Renova Foundation

21 – Emergency financial aid

Objective of the program

To provide emergency financial aid to the impacted population whose income got compromised, resulting from the interruption of their productive or economic activities due to the collapse, until the reestablishment of the conditions in order to resume the productive and economic activities.

Progress of Program

Inclusion of 02 financial aid beneficiaries
Exclusion of 20 financial aid beneficiaries

Seed delivery and technical visit to the C4 Nursery in Sabinópolis/MG.

Assessment of seed quality and weighing at the Roseli Nunes II Settlement in Resplendor/MG.

Exclusion of 61 financial aid beneficiaries
Inclusion of 05 financial aid beneficiaries

Exclusion of 13 financial aid beneficiaries.
Inclusion of 40 financial aid beneficiaries.

Exclusion of 02 financial aid beneficiaries
Inclusion of 06 financial aid beneficiaries

Exclusion of 04 financial aid beneficiaries
Inclusion of 05 financial aid beneficiaries

Exclusion of 02 financial aid beneficiaries
Inclusion of 03 financial aid beneficiaries;

Inclusion of 01 financial aid beneficiary.
Exclusion of 05 financial aid beneficiaries

Inclusion of 01 financial aid beneficiary.
Exclusion of 10 financial aid beneficiaries.

Exclusion of 10 aids
Inclusion of 05 aids

Inclusion of 05 aids
Exclusion of 15 financial aid beneficiaries

Exclusion of 17 financial aid beneficiaries.
Inclusion of 04 financial aid beneficiaries.

Inclusion of 04 financial aids
Exclusion of 100 financial aid beneficiaries

Exclusion of 24 financial aid beneficiaries
Inclusion of 12 financial aid beneficiaries

Exclusion of 20 financial aid beneficiaries
Inclusion of 0 financial aid beneficiaries.

Exclusion of 17 financial aid beneficiaries.
Inclusion of 03 financial aid beneficiaries;

Exclusion of 39 financial aid beneficiaries.
Inclusion of 0 financial aid beneficiaries;

Exclusion of 36 financial aid beneficiaries.
Inclusion of 02 financial aid beneficiaries;

Exclusion of 50 grants

Exclusion of 73 aids
Inclusion of 48 aids.

Exclusion of 47 financial aid beneficiaries.
Inclusion of 7132 financial aid beneficiaries

Inclusion of 242 financial aid beneficiaries.
Exclusion of 58 financial aid beneficiaries.
Judicial decision to reactivate some groups of AFE's.

Inclusion of 2 financial aid beneficiaries
Exclusion of 176 financial aid beneficiaries

Inclusion of 16 financial aid beneficiaries;

Exclusion of 77 financial aid beneficiaries.

Judicial Decision - Reactivation AFE's of the subsistence transition of 4,831 aids.

Inclusion of 0 financial aid beneficiaries;

Exclusion of 54 financial aid beneficiaries.

Continuation of financial aid cancellations linked to the final discharge through the Simplified Indemnity System provided for in the decision of the 12th Federal Court.

Inclusion of 6 financial aid beneficiaries;

Exclusion of 230 financial aid beneficiaries.

Continuation of financial aid cancellations linked to the final discharge through the Simplified Indemnity System provided for in the decision of the 12th Federal Court.

Inclusion of 1 financial aid beneficiaries.
Exclusion of 158 financial aid beneficiaries.
Continuation of financial aid cancellations linked to the final discharge through the Simplified Indemnity System provided for in the decision of the 12th Federal Court.

Inclusion of 2 financial aid beneficiaries.
Exclusion of 684 financial aid beneficiaries.
Continuation of financial aid cancellations linked to the final discharge through the Simplified Indemnity System provided for in the decision of the 12th Federal Court.

Inclusion of 5 financial aid beneficiaries.
Exclusion of 684 financial aid beneficiaries.
Continuation of financial aid cancellations linked to the final discharge through the Simplified Indemnity System provided for in the decision of the 12th Federal Court.

Inclusion of 12 financial aid beneficiaries;
Exclusion of 276 financial aid beneficiaries.
Continuation of financial aid cancellations linked to the final discharge through the Simplified Indemnity System provided for in the decision of the 12th Federal Court.

Inclusion of 5 financial aid beneficiaries.
Exclusion of 456 financial aid beneficiaries.
Continuation of financial aid cancellations linked to the final discharge through the Simplified Indemnity System provided for in the decision of the 12th Federal Court.

Inclusion of 6 financial aid beneficiaries;
Exclusion of 266 financial aid beneficiaries.
Continuation of financial aid cancellations linked to the final discharge through the Simplified Indemnity System provided for in the decision of the 12th Federal Court.

Inclusion of 52 financial aid beneficiaries;
Exclusion of 1.322 financial aid beneficiaries.
Continuation of financial aid cancellations linked to the final discharge through the Simplified Indemnity System provided for in the decision of the 12th Federal Court.

Inclusion of 2 financial aid beneficiaries by Court Decision and reactivation of 4 financial aid beneficiaries;
Exclusion of 670 financial aid beneficiaries;
Continuation of financial aid cancellations linked to the final discharge through the Simplified Indemnity System provided for in the decision of the 12th Federal Court.

• Exclusion of 1,390 financial aid beneficiaries.
• Continuation of financial aid cancellations linked to the final discharge through the Simplified Indemnity System provided for in the decision of the 12th Federal Court.

• Inclusion of 3 financial aid beneficiaries by Court Decision;
• Exclusion of 21 financial aid beneficiaries.
• Continuation of financial aid cancellations linked to the final discharge through the Simplified Indemnity System provided for in the decision of the 12th Federal Court.

Inclusion of 12 financial aid beneficiaries by Court Decision and reactivation of 4 financial aid beneficiaries;

Exclusion of 595 financial aid beneficiaries;

Continuation of financial aid cancellations linked to the final discharge through the Simplified Indemnity System provided for in the decision of the 12th Federal Court.

• Inclusion of 06 financial aid beneficiaries;
• Exclusion of 1,996 financial aid beneficiaries.
• Continuation of financial aid cancellations linked to the final discharge through the Simplified Indemnity System provided for in the decision of the 12th Federal Court.

Inclusion of 03 financial aid beneficiaries;

Exclusion of 903 financial aid beneficiaries.

Continuation of financial aid cancellations linked to the final discharge through the Simplified

Indemnity System provided for in the decision of the 12th Federal Court."

Inclusion of 19 financial aid beneficiaries through Judicial Decision.

There were no relevant facts in January.

Inclusion of 13 financial aid beneficiaries in December/2020, all by court decision.

Inclusion of 4 financial aids, all by judicial decision.

Inclusion of 10 financial aid beneficiaries, all due to court decisions

• Inclusion of 3 financial aid beneficiaries in July 2020.

• Inclusion of 13 new Financial Aid beneficiaries in June 2020.

• Including thirteen aid payments in May 2020 and two regularized payment failures from the previous month.

• Inclusion of 46 new Financial Aid beneficiaries in April/2020.

• Inclusion of 26 new Financial Aid beneficiaries in March 2020.

• Inclusion of 26 new Financial Aid beneficiaries in February/2020.

• Currently, there are 14,679 active financial aid enrollments, through which 32,982 people, - primary beneficiaries and dependents -, are being assisted by the Program.
• Inclusion of 293 new financial aid enrollments in January/2020.

• There are currently 14,397 primary beneficiaries receiving emergency financial aid. Considering primary beneficiaries and dependents, a total of 32,387 people are assisted by the Program.

• Currently, there are 14,103 active financial aid enrollments, through which 31,829 people, - primary beneficiaries and dependents -, are being assisted by the Program.
• Inclusion of 287 new financial aid enrollments in November/2019.

• Currently, there are 13,823 active financial aid enrollments, through which 31,292 people, - primary beneficiaries and dependents -, are being assisted by the Program (Base 10/31).
• Inclusion of 30 new Financial Aid beneficiaries in October/2019.
• On 10/19, we completed part of the program's administrative maintenance process, considering a review of eligibility for inclusion/exclusion of beneficiaries, through which 141 Financial Aids were cancelled due to the lack of direct impact.

• Currently, there are 13,942 active financial aid enrollments, through which 31,636 people, - primary beneficiaries and dependents -, are being assisted by the Program (Base 09/30/2019).
• 269 new Financial Aid enrollments in September/2019.

• Currently, there are 13,673 active Financial Aid enrollments, through which 31,184 people, - primary beneficiaries and dependents -, are being served by the Program (Base 08/31/2019).
Inclusion of 59 new Financial Aid beneficiaries in August/2019.

• Currently, there are 13,614 active financial aid enrollments, through which 31,078 people, - beneficiaries and dependents -, are being assisted by the Program (Base 07/31/2019).
• 454 new Financial Aid enrollments in July/2019. There was a difference of 13 payments compared to what was expected due to the payment windows in August/19.

• Currently, there are 13,160 active financial aid enrollments through which 30,044 people, - primary beneficiaries and dependents -, are being assisted by the Program (Base 06/30/2019).
• 416 new Financial Aid enrollments in June/2019.
There was a discrepancy of 184 payments compared to what was expected due to the payment windows in June/19.

• Currently, there are 12,744 active financial aid enrollments, through which 29,047 people, - primary beneficiaries and dependents -, are being assisted by the Program (Base 05/31/2019).
• 210 new Financial Aid enrollments in May / 2019.

• Currently, there are 12,534 active financial aid enrollments, through which 28,752 people, - primary beneficiaries and dependents -, are being assisted by the Program (Base 04/30/2019).
• Inclusion of 6 new financial aid enrollments in April/2019.
• On April 22, service was initiated for those affected of Campaign 3.

Currently, there are 12,528 active main beneficiaries receiving financial aid. Including the dependents, 28,723 people are assisted by this program (Date 03/29/2019).
Addition of 338 new main beneficiaries of financial aid in March/2019.
Registration of bank accounts has been completed for those affected who receive Emergency Financial Aid, as a substitution for the Alelo Card. 9,122 main beneficiaries were migrated, out of the 9,191 expected. Of the pending cases, 41 are deceased. They will be migrated to the dependent, if any, or canceled. The remaining 28 cases are being followed up with individually, including phone calls and letters, besides the support from Social Protection teams for vulnerable cases.
Six beneficiaries of Emergency Financial Aid who have not completed the Integrated Registration are still suspended, even after several attempts by the Foundation to locate them.
Operationalization of the payment to those impacted defined as Traditional Peoples. Of the 387 financial aid beneficiaries in total, 212 are placer miners and 175 Quilombolas. It is important to note that the AFE is not responsible for the eligibility of this public, and that this task is assigned to PG004 (Program for Protection and Recovery of the Quality of Life of Other Peoples and Traditional Communities).

Inclusion of 50 new Financial Aid beneficiaries in February/2019.
Registration of bank accounts has been completed for those affected who receive Emergency Financial Aid, as a substitution for the Alelo Card. 9,107 beneficiaries were migrated, out of 9,191 expected. Of the pending cases, 41 are deceased. They will be migrated to the dependent, if any, or canceled. The remaining 43 cases are being followed up with individually, including phone calls and letters, besides the support from Social Protection teams for vulnerable cases.
Six beneficiaries of Emergency Financial Aid who have not completed the Integrated Registration are still suspended, even after several attempts by the Foundation to locate them.
Operationalization of the payment to those impacted defined as Traditional Peoples. Of the 387 financial aid beneficiaries in total, 212 are placer miners and 175 Quilombolas. It is important to note that the AFE is not responsible for the eligibility of this public, and that this task is assigned to PG004 - Program for Protection and Recovery of the Quality of Life of Other Peoples and Traditional Communities.

The amount of new primary beneficiaries enrolled in the Program is 177.

The number of new primary beneficiaries enrolled in the Program is 358.

The total of new primary beneficiaries enrolled in the program is 403.

Completion of Phase 3 for registration of bank accounts to substitute the Alelo card usage, for those affected who are receiving Emergency Financial Aid. Those beneficiaries who were absent in the previous phases were attended to through visits. There were 938 registrations. To date, 9,027 of the 9,191 anticipated primary beneficiaries have been migrated.
The amount of new primary beneficiaries enrolled in the Program is 38.

Completion of Phase 2 for registration of bank accounts to substitute the Alelo card usage, for those affected who receive Emergency Financial Aid. In this phase were served those absent in phase 1 that reacted to the contact made by the Foundation.
467 registrations were made in the municipalities of Pedra Corrida, Periquito and Tumiritinga in MG, Aimores, Linhares (town center, Regencia and Povoacao), Colatina and Baixo Guandu in ES.
1,186 new primary beneficiaries were enrolled in the Program.

Registration of bank accounts for those affected receiving financial aid from Belo Oriente, Pedra Corrida, Periquito, Sao Jose do Goiabal, Bom Jesus do Galho and Mariana in MG, as well as Aimores and Baixo Guandu in ES. Final phase of the migration process of the payment method for financial aid, from Alelo to CEF (personal bank account).

1,444 were analyzed for eligibility, with payment expected for September and October/2018.
Fifteen new primary beneficiaries enrolled in the Program.

Approximately 1,200 new Emergency Financial Aid beneficiaries are expected to be added in September/2018.

Completed the registration of bank accounts of those affected receiving financial aid from Belo Oriente, Pedra Corrida, Periquito, Sao Jose do Goiabal, Bom Jesus do Galho and Mariana in MG, as well as Aimores and Baixo Guandu in the state of Sao Paulo. Final phase of the migration process of the method of payment for financial aid, from Alelo to CEF (personal bank account).

The expected amount of new primary beneficiaries of financial aid in August/2018 is approx. 1.500.

The program completed the migration of 1,486 primary card holders (17%) to receive Emergency Financial Aid into a bank account in the municipalities of Barra Longa and Governador Valadares, Linhares and Degredo. The program is on schedule, with an average adherence of 80% of the people.

A total of 1,358 eligibility assessments were carried out, all of which were considered eligible. The payment is expected to be made in August.

During this period, 501 bank accounts from Doce River and Santa Cruz do Escalvado were registered for migration from Alelo to the Caixa Economica Federal Savings Bank. The migration process for all those who receive emergency financial aid from the two municipalities was moved up.

Bank accounts were opened for 501 affected people from Rio Doce and Santa Cruz do Escalvado to enable the migration of Alelo to Caixa Economica Federal. The migration was already completed for all primary card holders receiving emergency financial aid in the municipalities of Santa Cruz do Escalvado and Rio Doce.

A pilot project was carried out to migrate the payment of emergency aid, through the cards, from the company Alelo to Caixa Economica Federal.

A total of 244 new cards were issued and 1,691 analyses were performed to verify the eligibility to the Program in compliance with CIF's Resolutions 58/93 - New Areas - contemplating: impacted estuarine, coastal and marine areas, Campaigns 1 and 2.

596 (cumulative) cards were delivered in compliance with the Interfederative Committee (CIF) Deliberations 58/93 - New Areas (estuarine, coastal and marine) - Campaigns 1 and 2.

Critical processes to comply with Resolution 119 have been reviewed. This resolution implies the restitution of any amounts discounted in the calculation of the loss of profit related to Emergency Financial Aid (for those who were indemnified up to October 23rd, 2017).

There were 2,371 Eligibility Analyses in this period: 1,195 of Campaign 1 and 1,176 of Campaign 2. Of these, 10 Non-Eligible persons were identified in the Program and 2,361 persons with pending documentation.

In January, the death was registered of three people who were receiving Emergency Financial Aid. One of these has an eligible dependent in the town of Resplendor (MG), and therefore the primary card holder was modified. The others do not have any eligible dependents to proceed with a primary card holder modification.

Adjustments were made to the number of dependents of 14 active primary card holders and to the classification of eight persons eligible to Emergency Financial Aid, who were included in the Traditional Peoples Program because they fall within the placer miner category.

A total of 461 new primary card holders were included in the Emergency Financial Aid Program, of whom 284 are riparian people, 160 are from the new areas, seven are fishermen who were granted a General Fishing Activity Record, four resulting from judicial measures, five through re-examination of eligibility and one rural producer.

The program also operationalized the payment of financial aid for 211 placer miners and 129 residents of Quilombos, defined as Traditional Peoples, and met the legal demands and requests carried out by the Renova Foundation customer service channels.

The primary card holder of three families with dependents were changed due to death, in the localities of Baixo Guandu, Colatina and Aimores, in Espirito Santo. In Mariana (MG), four families were detached in the database, as they were receiving the payment of accumulated emergency financial aid for all family members assessed as affected. Also identified were four deaths and exit of seven people from the program, resulting from the continuous monitoring of the program's eligible registrations.

The payment among those affected defined as traditional peoples was made operational, benefiting 129 families of Quilombolas, one family more than the previous month. Also, 485 new emergency financial aid cards were provided to 203 placer miners and 282 fishermen in Minas Gerais. The team also attended to the legal demands and requests made through the Customer Service Channels of the Renova Foundation.

In November, the program operationalized the payment of financial aid to the 128 Quilombola families, an affected group defined as traditional peoples.
In Mariana (MG), 17 main recipients were added to the program. The program evaluated the eligibility of fishermen from the municipalities of Rio Doce and Santa Cruz do Escalvado, and for this, it was supported by the Federal and State Public Prosecution Service.
The program also conducted 905 interviews for re-examination of eligibility and two changes of the main recipient, due to death, in the month of November. In addition, it met the legal demands and requests received through its customer service channels.

A preliminary version of the program definition has been developed and its processes have been redesigned. Furthermore, there were 12 cards that changed the name of the holder and 2 people entered the program. Payments were made to those impacted defined as traditional peoples and 128 Quilombola families.

The interview process with affected individuals who presented inconsistencies in the registration data is ongoing. Operationalization of the payment of Traditional Peoples that were affected and of 128 Quilombola families.

Members of the program participated in the 15th meeting of the Technical Board of Social Organization (CTOS) in Brasilia.

The interview process has started with some affected parties whose integrated registration presented inconsistency with the emergency registration. Due to death of the main beneficiary, three beneficiaries were changed. In Mariana (MG), a Financial Aid card was granted and the number of dependents of two beneficiaries was adjusted.

There was also payment to affected parties defined as Traditional Peoples and 128 Quilombola families.

99.46% of the Alelo cards were delivered by In Haus. With regard to new benefits, 21 cards were provided to fishermen with deferred professional RGP, with credit for the month of August, and 23 cards to fishermen from the colony Z19 of Governador Valadares (MG). These cards were a demand of the Prosecution Service.

In June 2017, deliveries of the new Alelo cards continued. We returned to the localities with new schedules for beneficiaries who previously were traveling or sick. Detainees and relatives of deceased holders were also contacted for regularization with the program. This way, with the support of other programs of the Foundation, such as Social Dialogue, Registration and Social Protection, 99% of deliveries were achieved.

In May 3,396 Alelo cards were distributed, totaling 7,684 distributions within the ideal timeframe for the action, which represents 93.8% of the goal of replacing the cards of more than 8 thousand impacted parties.

In April 2017, 2,775 Alelo debit cards were handed out. Alelo is the new operator responsible for the benefit payments. The replacement is due to the termination of the contract with the company Policard, which previously performed the service.

In March 2017, 2,394 Alelo debit cards were handed out. Alelo is the new operator responsible for the benefit payments. The expectation is that by May 30, the over 8000 beneficiaries will all have received the new cards.

The distribution of financial aid was carried out according profession category:

Fishermen - 67%
Rural farmers - 13.5%
Sand fishermen - 2%
Shellfish fishermen - 2%
Others - 15.5%

So far, 8,059 main beneficiaries and 19,637 main + dependent beneficiaries have received emergency financial aid. After the reassessment of 2,981 cases of denied financial aid claims, 193 cards were granted, which have already been issued and delivered to beneficiaries, increasing the number of families assisted by the program. In addition, the families of miners in the region of Santa Cruz Escalvado (MG) were assisted and received basic food hampers.

So far, 7,939 beneficiaries have received emergency financial aid and 2,981 cases of financial aid cards were reviewed and sent to the Inter-federative Committee for analysis. Support took place via financial aid cards, after court ruling which ordered the payment of funds relating to the electricity bills of the residents of Mariana and Barra Longa, Minas Gerais, displaced from their homes in November 2015.

The eligibility of 2,800 cases, appointed for re-evaluation by the Inter-federative Committee, is under review. As a result, the Renova Foundation implemented a special team in order to ensure a speedy progress of the process. It conducted the service, via financial aid cards, after court ruling ordered the payment of funds relating to the electricity bills of the residents of Mariana and Barra Longa in Minas Gerais, displaced from their homes in November 2015. In addition, the purchase of basic food hampers took place for distribution to mineworkers of Santa Cruz do Escalvado (MG).

The maintenance of the emergency aid card delivery to the River People identified as eligible for the program is in progress, as well as the evaluation of non-defined cases of possible loss of income in Mariana. In October, a meeting was held with the community of Colatina (ES) for questions about the emergency financial aid program and the opening of requests for the distribution of food to miners of Santa Cruz do Escalvado (MG).

Until September, 8,040 cards have been emitted and 7,811 have been handed to people considered eligible by the Emergency Aid Program.


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