Renova Foundation

17 – Resumption of agricultural and livestock activities

Objective of the program

To provide the producers who had their livestock activities permanently hindered with an area comparable to their previous situation; to recompose the productive areas liable for restoration and conditions to produce according the previous situation, including soil, animals, equipment and installations; recovery of grasslands for grazing in the impacted areas, when technically viable; to create comparable grasslands in other areas of the property in substitution of grasslands that are technically not recoverable; to substitute pastures for other sources of animal alimentation with a higher productivity level that can be cultivated on the impacted property; to reestablish the structures for water withdrawal used for irrigation and drinking water for impacted animals to the previous situation or, when not possible, to create alternatives for reestablishing structures for water withdrawal; and to supply food for the directly impacted animals on the rural properties, until the recovery of the pastures.

Progress of Program

Completion of the agricultural repairs of 151 properties downstream of Candonga.

Médio Rio Doce
Celebration of the Historic Street, transformed into an open-air gallery by the Mosaic Project.

Alto Rio Doce
4th edition - Foz do Rio Doce Experience held from August 21st to 23rd, 2024.

Baixo Rio Doce
Delivery of the transformation of CEIM Regência (school).

Completion of the agricultural repairs of 129 properties downstream of Candonga.

Middle Rio Doce:
- Completion of the agricultural repairs of 111 properties downstream of Candonga.

Middle Rio Doce:
- Completion of the agricultural repairs of 104 properties downstream of Candonga.

Middle Rio Doce:
- Completion of the agricultural repairs of 99 properties downstream of Candonga.

Middle Rio Doce:
- Completion of the agricultural repairs of 89 properties downstream of Candonga.

Completion of the agricultural repairs of 80 properties downstream of Candonga.

There were no relevant facts this month.

Middle Rio Doce

Completion of the agricultural repairs of 69 properties downstream of Candonga.

Middle Rio Doce

Approval of the Technical Note by CTEI with a positive opinion to review the indicator deadlines.

Completion of the agricultural repairs of 48 properties downstream of Candonga.

The 3rd external audit cycle began.

Completion of the agricultural repairs of 41 properties downstream of Candonga.

Mid Doce River

Completion of operations on 34 properties downstream of Candonga.

Barra Longa
Inauguration of the Barra Longa exhibition park with collective ATER activities.

Mid Doce River
Completion of repair operations on 33 properties downstream from Candonga.

There were no relevant facts this month.

Lower Doce River

Registered adhesion of 08 producers to PG 17 after extension of the adhesion period to the Program.

Mid Doce River

Registered adhesion of 110 producers to PG 17 after extension of the period of adhesion to the Program.

Upper Doce River

A meeting was held with EPAMIG, which presented the results of the data analysis of the first and second application of the SIA (Sustainability Indicators in Agroecosystems) in Upper Doce River.

There were no relevant facts this month.

There were no relevant facts this month.

There were no relevant facts this month.

Completion of courses taught by Emater in partnership with the Renova Foundation.

There were no relevant facts this month.

Mid Doce River

Harvesting of the Rio Casca bean project was carried out, in partnership with Economy and Innovation, Calha Dialogue and PG17.

Upper Doce River

Completion of the installation of a domestic sewage treatment system in the serviced and eligible properties in the municipality of Ponte Nova.

Upper Doce River

Start of rural sanitation activities in Upper Doce River with the installation of mini ETEs.

Lower Doce River

Delivery of inputs to rural producers of Lot 13 in ES, in actions to repair damages in soil management

Beginning of the execution of the 1st phase of the Photovoltaic Micro Station at the Regência Fishermen's Association.

Upper Doce River

Completion of Productive Restructuring activities in the municipality of Mariana.

Lower Doce River

Cocoa workshop held on April 28 in the municipality of Linhares.

Mid Doce River

The 1st face-to-face course for rural producers was held on April 19, post pandemic - Genetic Improvement Course in Tumiritinga.

There were no relevant facts this month.

There were no relevant facts this month.

Flooding of repaired areas, interdiction of access roads, delay in the delivery of supplies and suspension of activities by contractors due to heavy rains.


Completion of Emater courses planned for 2021.

Upper Doce River

76 vegetable gardens and 82 orchards were designed and implemented in the municipalities of Mariana, Barra Longa, Ponte Nova, Rio Doce and Santa Cruz do Escalvado, in Alto Rio Doce.

Upper Doce River

Closing of silage supply in the upper doce river after the conclusion and resumption of activities in areas subject to impacted agricultural activities.

Lower Doce River

Beginning of face-to-face courses for the activities of providing Collective ATER hours by FUNDAGRES.

Upper Doce River

• Completion of the re-application of 15 SIA's in properties adhered to in Upper Doce River.

Lower Doce River

• Start of delivery of damage repair inputs to producers downstream of Candonga.

Mid Doce River

There were no relevant facts this month.

Upper Doce River

There were no relevant facts this month.

Lower Doce River

There were no relevant facts this month.

Mid Doce River

There were no relevant facts this month.


Approval of the definition of the program in the CIF.

Lower Doce River

There were no relevant facts this month.

Mid Doce River

There were no relevant facts this month.

Upper Doce River

There were no relevant facts this month.

Upper Doce River

There were no relevant facts this month.

Lower Doce River

There were no relevant facts this month.

Mid Doce River

There were no relevant facts this month.

Mid Doce River

There were no relevant facts this month.

Upper Doce River

Online courses were held to increase technical capacity by EMATER for ATER agents of institutions working in the Resumption of Agricultural and Livestock Activities Program.

Lower Doce River

There were no relevant facts this month.

Upper Doce River

Silage reduction plan in progress.
Online Training Course by EMATER on: "Productive Inclusion and Poverty Eradication".

Mid Doce River

There were no relevant facts this month.

Lower Doce River

There were no relevant facts this month.
There were no relevant facts this month.

Mid Doce River

Resumption of ATER/ATES field activities.

Lower Doce River

Resumption of ATER field activities released by the situation room.

Upper Doce River

On 05/11/2021, Rafael Arcanjo's Agroecological Demonstration Unit was implemented at Ocidente Farm located in the town of Barra Longa. A project in conjunction with EPAMIG and Biokratos.

Suspension of program activities at the request of the Barra Longa town hall (COVID-19).

Lower Doce River

Activities were suspended on 03/29, with the departure of field teams due to the pandemic.

Mid Doce River

Continued partial suspension of ATER/ATES contractors due to the COVID pandemic 19.

Upper Doce River

There were no relevant facts this month.

Lower Doce River

Activities were suspended on 03/29 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Mid Doce River

Activities were suspended on 03/29 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Upper Doce River

Production restructuring contracting processes concluded in all municipalities.

Lower Doce River

Commencement of individual ATER activities in the field.

Maintenance works at the DUs of the Renewing the Landscape project in the Upper Doce River were completed, and the replanting of silviculture and plants for providing shade for the MPE was started.

Mobilization process to start Individual ATER activities in Espirito Santo.

Mobilization process to start Collective ATER activities in Espirito Santo.

ATER Mobilization process of contracted institutions for lots 6, 7, 8, 10 and 11 in the Mid Doce River region.

Upper Doce River

In December, the 5 SAF DU's, 3 Silviculture DU's and 5 MPE's belonging to the “Renewing Landscapes” Project were managed and underwent maintenance.

In December, there was a change in the compensation program for animal feed supply, now through a deposit in the bank account of the affected person via user request, and this was communicated.

Mid Doce River

In December, funds were released for the acquisition of silage for rural producers who live in the region below the Risoleta Neves Plant, in Minas Gerais, all the way to Espirito Santo, who are experiencing technical/operational difficulties to maintain their production activities, in compliance with the Public Civil Action at the 12th Federal Civil and Agrarian Court of the Judicial Section of the State of Minas Gerais (SJMG).

Upper Doce River Region

Execution of simple and complex rural infrastructures.

Engagement and communication with producers in the territory to change the format of animal feed supply.

40 executive projects were signed that can be attached to the information. These serve as premises to start the improvement of orchards and vegetable gardens on rural properties following a schedule according to regional logistics.

3158 hours of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension for properties in the Upper Doce River territory and 127 producers who received Technical Assistance and Rural Extension in
accumulated until November 2020.

Mid Doce River

Funds for the acquisition of silage were provided to rural producers from below the Risoleta Neves Plant, in Minas Gerais, to Espirito Santo, who are experiencing technical/operational difficulties to maintain their production activities, in compliance with the Public Civil Action at the 12th Federal Civil and Agrarian Court of the Judicial Section of the State of Minas Gerais (SJMG).

Upper Doce River Region

10th Paulo Freire week - 27/10 - socio-territorial diagnosis of the upper Doce Rio Region - dialogue on sustainable rural Development based on family farming in the region, with professor Alair Ferreira de Freitas (Federal University of Viçosa - UFV).

Continuity of the delivery of animal feed to rural producers who had their properties affected by the tailings.

Conclusion of the first orchard within the scope of the PASEA.

Lower Doce River Region and Middle Doce River region

Provision of financial resources for the acquisition of silage to rural producers in the area starting below the Risoleta Neves HPP in Minas Gerais up to Espírito Santo who are facing technical/operational difficulties in maintaining their productive activities, in response to the public Civil action at the 12th Federal Civil and Agrarian Court of the judicial section of the state of Minas Gerais (SJMG).


Upper Doce River

Resumption of productive restructuring activities in all municipalities.
Delivering animal feed in the Mariana and Upper Doce River territories.
Participatory construction of orchard and vegetable garden projects in the municipalities of Mariana/MG, Barra Longa/MG, Ponte Nova/MG. These improvements are positive notes in the productive routine of rural families, favoring food security and providing opportunities for possible income diversification in the near future.

Mid and Lower Doce River

Funds for the acquisition of silage were provided to rural producers from below the Risoleta Neves Plant, in Minas Gerais, to Espirito Santo, who are experiencing technical/operational difficulties to maintain their production activities, in compliance with the Public Civil Action at the 12th Federal Civil and Agrarian Court of the Judicial Section of the State of Minas Gerais (SJMG).

Upper Doce River Region
* Delivery of animal feed in the territory of Mariana and Upper Doce River;
* Participative drawing up of executive projects of orchards and vegetable gardens in the municipalities of Mariana / MG, Barra Longa / MG, Ponte Nova / MG. These benefits are positive agendas in the productive routine of rural families, providing food security and giving opportunities for possible income diversification in the near future;
* A draft summary of the four-monthly report of the Resumption of Agricultural Activities Program was prepared for delivery for validation to the Technical Chamber of Economy and Innovation (CTEI), this document is in agreement and meets technical note 77/2020 CTEI (02/07/2020). The follow-up presentations of the program 17 were held at CTEI on 27/08/2020, when they were also reviewed and follow the NT77 and report. The two formats were presented to the Agricultural Working Group (GT-AGROPEC), CTEI's technical support. The objective of this document is to report on the program to the Interfederative Committee System (CIF) and provide clarity on the actions developed.
Middle and Lower Doce River
* Provision of financial resources for the acquisition of silage to rural producers, located below the Risoleta Neves plant from Minas Gerais to Espírito Santo, who are facing technical/operational difficulties in maintaining their productive activities, in response to the public interest civil action of the 12th Federal Civil and Agrarian Court of the judicial section of the state of Minas Gerais (SJMG);
* As part of the actions of Renova Foundation in the communities of Rocedo, Leonel and Córrego Preto, in integration between the areas of Dialogue, Economy and Innovation, and Sustainable Land Use, technical monitoring was carried out to enable the planting and marketing of bean crops from these communities. There were interactions with EMATER and with the company Allnutri (brand Pink) which purchased the beans produced. In the work performed, 31.24 hectares were planted and that more than doubled the productivity of bags per hectare despite the limits of service imposed by COVID-19. Some bags were allocated for household consumption, seed selection and a portion of those bags was sold to local trade contacts. With the distribution of supplies (agro silicon, fertilizer, seed, planter parts, and personal protection equipment), a total of 478 bags of Pearl-type Carioca beans were produced. Productivity more than doubled compared to previous crops, demonstrating the importance of technical monitoring in agricultural production. The gross value processed and made available to the community was R$114,233. 98. Other gains were made, with emphasis on the better organization and increase in trust of the community in the work of Renova Foundation teams.

Upper Doce River
• Delivering animal feed in the Mariana and Upper Doce River territories.
• Mid and Lower Doce River
Upper Doce River
• Funds for the acquisition of silage were provided to rural producers located from below the Risoleta Neves Plant, in Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo, who are experiencing technical/operational difficulties in maintaining their production activities, in compliance with the Public Civil Action at the 12th Federal Civil and Agrarian Court of the Judicial Section of the State of Minas Gerais (SJMG).
• Publication in the Federal Official Gazette (Diaro Oficial da Uniao) of the technical and financial cooperation agreement between the Renova Foundation - Fundagres Inovar - Espirito Santo Institute of Research, Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (INCAPER), for mutual collaboration of the participants in carrying out the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension actions (ATER) with rural producers affected by the Fundao dam collapse, in the municipalities of Baixo Guandu/ES, Colatina/ES, Linhares/ES and Marilandia/ES - effective from the 1st day following publication in the Official Gazette, until the July 2023 deadline, which may be extended by addendum.
• The Ipe Institute and Renova Foundation signed the draft for the partnership between the parties for the project "Education as an ingredient of change: agroecology, participation, and sustainability for rural settlements and institutions in the Doce River Basin," with a focus on research and development (R&D). It also includes the engagement of rural landowners and preparation of the 143 properties that make up the four selected rural settlements located in the municipalities of the Upper Doce River/ES and Aguia Branca/ES, for the implementation of Individual Property Projects (IPPs), which include the forest restoration of rural landscapes and sustainable rural production in family farming. These IPPs will be legitimized by the social technology of the Ipe Institute, which prioritizes the elaboration of strategies and alternatives for sustainable rural development and the improvement of the quality of life of the local community, in harmony with the restoration of landscapes, the conservation of natural resources and with the participation and involvement of regional partners, valid for 24 months after commencement of the project, which will take place before the resumption of the field activities released by the Renova Foundation.
• Submission of the Integrated Rural and Economic Development Plans for the states of Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo, on 07/31, in compliance with and determined in the public civil action. The plan for Espirito Santo is already in its first revision, considering the comments in technical note 76/2020 issued by the Technical Board of Economy and Innovation.

Upper Doce River
• Launch and dissemination of a study that identified the main opportunities for restoring landscapes and forests in the territory of the Gualaxo do Norte sub-basin, in the region of Mariana (MG) and other municipalities. For this study, the Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology (ROAM) methodology was used, besides the implementation of sustainable production demonstration units. The study was carried out by the Renova Foundation in partnership with the World Resources Institute (WRI Brazil), the International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF Brazil), and the Ecological Farm. The event was attended by approximately 380 people, including several leaders and representatives of the government.
• Delivery of animal feed in the Mariana and Upper Doce River territories.
Mid and Lower Doce River
• Providing funds for the acquisition of silage to rural producers located in the area from below the Risoleta Neves Plant, in Minas Gerais, to Espirito Santo, who are experiencing technical/operational difficulties in maintaining their production activities, in compliance with the Public Civil Action at the 12th Federal Civil and Agrarian Court of the Judicial Section of the State of Minas Gerais (SJMG).
• Updated the Development Plan for six settlements, including actions to solve problems related to agricultural, social, and environmental production.

Upper Doce River
• Delivering animal feed in the Mariana and Upper Doce River territories.
Mid and Lower Doce River
• Providing funds for the acquisition of silage to rural producers located from below the Risoleta Neves Plant, in Minas Gerais, to Espirito Santo, who are experiencing technical/operational difficulties to maintain their production activities, in compliance with the Public Civil Action at the 12th Federal Civil and Agrarian Court of the Judicial Section of the State of Minas Gerais (SJMG).

Upper Doce River
• Delivery of animal feed in the Mariana and Upper Doce River territories.
• On 04/04/2020, the Demonstrative Unit (DU) of the Agroforestry System (SAF) of the Renewing Landscapes project was implemented on a property located in the Paracatu de Baixo region, in the municipality of Mariana/MG. The DU was developed in partnership with the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF),
Mid Doce River
• Elaboration of the Sustainability Indicator in Agroecosystems (SIA) for Lot 3 - Tumiritinga/MG (1º Junho, Terra Prometida and Aguas da Prata I and II) and Periquito/MG (Liberdade).
• Payment in the form of a silage voucher to rural producers who are experiencing technical/operational difficulties in maintaining their productive activities, in compliance with the Public Civil Action of the 12th Federal Civil and Agrarian Court of the Judicial Section of the State of Minas Gerais (SJMG).
• Bean planting in the communities of Rochedo, Corrego Preto and Leonel, in the rural area of Rio Casca/MG. The initiative is part of the Bean Project, which aims to increase the volume of production in the districts. It also contributes to the improvement of the quality of grains.
Lower Doce River
• Elaboration of the Sustainability Indicator in Agroecosystems (SIA) for Lot 4 - Linhares/ES (Sezinio Fernandes de Jesus Settlement).
• Update of the Development Plan of the Sezinio Fernandes de Jesus Settlement Project in Espirito Santo, to provide economical, productive, and environmental sustainability.

• The Renova Foundation, following the warnings from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Health and given the increase in confirmed coronavirus cases (new COVID-19 virus) in Brazil, decided to adopt preventive and safety measures, suspending its field activities.
Upper Doce River
• Individual and collective technical assistance and rural extension activities (ATER) in the Mariana and the Upper Doce River territories.
• Delivery of animal feed in the territories of Mariana and the Upper Doce River territories.
• Crop plantation and pasture recovery in Barra Longa/MG.
• Construction of rural infrastructure in the territories of Mariana and Upper Doce River.
• Delivery of “Casa de Mel” equipment to a rural producer in Paracatu de Baixo/MG for the installation of a beekeeping unit with a production capacity of 12,000 kg of honey per year, in addition to propolis and wax.
Mid Doce River
• Elaboration of the Sustainability Indicator in Agroecosystems (SIA) for Lot 3 - Tumiritinga/MG (1º Junho, Terra Prometida and Aguas da Prata I and II) and Periquito/MG (Liberdade).
• Technical assistance and social extension activities (ATES) on Lot 3 - Tumiritinga/MG (1º Junho, Terra Prometida and Aguas da Prata I and II) and Periquito/MG (Liberdade).
• Training courses in health management in the municipalities of Conselheiro Pena/MG, Galileia/MG and Periquito/MG, between 03/03 and 03/06/2020. These courses were aimed at rural producers and carried out in partnership with the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company (EMATER) and Agricultural Research Company of Minas Gerais (EPAMIG).
Lower Doce River
• Technical assistance and social extension activities (ATES) on Lot 4 - Linhares/ES (Sezinio Fernandes de Jesus Settlement).
• Beekeeping course in the municipality of Resplendor/MG on 03/10 and 03/12/2020. This course was aimed at rural producers and carried out in partnership with the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company (EMATER) and the Agricultural Research Company of Minas Gerais (EPAMIG).

Upper Doce River
• Held the Agroforestry System (SAF) workshop on 02/12/2020 in Santa Cruz do Escalvado/MG, where 03 demonstration units of the Renewing Landscapes project were implemented, namely Native Silviculture, Ecological Pasture Management (MPE) and Agroforestry System (SAF). This workshop covered agroforestry maintenance techniques and management.
• Completion of an Agroforestry System demonstration unit in Gesteira/MG. This action is part of the Renewing Landscapes Project, a partnership between the Renova Foundation, World Resources Institute (WRI Brazil), the International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) and the Ecological Farm. It seeks to bring new agricultural technologies to the countryside.
• Conducted individual and collective technical assistance and rural extension activities (ATER) in the Mariana and the Upper Doce River territories.
• Crop plantation and pasture recovery in Barra Longa/MG.
• Delivery of animal feed in the Mariana and Upper Doce River territories.
• Construction of rural infrastructure in the Mariana and the Upper Doce River territories.
Mid Doce River
• Fruit farming training course for producers. The course was held in Conselheiro Pena/MG, on 02/05/2020 and 02/06/2020, and Galileia/MG, on 02/12/2020, in partnership with the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company (EMATER) and the Agricultural Research Company of Minas Gerais (EPAMIG).
• Elaboration of the Sustainability Indicator in Agroecosystems (SIA) for Lot 3 - Tumiritinga/MG (1º Junho, Terra Prometida and Aguas da Prata I and II) and Periquito/MG (Liberdade).
• Carried out technical assistance and social extension activities (ATES) on Lot 3 - Tumiritinga/MG (1º Junho, Terra Prometida and Aguas da Prata I and II) and Periquito/MG (Liberdade).
Lower Doce River
• Inputs for fences were delivered to rural producers in Espirito Santo.

Upper Doce River
• Conducting discussion groups on 01/28/2020 and 01/29/2020 in Acaiaca/MG and Mariana/MG, respectively, on the future of forest and landscape restoration in the region between Mariana/MG and Rio Doce/MG in the Gualaxo do Norte River Basin, Doce River territory, in Minas Gerais. The discussion groups are part of a process organized by the World Resources Institute (WRI-Brazil), the Renewing the Landscape Project and the Renova Foundation, with the objective of identifying bottlenecks and potential for increasing the restoration scale of landscapes in the territory.
• Conducted individual and collective technical assistance and rural extension activities (ATER) in the Mariana and the Upper Doce River territories.
• Crop plantation and pasture recovery in Barra Longa/MG.
• Delivery of animal feed in the Mariana and Upper Doce River territories.
• Construction of rural infrastructure in the Mariana and the Upper Doce River territories.
• Activities in the silviculture demonstration units in the Mariana and the Upper Doce River territories.
Mid Doce River
• Elaboration of the Sustainability Indicator in Agroecosystems (SIA) for Lot 3 - Tumiritinga/MG (1º Junho, Terra Prometida and Aguas da Prata I and II) and Periquito/MG (Liberdade).
• Carried out technical assistance and social extension activities (ATES) on Lot 3 - Tumiritinga/MG (1º Junho, Terra Prometida and Aguas da Prata I and II) and Periquito/MG (Liberdade).
• Organized fairs to support the sales of products for Lot 3 - Tumiritinga/MG (1º Junho, Terra Prometida and Aguas da Prata I and II) and Periquito/MG (Liberdade).
Lower Doce River
• Delivery of fertilizers for rural producers in Espirito Santo.
• Elaboration of SIA (Sustainability Indicator in Agroecosystems) for Lot 4 - Linhares/ES (Sezinio Fernandes de Jesus Settlement).
• Carrying out technical assistance and social extension activities (ATES) on Lot 4 - Linhares/ES (Sezinio Fernandes de Jesus Settlement).
• Organized fairs to support the sales of products for Lot 4 - Linhares/ES (Sezinio Fernandes de Jesus Settlement).

Upper Doce River
Implementation of vegetable gardens and orchards on rural properties was not carried out. Cause: The focus of the program at this time is the renovation of pastures and other productive areas (impacted and not impacted) that represent the main source of income of the majority of affected families, precisely so that it is possible to take advantage of the 2019/2020 rainy season. Several economic actions are already underway in the 2019 period, with 772.24 hectares of pastures implemented/renovated, 10,000 metric tons of animal feed delivered, in addition to the implementation of 289 retention basins and 9 dry ponds that contribute to the direct productivity. Based on the assessments of the properties, these are the actions that most directly impact the resumption of agricultural activities, in addition to technical assistance, which is also already underway. Finally, the repair/implementation strategy for vegetable gardens and orchards was changed after the activities of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (ATER) started, and will be prepared in a way to give more autonomy to the affected families, who will be able to participate more actively in the process of repair and diversification. Countermeasure: The implementation of vegetable gardens and orchards is expected to start by the end of the first quarter of 2020.
Construction or upgrading of 927 rural infrastructures, scheduled for 2019, has not been completed. Cause: Rural infrastructures were divided into two contracts, simple ones and complex ones. The implementation schedule for larger rural structures is a successor to the activities of renovating/planting pastures, grasslands, sugar cane fields and other productive areas. Therefore, first will be started with production and then invested in the repair/construction of rural support structures, preferably after the rainy season, which started late in the region. It is important to note that most of the structures planned for implementation were not directly affected, but will be installed in affected properties in order to contribute to the integrated repair of impacted rural properties and to raise the Sustainability Indicator in Agroecosystems (ISA) index, in search of the rural properties sustainability threshold. Countermeasure: Because these are larger works, structures such as a corrals, chicken coops, barns, among others, are expected to be mobilized shortly after the 2020 rainy season.
Kick-off of the company responsible for the execution of simple rural infrastructures, cattle guards, drinking fountains and gates.
Realization of 50 simple rural infrastructures on properties.
Presentation of the integrated repair strategy for Mariana and Barra Longa to integrate the agenda with the municipalities, with the participation of the Cooperative Organization of Agroecology (OCA) and the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company (EMATER).
The provision of 64 hours of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension for each property that adheres to PASEA (Socioeconomic and Environmental Adequacy Plan), planned for 2019, has not been completed. Cause: The Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (ATER) activities started directly in 2016, however, after approval of the program definition, in the last four months of 2019, the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (ATER) activities began according to the new approved format. Countermeasure: Measure the indicator starting January 2020 in order to match delivery according to the calendar year.
The implementation of 35 Demonstration Units in the field of research and development, scheduled for 2019, has not been completed. Cause: The number of 35 demonstration units was based on the August 2018 scenario, the correct number of Demonstration Units to be carried out by the program is 31. There was a delay in the implementation of the activities due to the dissolution of the responsible contractor. Countermeasure: Pass on the scope of the demonstration units to other contractors who are already working in the field.
Mid Doce River
The implementation of environmental improvement works related to Land Use Management, scheduled for 2019, has not been completed. Cause: the Tailings Management Plan, which provides input for defining the area directly impacted, based on models that consider the “study of floods” and specific surveying in transects implemented in these regions. The sections of the Tailings Management Plan for these regions are in different stages of approval, and in the Mid Doce River region they are being analyzed by the Technical Board (TB) of Tailings / CIF. In addition, according to the strategy developed by Renova with the Technical Board of Economy and Innovation (TB-EI) and approved in the program definition by the CIF, the actions for repairing irrigation and soil systems impacted on rural properties located downstream of Candonga up until the River Mouth (Foz), will be carried out by the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (ATER) institutions that win the RFPs issued for the lots. That is, the repair projects for these items, when applicable, will be built together with the team of extension specialists assigned to serve these families and not by another company hired in parallel with the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (ATER) service. Countermeasure: The municipalities of the Doce River Channel region that contain impacted rural properties were grouped into lots, called “ATER lots”, for which the RFPs have been published gradually, respecting the schedule validated by the CIF in the Program Definition.
The implementation of environmental improvement works related to Water Use Management, scheduled for 2019, has not been completed. Cause: the Tailings Management Plan, which provides input for defining the area directly impacted, based on models that consider the “study of floods” and specific surveying in transects implemented in these regions. The sections of the Tailings Management Plan for these regions are in different stages of approval, and in the Mid Doce River region they are being analyzed by the Technical Board (TB) of Tailings / CIF. In addition, according to the strategy developed by Renova with the Technical Board of Economy and Innovation (TB-EI) and approved in the program definition by the CIF, the actions for repairing irrigation and soil systems impacted on rural properties located downstream of Candonga up until the River Mouth (Foz), will be carried out by the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (ATER) institutions that win the RFPs issued for the lots. That is, the repair projects for these items, when applicable, will be built together with the team of extension specialists assigned to serve these families and not by another company hired in parallel with the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (ATER) service. Countermeasure: The municipalities of the Doce River Channel region that contain impacted rural properties were grouped into lots, called “ATER lots”, for which the RFPs have been published gradually, respecting the schedule validated by the CIF in the Program Definition.
The provision of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (ATER) services, with 48 individual hours and 16 collective hours per year, after kick-off of the services, scheduled for 2019, has not been completed. Cause: The gradual publication of the ATER RFPs for the lots is part of the macro strategy of the Axis for Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (ATER) and Research within scope of the Resumption of Agricultural and Livestock Activities Program, approved by the CIF through Resolution No. 263/2019. Countermeasure: Contracting of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (ATER) services, observing the following deadlines: lots 7, 8 and 10 by 03/31/2020, lots 5, 6, 9, 11, 12 and 13 by 07/31/2020 and INCAPER by 07/31/2020.
Lower Doce River
Launch of RFPs for Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (ATER) to hire companies responsible for activities in lots 11, 12 and 13.
The implementation of environmental improvement works related to Land Use Management, scheduled for 2019, has not been completed. Cause: the Tailings Management Plan, which provides input for defining the area directly impacted, based on models that consider the “study of floods” and specific surveying in transects implemented in these regions. The sections of the Tailings Management Plan for these regions are in different stages of approval, and in the Mid Doce River region they are being analyzed by the Technical Board (TB) of Tailings / CIF. In addition, according to the strategy developed by Renova with the Technical Board of Economy and Innovation (TB-EI) and approved in the definition of a program by the CIF, the actions for repairing irrigation and soil systems impacted on rural properties located downstream of Candonga up until the River Mouth (Foz), will be carried out by the institutions of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (ATER) that win the RFPs issued for the lots. That is, the repair projects for these items, when applicable, will be built together with the team of extension specialists assigned to serve these families and not by another company hired in parallel with the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (ATER) service. Countermeasure: The municipalities of the Doce River Channel region that contain impacted rural properties were grouped into lots, called “ATER lots”, for which the RFPs have been published gradually, respecting the schedule validated by the CIF in the Program Definition.
The implementation of environmental improvement works related to Water Use Management, scheduled for 2019, has not been completed. Cause: the Tailings Management Plan, which provides input for defining the area directly impacted, based on models that consider the “study of floods” and specific surveying in transects implemented in these regions. The sections of the Tailings Management Plan for these regions are in different stages of approval, and in the Mid Doce River region they are being analyzed by the Technical Board (TB) of Tailings / CIF. In addition, according to the strategy developed by Renova with the Technical Board of Economy and Innovation (TB-EI) and approved in the definition of a program by the CIF, the actions for repairing irrigation and soil systems impacted on rural properties located downstream of Candonga up until the River Mouth (Foz), will be carried out by the institutions of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (ATER) that win the RFPs issued for the lots. That is, the repair projects for these items, when applicable, will be built together with the team of extension specialists assigned to serve these families and not by another company hired in parallel with the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (ATER) service. Countermeasure: The municipalities of the Doce River Channel region that contain impacted rural properties were grouped into lots, called “ATER lots”, for which the RFPs have been published gradually, respecting the schedule validated by the CIF in the Program Definition.
The provision of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (ATER) services, with 48 individual hours and 16 collective hours per year, after kick-off of the services, scheduled for 2019, has not been completed. Cause: The gradual publication of the ATER RFPs for the lots is part of the macro strategy of the Axis for Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (ATER) and Research within scope of the Resumption of Agricultural and Livestock Activities Program, approved by the CIF through Resolution No. 263/2019. Countermeasure: Contracting of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (ATER) services, observing the following deadlines: lots 7, 8 and 10 by 03/31/2020, lots 5, 6, 9, 11, 12 and 13 by 07/31/2020 and INCAPER by 07/31/2020.

Upper Doce River
• Participation of Renova and Mr. Waldir Pollack, a rural producer in one of the towns hit by the Fundao dam collapse, at the XI Brazilian Agroecology Congress - Ecology of Knowledge: Science, Culture and Art in the Democratization of Agrifood Systems. There, the article based on this work, named “Gualaxo Agroecology Network: Redefinition of the Territory by the People Affected by the Fundao Dam in Mariana/MG”, was presented;
• Training in organic horticulture given by Mr. Waldir Pollack in Paracatu de Baixo.
• Completion of the first SAF Demonstration Unit (Agroforestry System). Project in partnership with WRI-Brazil (World Resources Institute), ICRAF (World Agroforestry Centre) and Ecological Farm in the Ponte Nova municipality;
• Performing Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (ATER) activities in the Upper Doce River territory;
• Performing productive restructuring activities in the municipalities of Mariana, Ponte Nova, Rio Doce and Santa Cruz do Escalvado;
• Completion of pasture planting/restoration in the impacted areas of the municipalities of Mariana, Rio Doce, Santa Cruz do Escalvado and Ponte Nova, on the properties that authorized the execution;
• Execution of gates, cattle guards and drinking fountains on the properties of the municipalities of Mariana and Barra Longa;
• Execution of retention basins on the properties of the Socioeconomic and Environmental Adequacy Plan (PASEA) located in the Upper Doce River territory;
• Feedback of the Socioeconomic and Environmental Adequacy Plan (PASEA) in the municipalities of Mariana and Barra Longa;
Mid Doce River
• Training course on the National School Meals Program (PNAE) (PNAE) and Food Purchase Program (PAA) for producers. The course was held in Fernandes Tourinho, Periquito (Pedra Corrida), Periquito (Liberdade), Naque and Governador Valadares in partnership with the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company (EMATER) and Agricultural Research Company of Minas Gerais (Epamig).
• Agroecology training course for producers. The course was held in Belo Oriente in partnership with the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company (EMATER) and the Agricultural Research Company of Minas Gerais (Epamig).
• Execution of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (ATER) activities in Lot 3 - Tumiritinga (1º Junho, Cachoeirinha, Terra Prometida and Aguas da Prata) and Periquito (Liberdade).
• Training course at ISA (Indicators of Sustainability in Agroecosystems) in Governador Valadares in partnership with the Agricultural Research Company of Minas Gerais (EPAMIG), with the objective of training technicians of the Cooperative of Rural Agriculture Workers (COOPERTRAC) in the methodology of diagnosis of rural properties.
Lower Doce River
• Horticulture training course for producers. The course was held in Resplendor in partnership with the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company (EMATER) and Agricultural Research Company of Minas Gerais (Epamig).
• Announcement of the “Sustainability in Espirito Santo” RFP of the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (ATER) for lots 12 - Baixo Guandu, Colatina and Marilandia and 13 - Linhares.
• Performing Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (ATER) activities in Lot 4 in Linhares (Sezinio Fernandes de Jesus Settlement).

Upper Doce River
• Signing of contracts of companies responsible for vegetable and orchard farming activities in Mariana, Barra Longa and other municipalities did not occur. Cause: since the submitted proposals were over budget, it was decided to draft a new contracting process. The new process was delayed due to technical questions and the receipt of proposals that were inconsistent with the scope of work. Countermeasure: finalize the issuance process of the order in November (11/22).
• Signing of the partnership agreement between the Renova Foundation and the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV/SIF) to carry out the “PRO-ATER” project to implement the Articulation and Strengthening of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company (ATER) Program in five municipalities in Minas Gerais that were hit by the collapse.
• Meeting with the State Council for Sustainable Rural Development (CEDRS) in Vitoria/ES. Presentation of actions of Program 17 - Resumption of Agricultural Activities in Espirito Santo to support the launch of the RFP of the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company (ATER).
• Meeting with Doce River panel, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), researchers from the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV) and World Resources Institute (WRI) to present research and projects related to the Renova Foundation.
• Discussion group on the future of forest and landscape restoration in Minas Gerais, Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology (ROAM) in Gualaxo do Norte. Presentation of results and discussion with the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company (ATER) to help develop a plan for the region.
• Fruit farming training course for producers. The course was held in Periquito, Governador Valadares, Bugre and Caratinga, in partnership with the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company (EMATER) and the Agricultural Research Company of Minas Gerais (EPAMIG).
• Breeding management course in Barra Longa and Mariana in partnership with the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company (EMATER) and the Agricultural Research Company of Minas Gerais (EPAMIG).
• Sugarcane farming and cachaça production training course in Tumiritinga in partnership with the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company (EMATER) and the Agricultural Research Company of Minas Gerais (EPAMIG).
• Collective activities of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company (ATER) in the Upper Doce River territory.
• 2nd Workshop on Biodiversity Agroforestry Systems in Mariana, focusing on the creation of indicators for Monitoring of Demonstration Units.
• Productive restructuring activities in the municipalities of Mariana, Ponte Nova, Rio Doce and Santa Cruz.
• Execution of retention basins on the properties of the Socioeconomic and Environmental Adequacy Plan (PASEA) located in Barra Longa.
Mid Doce River
• First collective meetings with the families of Lot 3 - Tumiritinga (1º June, Cachoeirinha, Terra Prometida and Aguas da Prata) and Periquito (Liberdade).
• Completion of the survey of existing/implemented development actions in the area of Lot 3 - Tumiritinga (1º Junho, Cachoeirinha, Terra Prometida and Aguas da Prata) and Periquito (Liberdade).
• First individual meetings with the families of Lot 3 - Tumiritinga (1º June, Cachoeirinha, Terra Prometida and Aguas da Prata) and Periquito (Liberdade).
• Seminars for project presentation and training of technicians from the Cooperative of Rural Agriculture Workers (COOPERTRAC) for lot 3 - Tumiritinga (1º June, Cachoeirinha, Terra Prometida and Aguas da Prata) and Periquito (Liberdade).
Lower Doce River
• First individual meetings with the families of Lot 4 - Linhares (Sezinio Fernandes de Jesus Settlement).
• First collective meetings with the families of Lot 4 - Linhares (Sezinio Fernandes de Jesus Settlement).
• Completion of the survey of existing/implemented actions in the area of Lot 4 - Linhares (Sezinio Fernandes de Jesus Settlement).
• Seminars for project presentation and training of technicians from the Cooperative of Rural Agriculture Workers (COOPERTRAC) for Lot 4 - Linhares (Sezinio Fernandes de Jesus Settlement).

Upper Doce River:
• Workshop in Belo Horizonte to build the monitoring system of the Renewing Landscapes Project of the Demonstration Units by the World Resources Institute (WRI), Ecological Farm and World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF).
• Fruit farming training course for producers in Ipaba and Santana do Paraiso, in partnership with the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company (EMATER) and the Agricultural Research Company of Minas Gerais (EPAMIG).
• Training course on high productivity beekeeping management for producers in Dionisio, in partnership with the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company (EMATER) and the Agricultural Research Company of Minas Gerais (EPAMIG).
• Presentation of the political, social, institutional, ecological and technological criteria used to map and prioritize forest restoration areas along the Doce River Basin, and work on post-collapse emergency action, integrated rural property repair, and strategy for farmer involvement. The presentation was made by the Sustainable Land Use team between 09/24 and 09/28, at the 8th World Conference on Ecological Restoration, held in Cape Town, South Africa. The studies were developed in partnership with the Federal Universities of Minas Gerais and Vicosa (UFMG and UFV).
• The contract was drafted of the partnership between the Renova Foundation and the Federal University of Vicosa to implement the Program for Articulation and Strengthening of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company in five affected Minas Gerais municipalities.
• Kick-off meeting between the Renova Foundation and the Federal University of Vicosa for research and development of technologies for monitoring and recovery of soil directly impacted by Fundao tailings in the municipalities of Mariana, Rio Doce, Santa Cruz do Escalvado and Barra Longa (Environmental Area 1), in Minas Gerais.
• Kick-off meeting with the contractor responsible for the productive restructuring in the rural properties in Barra Longa (MG).
• Conclusion of mobilization and start of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company (ATER) activities by the new contractor.
• Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company (ATER) activities, visits in the municipalities of Mariana and Barra Longa (MG), collection of the adhesion term and commencement of the technical recommendations.
• Soil preparation activities for initiation of agricultural plantations in the municipalities of Mariana, Barra Longa, Rio Doce and Santa Cruz (MG).
• Execution of 33 retention basins on the properties of the Socioeconomic and Environmental Adequacy Plan (Pasea) located in Barra Longa (MG).
• Construction of electric fences in demonstration units of Ecological Pasture Management (MPE), carried out in partnership with the World Resources Institute (WRI).

Upper Doce River:
• Kick-off of the company responsible for the productive restructuring in Barra Longa was postponed. Cause: Delay in the release of the contractual draft. Countermeasure: Kick-off with the contractor on 09/06.
• Continuity of the execution of retention basins in the municipalities of Mariana (MG), Barra Longa (MG), Ponte Nova (MG), Rio Doce (MG) and Santa Cruz do Escalvado (MG).
• Mobilization of the winning contractor of the RFP of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company (ATER) for lots 1 (Mariana and Barra Longa, in Minas Gerais) and 2 (Barra Longa, Santa Cruz do Escalvado, Ponte Nova and Rio Doce, all in Minas Gerais).
• Conducting the ISA/PASEA training course in Mariana (MG). The course was held in partnership with the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company (Emater) and Agricultural Research Company of Minas Gerais (EPAMIG).
• Cattle raising (sanitary management) training course in Barra Longa (MG). The course was held in partnership with the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company (Emater) and Agricultural Research Company of Minas Gerais (EPAMIG).
• Poultry farming training course in Governador Valadares. The course was held in partnership with the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company (Emater) and Agricultural Research Company of Minas Gerais (EPAMIG).
• Community garden implementation and management course in Sao Jose do Goiabal (MG) and Fernandes Tourinho (MG). The course was held in partnership with the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company (Emater) and Agricultural Research Company of Minas Gerais (EPAMIG).
• Completion of ATER activities that were carried out by the Renova team due to the mobilization of the winning contractor of the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company (ATER) RFP for lots 1 and 2.
• The contract of the partnership between the Renova Foundation and the Federal University of Vicosa to implement the Program for Articulation and Strengthening of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company in five affected Minas Gerais municipalities was not signed. Cause: delay in drafting the contract due to changes requested by the legal advisor. Countermeasure: sign the contract on 09/25
Mid Doce River:
• Soil preparation and planting by the contracted provider did not kick-off. Cause: disputes in the commercial proposal presented by the company in relation to the demanded scope. Countermeasure: transferring the scope that would be executed by Allonda to the companies that will be hired through the ATER RFPs for the lots of the program and cancel the contracting process with Allonda.
• Mobilization of the contractor responsible for the activities of ATES (Technical Assistance for Settlements) - Lot 3 (Tumiritinga - Primeiro de Junho, Cachoeirinha, Terra Prometida and Aguas da Prata, and Periquito - Liberdade);
Lower Doce River:
• Mobilization of the contractor responsible for the activities of ATES (Technical Assistance for Settlements) - Lot 4 (Linhares - Sezinio Fernandes de Jesus Settlement).

Upper Doce River:
• Kick-off with the winning company of the RFP for Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (ATER) for lots 1 and 2.
• Kick-off of the company responsible for the productive restructuring in Barra Longa did not take place; Cause: Delay in negotiation phase. As a result, the activities have been rescheduled. Countermeasure: Issue the purchase order on 08/09 and kick-off with the contractor on 08/30.
• Signing of the contract with the company responsible for activities involving vegetable gardens and orchards in Mariana did not take place. Cause: Proposals submitted were over budget. It was decided to elaborate a new contracting process. Countermeasure: Define new contracting schedule with the purchasing area on 07/08. New technical visit for contracting scheduled on August 19 and 20, 2019.
• Maintenance of previously executed plantations and of 19.22 hectares of land mapped for soil correction.
• Completion of 14 retention basins.
• Completion of meetings with the municipalities of Rio Doce, Santa Cruz, Ponte Nova, Mariana and Barra Longa for presentation and alignment to provide a response to PASEA.
• Presentation of the integrated repair strategy for Mariana and Barra Longa to integrate the agenda with the municipalities, with the participation of OCA and EMATER.
• Mobilization of the company for the execution of simple structures, cattle guards, drinking fountains and gates.
• Elaboration of the integrated Plan of Actions for the vulnerable, with the health and welfare team.
• Completion of the First Demonstration Unit for Ecological Pasture Management in Santa Cruz do Escalvado.
Mid Doce River:
• Soil preparation and planting by the contracted provider did not kick-off. Cause: Need to change the contractor's CNPJ since the contractor's CNAE is not compatible with the activity that will be performed. Countermeasure: Adjust contractor data (CNPJ) and schedule kick-off for 08/16.
• Completion of the addendum with the contractor that supplies inputs for soil correction.
• Eligible properties identified for productive restructuring interventions in Itueta and Aimores.
• Launch of the RFP for productive restructuring in lots 7, 8 and 10.
• Completion of the contracting process of the company responsible for the technical assistance for settlements (ATES) - Lot.
Lower Doce River:
• Planning of Cocoa Chain in ES with Agriculture Secretariat of ES, Ceplac, Incaper, Agriculture Secretariat of Linhares-ES, Cocoa Growers Association of ES-Acau and Renova.
• Completion of the contracting process of the company responsible for the technical assistance for settlements (ATES) - Lot 4.
• Eligible properties identified for productive restructuring interventions in Linhares.

• Fundao to Candonga (Upper Doce River): kick-off of the effective contracting of the company that has won the ATER RPF for lots 1 and 2 did not take place. Cause: delay in signing the contract with OCA due to non-compliance with the expected legal feedback by 06/14. Countermeasure: kick-off on 07/05 and start of mobilization of contracted company on 07/08. Field work with the producers is expected for August.
• Fundao to Candonga (Upper Doce River): contracting process opened for company that is to execute and supply the mini WWTPs for PASEA's rural properties.
• Fundao to Candonga (Upper Doce River): signing of the contract with the company responsible for activities involving vegetable gardens and orchards in Mariana did not take place. Cause: The values of the proposals sent by the contractors was well above budget and, after several rounds of negotiation with the supply area, it was decided to set up a new contracting process. Countermeasure: define the new strategy for the contracting together with the supply area on 06/28 and reschedule the kick-off.
• Fundao to Candonga (Upper Doce River): signing of the contract with the company responsible for activities involving vegetable gardens and orchards in Barra Longa and other municipalities did not take place. Cause: The values of the proposals sent by the contractors were well above budget and, after several rounds of negotiation with the supply area, it was decided to set up a new contracting process. Countermeasure: define the new strategy for the contracting together with the supply area on 06/28, negotiate the execution of the yards with CPCD as part of the scope, and reschedule the kick-off.
• Fundao to Candonga (Upper Doce River): definition of the contracting strategy for the company to execute orchards and vegetable gardens with PASEA.
• Fundao to Candonga (Upper Doce River): meeting with the Rio Doce and Rosa Fortini municipal authorities, in order to plan the individual feedback of the PASEAs.
• Fundao to Candonga (Upper Doce River): contracting and commencement of feasibility studies for alternative water withdrawal for PASEA properties.
• Candonga to the River Mouth (Mid Doce River): soil preparation and planting by the contracted service provider has not begun. Cause: Delay in the negotiation process and signing of the contract. Contract nonconformities were identified, such as type of contract. Countermeasure: kickoff on 07/20 after review of nonconformities in the contract.
• Candonga to the River Mouth (Mid Doce River): the supply of inputs for soil correction by the contractor was not initiated. Cause: Delay in the negotiation process and issuance of the purchase order. Countermeasure: obtain issuance of the purchase order with the contractor (purchase order characterizes the addendum obtained) on 06/28 and sign addendum on 01/07.
• Candonga to the River Mouth (Mid Doce River): selection of property in Conselheiro Pena for installation of EPAMIG's Demonstration Unit. Installation should take place in August/19.
• Candonga to the River Mouth (Mid Doce River): meeting on 06/13 with the Rural Union of Resplendor to work together, specifically in regard to the SENAR courses.
• Candonga to the River Mouth (Mid Doce River): meeting on 06/13 with Resplendor residents about the actions of the Resumption of Agricultural and Livestock Activities Program.
• Candonga to the River Mouth (Mid Doce River): meeting on 06/14 with residents of Itueta about the actions of the Resumption of Agricultural and Livestock Activities Program.
• Candonga to River Mouth (Mid Doce River): meeting on 06/14 with the Rural Union of Aimores to work together, specifically in regard to the SENAR courses.
• Candonga to the River Mouth (Lower Doce River): launch of the ATER RFP for at least 2 lots of Espirito Santo and downstream of HPP Risoleta Neves did not take place. Cause: Negotiations are in progress with INCAPER AND FUNDAGRES for validation of the RFP. Countermeasure: validate New ATER RFPs for Espirito Santo and formalize the Project Charter with FUNDAGRES (INCAPER), which is under internal analysis of the Renova Foundation with the purpose of establishing a partnership for the conduct of the ATER process in the State. Release the RFPs on 09/16.
• Signed the ATES contract for settlements by the organization responsible for promoting the agroecological transition and organization of the main productive chains existing in agrarian reform settlements directly impacted by the Fundao dam collapse.
• In negotiation with INCAPER, SEAG, MAPA and IDAF, for strengthening the Renova Foundation's governance system for launching of the ATER RFP Sustainability Espirito Santo.

• Approval of APRO 28: approval of the repair strategy of the Program for Reconstruction of Agricultural Activities through implementation of the actions set forth in the Socioeconomic and Environmental Adequacy Plan (PASEA), of rural properties impacted between the Fundao and Candonga, independently and complementary to indemnities carried out by the Mediated Indemnity Program (PIM).
• Fundao to Candonga (Upper Doce River): kick-off of the effective contracting of the company that won the ATER bidding for lots 1 and 2 was not carried out, since, after meetings of 04/26 and 05/10, internal procedures took place for amending the contract and approval of the contractual draft by the legal department. The kick-off will be rescheduled for the week from 06/10 to 06/14, since it is expected that the legal department will provide its feedback during the week from 06/03 to 06/07.
• Fundao to Candonga (Upper Doce River): Development of RT for contracting the installation of mini WWTPs for sewage treatment in the impacted rural properties did not take place due to the revision of the contracting strategy with the supplier. The activity was rescheduled in order to maintain the opening of RC to the market in June 2019.
• Fundao to Candonga (Upper Doce River): contracted ERG that performs the diagnosis of mobilized water resources and related projects.
• Fundao to Candonga (Upper Doce River): maintenance of the stretches that were already executed and of areas that were only mapped for soil correction of 15.0 hectares.
• Fundao to Candonga (Upper Doce River): execution of eight retention basins.
• Candonga to the River Mouth (Mid Doce River): Activities of the contractor providing soil preparation and planting services was not initiated due to the delay in the negotiation. The team will be resized during planning to meet the contract deadline.
• Candonga to the River Mouth (Mid Doce River): the supply of inputs for soil correction by the contractor was not initiated, as the properties and demands for each one are being surveyed. An active contract with the supplier will be used to supply the inputs as soon as the demands for the properties have been raised.
• Candonga to the River Mouth (Lower Doce River): launch of the ATER RFP for at least 2 lots of Espirito Santo and downstream of the HPP Risoleta Neves, not carried out due to ongoing negotiations with INCAPER AND FUNDAGRES, which were not finalized. New ATER RFPs will be validated for Espirito Santo and the Project Charter will be formalized with FUNDAGRES (INCAPER), which is under internal analysis of the Renova Foundation, with the purpose of establishing a partnership for the conduct of the ATER process in the State.

• Candonga to River Mouth (Mid Doce River): identification of 50 rural properties eligible for the Resumption of Agricultural Activities downstream of the Risoleta Neves HPP.
• Candonga to River Mouth (Mid Doce River): technical visit to impacted farmers to define the support and Irrigation and Animal Watering Services.
• Candonga to River Mouth (Mid Doce River): definition of properties to be served by the Irrigation and Animal Watering Services.
• Candonga to River Mouth (Mid Doce River): construction of 5,790 meters of fence on properties of the Cachoeirinha settlement (Tumiritinga/MG).
• Fundao to Candonga (Mariana/Upper Doce River): for April/19, maintenance was planned for 15 hectares of the stretches already executed and for mapped areas, including soil correction, mowing, fertilization, ant control, chemical weeding and liming. A total of 23.1 hectares were completed with the objective of guaranteeing the resumption of agricultural activities.
• Fundao to Candonga (Mariana / Upper Doce River): for April/19, the completion of 10 retention basins was planned. A total of 15 retention basins were completed with the objective of retaining water on the properties.
• Fundao to Candonga (Mariana / Upper Doce River): in April/19, we expected to provide 40 hours of technical assistance and rural extension for the rural properties (ATER). However, 68 hours of service were provided to rural producers.
• Fundao to Candonga (Mariana / Upper Doce River): in April/19, the first Agroecology Meeting of Gualaxo was held, covering various topics such as production challenges, organic certification and sales in family agriculture. Participants interacted through conversation circles, workshops and dynamic meetings.
• Fundao to Candonga (Mariana / Upper Doce River): in April/19, kick-off by the company ERG, which will carry out the diagnosis and projects of mobilized water resources - Fundao to Candonga.
• Fundao to Candonga (Mariana / Upper Doce River): in April/19, students from the Paulo Freire Agricultural Family School (EFA), located in the municipality of Acaiaca, went on a field trip to the property of Mr. Waldir Pollack, impacted rural producer from Paracatu de Baixo, Mariana. The objective of the event was hands-on agroecological practices and to exchange experiences.
• Fundao to Candonga (Mariana / Upper Doce River):
Planned: “Kick-off of effective contracting of the winning company of the ATER RFP for Lots 1 and 2" has not been honored yet. Cause: Negotiations on contract drafts, exemption from presentation of letter of guarantee and review of internal documents for formalization of the process (example: breaking up RC by municipalities). Countermeasure: face-to-face meeting with “OCA” on 04/26/2019 - the board and representatives of the support areas (supplies, contract administration) were present for clarification and acceleration of the formalization process. At present, this delivery depends on approval by the board of exemption of a letter of guarantee. Expected approval date by 05/10/2019.
• Candonga to River Mouth (Lower Doce River):
Planned: "Launch of the ATER RFP for at least 2 lots of Espirito Santo and downstream of HPP Risoleta Neves" not performed. Cause: This delivery was not accomplished due to new agreements with INCAPER AND FUNDARES. Countermeasure: the adopted countermeasure was to approach the institutions (INCAPER AND FUNDARES), aiming at dialogue and speeding up the process.
• Fundao to Candonga (Mariana / Upper Doce River):
Planned: “Development of RT for contracting the installation of mini WWTPs for sewage treatment in impacted rural properties" not accomplished. Cause: This did not occur because of technical adjustments to the process of the supplier of the product. Countermeasure: rescheduled for 05/10/2019. In any way, will this interfere with the expected opening date of the competitive market process.

Forest Restoration Mariana - Front 1: Completion of the contracting process of the consortium that will work on this front. Kick-off scheduled for the first half of April.
Forest Restoration Mariana/Barra Longa - Front 2: Accumulated planting of 96.97 ha of the 211.67 ha planned (45.71% of planted area), besides the implementation of a silviculture system and interventions of soil preparation and counting of regenerants.
Forest Restoration Barra Longa - Front 3: Accumulated planting of 4.225 ha of the 304.84 ha planned (1.39% of planted area). Field activities were interrupted because the contract is being terminated. Planning of execution with another company, not affecting the March 2020 deadline.
Forest Restoration PN, RD and SC - Front 4: Accumulated planting of 22.45 ha of the 284.53 ha planned (7.9% of planted area). In March, other maintenance activities were also carried out on the properties on this front.
Creation of a Crisis Management Office to identify and discuss issues related to the municipality of Barra Longa.
In March, the definition of Program 40 was approved by the Technical Board CT-FLOR. In relation to the Environmental Regularization Plan (PRA), to terminate the program it will be necessary to obtain a term of acceptance or withdrawal from the owner. During the month of April, the CIF must publish the resolution formalizing the definition of the program.
The passwords to access the National Rural Environmental Registry System (SICAR) are being updated for rectification of the records. Signatures of the CAR delivery terms are being collected.
Dissemination of the results of the ATER RFP for lots 1 and 2 (from Mariana to Rio Doce).
Finalization of the contracting process for monitoring the quality of the planting (contracted company Bioma Meio Ambiente).

Initiation of implementation of the Agroforestry System (SAF), which aims to cultivate species of forest restoration and agricultural interest simultaneously in the same geographic location, in order to optimize the rural area, making production sustainable.
Initiation of implantation of silvicultural system, consisting of sequencing of samples and silvicultural treatments, aimed at favoring certain trees to obtain forest formation with a higher proportion of commercial species, of preference and increasingly stronger.
In February, the definition of Program 40 was discussed and revised by Technical Board CT-FLOR. During the month of March, the Renova Foundation will position itself on the proposed revisions and, after that, forward it to the CIF for approval.
Approval of the definitions of the Resumption of Agricultural Activities Program (PG017), through CIF Resolution No. 263.
Completion of the technical analysis of the proposals received for the Tender "ATER Sustainability - Resumption of Agricultural and Livestock Activities".

In January, the technical analysis started of the proposals received for the Tender "ATER Sustainability - Resumption of Agricultural and Livestock Activities". The Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (ATER) actions will support the process for the resumption of agricultural activities on affected properties, according to clause 125c of the Transaction and Conduct Adjustment Term (TTAC).
Finished the mapping of permanent preservation areas throughout the impacted area from the Fundao dam to Candonga. This study, which followed in detail the guidelines of the Forest Code, addresses the qualification of the mapping carried out after the collapse. The identification of the tributaries and springs was done initially by means of satellite images and, soon after, measured by the field teams. This way, in addition to repairing the damage caused, it will be possible to define the areas on impacted properties that are subject to environmental regularization. Based on this material, the planning for forest restoration in these areas will be carried out in a more objective manner and there will be direct communication with the rural producer and bodies responsible for approving the actions of the Renova Foundation.
On 01/22 and 01/23, technical visits were made by companies in order to contract services for vegetable gardens and orchards. The scope of the contracts was divided into 2 parts: Package 1 - Mariana; and Package 2 - Barra Longa, Rio Doce, Ponte Nova, S. C. do Escalvado and Backyards of Barra Longa. The technical visit has the objective of aligning the specifications of the services to be executed with the candidate companies as a way of guaranteeing the quality of the contracting, avoiding delays in the execution of the services.

In December/2018, the closing date was reached for receiving proposals from public and private institutions interested in participating in the Tender ATER Sustainability - Resumption of Agricultural and Livestock Activities. The Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (ATER) actions will support the process for resuming agricultural activities on affected properties, according to clause 125c of the Transaction and Conduct Adjustment Term (TTAC). The Tender was developed in partnership with the State Secretariat for Agrarian Development (SEDA) and the Technical Board of Economy and Innovation of the Interfederative Committee (CIF).
On 12/17/2018, the EMATER team (Company for Technical Assistance and Rural Extension) was mobilized to carry out consultancy and training activities.
On 12/17 and 12/18, nuclei were implanted on the property of Mr. Ivaldil, in Mariana (MG). Nucleation is a forest planting system for the recovery of large degraded areas. The objective is to facilitate the work of planting seedlings, reducing the cost of forest restorations, with minimum maintenance and maximum efficiency. The product was ranked among 8 finalists of the WWF-sponsored Environmental Challenge and was granted some of the world's top design awards.
On 12/19/2018, the SAF (Agroforestry Systems) Implementation Workshop took place. The workshop was conducted in an Communal Work format to launch the first SAF Demonstration Unit of the “Renewing the Landscape” project. The goal is to teach techniques for restoring forests and degraded areas by planting multiple crops together with tree species.
On 12/05/2018, a training session was held on Agroecological Vegetable Gardens. The course was taught by the rural producer Waldir Pollack, affected by the Fundao dam collapse, with the objective of teaching sustainable practices of organic agriculture. The classes take place on his property in the community of Paracatu de Cima (MG) on a bi-weekly basis.

In November, forest restoration began in Front 4 (Rio Doce, Ponte Nova and Santa Cruz do Escalvado).
Furthermore, technicians of the Renova Foundation were invited for interviews by several communication channels, such as Jornal Nacional, Jornal Hoje, Band SP, Band MG, NBR, Radio Itatiaia, etc. The great demand for information came with the 3-year mark of the Fundao dam collapse.
On 11/08, the tender for research projects was launched in partnership with the Foundations for Supporting Research of the States of Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo (FAPEMIG and FAPES), seeking the implementation of actions to produce knowledge associated with the second round of economic losses recovery, social and environmental consequences of the collapse of the Fundao dam in Mariana (MG).
On 11/13, a SAFs (Agroforestry Systems) course was organized by WRI, which aims to teach techniques for restoring forests and degraded areas by multiple cropping with tree species.
Between 11/21 and 11/23, the Second Brazilian Conference on Ecological Restoration took place in Belo Horizonte, organized by SOBRE (Brazilian Society for Ecological Restoration) where several works by UST were presented.

In October, training courses were offered in Mariana on organic horticulture for 17 people. The main objective of the initiative is to generate alternative income production and strengthen family farming on farms. Producer Waldir Pollack, hired by the Renova Foundation, taught 2 courses in October (10/24 and 10/31) on this topic.
The forest restoration process was started in Front 3 (Barra Longa) and Front 4 (Ponte Nova, Rio Doce and Santa Cruz do Escalvado), already resulting in field visits and soil sampling analysis.
End October, the registration process for the second ATER Sustainability Tender - Resumption of Agricultural and Livestock Activities, developed in partnership with the State Secretariat for Agrarian Development (SEDA) and the Technical Board of Economy and Innovation of the Interfederative Committee (CIF). The objective is to support the process of environmental readjustment and the application of sustainable production practices on rural properties affected by the Fundao dam collapse, within the range of the municipalities of Mariana, Barra Longa, Santa Cruz do Escalvado, Ponte Nova and Rio Doce. Registration for the Tender goes until the beginning of December. Public and private institutions may participate.
In October, the first evidence of natural regeneration was obtained in the Doce River basin in the areas affected by the tailings. With the results of an experiment carried out by the partnership between the Federal University of Vicosa and the Renova Foundation, a greater predominance of pioneer species was observed in mud-affected environments compared to reference environments.
In addition, 25 retention basins were constructed and 333 soil samples were collected in October.

On 09/04 and 09/12 courses were offered on ecological pasture on the property of Alex Rodrigues, in Santa Cruz do Escalvado, and silviculture at the Federal University of Vicosa. In all, 23 affected people attended the courses. These actions are part of the “Renewing Landscape” project, a partnership between the Renova Foundation and WRI, Icraf and Ecological Farm. These trainings aim to assist in the preparation and selection of producers interested in making their properties Demonstration Units for these technologies.
On 09/26 a training was held in organic horticulture with the affected farmer Waldir Polack in Mariana. A total of 7 courses will be held between September and December 2018, so that those affected who received gardens and orchards can apply agroecological techniques on their properties, increasing their food security and quality of production.

The actions of these Programs are being reported in an integrated way among the environmental programs: 17 (Resumption of Agricultural Activities), 25 (Recovery of Environmental Area 1) and 40 (Promotion of CAR and PRA), due to the simultaneous repair and improvement actions in the same rural properties impacted by the Fundao dam collapse.

On August 27, the contracting process started for the Productive Restructuring of properties impacted in the Municipalities of Mariana, Barra Longa, Rio Doce, Ponte Nova and Santa Cruz do Escalvado. This contractor will act directly in managing the pasture of these producers, increasing soil fertility and productivity, being one of the main vectors of the Resumption of Agricultural Activities. These activities are scheduled to end in March 2020.

On 08/24, the contracting process started for the Forest Restoration services on properties impacted in the municipalities of Barra Longa, Rio Doce, Ponte Nova and Santa Cruz do Escalvado (fronts 3 and 4). The contractor will act directly in the Environmental Recovery of these properties, with a total of 495 hectares to recover. It is worth noting the efficient negotiation, in which a reduction of approximately 20% in the cost per hectare was achieved in relation to the contract in February for fronts 1 and 2 (Mariana and Barra Longa). It is expected that the contractor will start its activities by: 09/24.

On 8/23, a theoretical course on Agroforestry Systems was held in Barra Longa for those affected and interested in becoming one of the five Demonstration Units on this topic. Ten affected individuals were trained, in addition to those from the Renova team. On 08/29, there was an exchange program on a model farm located in Araponga/MG to continue the training of these stakeholders. The Demonstration Units are a key point of the Resumption of Agricultural and Forest Restoration programs, as they promote training and exposure to technologies for diversification of the local economy.

From July 16 to 18, awareness-raising workshops were held in the municipalities of Mariana, Barra Longa and Rio Doce. These workshops, attended by approximately 80 affected rural producers, have the objective to motivate families to adhere to sustainable production technologies for the Resumption of Agricultural Activities and setting up SAF Demonstration Units (agroforestry systems), Silviculture of Native Species and Ecological Pastures.

Also through the Renewing Landscapes Project, on July 26 and 27, two other workshops were held with local leaders for identifying critical success factors and mapping of parties associated with landscape restoration, part of the ROAM application (forest restoration analysis methodology) in the territory of the extended Gualaxo do Norte.

In July, emergency support was initiated for producers of the Pequeno River/Juparana Lagoon. Due to the flooding of the region in front of the barrier constructed for preventing the possible entry of tailings material, pasture lease is underway for the relocation of cattle from rural producers in the region. Still as part of this emergency action, provision of silage and fence material for sheep farmers.

We already issued 197 PASEA and completed 207 Sustainability Assessments (ISA) for 236 eligible properties, of which 228 have an active Rural Environmental Registry and 179 have already been rectified; 72.0 hectares of forest have been restored from a total of 647 hectares that might be reforested; 21,186 tons of silage were delivered to impacted producers; 2,666 hours of technical assistance and rural reach were provided for 166 properties.

In June, a specialist in Geographic Information Systems joined the Sustainable Land Use team. He became responsible for the organization, standardization, publication and generation of indicators from the geographic data collected by the various disciplines.

This professional will rotate through several areas, supporting the planning process for the contracting of services that involve the generation of spatial data, as well as the use of this information to ensure the definition of indicators and the monitoring of the Sustainable Land Use actions. It will also apply geotechnologies for the use of the field teams, which will contribute to the agility in the execution of all these steps to increase the quality of the information generated.

This change will also bring positive impacts for the elaboration of projects resulting from the solutions defined in the Socioeconomic and Environmental Adequacy Plan (Pasea), which is focused on reparatory actions and the Individual Property Project (IPP), for those properties that are being compensated through the programs. This is because the change will allow the monitoring of its evolution through an online platform, meeting the new demands of the governance of the Foundation, public agencies and civil society.

On May 8, a partnership between the Renova Foundation, WRI-Brazil, ICRAF and Fazenda Ecologica succeeded in implementing the first demonstration unit (UD). The management unit was implemented with the support of Professor Jurandir Melado, who is a technical reference in the area. Over 20 affected people and Renova technicians participated in the project. These units are the result of a strategy to engage rural producers who adhere to the Socioeconomic and Environmental Adequacy Plan (Pasea), as an instrument to resume agricultural activities. For the second semester, field days and engagement workshops are planned to select the where the 23 remaining Agroforestry Systems, Native Species Forestry and Ecological Pasture UDs will be implemented.

On May 22, Professor Sebastiao Venancio, from the Federal University of Vicosa, provided training on ecological restoration to the Renova Foundation’s employees and partners involved in the following activities: Agroflor, Emflortec and Progen. The training was carried out in Mariana and is included in the agreement between Renova Foundation and the University. It focused on forest restoration techniques and monitoring recovering areas. The course will also soon be taught in the city of Governador Valadares.

Samples were also collected for analysis, fertilization and soil correction to establish the type of correction and fertilization that should carried out in the recovery areas in year 02 - territory 2. The samples were sent for analysis in a specialized laboratory. The areas for spring recovery and APPs have also been completely marked out.

In Colatina, the fences made have also started being inspected and measured, to validate and design the method that was used to build them. These measurements will be used to prepare the IPPs and later as a reference for payment to the owners.

The Board of Governors of the Renova Foundation approved the contracting of Productive Restructuring services in territory 1 (Fundao to Candonga). This front will include the collection, analysis, fertilization and correction of the soil; preparation and maintenance of the land; agricultural planting; irrigation and other activities that allow the resumption of agricultural activities. The next steps are the kick-off meeting of the project with the contracted company for this purpose and the implementation of the project.

Also available on the Renova Foundation website is the pre-approval of entities for participation in the Tender for Technical Assistance and Rural Extension. This Tender provides for assistance to producers whose rural activities in territory 1 were impacted. Its objective is to enable them to manage their properties in a productive and environmental friendly way.

In addition, the planning of the Resumption of Agricultural Activities Program and the Stimulus to Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) Program were sent to the Technical Board of Forestry Restoration and Water Production (CTFlor). The board also received the Environmental Recovery Plan (PRA) for territory 2 properties (after Candonga and up to the mouth). These initiatives will provide technical assistance for productive resumption and structural improvement of impacted properties. The resumption of agricultural activities may proceed after approval of the plan by the Technical Board.

The Foundation for Supporting Research of the State of Minas Gerais (Fapemig) was approved as a strategic partner for the Agroecology Tender by Renova. This Tender, aimed at universities along the Doce River Basin, will fund six to eight research projects that produce knowledge related to the recovery of areas impacted by tailings.

WRI Brazil also issued a report on the workshop about motivational factors for the restoration of the forests of the river basins Gualaxo do Norte, mid Carmo and upper Doce. This is the first product of the Assessment of Restauration Opportunities for Native Forests, an evaluation developed by WRI/IUCN.

The projects of the Demonstration Units for Sustainable Grazing Practices were issued. These units are the result of a strategy to engage rural producers adhering to the Socioeconomic and Environmental Adequacy Plan (PASEA). The idea is that these projects function as an instrument for the resumption of agricultural activities.

The Technical Support and Rural Extension Company of the State of Minas Gerais (Emater-MG) delivered the Productive Environmental Zoning (ZAP), Sustainability Indicators of Agroecosystems (ISA) and the Socioeconomic and Environmental Adequacy Plan (PASEA) for the properties covered with mud.

A work plan was drawn up, together with The State Forestry Institute (IEF), for the technical cooperation terms. The Renova Foundation is awaiting IEF's reaction on the terms and plan.

With the support of the World Resources Institute (WRI-Brazil), the "Workshop on Motivational Factors for Forest Restoration" was held, the first stage of territorial planning and identification of opportunities linked to forest restoration.

Technical cooperation proposals were submitted to the State Forestry Institute (IEF) and to the Agricultural and Forest Protection Institute (IDAF). The terms of cooperation were created with the presidents of these institutions. The partnerships are being formed to promote the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) and Environmental Regulation Program (PRA).

In January, 729 tons of silage were delivered to 138 producers located in territory 1, even to farmers whose areas have been planted with substitute planting. 257 hours of technical assistance and rural extension were provided to 49 farmers. ATER technicians vaccinated 38 animals for prevention of bovine clostridiosis (1st dose) and 186 animals received a 2nd dose.

The team made technical visits to the rural properties, in partnership with Epamig, to elaborate the technical projects regarding the construction of fish ponds (on an experimental basis). In Barra Longa and Santa Cruz, Minas Gerais, the visits were aimed at selecting the Demonstration Units for Ecological Pasture, for Reforestation with economical Native Plants (Verena Project) and Agroforestry Systems, which are part of the implementation strategy of Pasea.

There were also 40 visits to the farms directly affected by the tailings, together with the farmers, to collect information and validate typical rural construction projects. During the visits the Pasea was presented to the rural producer, elaborated by Emater in partnership with Renova, and the elaborate typical and detailed sketches of the rural constructions.

Another visit led the companies participating in the competitive process to carry out the actions foreseen in the Paseas in the rural properties directly impacted. The selected company will carry out works related to social and sustainable technologies such as retention basins, pasture management through Voisin Rational Grazing, terracing, fence implantation, construction of vegetable beds and fruit and native species plantations.

A meeting with WRI-ICRAF Ecological Farm, responsible for applying the assessment for evaluating restoration opportunities, kicked off the implementation of Demonstration Units in the Gualaxo do Norte River basin. Whereas with Incaper-ES, a meeting was held to establish an agreement to develop activities related to fish farming, specialized technical consultancies and research.

The team also elaborated rural construction projects in compliance with Pasea and sustainable agroecosystem management on the rural properties.

733 tons of silage were delivered to 138 producers and also to farmers who own areas that were planted with substitute plants.

The total of hours of activities conducted by the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (ATER) in Environmental Area 1, summed 252.6 hours for 45 farmers. The initiative included actions to improve the milk quality on the properties. The ATER technicians vaccinated 2,186 animals to prevent bovine clostridiosis, essential for the management of the animals.

In partnership with the Agricultural Research Company of Minas Gerais (Epamig), technical visits were made to the rural properties for the elaboration of technical projects related to the construction of fish nurseries, of experimental nature.

The program also developed rural construction projects in accordance with Pasea and with sustainable management of agroecosystems on the properties.

In November, 666 tons of silage were delivered to 142 farmers located in territory 1, including the farmers who have areas planted with substitute planting. In territory 2, one producer received a total of 77 tons of silage.
The technical assistance and rural extension provided in Environmental Area 1 added up 191 hours to 29 farmers. The initiative included actions to improve the milk quality on the properties. The topics covered during the technical visit were: organic fertilization for yards and vegetables gardens; identification and phytopathology control; commercialization of agricultural products and recovery of degraded pastures.
During this month, an assessment of Sustainability Indicators of Agroecosystems (ISA) was applied. Of the submitted ISAs, 5 are still pending and 17 are being rectified. In addition, the first 20 Pasea visits were carried out, and 95 Paseas were delivered by Emater and are under analysis by the technical staff of the Renova Foundation.
The Environmental and Productive Zoning (ZAP) of the stretches of the lower Piranga River and the Carmo, Doce and Gualaxo do Norte basins were also completed by EMATER. A methodology was adopted to predict the landscape units, to identify the water availability in the sub-basin, use and occupation of the soil.
In partnership with EPAMIG, the first technical visit took place to select the rural properties where the Demonstration and Technology Transfer Units will be implemented. These are technologies validated by EPAMIG that offer income alternatives to farmers in the municipalities of Barra Longa (MG) and Mariana (MG). When implemented, they can contribute to the economic and environmental recovery of rural properties.
Another program initiative, the Renova Herd, was presented to the community of Aguas Claras in Mariana (MG) by the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (ATER) team. The themes discussed at the meeting were: genetic improvement of the dairy herd combined with management technologies appropriate to the reality of the smallholder; agroecological management and the importance of family work to improve income.

830.76 tons of silage were delivered to 137 producers located in territory 1. In territory 2, three producers received a total of 118.32 tons of silage.

Technical assistance and rural extension in Environmental Area 1 were provided in visits totaling 239 hours and 37 farmers. The initiative included actions to improve the quality of milk on the properties. The topics covered were: organic fertilization for backyards and vegetables, identification and control of phytopathologies, commercialization of agricultural products and recovery of degraded pastures.

Two Indicator of Agroecosystem Sustainability (ISA) assessments were conducted. Of the submitted ISAs, 17 are still pending and 5 are being rectified. In addition, 16 first visits as part of the Socioeconomic and Environmental Adequacy Project (Pasea) were carried out and 60 Paseas were completed by Emater, to verify the contract. These are being analyzed by the technical staff of the Renova Foundation.

In September, 670.32 tons of silage were delivered to 131 producers located in territory 1. In territory 2, two producers received a total of 42.90 tons of silage.

Technical assistance and rural extension in Territory 1 were provided in visits totaling 227 hours for 40 farmers. The initiative included actions to improve the quality of milk on the properties. The topics covered during the technical visit were efficient management, genetic improvement of the animals, health management and nutritional balance.

To date, of the 23 submitted Agroecosystems Sustainability Indicators (ISAs), 23 have been ratified by Emater, 18 are still pending and 28 are being rectified. In addition, 70 first visits as part of the Socioeconomic and Environmental Adequacy Projects (Pasea) were carried out and 60 were completed by Emater, to verify the contract, under analysis by the technical staff of the Renova Foundation.

166 Sustainability Indicators in Agroecosystems (ISA) were delivered, ratified by the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company of the Government of the Federal District (Emater-DF).

Two rural producers of Barra Longa (MG) and two of Ponte Nova (MG) had their silos, engines, choppers and milking machines replaced, as well as work materials, which had been damaged by the collapse of the dam. In total, 50 pieces of equipment were delivered, 34 in Long Barra, 14 in Mariana and two in Ponte Nova (MG).

So far, 200 owners have formalized the Indicator of Agroecosystem Sustainability (ISA), a document that measures the economic, social and environmental sustainability of properties that obtained mud deposition, which represents 90% of the total mapped owners. Of the files generated, 185 have been completed and 15 await water and soil analysis. The ISA is still pending for 9 properties and they are being approached for completion.

Renova Foundation teams have started to visit rural properties to inform about the preparation of the Socioeconomic and Environmental Adaptation Projects (PASEA), carried out in partnership with the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company (Emater).

In June, five rural producers in Barra Longa and three in Mariana (MG) had their equipment, which was damaged by the dam collapse, replaced such as, ensiling machines, engines, choppers and milking machines, as well as the supply of various materials. In total, 45 pieces of equipment were delivered, 31 in Barra Longa and 14 in Mariana.

So far, 193 owners have formalized the Indicator of Agroecosystem Sustainability (ISA), a document that measures the economic, social and environmental sustainability of properties that obtained mud deposition, which represents 86% of the total mapped owners. Of the 193 generated files, 184 have been completed and 18 are only pending for water and soil analysis. The ISA is still pending for 19 properties and they are being approached for completion.

Renova Foundation teams have started visits to rural properties to inform about the preparation of the Socioeconomic and Environmental Adaptation Projects (PASEA), carried out in partnership with Emater.

In May 2017, three rural producers from Barra Longa (MG) and four from Mariana (MG) received new equipment, such as ensiling machines, motors, shredder machines and milking machines, and were supplied with materials. Accumulated, a total of 37 pieces of equipment have been delivered, 26 in Barra Longa and 11 in Mariana.

To date, 193 owners have been approached to provide information to formalize the Indicator of Agroecosystem Sustainability (ISA), 94% of the total mapped owners. Of the 193 files generated, 175 have been completed and 18 are only pending for water and soil analysis. This document indicates the social and environmental economic sustainability of the properties that suffered mud deposition. For the remainder to be finalized, the collected water and soil analyses are pending.

In April 2017, 13 rural producers of Barra Longa (MG) and seven of Mariana (MG) were provided with replacement of damaged equipment and supply of materials, such as ensiling machines, motors, shredder machines and milking machines. In total, 30 pieces of equipment have been delivered, 23 in Barra Longa and 7 in Mariana.

To date, 193 property owners (98% of the total) have been approached to provide information to formalize the Indicator of Agroecosystem Sustainability (ISA). Of the 193 generated files, 89 have been completed. This document indicates the social and environmental economic sustainability of the properties that suffered mud deposition. For the remainder to be finalized, the collected water and soil analyses are pending.

In March, 10 farmers of Barra Longa (MG) received replacement of damaged equipment and material supplies such as ensiling machines, motors, shredder machines and milking machines.

In addition, the Technical Support and Rural Extension Company of the State of Minais Gerais (Emater-MG) and the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV) presented the results of the plantation tests, carried out in partnership with the Renova Foundation in an experimental unit in the municipality of Barra Longa (MG).

The program began its discussions with the Espírito Santo Institute of Research, Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (Incap) on the action workflow of the program in the region downstream of the hydroelectric plant Risoleta Neves.

Ongoing are the planting of substitute crops on rural properties, as well as plant maintenance activities (weeding, application of insecticides and herbicides), the cutting of grass for bulking and the planting of animal feed, orchards and vegetables. 186 plantations were carried out for animal feed on 105 of 118 eligible properties, and 27 orchards/vegetable gardens on 21 of 36 eligible properties. Furthermore, silage was delivered to the producers of Mariana and Santa Cruz Escalvado (MG), whose planted crops are ready for harvesting.

The substitution of crops on rural properties is ongoing, following planned timelines. In addition, there were plant maintenance activities (weeding, application of insecticides and herbicides), cutting of grass for bulking and planting of animal feed and orchards and vegetables. 180 plantations were carried out for animal feed on 101 of 118 eligible properties, 27 orchards/vegetable gardens were planted on 21 of 36 eligible properties, 3 kilometers (1.86 miles) of fence were constructed and 758 tons (702.2 short tons) of silage were delivered to rural producers in December.

The substitution of crops on rural properties is ongoing, following planned timelines. In addition, there were plant maintenance activities (weeding, application of insecticides and herbicides), cutting of grass for bulking and planting of animal feed and orchards and vegetables. 170 plantations were carried out for animal feed on 98 of 102 eligible properties, 27 orchards/gardens were planted on 21 of 36 eligible properties, 234 kilometers (145 miles) of fence were constructed and 638.4 tons (702.2 short tons) of silage were delivered to rural producers in December.

This month 773 metric tons of silage were delivered to farmers. In total there were built 229 km (142 miles) of fencing, 154 plantations of animal feed and 27 orchards/ vegetable gardens. In progress are plant maintenance activities (weeding, application of insecticides and herbicides), cutting of grass for bulking and planting of animal feed and orchards and vegetables.

In addition to the silage supply, more silos were built on the rural properties, with the objective of reducing the purchase of silage during the dry season. Plant maintenance activities (weeding, application of insecticides and herbicides), cutting of grass for bulking, planting of orchards and vegetables and the construction of 10 km of fences were also carried out.

In addition to the inauguration of more large silos on the rural properties, with the objective to reduce the purchase of silage in the silage season, maintenance activities were held on the plantations (weeding, application of antacid and herbicide) and orchards and greenery were planted. Also, a meeting took place with the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV) to learn about the partnership proposals.


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