Renova Foundation

22 – Management of socioeconomic programs

Objective of the program

To provide the socioeconomic programs with management mechanisms and processes, monitoring and assessments, including IT systems, data bases, KPIs, in compliance with the governance mechanisms and processes established in the Term.

Progress of Program

There were no relevant facts this month.

There were no relevant facts this month.

There were no relevant facts this month.

This is a management program and does not have a monthly update of relevant facts.

This is a management program and does not have a monthly update of relevant facts.

This is a management program and does not have a monthly update of relevant facts.

This is a management program and does not have a monthly update of relevant facts.

This is a management program and does not have a monthly update of relevant facts.

This is a management program and does not have a monthly update of relevant facts.

This is a management program and does not have a monthly update of relevant facts.

This is a management program and does not have a monthly update of relevant facts.

This is a management program and does not have a monthly update of relevant facts.

This is a management program and does not have a monthly update of relevant facts.

This is a management program and does not have a monthly update of relevant facts.

This is a management program and does not have a monthly update of relevant facts.

This is a management program and does not have a monthly update of relevant facts.

This is a management program and does not have a monthly update of relevant facts.

This is a management program and does not have a monthly update of relevant facts.

This is a management program and does not have a monthly update of relevant facts.

This is a management program and does not have a monthly update of relevant facts.

This is a management program and does not have a monthly update of relevant facts.

This is a management program and does not have a monthly update of relevant facts.

This is a management program and does not have a monthly update of relevant facts.

This is a management program and does not have a monthly update of relevant facts.

This is a management program and does not have a monthly update of relevant facts.

This is a management program and does not have a monthly update of relevant facts.

This is a management program and does not have a monthly update of relevant facts.

The programs are managerial in nature and do not update the relevant facts on a monthly basis.

The programs are managerial in nature and do not update the relevant facts on a monthly basis.

The programs are managerial in nature and do not update the relevant facts on a monthly basis.

The activities of this program are being developed in conjunction with pg041 - Management of Environmental Programs


This program's actions are being developed in an integrated way with PG041 - Management of Environmental Programs.

The actions of this program are being developed in an integrated way with PG041 - Management of Environmental Programs.

The actions of this Program are being developed in an integrated way with PG041 - Management of Environmental Programs.

The actions of this Program are being developed in an integrated way with PG041 - Management of Environmental Programs.

The actions of this program are being developed in an integrated way with PG041 - Management of Environmental Programs.

The actions of this program are being developed in an integrated way with PG041 - Management of Environmental Programs.

The actions of this program are being developed in an integrated way with PG041 - Management of Environmental Programs.

The actions of this program are being developed in an integrated way with PG041 - Management of Environmental Programs.

The actions of this program are being developed in an integrated way with PG041 - Management of Environmental Programs.

The actions of this program are being developed in an integrated way with PG041 - Management of Environmental Programs.

The actions of this program are being developed in an integrated way with PG041 - Management of Environmental Programs.

The actions of this program are being developed in an integrated way with PG41 - Management of Environmental Programs.

The actions of this program are being developed in an integrated way with PG041 - Management of Environmental Programs.

The actions of this program are being developed in an integrated way with PG041 - Management of Environmental Programs.

The actions of this program are being developed in an integrated way with PG041 - Management of Environmental Programs.

The actions of this program are being developed in an integrated way with PG041 - Management of Environmental Programs.

The actions of this Program are being developed in an integrated way with PG041 (Management of Environmental Programs).

The actions of this Program are being developed in an integrated way with PG041 (Management of Environmental Programs).

The actions of this Program are being developed in an integrated way with PG041 (Management of Environmental Programs).

The actions of this Program are being developed in an integrated way with PG041 (Management of Environmental Programs).

The actions of this program are being developed in an integrated way with PG041 - Management of Environmental programs.

The actions of this program are being developed in an integrated way with PG041 - Management of Environmental Programs.

The actions of this program are being developed in an integrated way to PG041 - Management of Environmental Programs. Check the description on page 203.

The actions of this program are being developed in an integrated way to PG041 - Management of Environmental Programs. Check the description on page 201.

The actions of this program are being developed in an integrated way with PG041 - Management of Environmental Programs. Check the description on page 195.

The actions of this program are being developed in an integrated way with the Management Program of the Socioeconomic Programs.

Integrated action is being taken with the program for Socio-environmental Program Management.

Program activities are ongoing.

Program activities are ongoing.

The document defining the Aquaculture and Fisheries Activities Resumption Program (PG016) was filed with the Interfederative Committee (CIF).

The quarterly report of the Ombudsman, for the period from October to December of 2017, was sent to the CIF.

The Term of Reference for contracting the Irrigation Study, object of Resolution 142 and clause 180 of the TTAC, was sent to the Technical Board of Tailings Management and Environmental Safety. The report on the implementation of the Tailings Management Plan in sections 1 to 4 was also sent to this Technical Board.

The quarterly report with the Data Evaluation of the Quali-Quantitative Systematic Monitoring Program (PMQQS) for Water and Sediments, for the months of August to October 2017, was sent to the Technical Board of Water Security and Quality.

The final report on the restoration of banks, channels and erosion control processes, completed in December 2017, under Clause 160 of the TTAC, was sent to the Technical Board for Forest Restoration and Water Production.

The standards that the Renova Foundation will adopt for reporting and monitoring of the programs was sent to the CIF and to the Coordinators of Technical Boards. This format will be used in the Foundation’s internal meetings and the proposal is to also use them in the meetings of the Technical Boards.
Responses to CIF resolutions 74, 107, 123, 124, 135, 143, 146 and 148 were also sent.

The Interfederative Committee (CIF) was notified of the documents defining the programs for the Conservation of Aquatic Biodiversity, the Strengthening of the Structures for Screening and Reintroduction of Wildlife, the Conservation of Flora and Fauna, Information for the Population and the Consolidation of Conservation Units.

The Renova Foundation submitted the terms of reference for the actions to safeguard the archaeological heritage and the actions to safeguard the cultural heritage kept in the Technical Reserve in Mariana for analysis by the Technical Board of Education, Culture, Tourism and Recreation. For analysis by the Technical Board of Health, the reports were forwarded on the Health Care Services Profile and Morbidity and Mortality of the Sick and Diseases over the 10 years previous to the Fundao dam collapse.

The definitions of 29 programs of the Renova Foundation were filed with the Interfederative Committee (CIF) and the respective Technical Boards.

The first partial technical report of Data Evaluation of the Qualitative Quantitative Systematic Monitoring Program (PMQQS) of Water and Sediments was sent to the Technical Board of Water Safety and Water Quality.
The HPP Risoleta Neves Reservoir Filler Plan, a preliminary version of the Tailings Management Plan for stretch 12 - HPP Risoleta Neves, and the Air Quality Monitoring and Control of Atmospheric Emissions Plan, were sent to the Technical Board for Tailings Management and Environmental Safety.
The reimbursement time frames and methodology for the municipalities, related to the Transaction and Conduct Adjustment Term (TTAC), were sent to the Technical Board of Economy and Innovation.
The Technical Board of Social Organization and Emergency Aid was sent the work plan of the Compensation and Indemnification of Impacted Parties Program.
A proposal for mobilization for the recovery of springs in the Doce river basin and the preliminary version of the Public Notice for the Environmental Services Payment Program and its operational manual were delivered to the Technical Board for Forestry Restoration and Water Production.
Renova presented to the Technical Board of Health the report of the Program to support the Physical and Mental Health of the Impacted Population.
The draft of the Call for Research, Development and Innovation was sent to the Technical Board of Conservation and Biodiversity and to FAPEMIG.
A proposal for an Integrated Campaign on Water Quality for Human Consumption was presented to the Technical Board of Communication, Participation, Dialogue and Social Control.
The Interfederative Committee (CIF) was notified of the letters sent to the municipal governments of Mariana, Barra Longa, Rio Doce and Santa Cruz do Escalvado (MG), in order to comply with resolution No. 80 (Item 4) and No. 115, which deal with the projects for the destination of the fine imposed on Samarco as a result of non-compliance with Clause 150-§3, referring to the dredging of the first 400 meters of the Risoleta Neves HPP.

There have been several updates regarding the resolutions of the Inter-Federative Committee (CIF). Regarding the clauses of the TTAC, the quarterly report of the Ombudsman's Office was published, in compliance with clause 72, and the proposal of the methodology of the strategy of mobilization and engagement for the recovery of springs was sent to the Technical Board of Forestry Restoration and Water Production, referring to clause 163.

The study of the Physical-Chemical Analyzes carried out through the Monitoring of the lakes Nova, Monsarás, Areal and Pandolfi was sent to the Technical Board of Tailings Management and Environmental Safety. They were also sent the schedule for the application of the Tailings Management Plan, by section and deadlines; and the detailed schedule of the construction works for the recovery of the Risoleta Neves HPP.

The final version of the term of reference for the contracting and collection of intangible assets and the validation report of the assessment of Culture and Tourism, both referring to the Preservation Program of Historical, Cultural and Artistic Memory, were delivered to the Technical Board of Education, Culture and Leisure.

The Study of Alternatives for the Exhibition Park of Barra Longa (MG) was sent to the Technical Board of Infrastructure Reconstruction and Recovery.

Whereas the Technical Board of Social Organization and Emergency Aid received Lot 018 of the Integrated Register Database and the details of the conclusion of the second registration campaign.

The documents defining the programs to support research for the Development and Use of Socioeconomic Technologies; Resumption of Agricultural and Livestock Activities; Recovery and Diversification of the Regional Economy; Micro and Small Business Recovery; Stimulus to Local Contracting and Reimbursement of Extraordinary Public Expenditures were sent to the Technical Board of Economy and Innovation for discussion and contributions.

Whereas the documents defining the programs of Survey and Registration of the Impacted Parties; Reimbursement and Indemnity of the Impacted Parties; Social Protection; Assistance to Animals and Emergency Financial Aid were forwarded to the Technical Board of Social Organization, with the same purpose.

The document defining the Support Program for Tourism, Culture, Sport and Leisure was sent to the Technical Board of Education.

Clause 144 (in progress, in conjunction with clause 184 of PG041).

The programs Socioeconomic Technologies, Diversification of the Regional Economy, Micro and Small Businesses, Stimulation of Local Hiring and Reimbursement of Extraordinary Public Expenses had their documentation and definitions forwarded to the Technical Board of Economy and Innovation to start the discussions. The documentation that defines the Reconstruction of Villages for Environmental Emergencies Program was completed and forwarded to internal governance, as well as the documentation of the first stage of the definition phase of the programs Recovery of Environmental Area 1 and Fauna and Flora Terrestrial.

The details of the Project for the Sterilization of Animals under the Animal Care Program were sent to the Technical Board of Social Organization and Emergency Aid.

Submission of the Revision of the Tailings Management Working Plan for the region of Bento Rodrigues (MG), in compliance with the Technical Note of the State System of Environment (Sisema), of the State Secretariat of Environment and Sustainable Development (Semad), the State Environmental Foundation (Feam), the Technical Board for Tailings Management and Environmental Safety.

WebGIS system: continuity of the implementation of the program, sending answers to the questions of the Technical Board of Forest Restoration and Water Production and dissemination of the user manual (Clause 184).
Publication of the new Dashboard of Clauses, Deliberations and Demands of the Technical Boards, as well as the detailed report for the month of June.

The programs for Animal Assistance and the Recovery of Other Impacted Communities and Infrastructures were registered for evaluation by the Technical Board and Inter-Federative Committee (CIF).

In June, the monthly report for the CIF (Clause 192) was restructured and the data of the programs was entered into the WebGIS system. Access was given to the Technical Board of Forestry Restoration and Water Production (Clause 184).

In addition, the implementation of the Assurance Plan for the Program for the Recovery of Impacted Communities and Infrastructures was initiated, audited by Ernst & Young.

Issuance of the revision of version 2.0 of the Renova Foundation Master Plan, in which the deliveries were outlined in greater detail, extending the integration between the programs, with a territorial approach and vision, allowing to increase its performance, synergy in actions and a more integrated planning. Furthermore, there was the surveying and structuring of the geographic information of the programs to be included in the WebGIS georeferencing program.

Formation of working groups to engage stakeholders and the Renova teams in the revision of the Foundation's Masterplan. The objective is to identify improvements and broaden the integration between the programs, with a territorial vision and approach.

Update of the program management methodology, strengthening the process of engagement of stakeholders and the mobilization of knowledge to define solutions and to complete the team formation of economic management and program planning.

The Inter-Federative Committee (CIF) has approved the governance format of the program with the Technical Boards. Ongoing is the implementation of the IT system for the management of the programs and the further detailing of the projects and processes.

The development phase of the program management system has been completed and the implementation phase has started. The Renova Foundation participated in meetings of seven Technical Boards presenting the content of the ongoing programs.

The budget plan for the year 2017 was completed. Still in progress is the development of the project management IT system. In addition to the previously completed project management module the following management modules were completed: programs, processes, actions and risks. Still to be completed are the clauses management module and some adjustments to the already completed modules.

The elaboration of the 2017 budget plan is in its final stage and will be delivered to the Inter-federative Committee by December 9, 2016. In progress is the development of the last modules of the information technology management system for the management of the Renova Foundation programs.

Progress was made in the formatting of new projects and in the planning of initiated projects in terms of scope, time and cost. Moreover, the project management module of the IT system was completed.

Progress has been made in the definition of the programs and the Renova Foundation's plan for the year 2017 has been presented to the Interfederative Committee. Moreover, the project management module of the IT system was completed.


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