Renova Foundation

34 – Preparing for environmental emergencies

Objective of the program

Implement increment measures and support of emergency and alert, from an integrated action to the Civil Defense.

Progress of Program

No progress this month.

[Support for PG012 Historical, Cultural and Artistic Memory] Publication of an article in the 45th edition of the Voz da Comunidade newsletter
from Mariana, about the restoration of religious heritage in Mariana.

[Mariana] Publication of an article in the 45th edition of the Voz da Comunidade newsletter, from Mariana, with tips for fire prevention.

Safe School Project - Conclusion of the Brigade Specialization Workshop: Prevention, Preparation, Response, First Aid, Psychosocial Support.

Conclusion of the First Aid training workshop by NUPDEC.

Signing of the Term of Agreement for the financial transfer of compensatory resources for the Project to Implement the Integrated Municipal Public Security Base between Mariana and the State of Minas Gerais.

Conclusion of the Connected Community Project workshop by NUPDEC.

Transversal Action - Completion of training in social media - Connected Civil Defense Project - Advanced Level.

Safe School Project – Conclusion of the “Connected Safe School Project” workshop.

COMPDEC Transversal Actions - Completion of the course "Facilitation - Module 3: Facilitation laboratory - exercising facilitation”.

Approval of the Handover Plan by the Civil Defenses of Mariana, Barra Longa, Rio Doce and Santa Cruz do Escalvado (MG).

Safe School Project - Completion of the "Fire Fighting" training: Use of Extinguishers, Technologies and Prevention in Fire Fighting".

No progress this month.

No progress this month.

Carrying out internal simulations - Level III of the Safe School Project.

Carrying out Specialization workshops for NUPDECs teams: Prevention, Preparation, Response, First Aid, Psychosocial Support.

Conclusion of the Disaster Memory workshops (Vimver) for NUPDEC and Safe School.

Safe School Project - Carrying out workshops “Specialization of Brigades: Prevention, Preparation, Response, First Aid, Psychosocial Support”.
Transversal Action - Carrying out training on social media - Connected Civil Defense Project - Intermediate Level.
Transversal Action - Conducting the "Facilitation" course - Module 2: The practice - diving into the experience and premises of facilitation”.

Conducting First Aid training for the Safe School and NUPDEC projects

Carrying out workshops Participatory construction of “School as a Safe School” and “NUPDEC for a Safe Community”: retrospective and integration of new members.

Carrying out workshops "Alignments on key concepts, Humanitarian Principles, Sphere Manual and Code of Conduct applied to Prevention and Disasters" for the Safe School and NUPDEC projects.

No progress this month

Final delivery of the Population Census of risk areas based on mapping in Mariana, Barra Longa, Santa Cruz do Escalvado and Rio Doce.

There has been no progress this month.

There has been no progress this month.

Workshops: Good Practices - Path traveled from knowledge to practical experiences of the Safe School project and the NUPDECs (Civil Protection and Defense Community Center).
Practical activities - Disaster Memory Workshop Safe School project and NUPDECs (Community Protection and Community Civil Defense Nucleus).
Support in carrying out events aimed at prevention and preparation work as required by the Civil Defense of Marina through the provision of 1,000 booklets on floods and a “Perigolândia” games mat.
Implementation and closing of the maintenance period of the Risk Management Committee (CGR).

"Carrying out Disaster Memory Workshops with the NUPDEC (Civil Protection and Defense Nucleus) in partnership with ComeSee / PG06 in the communities:
• Mariana: Águas Claras
• Barra Longa: Return of the Chapel
• Rio Doce: Headquarters and Santana do Deserto
• Santa Cruz do Escalvado: Headquarters and Meringo
Completion of the Level III Simulations (evacuation) of the Safe School Project.
"Conducting courses for the project to Strengthen the Civil Defense and Protection System/CGR
• Preparation of Projects and Fundraising.
• Territorial planning and urban development policy.
• Basic prevention, control and emergency care in accidents with dangerous products.
• Training in the use of digital tools for operationalizing the GRD – PROX application.
• Practical Activity/Technical Visit – Exchange of knowledge Civil Defense of Campinas – COMPDECS (Visit to the Civil Defense of Campinas.

Completion and delivery of Municipal Risk Reduction Plans (PMRR)
Completion of technical assistance for the Safe School* and NUPDEC (Civil Protection and Defense Nucleus) projects in the participation in the drills PAEBM Germano and PAE UHE Risoleta Neves (Candonga)
* IN José de Vasconcelos Lanna, EE Claudinor Lopes and EE Padre Epifânio Gonçalves, municipality of Barra Longa.

Conclusion of technical assistance to the Civil Defenses for the preparation/update of Contingency Plans in the municipalities of Mariana, Barra Longa and Santa Cruz do Escalvado.

There were no relevant facts this month.

Completion of the Structural Interventions Stage of the Municipal Risk Reduction Plans (PMRR) in the municipalities of Barra Longa, Rio Doce and Santa Cruz do Escalvado.
Conclusion of the Stage of Proposals for Non-Structural Actions, of the Municipal Risk Reduction Plans (PMRR) in the municipalities of Barra Longa and Rio Doce.
Conclusion of the Stage of Elaboration of the Municipal Risk Management Program, of the Municipal Risk Reduction Plans (PMRR) of the municipalities of Barra Longa, Mariana, Rio Doce and Santa Cruz do Escalvado.
The Risk and Disaster Management Cycle workshop was held in the schools of the Escola Segura Project.
The First Aid workshop - Lucas Law was held in the schools of the Safe School Project.
The social media workshop of Connected Community Project - basic level was held at NUPDEC's in Barra Longa, Rio Doce and Santa Cruz do Escalvado.

First Aid training was carried out - advanced level (2020 and 2021) - Risk Management Committee Project, given by the Red Cross.


Conclusion of the review of the phase of Identification and Mapping of Geological and Hydrological Risks of the Municipal Risk Reduction Plans (PMRR) of the municipality of Mariana. Review of the stage that occurred due to the change in scenario caused by the intense rains that occurred in 2022.

Conclusion of the Structural Interventions stage of the Municipal Risk Reduction Plans (PMRR) in the municipality of Rio Doce.

First aid training was carried out – Basic/Intermediate Level in schools of the Safe School project and communities of the Civil Protection and Defense Community Center project.

Completion of the Operations Command System Online Training Course - SCO
Conclusion of the Qualification stage of Municipal Technicians in Mapping and Risk Management, of the Municipal Risk Reduction Plans (PMRR) in the municipalities of Barra Longa, Mariana, Rio Doce and Santa Cruz do Escalvado
Conclusion of the review of the phase of Identification and Mapping of Geological and Hydrological Risks, of the Municipal Risk Reduction Plans (PMRR) of the municipalities of Barra Longa, Rio Doce and Santa Cruz do Escalvado. Revision of the stage, due to the change in the scenario caused by the intense rains that occurred in 2022.

Start of the SCO (Operations Command System) Training Online Course

Validated by the Civil Defenses the proposal of the Work Plan for 2022, of the Safe School projects, Civil Protection and Defense Community Center - NUPDEC
Inaugural Class of Technical Courses in Public Management and Public Security of the project Cycle of Continuing Education of Civil Defenses was held

There were no relevant facts this month.

There were no relevant facts this month.

Course on Inspections, construction pathologies and building maintenance.
I SYMPOSIUM “Best practices for disaster risk reduction”.
Transfer of funds in the amount of R$ 1.0 MM for the construction/renovation of the Civil Defense headquarters in Barra Longa – Structural Improvement Project for Civil Defenses.
Transfer of funds in the amount of R$ 1.0 MM for the construction/renovation of the Civil Defense headquarters in Santa Cruz do Escalvado – Structural Improvement Project for Civil Defense.
Transfer of funds in the amount of R$ 1.0 MM for the construction/renovation of the Civil Defense headquarters in Rio Doce – Structural Improvement Project for Civil Defenses.
Transfer of funds in the amount of R$ 0.5 for the acquisition of new equipment for the Civil Defenses of Barra Longa – Structural Improvement Project for Civil Defenses.
Transfer of funds in the amount of R$ 0.5 for the acquisition of new equipment for the Civil Defenses of Santa Cruz do Escalvado – Structural Improvement Project for Civil Defenses.
Transfer of funds in the amount of R$ 0.5 for the acquisition of new equipment for the Civil Defenses of Rio Doce – Structural Improvement Project for Civil Defenses.


Transfer of a resource in the amount of R$ 4.0 MM for the construction/renovation of the Mariana's Civil Defense headquarters in Mariana - Civil Defense Structural Improvement Project
Transfer of a resource in the amount of R$ 0.5 MM for the acquisition of new equipment for the Mariana's Civil Defense

Compliance with § 1 and 2 of Clause 173 of the TTAC - Resolution 543


Judicial approval by the 12th Federal Court of Belo Horizonte of the “Financial Transfer Commitment Term” between the Municipality of Mariana/MG and the Renova Foundation regarding the Project for structural improvements in the facilities of the Civil Defense and Protection municipal agencies.

There were no relevant facts this month.

Participation of the PG34 technical team in a virtual meeting promoted by the Elos Project on 08/24/2021, with the purpose of sharing the communication work developed for social media of the Civil Defense teams of the municipalities of Mariana, Barra Longa, Rio Doce and Santa Cruz do Escalvado. The purpose of the meeting was to participate in the survey for the diagnosis of communication carried out by the Civil Defense, which will serve as a basis for a proposal to improve the communication processes of SINPDEC – National System of Civil Defense and Protection. The Elos Project is developed by SEDEC/MDR, through the International Technical Cooperation - BRA/12/017 - Strengthening the Culture of Disaster Risk Management in Brazil, through the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), in scientific partnership with CEMADEN/MCTI.

There were no relevant facts this month.

Beginning of the mapping of geological and geotechnical risk areas in the municipalities of Barra Longa/MG, Mariana/MG, Santa Cruz do Escalvado/MG and Rio Doce/MG.

There were no relevant facts this month.

There were no relevant facts this month.

- Completion of the short courses of the Civil Defense Continuing Education Cycle by UNISUL

- Prevention, Mitigation and Preparation Course - 60h

- Social Response Course - 30h

Elected by popular vote, the Civil Defense and Protection Coordination of Barra Longa - E.E. Claudionor Lopes, Barra Longa (MG), was awarded second place in the 5th Campaign #AprenderParaPrevenir by Cemaden Education.

There were no relevant facts in January.

In compliance with Resolution 303 - Implementation of the Project for Digitalization of the Radio Communication Network for the Municipality of Mariana (Civil Defense / Municipal Guard).

The partnership agreement between the Renova Foundation and UNISUL was signed on 11/05/20.
Completed the first remote knowledge contest: playing games and preparation of the safe school project on 11/18/20.
Started the Extension Course of the Civil Defense Continuing Education Project on 11/19/20.
Civil Defense Continuing Education Webinar - more than 500 views on 11/23/20.

Safe School, Nucleus of Civil Defense and Protection and Strengthening of the Civil Defense and Protection System:
- Conclusion of the execution of the publication schedule of October / 20 of the Remote Technical Advisory for Civil Defenses, which involves strategies for monitoring and continuing the activities developed in support of Civil Defenses (Safe School, Civil Defense and Protection Center and Risk Management Committee) ), during the period of social isolation due to pandemic
of COVID-19.

Safe School, Civil Defense, and Protection Center and Strengthening of the Civil Defense and Protection System:
Completed the publication schedule for Remote Technical Advice for Civil Defense for September 2020, which involves strategies for monitoring and continuing the Civil Defense support activities (Safe School, Civil Defense and Protection Center, and Risk Management Committee) during the period of social isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Safe School, Protection Center and Civil Defense and strengthening of the System of Protection and Civil Defense
* Completion of the publication schedule of August/20 of the Remote Technical Advisory Board for Civil Defenses, which involves strategies for monitoring and continuity of activities developed in support of Civil Defense (Safe School, Center for Protection and Civil Defense, and Risk Management Committee), during the period of social isolation due to the pandemic of COVID-19.

Safe School, Center for the Civil Defense and Protection, and Strengthening of the Civil Defense and Protection System.
• Completed the publication schedule for Remote Technical Advice for Civil Defense for July 2020, which involves strategies for monitoring and continuing the Civil Defense support activities (Safe School, Civil Defense and Protection Center, and Risk Management Committee) during the period of social distancing due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Safe School, Civil Defense and Protection Center, and Strengthening of the Civil Defense and Protection System.
• Completed the schedule for publications of the Remote Technical Assistance Services to Civil Defense for June 2020, which involves strategies for monitoring and continuing the Civil Defense support activities (Safe School, Civil Defense and Protection Center, and Risk Management Committee), during the period of social isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

• Excluding the "Flood Monitoring System" and "Flood System Monitoring and Maintenance" projects from the PG34, as described in Technical Note CT-GRSA 12/2020, with costs already incurred in being removed from its scope.
Safe School, Center for the Civil Defense and Protection and Strengthening of the Civil Defense and Protection System.
• Fulfilling the Remote Technical Advice to Civil Defense posting schedule for May 2020, which involves strategies for monitoring and continuing the Civil Defense support activities (Safe School, Civil Defense, and Protection Center and Risk Management Committee), during the period of social isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Civil Defense Training
• Delivery of the project proposal for the Continuing Education Cycle validated by the Civil Defenses from the municipalities of Mariana/MG, Barra Longa/MG, Santa Cruz do Escalvado/MG and Rio Doce/MG. Safe School, Center for Civil Defense and Protection and Strengthening of the Civil Defense and Protection System.
• Completion of the planning and execution of the first month of the Remote Technical Assistance Project for Civil Defenses. The project involves strategies for monitoring and continuing the activities developed to support Civil Defenses (Safe School, Civil Defense and Protection Center and Risk Management Committee) in Mariana/MG, Barra Longa/MG, Santa Cruz do Escalvado/MG and Rio Doce/MG, during the period of social isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

• Strengthening of Civil Defense and Protection System
• Completion of the contracting process for the execution of the Digitalization Project of the Radio Network of the Municipal Guard and Civil Defense of the municipality of Mariana/MG in compliance with Resolution 303.

Strengthening the Civil Defense and Protection System Project
• Submission of the 2019 Population Census update (Dam Break area and 15m buffer) in Mariana/MG and Barra Longa/MG, through the submission of the final descriptive report for Civil Defenses.

Strengthening the Civil Defense and Protection System Project
• The 2019 Population Census in Mariana/MG and Barra Longa/MG, scheduled for January/2020, has not been updated. Cause: delay in finalizing the report by the supplier due to external impediments to conclude the fieldwork. Countermeasure: the formal completion of the work was postponed by means of an addendum to the contract with the current supplier, allowing this delivery to be finalized by 02/20/2020.

Support to the Real Mock Drills in the communities of Mariana and Barra Longa
Completion of target audience preparation of the Safe School and NUPDEC projects for participation in the drills. The Renova Foundation participated providing support to Civil Defense through the NUPDEC Project in Ponte do Gama and Gesteira and the Safe School Project in the state schools of Mariana and Barra Longa.
Civil Defense Support Process
Conclusion of the definition of the participants of the Brigades that make up the Safe School Committee to act in emergency situations and in the delivery of vests for the participants in the 8 schools (1 municipal school and 1 state school per municipality) in the municipalities of Mariana, Barra Longa, Santa Cruz do Escalvado and Rio Doce.
Conclusion of the emergency response drills in the school community, together with the Municipal Coordination of Protection and Civil Defense (COMPDEC), of 2019, through school drills levels 1, 2 and 3 in the 8 schools (1 municipal school and 1 state school by municipality) of Mariana, Barra Longa, Santa Cruz do Escalvado and Rio Doce.
Completion of field activities through the participation of schools from the municipalities Mariana, Barra Longa, Santa Cruz do Escalvado and Rio Doce in the ComeSee Project (visits of participating school community to the project in the Resettlement).
The seminar with the actors involved in the Civil Defense Support Project, scheduled for 2019, has not been completed. Cause: It was identified with the municipalities that there was no need to hold the seminar. Countermeasure: This action was replaced by the support to participation of Civil Defense Groups in the OFDA (Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance) Course.
Population Census Process
The 2019 Population Census update in Mariana and Barra Longa (Dam Break area and 15m buffer), scheduled for 2019, has not been completed. Cause: Obstruction of the field work in the municipalities, executed by the supplier, for a few days in November 2019 due to demonstrations that occurred in that period. Countermeasure: The formal completion of the work was postponed by means of an addendum to the contract with the current supplier, allowing work to continue until January 2020.
Monitoring and Maintenance of the Flood and Emergency Alert System
Conclusion of the transfer to Samarco of part of the scope of the Monitoring and Maintenance process of the Emergency Alert System.
Civil Defense Restructuring Project
Completion of the Digitalization of the Public Security radio network for the Military Police (PMMG) and Civil Defense of Ponte Nova, by carrying out actions to comply with CIF Resolution 128 - item 2. This delivery refers to the milestones “Completion of the Digitization of the radio network for Civil Defense of Ponte Nova” and “Resolution 128 - Item 2: Approval of the Digitalization Project of the Radio Network of the 21st Company of the Military Police of Minas Gerais - PMMG and determination of the implementation of the project in 120 days ”.
Program Definition
Completion of the approval process for the definition of the Environmental Emergency Preparedness Program by the CIF. This delivery refers to the Framework “Approval of the Definition of the Environmental Emergency Preparedness Program by the CIF”.

Civil Defense Support Process - Risk Management Committee (CGR)
• Completion of the workshops of Module IV of the Risk Management Committee Training in Mariana, Barra Longa, Santa Cruz do Escalvado and Rio Doce. This delivery refers to Milestone “Completion of Module IV of the Pedagogical Training Project of the Risk Management Committee in Mariana, Barra Longa, Santa Cruz do Escalvado and Rio Doce”.
Civil Defense Support Process - Civil Protection and Defense Community Center (Nupdec)
• Completion of Nupdec Training Module III workshops. This delivery refers to the milestone “Completion of Module III of the Training of the Civil Protection and Defense Community Center (Nupdec) in Mariana, Barra Longa, Santa Cruz do Escalvado and Rio Doce: Risk Management in Brazil”.
• Completion of the workshops of Module IV of the Training of the Civil Protection and Defense Community Center (Nupdec). This delivery refers to the milestone “Completion of Module IV of the Training of the Civil Protection and Defense Community Center (Nupdec) in Mariana, Barra Longa, Santa Cruz do Escalvado and Rio Doce: Prevention actions and site preparation”.
Civil Defense Support Process - Safe School
• Completion of the Safe School Project Module III workshops, which were scheduled for September/2019 and were rescheduled for November/2019 due to the unavailability of schedules in schools. This delivery refers to the “Completion of Module III Workshops of the Safe School Committee Training in the 8 schools (1 municipal and 1 state school per municipality) of the municipalities of Mariana, Barra Longa, Santa Cruz do Escalvado and Rio Doce”.
• Completion of training workshops for teachers in Safety, Environment and Health. This delivery refers to the “Completion of the 2019 Training of Teachers in Safety, Environment and Health in the 8 schools (1 municipal and 1 state school per municipality) of the municipalities of Mariana, Barra Longa, Santa Cruz do Escalvado and Rio Doce".
• Completion of the “Baseline Application” school mock drills in Mariana, Barra Longa, Santa Cruz do Escalvado and Rio Doce. This delivery refers to the “Completion of Module IV of the Safe School Committee (CES) Training Framework in the 8 schools (1 municipal and 1 state school per municipality) of the municipalities of Mariana, Barra Longa, Santa Cruz do Escalvado and Rio Doce"

Support to the Real Mock Drills in the communities of Mariana and Barra Longa
• Completion of the report of our participation in the Safe School and NUPDEC projects, and delivery to Samarco. This delivery refers to the milestone “Support for the 2019 Emergency Response Mock Drill in Mariana and Barra Longa”.
Civil Defense Support Process - Risk Management Committee
• Provide support in final preparation of contingency plan in Barra Longa, Santa Cruz do Escalvado and Rio Doce. This delivery refers to the milestone “Completion of Module II of the Pedagogical Training Project of the Risk Management Committee and Preparation of Contingency Plans of the Risk Management Committee of Mariana, Barra Longa, Santa Cruz do Escalvado and Rio Doce”.
• Completion of Module III of the Pedagogical Training Project of the Risk Management Committee through training on “International Strategies, Minimum Standards, Humanitarian Principles and Codes of Conduct in Risk Management and Disaster Management + Risk and Disaster Communication” in Mariana, Barra Longa, Santa Cruz do Escalvado and Rio Doce. This delivery refers to the milestone “Conclusion of the Module III Workshops of the Pedagogical Training Project of the Risk Management Committee in Mariana, Barra Longa, Santa Cruz do Escalvado and Rio Doce”.

Process to Support Civil Defense - Safe School Committee (CES):
• Delivery of the vests in the eight schools (one municipal and one state school per municipality) of the municipalities of Mariana, Barra Longa, Santa Cruz do Escalvado and Rio Doce, in Minas Gerais, which was scheduled for August/19.

Civil Defense Support Process - Risk Management Committee:
•“Building More Resilient Cities” training in Mariana, Barra Longa, Santa Cruz do Escalvado and Rio Doce (MG). The is the second training workshop, out of three, regarding the delivery of Module III of the Pedagogical Project to the Risk Management Committee.
Civil Defense Support Process - Safe School Committee (CES):
• Training “Specialization of Brigades: Psychosocial Support” in Mariana, Barra Longa, Santa Cruz do Escalvado and Rio Doce (MG). This is the first training workshop, out of six, regarding the delivery of Module III of the Disaster Risk Management Methodology (GRD) to teachers of the Safe School Committee (CES). The delivery of this Module III was scheduled for August/2019, however, due to the difficulty of coordinating school agendas with the training, it was not possible to complete it. As a countermeasure, the area is developing strategies with the supplier to finalize the module in September/2019 without impacting the continuity and deadlines of the following training.
• Safety, Environment and Health Training for teachers, “Introduction to firefighting”, held in Mariana, Barra Longa, Santa Cruz do Escalvado and Rio Doce (MG). This is the second training workshop, out of three, on the delivery of the 2019 Safety, Environmental and Health Teacher Training.
Civil Defense Support Process - Civil Protection and Defense Community Center (NUPDEC):
• Training on “Safety, Environment and Health Practices: Fire Fighting” at the NUPDEC of Mariana, Barra Longa, Santa Cruz do Escalvado and Rio Doce (MG). This is the second training workshop, out of four, regarding the delivery of Module III about the Risk Management in Brazil of the NUPDEC Qualification Program in partnership with COMPDEC.

Civil Defense Support Process:
• Conducting workshops for the Risk Management Committee (CGR) of the municipalities of Mariana, Barra Longa, Santa Cruz do Escalvado and Rio Doce.
• Conducting workshops for the Safe School Committee (CES) at the municipal schools Jose de Vasconcelos Lanna, Maria Amelia, Monsenhor Jose Cota, and the state schools Colonel Sao Jose, Jose Gomes de Souza, Dr. Octavio Soares and Dona Reparata Dias de Oliveira.
• Field activity of the Safe School Committee (CES) through the ComeSee Project - Renova Foundation for the Municipal School Jose Gomes de Souza and State School Claudionor Lopes.
Process to Support Civil Defense - Civil Protection and Defense Community Center (NUPDEC):
• Monthly meetings with the members of the Corps for Civil Protection and Defense (NUPDEC) project in the districts of Merengo (Santa Cruz do Escalvado), Gesteira (Barra Longa) and Ponte do Gama (Mariana).
Cost Calculation Process for Maintenance of the Emergency Alert System / Monitoring and Maintenance Project of the Flood Warning System:
• Maintenance and monitoring of emergency alert sirens and monitoring of flood warning sirens that were installed by the program.

Civil Defense Restructuring Project:
• The activity with the community to comply with CIF Resolution 128 (investment of around R$ 1.6 million for the digitization of the radio network of the 21st. PMMG Military Police) did not take place due to a scheduling conflict between civil defenses. There is currently no forecast for this schedule, pending a new date alignment with the PMMG.
Providing support for real drills in the communities of Mariana and Barra Longa for full action and response to emergency situations:
• Prepared the target audience of the Safe School and NUPDEC projects for participation in the drill. The drills were scheduled for the following dates: 09/21/19 in Mariana (8am to 2pm) - Renova Foundation will provide support to Civil Defense through the NUPDEC Project in Ponte do Gama - and 25/09/19 in Barra Longa, town center and districts (6:30am to 1pm) - the Renova Foundation will provide support to Civil Defense through the Nupdec Project in Gesteira and the Safe School Project in the town center with the Jose de Vasconcelos Lanna State School and Claudionor Lopes State School.
Civil Defense Support Process - Risk Management Committee (CGR):
• Finalization of workshops of module II of the Pedagogical Training Project of the CGR of Mariana, Santa Cruz do Escalvado and Rio Doce through guided training in the elaboration of Contingency Plans.
Civil Defense Support Process - Safe School Committee (CES):
• ComeSee activity (visit by the school community participating in the project in the resettlement) in the schools: Coronel Joao Jose Municipal School in Rio Doce, Jose de Vasconcelos Lanna Municipal School in Barra Longa, and Jose Cota Municipal School in Mariana.
• Provided training in School Disaster Management Plan (Workshop 2) at the Monsenhor Jose Cota Municipal School and Dona Reparata Dias de Oliveira State School in Mariana; Claudinor Lopes State School and Jose de Vasconcelos Lanna Municipal School, in Barra Longa; Jose Gomes de Souza Municipal School and Doctor Otavio Soares State School, in Santa Cruz do Escalvado; Maria Amelia State School and Coronel Joao Jose Municipal School, in Rio Doce; this way finalizing module II of the Training of the Safe School Committee of these schools.
• Level 1 drill at Dona Reparata Dias de Oliveira State School in Mariana.
Civil Defense Support Process - Civil Protection and Defense Community Center (NUPDEC):
• Module III of the Barra Longa and Santa Cruz do Escalvado Training - Risk Management in Brazil through Risk Management qualification in Brazil.
Cost Calculation Process for Maintenance of the Emergency Alert System / Monitoring and Maintenance Project of the Flood Warning System:
• Maintenance work and monitoring of emergency and flood warning sirens installed by the Program.

Civil Defense Restructuring Project:
• It was not possible to carry out the activity with the community to comply with CIF Resolution 128 (investment of around R$ 1.6 million for the digitization of the radio network 21st. PMMG Military Police) due to a scheduling conflict between Civil Defenses. Activity rescheduled for June 2019.
Process of Support to Civil Defense - Risk Management Committee (CGR):
• Training in Methodology for elaboration of municipal plans in Civil Protection and Defense in Mariana, Rio Doce and Santa Cruz do Escalvado (Module II of the Pedagogical Training Project).
• Training in Civil Defense and Protection System + National Civil Defense and Protection Policy (Module II of the Pedagogical Training Project).
Process to Support Civil Defense - Safe School Committee (CES):
• ComeSee activity (visit by the school community participating in the project in the resettlement) in the state schools Maria Amelia, in Rio Doce, and Dona Reparata, in Mariana.
• Training in Disaster Management Plan of our School (Workshop 1) at the Monsenhor Jose Cota Municipal School and Dona Reparata Dias de Oliveira State School in Mariana; Claudinor Lopes State School and Jose de Vasconcelos Lanna Municipal School, in Barra Longa; Jose Gomes de Souza Municipal School and Doctor Otávio Soares State School, in Santa Cruz do Escalvado; Maria Amelia State School and Coronel Joao Jose Municipal School, in Rio Doce.
• Level 1 simulation at the Monsenhor Jose Cota Municipal School in Mariana; Claudinor Lopes State School and Jose de Vasconcelos Lanna Municipal School, in Barra Longa; Jose Gomes de Souza Municipal School and Doctor Otavio Soares State School, in Santa Cruz do Escalvado; Maria Amelia State School and Coronel Joao Jose Municipal School, in Rio Doce.
Process to Support Civil Defense - Civil Protection and Defense Community Center (NUPDEC):
• Completion of Module II of the NUPDEC training for Mariana, Barra Longa, Santa Cruz do Escalvado and Rio Doce - Communities and Risk Management, with training on Volunteering, Minimum International Standards and humanitarian principles in DRG and Code of Conduct - Sphere Project.
Funding Process for Maintenance of the Emergency Alert System / Monitoring and Maintenance Project of the Flood Warning System:
• Maintenance and monitoring of emergency alert sirens and monitoring of flood warning sirens that were installed by the program.

• Meeting with the communities of the municipalities of Mariana, Barra Longa, Santa Cruz do Escalvado and Rio Doce regarding the Civil Protection and Defense Community Center (NUPDEC) project.
• Meetings were held with the schools that take part in the Safe School project in the municipalities of Mariana, Barra Longa, Santa Cruz do Escalvado and Rio Doce.
• Meetings were held with members of Civil Defense for the activities of the Municipal Risk Management Committee project.

There was a meeting with the communities of the municipalities Mariana, Barra Longa, Santa Cruz do Escalvado and Rio Doce as part of the NUPDEC project - training of the Civil Defense protection nucleus.
Meetings were held with the schools that are part of the Safe School project in the municipalities of Mariana, Barra Longa, Santa Cruz do Escalvado and Rio Doce.
Meetings were held with members of Civil Defense for the actions of the Municipal Risk Management Committee project.
Completion of the actions to comply with CIF Resolution No. 128 (investment of R$ 1.5 million in the digitization of the radio network of the 21st. PMMG Company). Delivery and installation of equipment by the supplier TAIT COMUNICACOES BRASIL LTDA to PMMG.

Continuity of the routine actions of the program: meeting with the communities of the municipalities of Mariana, Barra Longa, Santa Cruz do Escalvado and Rio Doce, of the NUPDEC project - creation of Civil Defense protection centers.
Meetings with schools belonging to the Escola Segura project, from the municipalities of Mariana, Barra Longa, Santa Cruz do Escalvado and Rio Doce.
Meetings with members of Civil Defense for the activities related to the Municipal Risk Management Committee project.

On 01/10, were completed in Barra Longa the planning of the 2019 agendas of the Risk Management Committee, Safe School and NUPDEC; on 01/13, took place in the community of Ponte do Gama, in Mariana, the 5th meeting for the establishment of NUPDEC.
On 01/16, were completed in Rio Doce and Santa Cruz do Escalvado the planning of the 2019 agendas of the Risk Management Committee, Safe School and NUPDEC; on 01/17, were completed in Mariana the planning of the 2019 schedules of the Risk Management Committee, Safe School and NUPDEC.
Presentation of the 9th Meeting of Module I of NUPDEC, in the district of Merengo, on 01/22.
Integrated meeting between the Civil Defenses of Mariana, Barra Longa and Santa Cruz do Escalvado to prepare the internal regulations of the Risk Management Committee on 01/24.
Meeting for the establishment of NUPDEC in Gesteira, municipality of Barra Longa, on 01/26.

Forwarded to Civil Defense of Mariana the updated population census with weakness index.

Formation of Community Corps for Civil Protection and Defense (NUPDEC) in Santana do Deserto (11/06 and 11/14), Arraial do Merengo (11/08) and Ponte do Gama (11/11) with the participation of volunteers from the region.
On 11/10, an emergency simulation took place of a collapse of the Risoleta Neves HPP in the districts of Santana do Deserto and Arraial do Merengo.
Workshops were held for the formation of the Safe School Committee and for teachers of the schools that are part of the project in the municipalities of Santa Cruz do Escalvado, Barra Longa, Mariana and Rio Doce.
Finalization of the acquisition of equipment to comply with Resolution 129. Delivery is scheduled for: 03/31/2019.
Construction of the responsibility matrix of the risk management committees in the municipalities of Barra Longa, Santa Cruz do Escalvado, Mariana, Barra Longa and Rio Doce.

Training for the formation of the Safe School Committee and for teachers in the schools that integrate the project in the municipalities of Mariana, Rio Doce, Barra Longa and Santa Cruz do Escalvado.
Training for construction of the Responsibility Matrix for the Risk Management Committees in the municipalities of Barra Longa, Santa Cruz do Escalvado, Mariana, Barra Longa and Rio Doce.
Training of Civil Defense and Protection Community Centers (NUPDEC) and preparation for the simulation in the Risoleta Neves HPP in Merengo (district of Santa Cruz do Escalvado) and in Rio Doce.

Support was provided during the emergency simulation in Barra Longa and Gesteira on 09/22/2018. The Protection and Civil Defense Center of Gesteira participated in the simulation, as well as the military police, civil defense and fire brigade.
The activities for the constitution of the Risk Management Committee continued its training on the steps to elaborate the municipal decree to institutionalize the practices in risk management in the municipalities of Rio Doce, Santa Cruz do Escalvado and Mariana.
The Safe School process carried out workshops in schools selected for disaster risk management by its committees.

The actions of the Civil Defense Support Project continued in the municipalities of Mariana, Barra Longa, Santa Cruz do Escalvado and Rio Doce. Meetings were held with the Municipal Coordination of Civil Protection and Defense in order to instruct each town in the elaboration of a municipal decree that will regulate the civil defense and risk prevention actions. There were also motivational workshops and workshops for training risk management committees in the schools selected for the Safe School process, aimed to train students and teachers. There were also preparation meetings in the schools that will participate in the emergency simulation to occur in September. Meetings were held, as part of the process that stimulates the creation of Community Centers for Protection and Civil Defense, in the community of Merengo, district of Barra Longa, and in Santana do Deserto, district of Rio Doce, continuing with the training.

Several activities were carried out in the town of Rio Doce/MG. Among them were the 1st Welcome Workshop and the integration of those selected to participate in the Safe School Committee in the Municipal Schools. Joao Jose and E.E. Maria Amelia; an Introductory Training on the Risk Management Committee for teachers of the State School Maria Amelia and Municipal School Coronel Joao Jose, enabling them to transmit the acquired knowledge to their students; a Motivational Workshop of the "Community Centers for Protection and Civil Defense (NUPDEC)" project for the community of Santana do Deserto; as well as meetings with Civil Defense for alignments and monitoring of actions.

In the town of Santa Cruz do Escalvado, in July, meetings were held with the Municipal Coordination of Protection and Civil Defense for the preparation of the NUPDEC Motivational Workshop and for alignments and monitoring of actions. The Motivational Workshop was held that same month for the parents of the students nominated to be part of the Safe School Committee at Municipal School Jose Gomes de Souza. It included a version for the community of Merengo, to present the project.

Mariana and Barra Longa also received training on the Safe School Committee, Municipal Risk Management Committees, motivational workshops and meetings with Civil Defense for alignment and monitoring of actions. In addition to these initiatives, preparations began of the Emergency Simulations to be held in September with State Civil Defense, of Barra Longa and Mariana, the State Department for the Environment, Fire Department of Ponte Nova, Renova Foundation and Samarco.

The Risk Management Committee participated in an introductory training workshop and was integrated with the processes of the Safe School and the Civil Defense Community Center (Nupdec). The idea is to have interdisciplinary and intersectoral teams that focus on Civil Defense.

In addition, meetings were held with the school management and the pedagogical coordination of several schools. The purpose of these meetings was to present the focal point and other characteristics of the Safe School committee, as well as to schedule further meetings. The following schools participated in conversations of this nature:

● Dr. Otavio Soares Municipal School (Santa Cruz do Escalvado);
● Jose Vasconcelos Lana Municipal School (Barra Longa);
● Claudionor Lopes State School (Barra Longa);
● Monsignor Jose Costa Municipal School.

This project was also presented to the parents of the students selected to be part of the Safe School Committee at the Dr. Otavio Soares Municipal School and at the Claudionor Lopes State School.

There was also a motivational workshop at the Claudionor Lopes State School, aimed at raising awareness and inviting the school administration to participate in the Safe School Project and the creation of the School Safety Committee. Another similar activity was carried out in the community of Gesteira (Barra Longa), to engage volunteers interested in being part of Nupdec.

Also organized were:

● Meeting to guide the next steps to establish the Risk Management Committee in the municipalities;
● Meeting with focal point of Nupdec and Municipal Coordination of Protection and Civil Defense (Compdec);
● Meeting with the Dialogue team of Rio Doce and Santa Cruz do Escalvado to clarify the Nupdec subprocess;
● Technical visit to the workshop site for logistic verification and initial conversation with the community of the Nupdec subprocess. The steps and processes were presented for setting up the Risk Management Committee in the municipality.
● Meeting with focal point of Nupdec and Compdec.

During this period, the Safe School Project was presented at the Padre José Epifanio Gonçalves State School in Barra Longa; at the Dr. Otavio Soares State School in Santa Cruz do Escalvado and at the Maria Amelia State School in Gesteira. The Maria Amelia State School (Doce River) also received a technical visit and hosted the presentation of the project.

In Mariana, the program held a meeting to build an activity schedule and to form a committee for this initiative in the Monsignor Jose Cotta Municipal School and the Reparata Dias de Oliveira State School.

In addition, public managers and the Civil Defense attended a meeting where the Risk Management Committee Project was introduced, in Santa Cruz do Escalvado and Rio Doce.

Ponte do Gama (a Mariana district) also hosted a technical visit and the presentation of the Community Nucleus for Protection and Civil Defense Project.

Representatives of the program participated in the 2nd meeting of the Working Group to plan and prepare for the annual Emergency Simulation. This activity is coordinated by the Civil Defense groups of Mariana and Barra Longa together with Samarco.

Motivational workshops for presentation of the Safe School Project were also initiated. One municipal school and one state school were visited in Mariana and Santa Cruz do Escalvado, as well as one municipal school in Barra Longa and in one Rio Doce. The activity involves students and teachers in the implementation of a process that generates a safety culture, so that schools can better deal with emergency situations and risks.

This month, the communities of Santana do Deserto (Rio Doce), Merengo (Santa Cruz do Escalvado) and Biboca (Sao Jose do Goiabal), located downstream of the Risoleta Neves Hydroelectric Power Plant (Candonga), participated in evacuation simulations.
The activities for the implementation of the subprocesses Safe School, Nupdec and Gestor Group in the municipalities of Mariana, Barra Longa, Rio Doce and Santa Cruz do Escalvado in Minas Gerais were also started, as described below:
- presentation to the State Civil Defense of MG of the methodology adopted for the implementation of the subprocesses;
- Established a weekly meeting between the Renova Foundation and the State Defense of Minas Gerais. The meetings are meant for monitoring and following-up on the subprocesses;
- presentation of the methodology adopted for the implementation of the subprocesses through meetings in each municipality, with the participation of local Civil Defense, Municipal and State Department of Education and school management. In Mariana (MG), the meeting was attended by the mayor and the secretary of Social Defense.

The team of the company H3M, hired by the Renova Foundation, was presented to Civil Defense and to the Municipal Department of Education of Mariana, Minas Gerais. The company will support the development of the following projects: "Safe School", "Community Protection and Civil Defense Centers" and "Risk Area Management Group”. All focus on preparations for environmental emergencies.

Renova, with the support of the program, conducted the planning of the emergency simulations of a dam collapse at the Risoleta Neves Hydroelectric Unit. The action involved Civil Defense of Rio Doce and Santa Cruz do Escalvado (MG), Military Police, Fire Department and communities of Biboca, S.J. do Goiabal, Santana do Deserto, Rio Doce and Merengo, Santa Cruz of the Escalvado, all in Minas Gerais.

Program activities are ongoing.

Mobilization and distribution of information on how to act in emergency situations in the riverside communities of Rio Casca, Sem Peixe, Sao Pedro dos Ferros and Sao Domingos do Prata, in Minas Gerais.

The Renova Foundation supported 184 Municipal Coordinators of Civil Protection and Defense of the municipalities of Mariana and Barra Longa (MG) in the simulation of emergencies, conducted on November 18, simultaneously, in all the localities.

Program activities are ongoing.

As part of the Emergency Preparedness program, Renova delivered to the municipalities of Mariana, Barra Longa, Rio Doce and Santa Cruz do Escalvado (MG) new vehicles and equipment to strengthen the Civil Protection and Defense System. Each Municipal Coordination of Protection and Civil Defense (COMPDEC) received a pickup truck equipped with 4x4 traction, cap, tow and GPS, as well as a kit consisting of 70 identifying vests, 30 rubber cones, a notebook, a camera, a power generator, among other items, that will reinforce prevention, preparedness and emergency response actions in the localities.

No relevant completions were reported this month. The actions of the program continue in progress.

In response to the actions foreseen in the Emergency Action Plan for Dams, a working group was created between the Renova Foundation and Samarco to prepare the emergency drills that will involve Civil Defense and the community.

Four meetings were held with the municipalities of Rio Doce (5/16), Santa Cruz do Escalvado (5/23), Mariana and Barra Longa (5/31), with the objective of planning new activities for the Environmental Emergency Preparation Program.

Also in April, four meetings were held with Civil Defense, Education Departments and schools of the municipalities of Mariana (Cachoeira do Brumado district), Barra Longa, Rio Doce and Santa Cruz do Escalvado, with the objective to initiate the mapping of the institutions to be involved in the Safe School pilot project.

The project foresees the implementation of a cultural education process on safety, together with students and educational professionals, raising their awareness about risks, threats and vulnerabilities around them and, by extension, for their family. The purpose of this initiative is to stimulate a change in the collective mentality of the population in relation to safety, environment and health, contributing to strengthening municipal Civil Defense groups.

Approved by the Board of Governors of the Renova Foundation is the donation of items for civil defense groups of Mariana, Barra Longa, Santa Cruz do Escalvado and Rio Doce, in Minas Gerais.

The work plan to support the civil defense structure in Mariana, Barra Longa, Santa Cruz do Escalvado and Rio Doce, in Minas Gerais, has been completed. Furthermore, the kit of materials for donation to local civil defense groups has been approved by local authorities.

Nine phase-two sirens were installed in the communities of Gesteira and Barra Longa (MG), finishing the installation of 31 sirens in total, which already feature recorded voice messages. An introductory training was held on the flood warning system conducted by the company Potamos.

Start of periodic maintenance plans of the siren installations and the training of teams, as well as the implementation of Phase 2 sirens in Germano. Furthermore, five water level gauges were installed along the Carmo River basin for the flood warning system, and daily newsletters about the river levels were distributed.

Emergency drills were held in the towns and districts of Barra Longa and Mariana (MG), coordinated by the Municipal and State Civil Defense, which relied on the remote control of 20 sirens in the communities. Sound tests of the sirens were also performed at the Germano Dam and the Santarem Dam.

Emergency simulations were carried out in the cities and districts of Barra Longa and Mariana (MG), with a remote trigger test of 20 sirens. There was also sound propagation test of the sirens in the Germano dam (MG).

Five sirens were installed in the Germano dam (MG), with an audible test, and in 14 districts of Mariana (MG). Another 16 sirens have been activated in the management system and are able to perform audible test. In addition, the population of Bento Rodrigues (MG) received theoretical and simulated training for access to the community.


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