fishery, Aquaculture and Fishery Monitoring regarding fishery production in the Doce River and the coast of Espirito Santo.

Interviews, remotely, to collect primary data with 13 Government Institutions (5 State and 8 Municipal), 23 Research and Educational Institutions and 38 Commercial Establishments (36 Suppliers and 2 Distributors / Cold Storage).

Remote application of approximately 1500 primary data collection forms with fishermen and fish farmers, about 40% on continental fishing and monitoring of 18 points for fishing boat launching through the Fisheries Socioeconomic Characterization and Aquaculture and Fishing Monitoring Project.

Technical Board of Economy and Innovation (TB-EI)Started reviewing the Technical Board of Economy and Innovation (CT-EI).

There were no relevant facts in march.

There were no relevant facts in february.

Mapping of economic potential: Approval of the application of the primary data questionnaires in Annexes 1 to 3 (Resolution 480 CIF/2021).

Socioeconomic Characterization of Fishery, Aquaculture and Fishery Monitoring: Presentation of the Work Plan in the WG of PG16.

Cultivating for Fishing Project: Beginning of the deadline amendment process (Resolution 121).

ASPER Mini Photovoltaic Power Station: Commencement of supplier contracting for Phase 1.

River Mouth Projects: Completion of Basic and Executive Projects of the ASPER Ramp. Electrical, architectural, sanitary, structural and SPCI projects were completed for its implementation.

Mapping Economic Potentials: Submitted 6 more updated reports including additional primary data and delivery of the Lower Doce River Territorial Report with preliminary data.
Cultivating for Fishing: License exemption for the Areal community and receipt of part of the materials for assembling the tanks.
Socioeconomic Characterization of Fishery, Aquaculture and Fishery Monitoring: Presentation of the Preliminary Report to Technical Board CT-EI on 12/09 and authorization from the Central Committee to carry out field supervision and training of field agents.

Formalization and formation of the Doce River Fishers' Association ASPERDOCE.
The analysis of the report of preliminary data of the Socio-Economic Characterization of Fisheries and Aquaculture and Fisheries Monitoring concluded.

"Delivery of partial territorial reports with preliminary information on secondary data from the Economic Potentials Mapping project for productive structuring and income alternatives.
The reports delivered were:
Territorial Report of the Doce River Channel
Territorial Report of Doce River Mouth
Territorial Report of the Mid Doce River
Territorial Report of Alto the Upper Doce River"

Mapping of economic potentials for productive structuring and income alternatives (chain diagnosis, impact perception and feasibility of projects)
* Delivery of partial reports with preliminary information from secondary data of the municipalities of Marlieria / MG, Pingo d'agua/ MG, Raul Soares/MG, São Domingos do Prata/MG, Sem Peixe/MG, Timótio / MG.
Socioeconomic Characterization of Fishing activities and Monitoring of Fisheries
* Delivery of the report of preliminary / secondary data sent by partners regarding the study of Socioeconomic Characterization of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Monitoring of Fisheries
Foz Projects - Settlement Building
* Delivery of the final report regarding the survey of the construction area of the settlement building for the Associação de Pescadores Assemelhados de Povoação (APAP).
Promotion and strengthening of Associativism and Cooperativism
* Issuing of the CNPJ and formalization of the Associação de Pescadores e Ilheiros de Pedra Corrida (ASPIPEC)(ASPIPEC) in official and regulatory bodies

• Mapping of economic potential for productive structuring and income alternatives (Chain Diagnosis, Impact Perception, and Project Feasibility)
• Delivery of partial reports with preliminary information of secondary data of the municipalities of Bugre/MG, Corrego Novo/MG, Dionisio/MG, Fernandes Tourinho/MG, Fundao/ES, Iapu/MG, Marilandia/ES, and Serra/ES
Cultivating for Fishing Project - Resolution. 121 / 147
• In July, the affected beneficiaries received videos and technical texts via WhatsApp on: “Nutritional Solution”; “Training and selection of areas part 1”; "Training and selection of areas part 2".

Mapping of economic potential for productive structuring and income alternatives (Chain Diagnosis, Impact Perception and Project Feasibility):
• Submitted partial reports with preliminary information on secondary data from the following municipalities located in the state of Minas Gerais: Bom Jesus do Galho, Caratinga, Conceiçao da Barra, Itueta, Naque, Periquito, Sao Pedro dos Ferros and Sobralia.
Cultivating for Fishing Project - Resolution 121/147:
• Launch of the second bidding process for the acquisition of material related to aquaponics cultivation systems, given that the first bidding process, carried out in May, did not obtain a proposal for all the items listed. Launch of the first bidding process for greenhouses and animal feed, through the Foundation for Support to the Development of Science and Technology (FACTO). The tenders indicated are intended to meet the needs for fish and vegetable farming, using an aquaponics system. In all, 4 communities in the municipality of Linhares (ES) will benefit: Entre Rios, Povoaçao, Areal and Regencia.
• Submitted the monthly activity report listing the actions to be performed during the COVID-19 period. Videos and technical texts were shared via WhatsApp with the beneficiaries on the following topics: "Hydroponics - advantages and disadvantages"; "Classification of Hydroponic Production"; "Structures for Hydroponics: Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) and Floating System"; "Cultivation System: Aeroponics Cultivation by Submersion and Drainage - Substrate"; "Greenhouse"; and "Nutrition of Vegetables in Hydroponics".

Mapping of economic potential for productive structuring and income alternatives (Chain Diagnosis, Impact Perception and Project Feasibility)
• Delivering partial reports with preliminary information on secondary data from the municipalities of Alpercata - Minas Gerais, Aracruz - Espirito Santo, Belo Oriente - Minas Gerais, Conselheiro Pena - Minas Gerais, Ipaba - Minas Gerais, Resplendor - Espirito Santo, Rio Doce - Minas Gerais, and São José do Goiabal - Minas Gerais.
Farming for Fishing Project - Delib. 121 / 147
• Starting a bidding process for the acquisition of material related to aquaponics cultivation systems by the Science and Technology Development Support Foundation (FACTO). To meet the needs of fish farms and vegetable crops in an aquaponics system. A total of four communities in the municipality of Linhares, Espirito Santo (Entre Rios, Povoação, Areal, and Regência) will benefit.
• Delivering a work plan with proposals for methodologies to continue action during the COVID-19 period through distributing videos and technical texts via WhatsApp. Topics covered: "Tilapia larviculture".
• "Nutrition of aquatic organisms".
• "Hydroponics systems" and "Characteristics of a hydroponic enterprise".

Fishery - Socioeconomic Characterization and Monitoring
• Contracted the Fishery - Socioeconomic Characterization and Monitoring. Mapping of economic potential for productive structuring and income alternatives (chain diagnosis, impact perception, and project feasibility).
• Delivery of partial reports with preliminary information of secondary data from the municipalities of Sao Mateus/ES, Baixo Guandu/ES, Aimores/ES, Tumiritinga/MG, Santa Cruz do Escalvado/MG, Ipatinga/MG, Galileia/MG and Santana do Paraiso/MG, and the proposed action plan to continue activities in this quarantine period.

Fish Cultivation Project - Resolution 121/147
• Delivery of the work plan with proposals for methodologies to continue actions during the COVID19 period through the distribution of videos and technical texts via WhatsApp. Topics covered: Water quality in aquaculture; Fish production systems; Fish reproduction; and Initial development of fish eggs and larvae.

• Considering the current scenario caused by the coronavirus pandemic and the institutional measures that were adopted following the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) to prevent the spread of COVID-19, in order to guarantee the integrity and health of all employees and third parties, field activities have been temporarily halted since 03/16/2020.
Mapping of economic potential for productive structuring and income alternatives (chain diagnosis, impact perception and project feasibility)
• Delivered were the partial reports with preliminary information on secondary data of the municipalities of Rio Casca/MG, Governador Valadares/MG, Colatina/ES and Linhares/ES, and the proposed action plan for this quarantine period.
Cultivating for Fishing Project - Resolution. 121/147
• A work plan with proposals of methodologies for the COVID-19 period was shared with WhatsApp groups using videos and technical texts. Topics covered: “The production of aquatic organisms in Brazil and in the World”; ”Main species of aquatic organisms produced in Brazil and Rio Doce (stretch Linhares/ES)” and “Main species - Tilapia, Tambaqui and Pacu”.
Promotion and Strengthening of Associativism and Cooperativism - Strengthening Social Organizations
• Formalization of the Fishermen and Islanders Association of Pedra Corrida (ASPIPEC) in the municipality of Periquito/MG attended by about 100 people.
• An action plan was submitted for the COVID-19 lockdown period by the consulting firm PLAN for setting up registration/preparation activities for the creations of business plans for the entrepreneurships and assisted operation/BackOffice via Skype meetings, WhatsApp, e-mails and phone calls.
• Elaboration of an action plan by the contractor DVF Consultancy for operation during the COVID-19 lockdown, developing a virtual environment, with management tools, activities and videos, as well as a presentation of this environment for those served.
Traveling Response Caravans with Results in the Territories
• Traveling response caravan with results in the Doce River Channel territory in the municipalities of Ipatinga/MG and Rio Casca/MG, attending 171 people. Results were presented regarding water quality, recovery of springs, ecological restoration of habitats, monitoring of aquatic biota and quantification of metals in fish. The realization of caravans in other territories is suspended due to the crisis caused by COVID-19.

Mapping of economic potentialities for productive structuring and income alternatives (Production Chain Diagnosis, Project Feasibility and Impact Perception Study)
• Beginning of mobilization and the Fishery Socioeconomic Characterization and Monitoring.
• Finalized the contracting process for the Fish and Aquaculture Socioeconomic Characterization and Fishery Monitoring in Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo.

Mapping of economic potentialities for productive structuring and income alternatives (Production Chain Diagnosis, Project Feasibility and Impact Perception Study)
• Initiation of mobilization and conclusion of the work plan for conducting the Production Chain Diagnosis, Project Feasibility and Impact Perception Study.

Program Definition
Program definition review document filed with the Technical Board of Economy and Innovation (TB-EI).
Integrated Action Plan
Commencement of assessment of the production chain, project feasibility and impact perception.
Program Presentation and Communication in the Territories’ Communities
Program presentation and communication in the territories’ communities, planned for 2019, have not been completed. Cause: Delay in the approval of the program definition by TB-EI. Countermeasure: Conduct a program definition review workshop in order to speed up the approval process.
River Mouth Projects (Boat Ramp for ASPER Boats and Mini Solar Station)
The project for the ASPER ramp (Fishermen's Association of Regencia) and mini power station, planned for 2019, have not been completed. Cause: Lack of scope and budget alignment. Countermeasure: Implement a follow-up system with decision makers.
River Mouth Projects (Aquaponics Project in Povoaçao)
The Povoaçao Aquaponics Project, scheduled for 2019, has not been completed. Cause: Scope overlap with the Cultivating for Fishing Project, which is underway. Countermeasure: Carry out the Cultivating for Fishing Project in a way that meets the scope of the Povoaçao Aquaponics Project.
Implementation of Fish Processing Unit Project - APARD (Upper Doce River Fishermen's Association)
The implementation of a fish processing unit by the Upper Doce River Fishermen's Association (APARD), scheduled for 2019, has not been completed. Cause: Delay in the approval of the definition of the program by TB-EI and cancellation of the project due to redirection to provide the service via ATER RFP (Technical Assistance and Rural Extension). Countermeasure: Provide service scope via ATER RFP.
Socioeconomic characterization and monitoring of fishing activities
Studies on socioeconomic characterization and monitoring of fishing activities, scheduled for 2019, have not begun. Cause: Need for review the draft by partner institutions, internal review by the legal adviser and response to the supplier for analysis and validation. Countermeasure: Evaluate the draft clauses, validate the final version and obtain legal approval at a meeting with the Agribusiness Research Development Foundation (FUNDEPAG), Espirito Santo Technology Foundation (FEST) and Renova Foundation.

Integrated Action Plan
• Pilot of the Results Caravan of the environmental recovery of the Doce River in the municipality of Governador Valadares following the request of fishermen from colony Z19, sharing the results on water and sediment quality, recovery of springs and monitoring of aquatic biota. About 70 people attended and among those present were representatives of the State Forestry Institute, Governador Valadares Health Department and the Technical Board of Health.
Cultivating for Fishing Project
• Finalization of the Hydroponics course in the communities of Areal and Entre Rios.
• Beginning of the Fish Processing Course in the Areal community.
• General hearing to disseminate the results with the participation of the four communities and public agencies involved.
Mapping of economic potentialities for productive structuring and income alternatives (Production Chain Diagnosis, Project Feasibility and Impact Perception Study)
• Commencement of the Production Chain Diagnosis Study, Project Feasibility Study and Impact Perception Study planned for 2019 were not carried out. Cause: Need for documentation was not mapped in the analysis process by the procurement and legal areas. Countermeasure: To agree on a reduced deadline by articulating with the purchasing area and adjusting the analyzed draft. Socioeconomic characterization and monitoring of fishing activities
• Commencement of studies on socioeconomic characterization and monitoring of fishing activities scheduled for 2019 was not carried out. Cause: Need for review of the draft by partner institutions, internal review by the legal adviser and response to the supplier for analysis and validation. Countermeasure: Evaluate the draft clauses, validate the final version and obtain legal seal at a meeting with FUNDEPAG (Agribusiness Research Development Foundation), FEST (Espirito Santo Technology Foundation) and Renova Foundation.

Integrated Strategic Plan
• Definition of Integrated Strategic Planning, giving the process greater visibility and optimal transparency.
• Preparation of the Planning, mapping the main actions necessary to suspend the prohibition and restriction to fishing, resume economic activities and bring reassurance on the theme throughout the territory.
• Developing the strategy and positive actions to improve the perception of water and fish quality in the territories through the integration of the following interface programs: biodiversity; risk to human health; water quality; and waste management; besides communication; international relations; and dialogue.
• Creation of a working group to define the internal integrated strategic plan.
Promotion and Strengthening of Associativism and Cooperativism - Strengthening Social Organizations
• First business plan module meetings at the Guaxe Fish Farmers’ Association (APIGUA), attended by 12 people.
• Started formalization process for the Guaxe Fish Farmers’ Association (APIGUA).
• Workshop attended by 13 people of the committee, bringing to the attention the documentation needed for formalization of the Association of Fishermen and Similar Groups of Povoaçao (APAP).
Project Implementation - Cultivating for Fishing
• Completion of Super intensive Fish Farming Training in the Povoaçao community, attended by 10 people.
• Initiation of the hydroponics training courses in the Areal communities on 10/07, with 16 participants, on 10/09, with 18 participants, on 10/14, with 20 participants, and on 10/16, with 20 participants. In Entre Rios, on 10/08, with 8 participants, on 10/10, with 8 participants, on 10/15, with 11 participants, and 10/17, with 7 participants.
Mapping of economic potentialities for productive structuring and income alternatives (production chain diagnosis, project viability and impact perception study)
• Completion of the procurement process of the Supplemental Diagnosis - perception of the impact on fishing and feasibility of projects - referring to the milestones: “Initiation of the Supplemental Diagnosis of the Fisheries Production Chain”, “Initiation of the Impact Perception Study: Fish and Water Quality” and “Initiation of Project Feasibility Analysis” has been rescheduled for October. Completion is scheduled for December 2019, due to the need for documentation not mapped in the analysis process by the procurement and legal areas.
Socioeconomic characterization and monitoring of fishing activities
• Completion of the procurement process for contracting of the socioeconomic characterization of fisheries study and monitoring, referring to the milestone: “Initiation of the Socioeconomic Characterization of Fisheries and Monitoring of Fisheries”, has been rescheduled for October and is expected to be completed by November 2019, due to the need for analysis of the draft by the partner institutions, internal analysis by the legal entity and response to the supplier for analysis and validation.
Implementation of Fish Processing Unit Project - APARD
• The work package for Implementation of the Fish Processing Unit Project (APARD) will be excluded, as the selection process for this and other projects will occur through the ATER RPF.

Mapping of economic potentialities for productive structuring and income alternatives (production chain diagnosis, project viability and impact perception study):
• The completion of the procurement process of contracting the complementary diagnosis, perception of fishing impact and project viability was not completed in August and is expected to be completed in October 19 due to the need to await the response of Compliance regarding the status of the new supplier and alignment with the Finance Department about resource availability.
Socioeconomic characterization and monitoring of fishing activities:
• Finalization of the procurement process of the contracting of the study of socioeconomic characterization and monitoring of fisheries was not completed in September and is expected to be completed in October/19 due to the need to adjust the scope of the study.

• Program definition document filed with Technical Board CT-EI.
• Integrated analysis of studies conducted by interface programs (Biodiversity, Tailings Management, Water Quality, as well as PG16 studies) prepared and presented at the Technical Seminar.
• Integrated analysis of studies conducted by interface programs (Biodiversity, Tailings Management, Water Quality, Public Health as well as PG16 studies) prepared and presented at the Technical Seminar.
• Beginning of training, area selection and mobilization courses for the installation of the tanks of the Cultivating for Fishing project.

Axis 1 of Overcoming Fisheries and Aquaculture Limitations and Restrictions:
• Final process for contracting the Fishery Characterization Study and Fish Statistics; mapping of economic potentialities for productive structuring and income alternatives (Production Chain Diagnosis, Project Feasibility and Impact Perception Study).
• Completion of the procurement process for the Complementary Diagnosis, perception of the impact of fishing and project viability, referring to the framework: “Contracting Process for the Mapping of Economic Potentials for Productive Structuring and Income Alternatives Finished”, was not completed in July and is expected to be completed in September 2019 due to a halt on this contracting process by the compliance area.
Communication and Integrated Engagement Plans - Short Term and Long Term:
• The packages for the Communication and Integrated Engagement Plans - Short Term and Long-Term milestones are being migrated to the communication area that will develop strategic actions that will highlight the repair process. The modification was informed at the last meeting of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Working Group - Technical Boards/CIF, which took place on 06/17/2019.

Axis 1 of Overcoming Fisheries and Aquaculture Limitations and Restrictions:
• Receipt of the work plan of the Fisheries Characterization Study and Fisheries Study and its attachments.
Communication and Integrated Engagement Plans - Short Term and Long Term:
• The packages for the Communication and Integrated Engagement Plans – Short-Term and Long-Term, are being migrated to the area that will develop institutional communication actions. The change was informed at the last meeting of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Working Group - Technical Boards/CIF, which took place on 17/06/2019.

Axis 1 of Overcoming Fisheries and Aquaculture Limitations and Restrictions:
• Technical note from ANVISA on the release of fish consumption in the Doce River Basin.
Project to Strengthen the Productive Chain of Fishery and Aquaculture - Implementation of Demonstration Units - Technical Advisory with EPAMIG Partnership:
• Completion of the contracting process (Addendum) for partnership with the Agricultural Research Company of Minas Gerais (EPAMIG).
Project for the Promotion and Strengthening of Associativism and Cooperativism - Strengthening of Social Organizations:
• Commencement of Associativism and Cooperativism actions to strengthen social organizations.

• Initiation of implementation of the Cultivating for Fishing project, which complies with resolution 121/147 by IFES.
• Initiation of the integrated analysis of socio-environmental studies to overcome fishing limitations and restrictions.
• Initiation of the production of narratives referring to water quality to improve the perception of fish consumption and overcome the limitation to fishing.
• Initiation of the implementation of the Strengthening of Associativism and Cooperativism - Strengthening of Social Organizations.
• Initiation of the contracting process (addendum term) for partnership with EPAMIG.

Initiation of the process for the partnership with the Federal University of Espirito Santo and Fisheries Institute to elaborate the studies for the characterization of fish and fishing statistics.
Initiation of the process for contracting the study package: additional diagnosis of the fishing and aquaculture production chain and market study; studies and monitoring of the impact perception in fisheries and aquaculture; and feasibility analysis of projects.
Final stage of the process for signing the partnership with IFES (improvement of the commercial scope between the supply area and IFES) for the development of the Cultivating for Fishing project (fish farming in suspended tanks combined with vegetables) in the communities of: Regencia, Povoacao, Areal and Entre Rios, in the municipality of Linhares (ES).
Initiation of the contracting process for the aquaponics project in Povoacao - contracting of civil works, and working on the executive project and environmental licensing.
Awaiting the revision of the project for the expansion of the boat ramp and coverage of the Fishermen's Association of Regencia (ASPER) in Linhares (ES).
Completion of pre-selection of institutions for possible partnerships in the Fish Processing Unit Implementation Project at the Association of Fishermen and Friends of the Doce River (APARD) in Governador Valadares (MG).
Initiation of the process for the partnership with EPAMIG to receive technical assistance for implementation of a demonstration unit at the Fishermen's Association of the Doce River (ASPERDOCE) in Rio Doce (MG).

Initiation of final stage of the process for signing the partnership with IFES (improvement of the commercial scope between the supply area and IFES) for the development of the Cultivating for Fishing project (fish farming in suspended tanks combined with vegetables) in the communities of Regencia, Povoacao, Areal and Entre Rios, in the municipality of Linhares (ES).
A meeting was held on 03/08/19 for the Aquaponics Project in Povoacao, with representatives from the “Understanding the Demand” area, Engineering and PG016. There, an alignment was made regarding the project and a better understanding of the contracting possibilities of FUNDAGRES/INCAPER (responsible for the implementation).
The contracting process of the civil works for the implementation of ASPER's boat ramp in Linhares (ES) was initiated.

Final stage of the process for signing the partnership with IFES (improved commercial scope between the supply area and IFES) for the development of the Cultivating for Fishing project (fish farming in suspended tanks combined with vegetables) in the communities of: Regencia, Povoacao, Areal and Entre Rios, in the municipality of Linhares (ES).
Awaiting the issuance of the technical requisition to begin the process of contracting the Aquaponics project of Povoacao (in partnership with INCAPER).
On 01/30, a meeting was held between Engineering, Infrastructure and PG016. A general analysis will be done in the executive project to assess the need for adequacy or to continue with the process of contracting the project implementation.
The contracting process of the civil works for the implementation of ASPER's boat ramp in Linhares (ES) has started.

Final stage of the process for signing the partnership with IFES (improvement of the commercial scope between the supply area and IFES) for the development of the Cultivating for Fishing project (fish farming in suspended tanks combined with vegetables) in the communities of: Regencia, Povoacao, Areal and Entre Rios, in the municipality of Linhares (ES).
The executive aquaponics project in Povoacao was approved.
Delivery of technical engineering documentation to begin the contracting process of civil works for the implementation of ASPER's boat ramp.

Approval of the IFES Piuma "Cultivating for Fishing" project, indicated by the CIF through Resolution 121.
Final stage of the process to establish a partnership with IFES (awaiting signature) for developing the "Cultivating for Fishing" project (fish farming in suspended tanks combined with vegetables) in the communities of Regencia, Povoacao, Areal and Entre Rios, in the municipality of Linhares (ES).

Final stage of closing the partnership with IFES for developing the "Cultivating for Fishing" project (fish farming in suspended tanks combined with vegetables) in the communities of Regencia, Povoacao, Areal and Entre Rios, in the municipality of Linhares (ES).

Validation by the Regencia community of the projects developed for the Solar Energy Ministries and Boat Ramp in Doce River mouth.

Completion of the impact analysis at the Juparana Lagoon and Pequeno River (CIF Resolution 167).

Initiation of analysis of the impact on the Juparana and Rio Pequeno waters (Resolution CIF 167).

A reply to a technical note was filed that provides for the evaluation of the document defining the Aquaculture and Fisheries Activities Resumption Program.

In Sao Mateus, the team participated in the "1st Sao Mateus Fishing Seminar (new areas)" to monitor and understand the needs and demands of the municipality.

Renova provided technical support in creating an indemnity policy for fishermen and artisanal fishermen who were not yet compensated.

The Inter-Federative Committee’s Inter-Board Technical Seminar - Fishing and Raw Water Use in the Doce River and Coastal Zone was also held.

In addition, compensation logistics for professional fishermen, fishing boat owners and other boat owners who have more than one production unit (fishing boats) were established.

A generator was also delivered and installed for Asper, and the Inovapesca fish farming project was initiated.

The Foundation also participated in the “Acknowledging Professional Fishermen” workshop, during which indemnity policies for the fishing industry were discussed.

The State Forestry Institute (IEF) and the Renova Foundation are jointly developing solutions to address the fishing limitations and restrictions on the Minas Gerais portion of the Doce River.

During this period, the teams of the Biodiversity and Fisheries programs of the Renova Foundation worked to synchronize the implementation of actions foreseen in these two plans, aiming to release the fishing activities in the Doce River.

Among the activities carried out, in March, actions were taken to strengthen the organization of the Fishermen's Association of the Doce River (ASPERDOCE) to undertake fish farming projects.

Also aligned with the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Espirito Santo (IFES) and the Espirito Santo Institute of Research, Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (INCAPER), for the integration of the project Aquaponics of Povoacao (ES) and the project “Cultivating for Fishing”.

ASPER's conceptual projects and study of the demands for the Clean Energy project and the Ship Ramp project were presented to the communities.

The definition of the program was approved by the Foundation's board of directors and forwarded to the Interfederative Committee (CIF) and Technical Board.

A work order was issued to initiate feasibility studies of the clean energy plant for the Fishermen's Association of Regencia (ASPER), in response to the action in the Regencia community, Linhares (ES), as approved by Resolution 121.

The hiring of a specialist was approved to develop the Aquaponics project in Povoacao, Espirito Santo.

In January, work continued with the Association of Fishermen from Regencia (ASPER) for handling matters related to the Doce river mouth projects, the implementation of the boat pulls ramp and the possibility of implementing solar energy for maintenance of the tanks and other activities of the Association. Incaper and Fundagres participated in some of the meetings where they provided technical support.

For these initiatives at the Doce River mouth, several actions involved the participation of other programs, such as: Integrated Territory Management for the planning of project management tools and local technical center; technical visit by the engineering team of the Renova Foundation in Regencia e Povoacao, in Espirito Santo; delivery of materials and supplies for the community garden of Povoacao; and presentation of the team of the Water Management programs on the monitoring and quality of water in Regency and Povoacao.

During the month of January, studies were carried out on fishery census and statistics, analysis of the studies and assessment of the Biodiversity Program, research and collection of information on aquaponics and aquaculture, among other data collection that may support the resumption of aquaculture and fisheries activities.

Renova has completed Step 1, defining the Aquaculture and Fishery Activities Resumption Program (which consists of establishing program guidelines and requirements, planning the next steps of the definition phase, including the engagement plan for developing a solution, and the establishment of milestones and estimated costs) and advanced considerably towards the end of step 3, with delivery scheduled for the second week of February.

Approval by the RC board for the complementary assessment to be conducted by MICRA, to characterize the regional economy of the fishing chain. This assessment is of great importance for the orientation and elaboration of projects and alternatives that generate work and income along the Doce River channel and mouth.

Internally, the program continues to stratify the Integrated Registration data, with the objective of improving the categorization of the fishing public. It also characterized the Aquaculture and Fishery Activities Resumption Program within the Renova Foundation systems, seeking to strengthen and systematize the work of the team through tools that will facilitate management, and it redistributed the budget models to match the applicability of resources according to the needs of each project or process.

A meeting was held at the University of Vale do Rio Doce (Univale), in Governador Valadares (MG), to present a partnership proposal on the themes: reproduction of native species of the Doce River, threatened with extinction; health and food safety; environmental education; breeding of Astyanax fish in captivity; research lab; construction of an aquarium with the species of the Doce River.

There were also meetings with the registration and georeferencing teams in order to align technical information for the integration of the ArcGIS (Geographic Information Systems) tool with the Integrated Register database to improve guidelines that would support the categorization of the program's public.

In a meeting with the leaders of Povoacao and Regencia, in Espirito Santo, and representatives of the associations of the region, there was a presentation of the follow-up of the projects that are underway along the Doce river mouth.

In a meeting held by the socioeconomic integration team, with assistance from the Dialogue team and Infrastructure team, the Renova Foundation management was updated on the status of the fishing and aquaculture projects in Povoacao and Regencia (ES). Socioeconomic management also received step 1 of the program for evaluation.

Progress was made for the projects of fish farming and community garden on the technical and bureaucratic issues for their execution, based on follow-ups, routing and feedback to the communities of Regencia and Povoacao, located in the municipality of Linhares.
In order to establish a plan of action for the implementation of 14 projects at the Doce River mouth, a meeting was held in Linhares and another in Governador Valadares with the participation of the programs: Economy and Innovation; Resumption of Aquaculture and Fisheries; and Culture, Tourism, Sports and Leisure.
In relation to the demand for implementation of short-term projects at the Doce river mouth, a workshop was also held with members of the Association of Fishermen of Povoacao (APAP) to present fish farming alternatives and definition and validation of the Aquaponics project.
Renova made a technical visit to the leaderships of the Regencia and Povoacao communities, in order to gather data and facts to provide technical advice, in response to Resolution 121. Approved by the Technical Board of Economy and Innovation (CTEI) and by the CIF, this resolution refers to the project "Cultivating for Fishing", which provides for the creation of tilapia in suspended tanks, combined with vegetable production (aquaponics) at the Doce River mouth.
Through a digital flight over the Doce River, Renova carried out the analysis and technical discussion about territory 2, with the objective of mapping and identifying the communities of fishermen and affected parties spread over the territory.
The stratification process of the registration data was initiated, focusing on fishery, to arrange the systematization and organization of the database of the integrated register for this program. Likewise, the Aquaculture and Fisheries Activities advanced with the elaboration, planning and conclusion of step 3.
The discussion process on the technical assistance for fishermen and aquaculture producers was also initiated, together with the Resumption of Agricultural Activities Program and other stakeholders.

In the municipalities of Aracruz and Linhares (ES), meetings with Incaper covered the possibilities of action/intervention and technical accompaniment in the decision-making on the fish farming project in the community of Povoacao.

To support the Povoacao community, an alignment took place with Incaper in Linhares (ES), with technical guidelines and information about the work in the community garden.

Other meetings for follow-up, referral and answering questions were carried out with the communities of Regencia and Povoacao on the projects regarding fish farming and community garden, with participation of the Renova Foundation dialogue teams and Incaper representatives.

In Linhares, a technical visit was made to the APIGUA project, in the community of Guaxa, lake Japarana, aimed at resuming contact and observing possible interventions for the development and diversification of the local fishery production chain.

In addition, an initial meeting with the Federal University of Espirito Santo, held in the Fisheries and Aquaculture Laboratory of the campus of the municipality of São Mateus, covered possible partnerships with research and development projects in the areas of fishery census, statistics, monitoring and planning.

In conjunction with other programs, an integrated service plan for the new included areas is being developed with the aim of defining an integrated repair policy that will enhance actions and advances.

Continuing the implementation process of alternative income generation projects - aquaponics, community gardening and aquaculture - conducted with fishermen and families from the communities of Povoacao and Regencia, districts of Linhares (ES), meetings were held to align the project, partnerships, attributions of each partner and the strategies of action of the institutions in the communities. The parties that participated were the Espirito Santo Institute of Research, Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (Incaper), the Foundation for Agricultural Development of Espirito Santo (Fundagres), the Autonomous Water Sanitation Service (SAAE) and the State Secretariat for Agriculture, Water Supply, Aquaculture and Fisheries (SEAG).

New business models based on Public Participation of Communities (PPP) were evaluated with the objective of analyzing the applicability of the model and the constitution of cooperatives involving the associations and colonies along the Doce River, as well as the viability of the creation of consortium cooperatives, aiming at the creation of a joint company, S/A, (such as Acrepeixe and Peixe Amazônia S/A).

The scope of the complementary assessment, which will characterize the regional economy of the fishing chain, was unified with the Biodiversity Conservation Program to maximize results and optimize resources. This assessment is of great importance for the guidance and referral necessary for the elaboration of projects and alternatives for generating work and income along the Doce River.

In response to a request from the local government of Rio Casca, in Minas Gerais, Renova met with members of the management to present the Biodiversity Conservation, Reforestation and Springs Recovery Programs, the status of the wells planned for Rio Casca and the Aquaculture and Fisheries Activities Resumption Program. In addition, the meetings with the fishermen from the region and the request for a fish farming project were discussed.

The team participated in a workshop, in Linhares (ES), to understand and share the registration data between the programs.

A meeting was held between the Renova Foundation and the Fishermen's Association of Regência (ASPER) to better understand the proposal of the Inova Pesca project, aquaculture and vegetable gardening, partnerships and the role of the Renova Foundation in supporting the initiative. Another meeting, in Barra do Riacho (ES), promoted integration with other programs for guiding the meetings in the communities.

The Association of Fishermen and Friends of the Doce River (APARD) and representatives of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF) and the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) also had a meeting to present a proposal for a productive aquaculture arrangement in means of cage nets for fish farming in the region of Governador Valadares (MG), parallel to the research of the condition of the Doce River, aiming at generating income for the families of affected fishermen.

Work is being carried out with APARD on the guidance of business models to decide on the formation of a cooperative linked to the sector. It should be noted that the Cooperative of Fishermen and Friends of the Doce River (COOPARD) is in the process of analyzing and structuring its bylaws.

Also related to the fishing program, new business models based on Public Community Participation (PPC) are being evaluated. The model for setting-up cooperatives will be verified on feasibility with the establishment of a S/A (ltd), which will be the operational arm, and the operator in the market of the products supplied by the cooperatives to be established, such as Acrepeixe and Peixe Amazônia S/A.

Meetings to engage with associations and communities of fishermen along the River Doce and to legitimize the Renova Foundation to carry out the various actions planned for the program.

Visit to the Socio-Cultural Environmental Center José Bahia, in São Mateus (ES). The institution has a native Atlantic Forest seedling nursery, with a great variety of species of mangrove plants, as well as a social project with children of the public-school system of the region. It carries out school reinforcement for 80 children and is dedicated to the seedling nursery. The Socio-Cultural Center has a partnership with the Federal University of Espirito Santo (UFES) and the Linhares City Hall, also in Espirito Santo. Currently, it pays for the social project, the meals of the children and the maintenance of the nursery just with the sales of the seedlings and support of its own workers and founders. Therefore, it was suggested that the institution registers to become a supplier of the Renova Foundation, for the sale of seedlings.

Regarding the cooperativism that has been worked on in the fishing communities, the team made a technical visit to the project of the Association of Friends and Fishermen of the Doce River (APARD), in Governador Valadares (MG), to present the program of fish farms using tank-nets and to align some information on the actions directed to the development of fishing cooperativism.

During the month of June, meetings were held to engage with fishermen groups in Ipaba do Paraíso (MG), Pingo D'água (MG) and Rio Casca (MG). Visits to associations and affected communities of fishermen along the Doce River were part of the June schedule of the program, generating legitimacy for the implementation of the planned actions, which strengthen the organization of fishermen.
The program team participated in the workshop for presenting the "Executive Report on Fisheries Activities", referring to the first campaign of the Integrated Socioeconomic Register. The document presents the main results of the survey of the families that declared losses related to fishing activities due to the dam collapse.

The team also attended two meetings. The first one, with members of the Mediated Indemnity Program (PIM), representatives of public authorities and the community of Regency (ES), for the structuring of indemnification policies for fishermen and the methodologies to be applied. And the second, with the Federal Institute of Espirito Santo, with the purpose to learn about earlier propositions of alternative fishing projects in the communities and verify the convergence and interface points of actions of Renova with respective entities.

In May 2017, engagements meetings were held in nine fishing associations and communities along the Doce River to generate legitimacy for planned actions, strengthen cultural practices, encourage initiatives indicated by the fishermen themselves and develop activities that result in the best organization of this group.

Support to the meeting held by the team of the Mediated Indemnity Program (PIM) with the fishermen of the Colony Z-19, from Governador Valadares (MG). The objective was to discuss and log previous fishing dynamics to define the fisherman’s income composition.

In May, the State Forestry Institute (IEF) allowed the fishing of some species, through Ordinance No. 40, dated May 11, 2017. This was a request of the colony Z-19 of Governador Valadares, in order for the fishermen not to lose their rights. The Renova Foundation participated in meetings with both entities to follow the decisions of the process. Fishing for species whose natural origin or occurrence is from another basin, such as tucanaré and mandi, and also from exotic species (from other countries), such as tilapia, has been cleared. The capture of hybrid fish, which are the result of the crossing between different species, is also allowed. Fishing for species of natural occurrence in the Doce River basin is still prohibited to allow the recovery of the river and the ichthyofauna.

In April 2017, meetings were held in Santana do Paraíso and São Lourenço, in Bugre (MG), locations identified as priority, since their residents allege to live directly from artisan fishing. The technical meetings are taking place in all impacted fishing communities, in order to present the program's proposals and generate engagement in its construction. These communities followed a planned month schedule, based on requests from the regions themselves or for logistical reasons.

Together with the Mediated Indemnity Program, assisting in identifying the income of the impacted fishermen before the collapse. This survey has been conducted together with the local fishermen's associations, so that the indemnification process is legitimate. The first meeting on the topic was held with the association of fishermen of Regência, in Linhares (ES).

There was also a meeting with the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Water Supply (MAPA-MG) to discuss concepts and definitions for the categories related to the professional fisherman (in possession of documentation validated by the Federal Government). It is fundamental to understand the different categories of fishermen - industrial, artisan, sportive and subsistence - to establish the strategy and actions of the program.

Meeting with IEF-MG to continue the discussion on the possibility to authorize fishing in tributaries of the Doce River, request made by about 500 fishermen from Governador Valadares and region. An official response still depends on actions such as fishery agreements and contamination studies.

Regarding the engagement and collective construction actions during the month of March, a series of meetings was held, starting with the presentation of the “Agriculture and Fisheries Activities Resumption Program" to the fishermen's associations of the districts Regência, Povoação, Colatina, communities of Guaxe, Baixo Guandu and Colônia Caboclo Bernardes in Linhares, Espírito Santo, and two other meetings with the fishing community, in Governador Valadares and Belo Horizonte (MG).

The second Technical Panel on Fishery Activities was held in Cariacica, in Espírito Santo, which led to the protocol for fishery support and a meeting with the Espírito Santo Institute of Research, Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (Incap), in Linhares (ES), to discuss requests of the fishing community, which calls for a repopulation project of the regional lakes for artisan fishing activities, and also a meeting with the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (Mapa-MG).

In addition, there was a meeting with the State Forestry Institute of Minas Gerais (IEF-MG) to discuss the request of the fishermen of Governador Valadares (MG) and regions to release fishing activities in the tributaries of the Doce River and finally, there was a meeting with the Federal Prosecution Service, in Linhares (ES), to discuss the current indemnity status of the fishermen of some of the municipalities of Espírito Santo.

In February 2017, a thematic panel was held on the resumption of aquaculture activities in Espírito Santo (ES), as well as meetings with the colonies and associations of the fishermen of Governador Valadares (MG) and the municipalities of Espírito Santo. The purpose of the meetings was to initiate the joint construction process of the strategy for the resumption of the activities. In progress is the distribution of financial aid debit cards to fishermen who temporarily lost their sources of income.

In January maintenance was performed on the financial aid debit cards distributed to the fishermen that temporarily lost their source of income. Furthermore, a thematic panel was held on the resumption of aquaculture activities in Minas Gerais (MG).

Last month maintenance was performed on the financial aid debit cards distributed to the fishermen that lost their source of income temporarily, in addition to technical workshops that were held in Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo with representatives from the Technical Board and guidelines from specialized institutions such as the Brazilian Support Service for Micro and Small Enterprises (Sebrae), the State Environmental Foundation (FEAM), the Technical Support and Rural Extension Company of the State of Minas Gerais (Emater-MG), among others.

Last month maintenance was performed on the financial aid debit cards distributed to the fishermen that lost their source of income. Furthermore, in order to conduct technical workshops in Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo meetings were held with representatives from specialized institutions such as the Brazilian Support Service for Micro and Small Enterprises (Sebrae), the State Environmental Foundation (FEAM), the Technical Support and Rural Extension Company of the State of Minas Gerais (Emater-MG), among others.

Last month the financial aid debit cards distributed to the fishermen that lost their source of income were kept effective.

Last month there was some maintenance done on the financial aid debit cards distributed to the fishermen that lost their source of income.


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