Renova Foundation

39 – Conservation units

Objective of the program

To financially support studies related to impacts in the Conservation Units that were directly affected by the collapse and to implement repairing actions. Moreover, it has the objective of supporting, as a form of compensation, actions related to consolidating two Conservation Units and implement an Environmental Protection area at the mouth of the Doce River.

Progress of Program

On 09/06/2024, the “Action Plan for the Santa Cruz Wildlife Refuge and the Costa das Algas Environmental Protection Area” was forwarded: “Strategies for repairing the impacts of the Fundão Dam collapse” in compliance with CIF Resolutions No. 535/2021 and 662/2023 – clause 181.

Start of the Pedagogical Support Project in partnership with the UFMG/UFOP universities with the offer of a specialization course for professionals from the State network of Mariana, State and Municipal network of Barra Longa.

On 07/15/2024, the final report regarding the “Summary of the Environmental Impact Assessment of Conservation Units in the Doce River basin and marine coastal region – Group 6” was forwarded (Clause 181)

No progress this month.

No progress this month.

No progress this month.

On 03/20/2024, the executive project and legal project for the headquarters of the Santa Cruz Wildlife Refuge were sent in compliance with Technical Cooperation Agreement No. 18/2018 - GABIN/ICMBIO between Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conversation (ICMBio) – ICMBio and the Renova Foundation

On 02/22/2024, the “Action Plan for the Comboios Biological Reserve” was approved through CIF deliberation No. 764: Strategies for repairing the impacts of the Fundão Dam collapse.

No progress this month.

CIF Deliberation No. 742, of December 14, 2023 - Approves, with the recommendations presented in NT No. 11/2023/CTBIO/CIF, the “Doce River State Park Action Plan - Strategies for repairing the impacts of the collapse of the Fundão Dam” presented by the Renova Foundation.

On 12/15/2023, letter FR.2023.3159 and its respective annexes were sent regarding the delivery of the Final Report “Synthesis of the Environmental Impact Assessment of Conservation Units in the Doce River basin and coastal-marine region – Group 1” in compliance with Clause 181 and Resolutions No. 36/2016 and No. 535/2021.

No progress this month

"09/28/23 - CIF Deliberation No. 723 that determines the implementation of actions to continue the compensatory commitment to consolidate the Santa Cruz Wildlife Refuge, in conjunction with ICMBio.

On 07/24/2023, the Group 1 Feedback Meeting was held.

On 5/4/2023, the letter FR.2023.1025 was sent referring to the Delivery Schedule of the APA Costa das Algas and Revis Santa Cruz Action Plan, in compliance with CIF Resolution No. 662/2023.
On 05/10/23, the Letter SEI No. 44/2023/ICMBio Santa Cruz approved the product delivered by the company Geoplan - Version 3 of the REVIS Management Plan of Santa Cruz and the APA Costa das Algas.
On 05/16/2023, the letter FR.2023.1164 was sent referring to the Request for Returns of Delivered Products, in compliance with clauses 168 and 181 of the TTAC.
On 05/31/2023, the letter FR.2023.1293 was sent referring to the request to renegotiate the deadline for compliance with item 2 of CIF Resolutions No. 664 and 665.

Completion of the second version of the Management Plan for the Santa Cruz Wildlife Refuge and the Costa das Algas Environmental Protection Area, a compensatory commitment in clause 182.
The 3rd disbursement of the Agreement signed with the STATE FORESTRY INSTITUTE – IEF for the consolidation of the Doce River State Park, in the amount of R$45,065,883.47, was carried out. Compensatory commitment of Clause 182.

On February 1, 2023, official letter FR.2023.0237 and its respective annexes were sent referring to the delivery of the Final Report on “Assessment of the Impacts of the Fundao dam collapse on Conservation Units – Environmental Protection Area Costa das Algas and Santa Cruz Wildlife Refuge” considering the contributions provided through Technical Note No. 10/2022/ICMBio Santa Cruz.
On February 28, 2023, the EIA Group 3 and 4 Report - Mona Pico de Ibituruna, APE Pico de Ibituruna, PNM Governador Valadares, APAM Pico de Ibituruna and RPPN Sete de Outubro and Sete Saloes State Park, was approved, through the Official Letter SEI N °14/2023/CTBio/DIBIO/ICMBio regarding the forwarding of Technical Note No. 2/2023/CTBio/DIBIO/ICMBio and Technical Note No. 3/2023/CTBio/DIBIO/ICMBio

On 12/02/2022, official letter FR.2022.1913 was sent referring to the delivery of the REBIO Comboios Action Plan, in compliance with CIF Resolution No. 596.
On December 7th and 8th, 2022, the protocol of the results and registration of the construction workshops of the APA Costa das Algas and REVIS S Cruz action plan was concluded.
On 12/22/2022, the Group 6 Feedback Meeting was held.
On 12/27/22, letter FR.2022.2087 was forwarded regarding the delivery of the Preliminary Report on the Assessment of Environmental Impacts of Group 1, composed of the Conservation Units: Special Protection Area (APE) Ouro Preto and Mariana, Environmental Protection Area (APA) Barra Longa and Natural Monument (MONA) Rio Piranga, in compliance with Clause 181 and Deliberations 36/2016 and 535/2021.
On 12/28/2022, official letter FR.2022.2073 and annexes related to the Facilitation Report and Preliminary Actions Matrix of the APA Costa das Algas and REVIS Santa Cruz action plan were sent.

On 11/16/2022, the Group 2 Feedback Meeting was held.
On 11/17/2022, the revision of the Conceptual Project for the construction and readjustment of the Headquarters of the Wildlife Refuge of Santa Cruz was carried out, taking into account the comments of the ICMBio team.
On 11/28/2022, letter FR.2022.1867 was forwarded referring to the delivery of the Preliminary Report on the Assessment of Environmental Impacts for Group 6 of Conservation Units.

On 10/27/22, the CTBio APA Costa das Algas and REVIS Santa Cruz feedback meeting was held.
Received on 10/26/22 the term of reference for the acquisition of furniture and appliances necessary for the consolidation of the Santa Cruz Wildlife Refuge and APA Costa das Algas
Received on 10/26/22 the term of reference for the acquisition of vehicle repair and preventive maintenance services for the consolidation of the Santa Cruz Wildlife Refuge and APA Costa das Algas

On 09/02/2022, the Environmental Impact Assessment protocol APA Costa das Algas and REVIS Santa Cruz was carried out
On 09/12/2022, the Report of the Workshop for the Preparation of Management Plans for the Santa Cruz Wildlife Refuge and Costa das Algas Environmental Protection Area - Stage of the Santa Cruz Wildlife Refuge Consolidation Plan was prepared.
On 09/16/2022, the protocol of the PERD Action Plan – Doce River State Park was made.
On 09/19/2022, the protocol of the Final Report of Groups 3 and 4 of UCs - Conservation Units was made
On 09/30/2022, the protocol of the EIA Report - Environmental Impact Assessment of Group 2 was made.

Protocol of the official letter FR.2022.1167 referring to the re-presentation of the final digital product of the project “Qualitative and quantitative characterization and mapping of vegetation and land use and occupation in conservation units Environmental Protection Area (APA) Costa das Algas and Wildlife Refuge (RVS) of Santa Cruz and surrounding area”.
Protocol of the official letter FR.2022.1168 regarding the presentation of the final printed product of the project “Qualitative and quantitative characterization and mapping of vegetation and land use and occupation in conservation units Environmental Protection Area (APA) Costa das Algas and Wildlife Refuge (RVS) of Santa Cruz and surrounding area”.

Approval of the final digital product of the project “Qualitative and quantitative Profiling and mapping of vegetation and land use and occupation in conservation units Environmental Protection Area (APA) Costa das Algas and Refúgio de Vida Silvestre (RVS) of Santa Cruz and area of surroundings”.

Realization of the REBIO COMBOIOS Action Plan on-site workshop, on July 13, 2022.

Final plenary to validate the Action Plan of the Doce River State Park - PERD, on July 11, 2022.

Holding of the Sector Groups Workshop - PERD Action Plan, on June 2, 2022.

Completion of Field Stage I - Partnership with UNESCO, on June 23, 2022, with delivery of the Technical Report with the systematization of the results of the planning and integration workshops of Participatory Biodiversity Monitoring in the Doce River Basin.

Signing of the partnership agreement with FBDS (Brazilian Foundation for Sustainable Development), on June 15, 2022, to develop the project Assessment of the conservation status of species and spatial priorities for conservation and restoration in the Doce River basin, which will meet actions of the Aquatic (Clause 164 item c) and Terrestrial (Clause 168) Action Plans.

Resolution 596 of June 23, 2022 approves with reservations the Assessment of the Impacts of the Fundão Dam Collaps on Conservation Units - Rebio Comboios, as well as establishing a deadline for submitting the Action Plan for the implementation of the proposed remedial actions.

On May 9, the preliminary AIA reports of the CUs in groups 3 and 4 were filed.
On the 11th and 12th of May, the PERD action plan validation workshops were held.
On May 24, the coordination of CTBio/CIF forwarded Technical Note No. 6/2022/CTBio/DIBIO/ICMBio in approval of the REBIO Comboios AIA report.
On May 27, ICMBio received the term of reference for hiring vessel rentals for the consolidation of the Santa Cruz Wildlife Refuge.
On May 27, an official letter was sent to review the PG definition document, based on the consolidation of CT-Bio's contributions.

On 04/20/2022, the report on the qualitative and quantitative characterization and mapping of vegetation and land use and occupation in the APA Costa das Algas and Refúgio de Vida Silvestre (RVS) of Santa Cruz was approved by ICMBio, under SEI Official Letter No. 37/2022
On 04/06/2022, the REBIO Comboios EIA Feedback Meeting was held, with CTBio and UC management.
Between the 25th and 29th of April, meetings were held with the communities of Capuba - Rio Preto, Pontal do Piraquê, Açu - Barra do Riacho, Praia Formosa - Santa Cruz and the Tourism, Industrial and Port sectors, to collect contributions that can subsidize the management of the UCs – Stage of Preparation of the Management Plan for the Santa Cruz Wildlife Refuge and the Costa das Algas Environmental Protection Area.

On 03/29/2022, the Impact Assessment report of the Fundao dam collapse on Conservation Units - Doce River State Park was approved, as per resolution 584.
Between March 14th and 18th, meetings were held with the Fishing Sector to collect contributions that can subsidize the management of the CUs – Stage of Preparation of the Management Plan for the Santa Cruz Wildlife Refuge and the Environmental Protection Area Costa das Algas.

On 02/14/2022, the Preliminary Environmental Impact Assessment Report of REBIO Comboios (NT) was filed.
On 02/18/2022, the product "Previous Meetings Report - Block 1" was approved, referring to the process of preparing the Management Plan for the Santa Cruz RVS and APA Costa das Algas, which has been carried out under the Technical Cooperation Agreement No. 18/2018, in accordance with SEI Official Letter No. 12/2022 - ICMBio Santa Cruz.

On 01/28/2022, the execution of the transfer for Year II - Consolidation PERD was completed
On 01/21/2022, the process of hiring RVS's specialized technical support was started

On 12/17/21, the Definition of the Program was approved - CIF Resolution No. 560

On 11/05/2021, the PERD Environmental Impact Assessment Feedback Meeting was held

On 10/07/21, ICMBio sent the term of reference for hiring the RVS technical team.

On 09/13/2021, the preliminary EIA report of the PERD was filed

There were no relevant facts this month.

On 07/06/2021, the mapping project for the characterization of vegetation and land use in the CUs and surroundings was presented to the Integrated Advisory Board of the Santa Cruz RVS and APA.
On 07/06/2021, ICMBio approved the revised CUs Virtual Inspection Report - TR ECV 188/21

There were no relevant facts this month.

On 05/07/2021, letter FR.2021.0704 was filed with the delivery schedule and the methodologies used by the Ekos Institute and the Brazilian Foundation for Sustainable Development - FBDS for the re-elaboration of the Environmental Impact Assessment reports and Proposition of Reparation Measures for the Conservation Units (CUs) listed in TTAC clause 181, as well as for the responses to the CUs identified as potentially impacted by Resolutions 36/2016 and 149/2018, replacing the preliminary reports prepared by CEPEMAR.

On 05/25/2021, letter FR2021.0175-01 was filed with evidence of 1st installment transfer of the cooperation agreement between IEF/MG and the Renova Foundation, in compliance with CIF resolution 472 and TTAC clause 182.

There were no relevant facts this month.

On 03/04/2021, the Work Plan was approved, the first product referring to the Management Plan preparation process for the Santa Cruz RVS and APA Costa das Algas, to partially comply with TTAC clause 182.

In January 2021, a cooperation agreement was signed between the State Forestry Institute - IEF and the Renova Foundation, aiming at consolidating the Doce River State Park/MG (PERD) under TTAC Clause 182.

There were no relevant facts in December.

There were no relevant facts in October.

There were no relevant facts this month.

There were no relevant facts this month.

• On May 26, 2020, the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conversation (ICMBio) sent an email containing a Term of Reference to contract Soil Use and Vegetation Mapping and Quantitative and Qualitative Profiling in Wildlife Refuge (REVIS) Conservation Units in Santa Cruz and the Environmental Protection Area (APA) of Costa das Algas, which are required for the Renova Foundation's contracting process. This study is essential for the Conservation Unit Management Plan, which is currently being contracted by Renova.

• On 04/13/2020, the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conversation (ICMBio) received the Term of Reference for the elaboration of the Management Plan for the Wildlife Refuge (REVIS) of Santa Cruz and revised Environmental Protection Area (APA) Costa das Algas, in accordance with what was agreed in the meeting held between ICMBio and the Renova Foundation on 02/28/2020. As a result, the contracting process was continued by the Renova Foundation.
• On 04/24/2020, a new version of the draft of the Cooperation Agreement between the Renova Foundation and State Forestry Institute (IEF) for consolidation of the Doce River State Park (PERD) was sent per email to the IEF, in response to Clause 182 of the Transaction and Conduct Adjustment Term (TTAC) and CIF Resolution No. 318/2019.
• On 04/24/2020, through Official Letter FR.2020.0624, the Interfederative Committee (CIF) and the Technical Board of Conservation and Biodiversity (CTBio) were presented with 227 changes to the delivery schedule of the Final Reports related to the Assessment of Impacts to Conservation Units in Coastal Zones 1 (except the Bahia Units), Coastal Zones 2 and Continental Zones 1. These changes were necessary due to the current context and restrictive emergency measures in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

• On 03/03/2020, the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conversation (ICMBio) was sent the Conceptual Project for the construction and/or readjustment of the existing physical structure of the Santa Cruz Oceanographic Base - Aracruz, which is an alternative for the administrative main office of the Wild Life Refuge (RVS) of Santa Cruz, foreseen in the Work Plan for Consolidation of the Unit, in compliance with Clause 182. The Renova Foundation is awaiting an assessment by ICMBio to prepare the other projects and start the works.
• On 03/26/2020, the proposal for the framework of finalized and validated deliveries and products was received by email from ICMBio, as a result of the meeting between the Renova Foundation, Preparation Coordination and Review of the Management Plan (COMAN/ICMBio) and External Resources Division of ICMBio, which took place on February 28 at the main office of ICMBio in Brasilia. This framework will appear in the updated version of Term of Reference 237 for the preparation of the Management Plan for the Santa Cruz RVS and Environmental Protection Area (APA) Costa das Algas, which is being built by ICMBio.

• On 02/05/2020, an official letter was sent to the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conversation (ICMBio) with the evaluation of the Renova Foundation regarding the Term of Reference for the Elaboration of the Management Plan for the Wildlife Refuge (REVIS) of Santa Cruz and the Environmental Protection Area (APA) Costa das Algas. It was forwarded by ICMBio by e-mail on October 31, 2019, with reference number SEI 64/2019-ICMBio Santa Cruz, with the objective of contracting a company to perform the service.
• On 02/12/2020 and 02/13/2020, meetings were held with the State Secretary of Environment of Bahia and with the Municipal Secretaries of Environment of the municipalities of Prado/BA, Caravelas/BA, Nova Viçosa/BA, Mucuri/BA and Alcobaça/BA, with the objective of presenting the work of the Renova Foundation in these places, discussing the problems faced during the performance of environmental impact assessment actions in the Conservation Units of Bahia and obtaining support from the secretaries to continue the impacts assessment study.
• On 02/28/2020, in an in-person meeting at the ICMBio main office, in Brasilia/DF, the necessary adjustments were defined of the Term of Reference for the Development of the Management Plan for the Santa Cruz Wildlife Refuge (REVIS) and the Environmental Protection Area Costa das Algas, and the next steps for contracting a company to perform the service. In addition, it was agreed that ICMBio is responsible for sending the Term of Reference for the characterization of vegetation and land use, a study that will be used in the preparation of the Unit's Management Plan, by end March.

• On 01/20/2020 and 01/21/2020, the Workshop to Review the Definition of the Biodiversity Programs was held, in compliance with TTAC Clause 203. The participative event was attended by the Renova Foundation, representatives of the Technical Board of Conservation and Biodiversity (TB-Bio) and the Public Prosecution Service to review the objectives, scope, indicators/goals and criteria for closing programs 28 - Conservation of Biodiversity, 29 - Improving Wildlife Screening and Rehabilitation Structures, 30 - Terrestrial Biodiversity Conservation and 39 - Conservation Units.
• On 01/30/2020 and 01/31/2020, the Impact Assessment and Remedial Measures Workshop was carried out in the Conservation Units of Continental group 1, [Environmental Protection Area (APA) Belo Oriente, APA Santana do Paraiso, Special Protection Area (APE) Ouro Preto and Mariana, APA Pingo D'Água, APA Bom Jesus do Galho, APA Ribeirao do Sacramento, APA Corrego Novo, APA Dionisio, APA Barra Longa, APA Caratinga Lagoons, Private Natural Heritage Reserve (RPPN) Silvana Lagoon, RPPN Jose Luiz Magalhaes Neto and Doce River State Park].

Survey of the technical-constructive characteristics of the existing building at the Santa Cruz Oceanographic Base - Aracruz, located in Pontal do Piraque Açu, Aracruz/ES, owned by the Municipality of Aracruz, assignment executed by UFES (Federal University of Espirito Santo). This building is an alternative for establishing the Administrative Headquarters of the Santa Cruz Wildlife Refuge (REVIS) provided for in the Work Plan for Consolidation of the Unit, in compliance with Clause 182. The information obtained will be used in the subsequent elaboration of the Conceptual Project for the construction/adaptation of the physical structure of the HQ of the Santa Cruz Wildlife Refuge (REVIS).
Conclusion of the topographic surveying of the terrain of the Santa Cruz Oceanographic Base - Aracruz, which will be used in the preparation of the Conceptual Project for the construction/adaptation of the physical structure of the Administrative Headquarters of the Santa Cruz Wildlife Refuge (REVIS) provided for in the Work Plan for Consolidation of the Unit, in compliance with Clause 182.
Filed the Impact Assessment Reports of the Fundao dam collapse on the Conservation Units that make up Continental group 2: Pico do Ibituruna Natural Monument, Pico do Ibituruna Special Protection Area, Sete Saloes State Park, RPPN Sete de Outubro, RPPN Bulcao Farm and Goytacazes National Forest.
Consultancy hired by ICMBio (ICMBio/Terramar/GIZ) to finalize the document and assist public consultations to create the Environmental Protection Area at the mouth of the Doce River. These consultancy actions started in 2019 and are expected to be completed in February 2020.
The conclusion of the impact assessment study on the Conservation Units; the proposition of any remedial actions indicated by the results; the repair action plan of the approved and prioritized CUs; and the start of the implementation of the plan foreseen for 2019 for the Conservation Units of Continental group 1, were not completed. Cause: Delay in the conclusion of the Assessment Workshop for the Conservation Units of Continental group 1, as date changes were requested by the Renova Foundation and TB-Bio. Countermeasure: Send letter to TB-Bio suggesting to use the data from “Bicho do Mato” in the impact reports of the CUs of Continental group 1, requesting a change to the deadline of Resolution No. 283, since the data will be delivered at the end of October and a longer period would be necessary to include them in the report.
The conclusion of the impact assessment study on the Conservation Units; the proposition of any remedial actions indicated by the results; the repair action plan of the approved and prioritized CUs; and the start of the implementation of the plan foreseen for 2019 for the Conservation Units of Coastal Zones groups 1 and 2, were not completed. Cause: Delay in the execution of the work plan for the evaluation of the Conservation Units in Bahia, because during the Assessment Workshop dissatisfaction and disagreement with the evaluation model proposed by the Renova Foundation and TB-Bio were registered. Finally, delay in the delivery of the assessment reports for the Conservation Units of Coastal Zones groups 1 and 2, because the CU advisers requested the use of aquatic biodiversity monitoring reports to assess the impacts of the CUs of the groups. Countermeasure: Hold an alignment meeting with the Consultative Councils of the CUs of Bahia, Renova Foundation and members of TB-Bio to discuss the topic and define the next steps for assessing the impact of the CUs. Send letter to TB-Bio suggesting to use the data from FEST in the impact reports of the CUs of Coastal Zone groups 1 and 2, requesting a change to the deadline of Resolution No. 283, since the data will be delivered at the end of October and a longer period would be necessary to include them in the report.
The proposition of any remedial actions indicated by the results of the impact assessment studies; the repair action plan of the approved and prioritized CUs; and the start of the implementation of the plan foreseen for 2019 for the Conservation Units of Continental group 2, were not completed. Cause: Change of the program guidelines to start the elaboration of the plan after completion of the assessment stage of all Units identified in Clause 181 of the TTAC and Resolutions No. 36/2016 and No. 179/2018, as an integrated action plan is proposed between the same. Countermeasure: No countermeasures were drawn up for these deliveries, as the program has not yet completed the assessment phase for all Units.
The beginning of the implementation of the PERD consolidation actions scheduled for 2019 has not been completed. Cause: The PERD Work Plan prepared by IEF was approved by CIF on 08/27/2019 and the Cooperation Agreement between Renova Foundation and IEF will be signed in 2020. In addition, the hiring of services described in the plan and the purchase of equipment, vehicles, etc. will be initiated upon receipt of the Terms of Reference by the IEF. Countermeasure: No countermeasures were drawn up for these deliveries, as their progress depends on the signing of the agreement and IEF deliveries.
The preparation of the REVIS Management Plan planned for 2019 has not been completed. Cause: The Term of Reference for the Development of the REVIS Management Plan and the Environmental Protection Area Costa das Algas was delivered to the Renova Foundation by ICMBio in October 2019. With this delivery, the hiring process began and in 2020 the preparation of the management plan will begin. The remaining terms are awaited to start implementing the other consolidation actions provided for in the REVIS work plan. Countermeasure: No countermeasures were designed for these deliveries, as their progress depends on ICMBio deliveries.

• Signing of the cooperation agreement between the State Forestry Institute (IEF) and the Renova Foundation, aimed at the execution of the consolidation work plan of the Doce River State Park (PERD), scheduled for November 2019, was not completed. Cause: delay in drawing up/approving the draft cooperation agreement. Countermeasure: request extension of the deadline set by Resolution 318 to 60 days, sending a letter to the Technical Board of Conservation and Biodiversity (CT-Bio).

• On 10/03, activities of the field expeditions of the Bahia Conservation Units to Coastal Zones Group 1 were planned, together with the Management Councils of the Southern Bahia Coastal Conservation Units (PARNA Marinho dos Abrolhos, RESEX do Cassuruba and APA Ponta da Baleia/Abrolhos).
• Between 10/04 and 10/10, field expeditions were carried out to complement the data from the Environmental Diagnosis Workshop at the Southern Bahia Coastal Conservation Units (PARNA Marinho dos Abrolhos, RESEX do Cassuruba and APA Ponta da Baleia/ Abrolhos).
• Between 10/15 and 10/16, the Impact Assessment and Repair Measures Workshop was held in Coastal Zones Group 2 Conservation Units (Setiba Environmental Protection Area, Paulo Cesar Vinha State Park, Guanandy Environmental Protection Area, Concha d´Ostra Sustainable Development Reserve, Lagoa Grande Environmental Protection Area, Tartarugas Environmental Protection Area, Falesias de Marataizes Municipal Natural Monument, Jacarenema Municipal National Park and Papagaio Sustainable Development Reserve).
• On 10/31, ICMBio received Letter SEI No. 64/2019-ICMBio Santa Cruz, with the Term of Reference for the Preparation of the Santa Cruz Wildlife Refuge Management Plan and the Environmental Protection Area Costa das Algas.

• Between 09/02 and 09/13, field expeditions were carried out to complement the data from the Diagnostic Workshop on Environmental Impacts at the Continental Group 1 Conservation Units: Special Protection Area (APE) Ouro Preto Mariana, Rio Doce State Park (PE), Environmental Protection Area (APA) Barra Longa, Environmental Protection Area Bom Jesus do Galho, Environmental Protection Area Dionisio, Environmental Protection Area Santana do Paraiso, Environmental Protection Area Pingo d’Agua, Environmental Protection Area Corrego Novo, Environmental Protection Area Caratinga Lakes, Environmental Protection Area Ribeirao do Sacramento Spring, Environmental Protection Area Belo Oriente, Private Natural Heritage Reserve (RPPN) Jose Luiz Magalhaes Neto, Private Natural Heritage Reserve Lagoa Silvana.
• Between 09/17 and 09/18, the workshop for impact assessment and repair measures was held at the Espirito Santo Conservation Units of the Coastal group 1: Environmental Protection Area Costa das Algas, Biological Reserve (REBIO) Comboios, Wildlife Refuge (REVIS) Santa Cruz, Area of Relevant Ecological Interest (ARIE) of Degredo, Municipal Natural Park (PNM) David Victor Farina, Sustainable Development Reserve (RDS) Piraque-Acu and Piraque-Mirim, Environmental Protection Environmental Protection Area of Conceicao da Barra, Mole Beach Environmental Protection Area, Itaunas State Park.

• On 08/07/2019, the Report of the Assessment of the Impact on the Conservation Units of Continental Group 2 was presented to CT-Bio.
• On 08/13/2019 and 08/14/2019, the Diagnostic Workshop of the Conservation Units of Continental Group 1 was held, with the purpose of presenting and debating the baseline diagnosis of the physical, biotic and socioeconomic environments for the Upper Doce River Conservation Units and new information shared by participants.

• On 07/05/2019, were completed the Field Expeditions to supplement the data related to the Diagnostic Workshop - Coastal Zones 2. At this stage of the project, a field diagnosis is made by visiting the Conservation Units and their actors and applying rapid ecological assessments when necessary. This month, the following units were visited:
- Concha d´Ostra Sustainable Development Reserve;
- Paulo Cesar State Park and Jacarenema Municipal National Park.
• The Diagnostic Workshop of Continental Group 1, scheduled for 07/16/2019 was rescheduled to 08/13/2019. The workshop aims to present and discuss the baseline diagnosis of the physical, biotic and socioeconomic means for each Conservation Unit and new information shared by participants.
• The presentation of the Impact Assessment Report on Conservation Units - Continental 2 at CTBio, which was scheduled for 07/04/2019, was rescheto 08/07/2019.

• On 06/12/2019, the Diagnostic Workshop — Coast 2, was held in Guarapari (ES) with the objective of presenting and discussing the diagnosis of the baseline of the physical, biotic and socioeconomic means for each Conservation Unit and new information shared by the participants. In this workshop, the following units were discussed:
- Lagoa Grande Environmental Protection Area;
- Setiba Environmental Protection Area;
- Guanandy Environmental Protection Area;
- Tartarugas Environmental Protection Area;
- Municipal Natural Monument Falesias Marataizes;
- Paulo Cesar Vinha State Park;
- Jacarenema Municipal National Park;
- Concha d´Ostra Sustainable Development Reserve;
- Papagaio Sustainable Development Reserve.
• On 06/14/2019, the first stage of the “PERD” (Doce River State Park) Work Plan was delivered to the Renova Foundation by the IEF (State Forestry Institute). The general objective of this stage is to equip the PERD with planning, management and communication tools appropriate for the consolidation of the CU, as well as to provide the CU with services, resources and inputs necessary for its operation, enabling the construction of routines and actions for CU to achieve its goals, considering:
- the conservation of the resources and fundamental values of the CU, highlighting the biological and socio-environmental diversity and making the actions of monitoring, supervision, environmental education and research more effective;
- social legitimation, through excellence of the public use of the CU, communication and environmental education, the structuring and dissemination of research developed within the CU, the strengthening of the relationship with the surrounding community and the strengthening of participation;
- administrative and operational capacity through updating and optimizing the Management Plan and other planning and management instruments;
- Sustainability of the CU over time, enabling it to respond to new challenges arising from institutional, cultural, economic or natural changes.
• The delivery of the Impact Assessment Study on Conservation Units - Continental 2, which was scheduled for 06/21/2019, was rescheduled for 07/05/2019.

• On 05/07 and 05/08, the Workshop for assessing the impacts and repair measures - Continental 2, in Belo Horizonte (MG), was held with the objective of adjusting and validating the proposals with the participants, discussing repair measures and anticipating possible obstacles to the repair. In this workshop, the following units were discussed:
- Special Protection Area Ibituruna Peak;
- Goytacazes National Forest;
- Natural Monument (MONA) Ibituruna Peak;
- Sete Saloes State Park;
- Private Reserve of Natural Heritage Fazenda Bulcao;
- Private Reserve of Natural Heritage Sete de Outubro;
• On 05/29/19 and 05/30/19, the Diagnostic Workshop — Coast 1, was held in Caravelas (BA) with the objective of presenting and discussing the diagnosis of the baseline of the physical, biotic and socioeconomic means for each Conservation Unit and new information shared by the participants. In this workshop, the following units were discussed:
- APA of Ponta da Baleia Abrolhos;
- Abrolhos National Marine Park (PARNAM);
- Cassuruba Extractive Reserve (RESEX).
• The Diagnostic Workshop for Continental group 1, scheduled for 05/15 and 05/16 in Mariana (MG), was scheduled for 07/09 and 07/10.

• The Diagnostic Workshop in Linhares (ES) was held on April 24 and 25, with the objective of presenting and discussing the baseline diagnosis of physical, biotic and socioeconomic resources for each Conservation Unit and new information shared by the participants. In this workshop, the following units were discussed:
Environmental Protection Area Costa das Algas;
Biological Reserve (REBIO) of Comboios;
Wildlife Refuge (REVIS) of Santa Cruz;
Area of Relevant Ecological Interest (ARIE) of Degredo;
Municipal Natural Park (PNM) David Victor Farina;
Sustainable Development Reserve (RDS) Piraque-Acu and Piraque-Mirim;
Environmental Protection Area of Conceicao da Barra;
Mole Beach Environmental Protection Area;
Itaunas State Park.

Delivery of the Report of the Diagnosis-Baseline Workshop by the Instituto EKOS Brasil, referring to the workshop held in Governador Valadares on February 6 and 7, and to the field visits carried out in the Conservation Units from February 8 to 15. The purpose of the workshop was to present and discuss the diagnosis of the baseline and new information shared by the participants. The visits are aimed at the completion of data, recognition of conservation units and study areas, and interviews with managers, residents and users of CUs.
Report on the “Preliminary Identification of Anomalies and Pathologies of the Buildings of the Doce River State Park”, concerning the state of the buildings in the park, the result of a visit made at the end of last year to assist the State Forestry Institute (IEF) in the construction of the Work Plan for consolidating the Conservation Unit in compliance with Clause 182.

The Renova Foundation, in partnership with the Ekos Brazil Institute, carried out the first Diagnostic Workshop of the Project "Identification and proposal of remedial measures for possible impacts resulting from the collapse of the Fundao dam in the Conservation Units" on 02/06 and 02/07, in the municipality of Governador Valadares (MG). The Units contemplated by the project in this first stage were:
Natural Monument Ibituruna Peak (Governador Valadares/MG);
Special Protection Area Ibituruna Peak (Governador Valadares/MG);
Private Reserve of Natural Heritage Sete de Outubro (Conselheiro Pena/MG);
Sete Saloes State Park (Counselor Pena, Itueta, Resplendor, Santa Rita do Itueto/MG);
Private Reserve of Natural Heritage Fazenda Bulcao (Aimores / MG);
Goytacazes National Forest (Linhares/ES).
The aim of the studies is to identify and measure the physical, biological and socioeconomic impacts caused by the tailings mud originating from the Fundao dam collapse, in these Conservation Units, in order to later propose necessary remedial measures.

Sent by the EKOS Institute to the Renova Foundation and participants in the diagnostic workshops, report of the studies of environmental impact assessment in the Conservation Units (CUs) - CONTINENTAL 2. These are: Natural Monument Ibituruna Peak (Governador Valadares/MG), Special Protection Area Ibituruna Peak (Governador Valadares/MG), Private Reserve of Natural Patrimony Sete de Outubro (Conselheiro Pena/MG), Sete Saloes State Park (Counselheiro Pena, Itueta, Resplendor, Santa Rita do Itueto/MG), Private Reserve of Natural Patrimony Bulcao Farm (Aimores/MG) and National Forest of Goytacazes (Linhares/ES). The aim of the studies is to identify and measure the physical, biological and socioeconomic impacts caused by tailings mud - originating from the Fundao dam collapse - in these Conservation Units, in order to later propose the necessary reparative measures.
The CIF revised the definition of the Program, in compliance with Technical Note No. 16/2018/CTBio/DIBIO/ICMBio* dated 10/01/2018. In this review, the resolutions and other documents that have emerged since the last review were updated (information on actions taken and in progress), timeframes, adequacy of the analytical framework of the programs, and review of indicators and costs.

Environmental impact assessment studies were initiated in the other Continental and Maritime Conservation Units (continental 1 and coastal 1 and 2). The objective of these studies is to identify and measure the physical, biological and socioeconomic impacts caused by the tailings mud originating from the Fundao dam collapse in these Conservation Units, in order to later propose reparative measures considered necessary.
Signing of the Cooperation Agreement with ICMBio (Chico Mendes Institute of Biodiversity Conservation) for the consolidation of the Wildlife Refuge (REVIS) in Santa Cruz. ICMBio will elaborate the Terms of Reference, detailing the actions foreseen in the Work Plan, evaluating and approving projects, technical reports and deliveries of products and/or services adhering to the Terms of Reference. It is the responsibility of the Renova Foundation to present and implement all the projects required to execute the Work Plan in accordance with the Terms of Reference.

Initiated on 10/23, environmental impact assessment studies in six continental Conservation Units (UCs) directly or indirectly affected by the dam collapse. These are: Natural Monument Ibituruna Peak (Governador Valadares/MG), Special Protection Area Ibituruna Peak (Governador Valadares/MG), Private Reserve of Natural Patrimony Sete de Outubro (Conselheiro Pena/MG), Sete Saloes State Park (Counselheiro Pena, Itueta, Resplendor, Santa Rita do Itueto/MG), Private Reserve of Natural Patrimony Bulcao Farm (Aimores/MG) and National Forest of Goytacazes (Linhares/ES). The studies are being conducted by the EKOS Institute and aim to identify and measure the physical, biological and socioeconomic impacts caused by tailings mud - resulting from the Fundao dam collapse - in these Conservation Units, in order to later propose the reparative measures considered needed. The initial stage of the study consists of the collection of secondary data, such as socioenvironmental and socioeconomic information of these CUs. The information gathered so far by the Renova Foundation has been forwarded to the EKOS Institute. If new information arises, it will also be made available.

Finalized the process of contracting companies that will carry out environmental impact assessment studies in the 40 continental (MG and ES) and coastal (ES and BA) Conservation Units, identified in TTAC Clause 181 and CIF Resolution 36/2016 for having been directly or indirectly affected by the event. The objective of these studies is to identify and measure the physical, biological and socioeconomic impacts caused by the tailings mud from the Fundao dam collapse in these Conservation Units, in order to later propose the necessary reparative measures. Initiation of studies is scheduled for the end of Oct/2018.

On 08/31/18, it was agreed with the CIF that the work plan for the consolidation of the Doce River State Park (PERD), prepared by the IEF and sent to the Renova Foundation on 07/30/18, should be reviewed. The consolidation of this Conservation Unit (CU) complies with TTAC Clause 182 and implies ensuring that: (i) the CU achieves a minimum level of management effectiveness, according to third-party evaluation, (ii) development and implementation of its first management plan, (iii) provision of resources for the acquisition of goods and equipment to achieve its established objectives. After the review, the work plan will be forwarded for analysis by the Renova Foundation and the Technical Board of Conservation and Biodiversity (CTBio) and submitted again for approval by the CIF.

The work plan, drawn up by the IEF, was sent to the Renova Foundation for the consolidation of the Doce River State Park (PERD), in compliance with Clause 182 of the TTAC. The consolidation of this Conservation Unit (CU) implies the following guarantees: (i) that the CU reaches a minimum level of management effectiveness, according to an evaluation carried out by third parties; (ii) the preparation and implementation of its first management plan; (iii) the provision of resources for the acquisition of goods and equipment to achieve its objectives. After analysis and approval of the FR and Technical Board CTBio, the work plan will be submitted for the approval of the CIF.

The impacts of the dam collapse on 40 Conservation Units (UCs) in MG and ES will be evaluated. ALL impacted CUs will be recovered. R$ 8.6 million will be invested JUST for the evaluation of these impacts. Three CUs will be FULLY consolidated. They are:

Doce River State Park (PERD), Santa Cruz Wildlife Refuge (REVS), and Environmental Protection Area (APA) in the Doce River mouth region.

The actions of the program continue in progress.

The initiatives are still ongoing.

CTBio approved the work plan elaborated by ICMBio for the implementation and consolidation of priority actions in the Conservation Unit of the Santa Cruz Wildlife Refuge. To do this, it will be necessary to ensure that: the conservation unit reaches a minimum level of management effectiveness, according to third-party evaluation; its first management plan is drafted and implemented and funds are made available for the acquisition of goods and equipment.

The Renova Foundation has received and is analyzing the work plan for the Wildlife Refuge (REVIS) of Santa Cruz, in the state of Espirito Santo.

The hiring process of companies/NGOs that will carry out environmental impact assessment studies in the 39 CUs was initiated.

The Interfederative Committee (CIF) and the Technical Board of Conservation and Biodiversity approved the work plan for the evaluation of impacts on the Conservation Units.

The work plan for the evaluation of impacts on the Conservation Units was revised and the new version was filed with the Interfederative Committee (CIF), in compliance with Resolution 138.

The Renova Foundation met in November with the management of the Conservation Units, which will receive environmental impact assessment studies to align the format of the work plan on the subject and expectations.

The Renova Foundation held a meeting with the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio) for alignment on SEI official letter no. 703/2017-GABIN/ICMBio and two other alignments with IEF-MG, IEMA and ICMBio for adjustments to the work to comply with Resolution No. 114. After adjustments, the plan was filed with the Inter-Federative Committee (CIF) and CTBio, on October 26.

Technical notes were received in response to the Renova Foundation's proposal for the revised working plan for compensation actions at the RVS Santa Cruz.
Also received were notes with new guidelines for construction of the Working Plan to comply with clause 181.

No relevant completions were reported this month. The actions of the program continue in progress.

Request for a meeting with the Management of Planning, Administration and Logistics (DIPLAN) and the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio) to begin the consolidation of the Santa Cruz Wildlife Refuge in Espirito Santo.

In June, feedback was presented on the analysis of the Working Plan and proposals for initial compensation actions were sent to the Santa Cruz Wildlife Refuge.

The Term of Reference was also submitted in compliance with resolution No. 36/2016 of the Inter-Federative Committee (CIF), which addresses the definition of the conservation units that should be subject to an environmental impact study, as well as the Term of Reference based on the guidelines of the environmental agencies.

The Term of Reference for the impact assessment studies of 39 Conservation Units is being drafted, according to the information of clause 181 and the resolution 36/2016 of the Inter-Federative Committee (CIF).

Meetings with the management of the Conservation Units referred to in clause 182. The Foundation is providing assistance to ICMBio for the creation of the Environmental Protection Area (APA) at the mouth of the Doce River, assigning three employees to this activity.

In definition phase.

Awaiting notes from the Biodiversity Technical Board (CTBio) with guidelines for the environmental impact studies at the Conservation Units (UCs).

The Renova Foundation has requested, through an official letter sent to the Inter-Federative Committee (CIF) and the Biodiversity Technical Board (CTBio), that the guidelines presented in the Technical Note related to the marine protection areas serve as a basis for the preparation of the work plan.

The release of 35 conservation units for carrying out the environmental impact assessment has been formalized. During a meeting of the Biodiversity Technical Board, the amendments were presented as requested by Inter-Federative Committee (CIF) in the Terms of Reference (TR), plus the TR for the federal and state universities of Espírito Santo (ES).

During a meeting of the Technical Board of Biodiversity, the Term of Reference for supporting the Wildlife Reserve (RVS) of Santa Cruz do Escalvado (MG) was presented.

During a meeting of the Technical Board of Biodiversity, the Term of Reference for supporting the Wildlife Reserve (RVS) of Santa Cruz do Escalvado (MG) was presented.

The Term of Reference for supporting the Wildlife Reserve (RVS) of Santa Cruz do Escalvado (MG) was presented during a meeting of the Technical Chamber of Biodiversity.

The definition of the program scope is under discussion.


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