Renova Foundation

40 – CAR and PRAs

Objective of the program

To assist and to provide technical support for the registration of rural properties in the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR), as well as to stimulate the implementation of the respective Environmental Adjustment Programs (PRAs).

Progress of Program

Sending of notices of non-adherence to PG40, in compliance with CIF resolution 784.

Start of preparation of the PRA in ES in September.

To date, 838 compensation payments have been made in Mariana in the Extrajudicial Negotiation Phase – FNE, which represents 98.47% of the total 851 proposals accepted.

There were no relevant facts this month.

There were no relevant facts this month.

There were no relevant facts this month.

There were no relevant facts this month.

National Rural Environmental Registration System inoperative as of 02/09/2024.

There were no relevant facts this month.

Published by the Agricultural and Forestry Defense Institute of Espírito Santo (IDAF) normative instruction 011 of September 27, 2023, which regulates the Environmental Regularization program in the state of Espírito Santo.

Lower Doce River

The Environmental Regularization Program - ES field day was held on 11/16.

There were no relevant facts this month.

Lower Doce River

PRA Legal Framework Workshop held in Espírito Santo.

Delivery of the video lessons and manual on the analysis of the CAR to the IEF.

Completion of implementation of the PRA pilot on property 2 in MG.

Completion of implementation of the PRA pilot on property 1 in ES.

The 4th PRA Legal Framework workshop was held in Espírito Santo.

Upper Doce River
Completion of implementation of the Regularization Program pilot project (Upper Doce River - Property 1).

Lower Doce River
3rd Workshop on the Legal Framework of the PRA in Espírito Santo.

Face-to-face Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) analysis training for IEF and SEMAD employees in Minas Gerais
Legal Framework Office PRA Espirito Santo.
Delivery of the CAR analysis procedure technical manual for Minas Gerais.

There were no relevant facts this month.

Approval of the hiring of a specialized company for consultancy in the elaboration of the legal framework for the creation of PRAs in Espírito Santo.

There were no relevant facts this month.

Conducting training in partnership with the IEF for the elaboration of the PG40 PRA's.
Elaboration of the Simplified Environmental Regularization Projects (PSRA) in compliance with the PRA MG, via SEI, started in Mariana and Barra Longa.

Mid Doce River

Finalization of Rural Environmental Registry ratifications on properties adhered to PG40, in the municipalities of Naque, Belo Oriente, Periquito and Alpercata.

Start of the contract for the elaboration of simplified PRAs in Minas Gerais.

Hiring the company to prepare the PRA via SEI for Minas Gerais.

There were no relevant facts this month.

Presentation of PG40 experiences for the Rural Landscapes Project – Cerrado, by SENAR with funding from the World Bank.

An environmental regularization event was held for rural properties in Barra Longa, on May 5th.


Publication of joint SEMAD/IEF resolution No. 3132 of 04/07/22, establishes procedures for CAR analysis and instructions for legal reserve regularization processes.


Signing of the Technical Cooperation Agreement with the Agricultural and Forest Protection Institute (IDAF) in Espirito Santo and participation in a government event on the subject.

Approval of APRO 173/2021 for the conclusion of the technical cooperation agreement with IDAF.

There were no relevant facts this month.

There were no relevant facts this month.

Upper Doce River

• PRA publicity material - PRA booklet ready for distribution.

Upper Doce River

• Training for preparing the PRA in Minas Gerais.

There were no relevant facts this month.

There were no relevant facts this month.

There were no relevant facts this month.

There were no relevant facts this month.

Upper Doce River

There were no relevant facts this month.

Lower Doce River

Resumption of field activities released by the situation room.

Mid Doce River

The situation room released the resumption of field activities.


There were no relevant facts this month.

Mid Doce River

Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) activities not started due to the partial suspension of contracts with the institutions responsible for ATER in the territory.

Upper Doce River

There were no relevant facts this month.

Lower Doce River

Activities in Espirito Santo have been suspended since 03/29, due to the new COVID-19 wave.


Approval of the program definition at the CIF level.

Upper Doce River

• Suspension of field activities due to the Pandemic.

Lower Doce River

• “Plural Services Coop.”, an institution responsible for the execution of individual ATER and CAR, started its field activities.

Lower Doce River

• Activities were suspended on 03/29 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Mid Doce River

• Activities were suspended on 03/29 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Mid Doce River

• The institutions responsible for ATER and CAR elaboration (“PLAN Soluçoes” and “LABOR RURAL S&E”) started their field activities.

Completed the mobilization of the institutions contracted to carry out the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) on lots 7 and 8.

Publication on 01/27/2021 of Decree No. 48,127, of January 26, 2021, which regulates the environmental regularization program in the state of Minas Gerais, provided for in Federal Law No. 12,651, of May 25, 2012, and in law No. 20,922, of October 16, 2013, and provides other measures.

In December, mobilization phases were initiated of the PG40 activities in the stretch downstream of Candonga, which will be carried out by the ATER entities.

Upper Doce River

244 properties with Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) with signed terms of use and data collection consent, 170 of which have already been rectified, out of a total of 276 eligible properties.

Continuation of the CAR rectification activities by the company contracted in the municipality of Mariana / MG. The company is acting according to the procedures adopted for the pandemic period.
Actions in the Middle Doce River region have not yet begun.
Actions in the Lower Doce River region have not yet begun.

"Resumption of the CAR rectification activities by the company hired in the municipality of Mariana/MG.
The company is acting in accordance with the procedures adopted for the pandemic. "

Return of the CAR rectification activities by the company contracted in the municipality of Mariana / MG. The company is acting according to the procedures
adopted for the pandemic period.
* The operations in the Middle and Lower Doce River remain halted

Resumption of the CAR rectification activities by the company hired in the municipality of Mariana/MG. The company is acting following the procedures adopted for the pandemic.
• Actions in the Mid and Lower Doce River region continue suspended.

• In adherence to the warnings of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Health and given the increase in confirmed coronavirus cases (new COVID-19 virus) in Brazil, the Renova Foundation has suspended its field activities since April 2020.

• In adherence to the warnings from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Health and given the increase in confirmed coronavirus cases (new COVID-19 virus) in Brazil, the Renova Foundation has kept its field activities suspended since April 2020.
• As was the case in the previous month, field activities and contact with rural producers have been interrupted, and therefore the service agreement on these rectifications is partially halted. Rural Environmental Registry service process (rectification) is divided into three stages:
1) Writing the rectification proposal to support field conferences and presentations to producers, which is equivalent to 20% of the Rural Environmental Registry service process;
2) Field visit to check geoenvironmental information, equivalent to 40% of the Rural Environmental Registry treatment; and
3) Validating the proposal with the owner and sending the rectification to the National Rural Environmental Registry System (SICAR), accounting for an additional 40% of the Rural Environmental Registry service process. As a result, it was once again not possible to proceed with stages 2 and 3 of the process to complete the rectifications planned for the month.
• This way, the number of registrations rectified remains the same that was shown in the report for March 2020. So far, 125 registrations have been rectified, and these numbers are included in the result of the indicator "Percentage of Rural Environmental Registry, rectified and/or ratified by the Renova Foundation".

• Following the warnings from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Health and given the increase in confirmed coronavirus cases (new COVID-19 virus) in Brazil, the Renova Foundation decided to adopt preventive and safety measures, suspending its field activities.
• Following the prevention and safety measures, the contract of the company responsible for rectifications was partially halted, as all field activities and contact with rural producers have been interrupted. The CAR service process (rectification) is divided into three stages: 1) Elaboration of the rectification proposal to support field conferences and presentation to the producer, which is equivalent to 20% of the CAR service process; 2) Field visit to check geoenvironmental information, equivalent to 40% of the CAR service process; and 3) Validation of the proposal with the owner and sending the rectification to the National Rural Environmental Registry System (SICAR), accounting for an additional 40% of the CAR service process. As a result, it was not possible to proceed with steps 2 and 3 to complete the rectifications planned for the month.
• There was no change in the number of rectified entries presented in the last report. So far, 125 registrations have been rectified, and these numbers are included in the result of the indicator "Percentage of CARs elaborated, rectified and/or ratified by the Renova Foundation".

• Rectification/ratification of the registrations of 29 properties in March, out of a total of 241 eligible, with a consent for the collection and use of the data, signed in the Mariana and Upper Doce River territories. In total, 125 registrations have been rectified so far, and these values are included in the result of the indicator “Percentage of CARs elaborated, rectified and/or ratified by the Renova Foundation”.

• Rectification/ratification of the registration of 13 properties, out of a total of 240 eligible, with signed terms of authorization for data collection and use for the territory from Fundao to Candonga, accompanied in the result of the indicator “Percentage of CAR entries, rectified and/or ratified by the Renova Foundation”.

• Rectification/ratification of the registrations of 31 properties, out of a total of 240 eligible, with signed terms of authorization for collection and data use for the territory from Fundao to Candonga, accompanied in the result of the indicator “Percentage of CAR entries, rectified and/or ratified by the Renova Foundation”.

• Passwords for accessing the Brazilian National Rural Environmental Registry System (SICAR) are being updated. Also underway is the collection of signatures for the delivery terms of the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR).
• The signing of the Technical Cooperation Agreement with the Brazilian Forest Service (SFB) was postponed to 2020. Cause: Delay in reviewing the draft by the agency. Countermeasure: Define the feasibility of this agreement with the program's technical team by February 2020. This item does not impact the delivery of the program.
• Actions to promote CAR and PRA in Espirito Santo have not started. Causes: i. Delay in signing the Technical Cooperation Agreement with the Agriculture, Livestock, Fishing and Forestry Protection Institute of Espirito Santo (IDAF); ii. Those contracted for the lots through the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (ATER) RFPs are responsible for the activities of PG040 in the territory of Candonga to the River Mouth (Foz). The gradual publication of the ATER RFPs for the lots is part of the macro strategy of the ATER and Research Axis within scope of the Resumption of Agricultural and Livestock Activities Program, approved by the CIF through Resolution No. 263/2019; iii. Delay in preparing the Tailings Management Plan for sections 15 to 17. Countermeasures: i. Hold a meeting with the body to define the scope of the Technical Cooperation Agreement in December 2019 and, consequently, sign the agreement in the first half of 2020; ii. Contracting of ATER services, observing the following deadlines: lots 7, 8 and 10 by 03/31/2020, lots 5, 6, 9, 11, 12 and 13 by 07/31/2020 and Espirito Santo Institute of Research, Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (Incap) by 07/31/2020; iii. Finalize the elaboration of tailings management plans in the first half of 2020.

• Rectification/ratification of the registrations of 21 properties, out of a total of 239 eligible, with terms of authorization for collection and use of data signed in the territory from Fundao to Candonga, accompanied in the result of the indicator “Percentage of CAR elaborated, rectified and/or ratified by the Renova Foundation ”.

• Rectification/ratification of the registrations of six properties, out of a total of 238 eligible, with terms of authorization for collection and use of data signed from the territory of Fundao to Candonga, accompanied in the result of the indicator “Percentage of CAR elaborated, rectified and/or ratified by the Renova Foundation”.

• Rectification/ratification of the registration of properties that will be the object of the pilot projects of the Environmental Regulation Program (PRA) in the territory from Fundao to Candonga.
• Signing of the cooperation agreement between the Minas Gerais State Forestry Institute (IEF) and the Renova Foundation to promote forest recovery and restoration in Permanent Preservation, Restricted Use and Legal Reserve Areas in rural properties targeted by Renova actions along the Doce Basin.
• Presentation of the political, social, institutional, ecological and technological criteria used to map and prioritize forest restoration areas along the Doce River Basin, and work on post-collapse emergency actions, integrated rural property repair, and strategy for farmer involvement. The presentation was made by the Sustainable Land Use team between 09/24 and 09/28, at the 8th World Conference on Ecological Restoration, held in Cape Town, South Africa. The studies were developed in partnership with the Federal Universities of Minas Gerais and Vicosa (UFMG and UFV).

• Rectification/ratification of the registration of properties that will be the object of the pilot projects of the Environmental Regulation Program (PRA) in the territory from Fundao to Candonga has not been completed. Cause: The analysis phase of the records required a more effective measurement of the information needed to rectify the Rural Environmental Registry, causing delay in its completion. Countermeasure: complete the rectification/ratification of the registration of properties object of the pilot projects by 09/20/2019.

• Mobilization of the company contracted for the rectification/ratification service of the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) from Fundao to Candonga.
• Initiation of the rectification/ratification process of the records from Fundao to Candonga.
• Meeting with external audit Ernst & Young where the program team was presented with the Individual Assurance Procedure, the formulas for calculating the indicators, flows that support the activities of program 40 and definition of what evidence attests to the progress of activities.

• Signing of the contract with the company for conducting the CAR registrations of the properties in the region from Fundao to Candonga.
• Mobilization of the contractor that is to conduct the CAR registrations was scheduled for June/2019 for rectification/ratification of the registrations, but did not occur due to a delay in the signing of the contract with the company, initially scheduled for May/19 and finalized in June/19. Countermeasure: initiate mobilization of the contractor for rectification/ratification of the registrations from Fundao to Candonga in the first half of July.
• Approval of the indicator form at the 31st Ordinary Meeting of the Technical Board of Forestry Restoration and Water Production (CTFLOR) on 06/26/19.

• The process of rectification/ratification of registrations did not take place due to a delay in completing the commercial analysis stage by the inputs sector - this stage was finalized on 05/29/2019. The signing of the contract with the provider will be rescheduled for the first half of June - and consequently the process will start.
• Impossible to generate new passwords to access CAR for some of the owners / land occupiers, who joined the program, either for missing data to create a login, or because they already have an active login in SICAR. In these cases, password are recovered through visits.
• The Technical Cooperation agreement with the State Forestry Institute (IEF) is in its final phase of analysis by the organ before signing.

• Published CIF Resolution 271, formalizing the definition of Program 40.
• Inclusion of five new CARs as eligible to Program 40 after confirming the impact on the properties located on the banks of the Carmo River upstream of the confluence with the Gualaxo do Norte River.
• Conference and conversation with the owners/adverse possessors on the adhesion to the environmental adjustments actions of the rural property.

Forest Restoration Mariana - Front 1: Completion of the contracting process of the consortium that will work on this front. Kick-off scheduled for the first half of April.
Forest Restoration Mariana/Barra Longa - Front 2: Accumulated planting of 96.97 ha of the 211.67 ha planned (45.71% of planted area), besides the implementation of a silviculture system and interventions of soil preparation and counting of regenerants.
Forest Restoration Barra Longa - Front 3: Accumulated planting of 4.225 ha of the 304.84 ha planned (1.39% of planted area). Field activities were interrupted because the contract is being terminated. Planning of execution with another company, not affecting the March 2020 deadline.
Forest Restoration PN, RD and SC - Front 4: Accumulated planting of 22.45 ha of the 284.53 ha planned (7.9% of planted area). In March, other maintenance activities were also carried out on the properties on this front.
Creation of a Crisis Management Office to identify and discuss issues related to the municipality of Barra Longa.
In March, the definition of Program 40 was approved by the Technical Board CT-FLOR. In relation to the Environmental Regularization Plan (PRA), to terminate the program it will be necessary to obtain a term of acceptance or withdrawal from the owner. During the month of April, the CIF must publish the resolution formalizing the definition of the program.
The passwords to access the National Rural Environmental Registry System (SICAR) are being updated for rectification of the records. Signatures of the CAR delivery terms are being collected.
Dissemination of the results of the ATER RFP for lots 1 and 2 (from Mariana to Rio Doce).
Finalization of the contracting process for monitoring the quality of the planting (contracted company Bioma Meio Ambiente).

Initiation of implementation of the Agroforestry System (SAF), which aims to cultivate species of forest restoration and agricultural interest simultaneously in the same geographic location, in order to optimize the rural area, making production sustainable.
Initiation of implantation of silvicultural system, consisting of sequencing of samples and silvicultural treatments, aimed at favoring certain trees to obtain forest formation with a higher proportion of commercial species, of preference and increasingly stronger.
In February, the definition of Program 40 was discussed and revised by Technical Board CT-FLOR. During the month of March, the Renova Foundation will position itself on the proposed revisions and, after that, forward it to the CIF for approval.
Approval of the definitions of the Resumption of Agricultural Activities Program (PG017), through CIF Resolution No. 263.
Completion of the technical analysis of the proposals received for the Tender "ATER Sustainability - Resumption of Agricultural and Livestock Activities".

In January, the technical analysis started of the proposals received for the Tender "ATER Sustainability - Resumption of Agricultural and Livestock Activities". The Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (ATER) actions will support the process for the resumption of agricultural activities on affected properties, according to clause 125c of the Transaction and Conduct Adjustment Term (TTAC).
Finished the mapping of permanent preservation areas throughout the impacted area from the Fundao dam to Candonga. This study, which followed in detail the guidelines of the Forest Code, addresses the qualification of the mapping carried out after the collapse. The identification of the tributaries and springs was done initially by means of satellite images and, soon after, measured by the field teams. This way, in addition to repairing the damage caused, it will be possible to define the areas on impacted properties that are subject to environmental regularization. Based on this material, the planning for forest restoration in these areas will be carried out in a more objective manner and there will be direct communication with the rural producer and bodies responsible for approving the actions of the Renova Foundation.
On 01/22 and 01/23, technical visits were made by companies in order to contract services for vegetable gardens and orchards. The scope of the contracts was divided into 2 parts: Package 1 - Mariana; and Package 2 - Barra Longa, Rio Doce, Ponte Nova, S. C. do Escalvado and Backyards of Barra Longa. The technical visit has the objective of aligning the specifications of the services to be executed with the candidate companies as a way of guaranteeing the quality of the contracting, avoiding delays in the execution of the services.

In December/2018, the closing date was reached for receiving proposals from public and private institutions interested in participating in the Tender ATER Sustainability - Resumption of Agricultural and Livestock Activities. The Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (ATER) actions will support the process for resuming agricultural activities on affected properties, according to clause 125c of the Transaction and Conduct Adjustment Term (TTAC). The Tender was developed in partnership with the State Secretariat for Agrarian Development (SEDA) and the Technical Board of Economy and Innovation of the Interfederative Committee (CIF).
On 12/17/2018, the EMATER team (Company for Technical Assistance and Rural Extension) was mobilized to carry out consultancy and training activities.
On 12/17 and 12/18, nuclei were implanted on the property of Mr. Ivaldil, in Mariana (MG). Nucleation is a forest planting system for the recovery of large degraded areas. The objective is to facilitate the work of planting seedlings, reducing the cost of forest restorations, with minimum maintenance and maximum efficiency. The product was ranked among 8 finalists of the WWF-sponsored Environmental Challenge and was granted some of the world's top design awards.
On 12/19/2018, the SAF (Agroforestry Systems) Implementation Workshop took place. The workshop was conducted in an Communal Work format to launch the first SAF Demonstration Unit of the “Renewing the Landscape” project. The goal is to teach techniques for restoring forests and degraded areas by planting multiple crops together with tree species.
On 12/05/2018, a training session was held on Agroecological Vegetable Gardens. The course was taught by the rural producer Waldir Pollack, affected by the Fundao dam collapse, with the objective of teaching sustainable practices of organic agriculture. The classes take place on his property in the community of Paracatu de Cima (MG) on a bi-weekly basis.

The actions of these Programs are being reported in an integrated way among the environmental programs: 17 (Resumption of Agricultural Activities), 25 (Recovery of Environmental Area 1) and 40 (Promotion of CAR and PRA), due to the simultaneous repair and improvement actions on the same rural properties impacted by the Fundao dam collapse.

In November, forest restoration began in Front 4 (Rio Doce, Ponte Nova and Santa Cruz do Escalvado).
Furthermore, technicians of the Renova Foundation were invited for interviews by several communication channels, such as Jornal Nacional, Jornal Hoje, Band SP, Band MG, NBR, Radio Itatiaia, etc. The great demand for information came with the 3-year mark of the Fundao dam collapse.
On 11/08, the tender for research projects was launched in partnership with the Foundations for Supporting Research of the States of Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo (FAPEMIG and FAPES), seeking the implementation of actions to produce knowledge associated with the second round of economic losses recovery, social and environmental consequences of the collapse of the Fundao dam in Mariana (MG).
On 11/13, a SAFs (Agroforestry Systems) course was organized by WRI, which aims to teach techniques for restoring forests and degraded areas by multiple cropping with tree species.
Between 11/21 and 11/23, the Second Brazilian Conference on Ecological Restoration took place in Belo Horizonte, organized by SOBRE (Brazilian Society for Ecological Restoration) where several works by UST were presented.

The actions of these Programs are being reported in an integrated way among the environmental programs: 17 (Resumption of Agricultural Activities), 25 (Recovery of Environmental Area 1) and 40 (Promotion of CAR and PRA), due to the simultaneous repair and improvement actions on the same rural properties impacted by the Fundao dam collapse.

In October, training courses were offered in Mariana on organic horticulture for 17 people. The main objective of the initiative is to generate alternative income production and strengthen family farming on farms. Producer Waldir Pollack, hired by the Renova Foundation, taught 2 courses in October (10/24 and 10/31) on this topic.
The forest restoration process was started in Front 3 (Barra Longa) and Front 4 (Ponte Nova, Rio Doce and Santa Cruz do Escalvado), already resulting in field visits and soil sampling analysis.
End October, the registration process for the second ATER Sustainability Tender - Resumption of Agricultural and Livestock Activities, developed in partnership with the State Secretariat for Agrarian Development (SEDA) and the Technical Board of Economy and Innovation of the Interfederative Committee (CIF). The objective is to support the process of environmental readjustment and the application of sustainable production practices on rural properties affected by the Fundao dam collapse, within the range of the municipalities of Mariana, Barra Longa, Santa Cruz do Escalvado, Ponte Nova and Rio Doce. Registration for the Tender goes until the beginning of December. Public and private institutions may participate.
In October, the first evidence of natural regeneration was obtained in the Doce River basin in the areas affected by the tailings. With the results of an experiment carried out by the partnership between the Federal University of Vicosa and the Renova Foundation, a greater predominance of pioneer species was observed in mud-affected environments compared to reference environments.
In addition, 25 retention basins were constructed and 333 soil samples were collected in October.

The actions of these Programs are being reported in an integrated way among the environmental programs: 17 (Resumption of Agricultural Activities), 25 (Recovery of Environmental Area 1) and 40 (Promotion of CAR and PRA), due to the simultaneous repair and improvement actions on the same rural properties impacted by the Fundao dam collapse.

The actions of these Programs are being reported in an integrated way among the environmental programs: 17 (Resumption of Agricultural Activities), 25 (Recovery of Environmental Area 1) and 40 (Promotion of CAR and PRA), due to the simultaneous repair and improvement actions on the same rural properties impacted by the Fundao dam collapse.

On 08/27, the contracting process started for the Productive Restructuring of impacted properties in the Municipalities of Mariana, Barra Longa, Rio Doce, Ponte Nova and Santa Cruz do Escalvado. The contractor will act in managing the pasture of these producers, increasing soil fertility and productivity, being one of the main vectors of the Resumption of Agricultural Activities. These activities are scheduled to end in March 2020.

On 08/24, the contracting process started for the Forest Restoration services on properties impacted in the municipalities of Barra Longa, Rio Doce, Ponte Nova and Santa Cruz do Escalvado (fronts 3 and 4). The contractor will act in the Environmental Recovery of these properties, with a total of 495 hectares to recover. It is worth noting the efficient negotiation, in which a reduction of approximately 20% in the cost per hectare was achieved in relation to the contract in February for fronts 1 and 2 (Mariana and Barra Longa). It is expected that the contractor will start activities by: 09/24.

On 08/23, a theoretical course on Agroforestry Systems was held in Barra Longa for those affected and interested in becoming one of the five Demonstration Units on this topic. Ten affected individuals were trained, in addition to those from the Renova team. On 08/29, there was an exchange program on a model farm located in Araponga/MG to continue the training of these stakeholders. The Demonstration Units are a key delivery of the Resumption of Agricultural and Forest Restoration programs, as they promote training and exposure to technologies for diversification of the local economy.

From July 16 to 18, awareness-raising workshops were held in the municipalities of Mariana, Barra Longa and Rio Doce. These workshops, attended by approximately 80 affected rural producers, have the objective to motivate families to adhere to sustainable production technologies for the Resumption of Agricultural Activities and setting up SAF Demonstration Units (agroforestry systems), Silviculture of Native Species and Ecological Pastures.

Also through the Renewing Landscapes Project, on July 26 and 27, two other workshops were held with local leaders for identifying critical success factors and mapping of parties associated with landscape restoration, part of the ROAM application (forest restoration analysis methodology) in the territory of the extended Gualaxo do Norte.

In July, emergency support was initiated for producers of the Pequeno River/Juparana Lagoon. Due to the flooding of the region in front of the barrier constructed for preventing the possible entry of tailings material, pasture lease is underway for the relocation of cattle from rural producers in the region. Still as part of this emergency action, provision of silage and fence material for sheep farmers.

We already issued 197 PASEA and completed 207 Sustainability Assessments (ISA) for 236 eligible properties, of which 228 have an active Rural Environmental Registry and 179 have already been rectified; 72.0 hectares of forest have been restored from a total of 647 hectares that might be reforested; 21,186 tons of silage were delivered to impacted producers; 2,666 hours of technical assistance and rural reach were provided for 166 properties.

The actions of this Program are being reported in the section dedicated to Program 17, which deals with the integrated actions between socio-environmental and socioeconomic programs for repair and adaptation of rural properties impacted by the Fundao dam collapse.

On May 8, a partnership between the Renova Foundation, WRI-Brazil, ICRAF and Fazenda Ecologica succeeded in implementing the first demonstration unit (UD). The management unit was implemented with the support of Professor Jurandir Melado, who is a technical reference in the area. Over 20 affected people and Renova technicians participated in the project. These units are the result of a strategy to engage rural producers who adhere to the Socioeconomic and Environmental Adequacy Plan (Pasea), as an instrument to resume agricultural activities. For the second semester, field days and engagement workshops are planned to select the where the 23 remaining Agroforestry Systems, Native Species Forestry and Ecological Pasture UDs will be implemented.

On May 22, Professor Sebastiao Venancio, from the Federal University of Vicosa, provided training on ecological restoration to the Renova Foundation’s employees and partners involved in the following activities: Agroflor, Emflortec and Progen. The training was carried out in Mariana and is included in the agreement between Renova Foundation and the University. It focused on forest restoration techniques and monitoring recovering areas. The course will also soon be taught in the city of Governador Valadares.

Samples were also collected for analysis, fertilization and soil correction to establish the type of correction and fertilization that should carried out in the recovery areas in year 02 - territory 2. The samples were sent for analysis in a specialized laboratory. The areas for spring recovery and APPs have also been completely marked out.

In Colatina, the fences made have also started being inspected and measured, to validate and design the method that was used to build them. These measurements will be used to prepare the IPPs and later as a reference for payment to the owners.

The Board of Governors of the Renova Foundation approved the contracting of Productive Restructuring services in territory 1 (Fundao to Candonga). This front will include the collection, analysis, fertilization and correction of the soil; preparation and maintenance of the land; agricultural planting; irrigation and other activities that allow the resumption of agricultural activities. The next steps are the kick-off meeting of the project with the company contracted for this purpose and the implementation of the project.
Also available on the Renova Foundation website is the pre-approval of entities for participation in the Tender for Technical Assistance and Rural Extension. This Tender provides for assistance to producers whose rural activities in territory 1 were impacted. Its objective is to enable them to manage their properties in a productive and environmental friendly way.
In addition, the planning of the Resumption of Agricultural Activities Program and the Stimulus to Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) Program were sent to the Technical Board of Forestry Restoration and Water Production (CTFlor). The board also received the Environmental Recovery Plan (PRA) for territory 2 properties (after Candonga and up to the mouth). These initiatives will provide technical assistance for productive resumption and structural improvement of impacted properties. The resumption of agricultural activities may proceed after approval of the plan by the Technical Board.
The Foundation for Supporting Research of the State of Minas Gerais (Fapemig) was approved as a strategic partner for the Agroecology Tender by Renova. This Tender, aimed at universities along the Doce River Basin, will fund six to eight research projects that produce knowledge related to the recovery of areas impacted by tailings.
WRI Brasil also issued a report on the workshop about motivational factors for the restoration of the forests of the river basins Gualaxo do Norte, mid Carmo and upper Doce. This is the first product of the Assessment of Restauration Opportunities for Native Forests, an evaluation developed by WRI/IUCN.
The projects of the Demonstration Units for Sustainable Grazing Practices were issued. These units are the result of a strategy to engage rural producers adhering to the Socioeconomic and Environmental Adequacy Plan (PASEA). The idea is that these projects function as an instrument for the resumption of agricultural activities.

Program activities are ongoing.

The actions of this program are being developed in an integrated way with PG017 - Agricultural Activities Resumption.

A new rural property was registered in the territory between Mariana (MG) and the Risoleta Neves HPP and two CAR registrations were rectified by Emater. Two other property owners or leaseholders, who had previously given authorization, declined the CAR registration proposal.

Nine registrations were in progress in this period and six new CAR Permission Terms for the Collection and Use of Data were collected.

A meeting held with the Agriculture, Livestock, Fishing and Forestry Protection Institute of Espirito Santo (IDAF), the State Secretariat of Environment and Water Resources (Seama) and the State Environmental Institute (IEMA), presented the progress of the actions and initiated the creation of a partnership to promote the CAR and PRA in Espirito Santo.

Another meeting was held with the IEF in the municipalities of Mariana, Barra Longa and Governador Valadares in Minas Gerais, on the partnership for the development of Demonstration Units of Agroforestry Systems, on the construction of a partnership for the validation of CARs and the promotion of PRA, and the support for the elaboration of a proposal for a Pastures Recovery and PPAs Project in partnership with the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (Seapa-MG).

Two new properties in Territory 1 started the registration process. One registration is already completed and the other one is in progress. The program also sent to the Technical Support and Rural Extension Company (Emater) the rectification of 23 rural environmental registries (CAR). One owner declined CAR’s grant proposal.

It is important to highlight the meeting held between representatives of the program and the The State Forestry Institute (IEF) to discuss the registrations of the real estate acquired for the construction of the Paracatu de Baixo (MG) resettlement.

In November, two rural properties were registered in territory 1 and 26 entries were rectified in the National System of Rural Environmental Registry (CAR), delivered by Emater.

During this month, one land owner or occupier declined the CAR offer and 14 entries were processed and are in progress. In addition, two signed CAR Consent forms for Data Collection and Use were collected.

Three rural properties in territory 1 were registered and 33 CAR registrations, submitted by Emater, were rectified.

To align the process flow and development data with CAR, a meeting was held on October 6 with IEF and Emater, at Emater's headquarters in Belo Horizonte (MG). Another meeting was held with the IEF, on October 20, to present and align the data and process flows, in order to continue the development work.

Rural properties were registered in territory 1 and there was a rectification of 30 registrations of the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR), delivered by the Technical Support and Rural Extension Company of the State of Minas Gerais (Emater).

Rural properties were registered and there was a rectification of 42 registrations of the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR), delivered by the Technical Support and Rural Extension Company of the State of Minas Gerais (Emater-MG).

Meetings between the programs involved in the implementation of the Socioeconomic and Environmental Adequacy Plans (PASEA) and the Environmental Regularization Plan (PRA) to define priorities for service to owners.

The properties were assessed for each program according to five points:

• Social - more acceptance by owners for the work of the Renova Foundation
• The need to rebuild the house
• The need for assistance
• Intervention complexity
• Tailings management

Meetings were held among the programs involved in the implementation of the Socioeconomic and Environmental Adequacy Plans (PASEA), which, in turn, are included in the Environmental Regularization Plan (PRA), in order to define the attendance priorities of the owners. The properties were assessed for each program according to five points:

• Social - more acceptance by owners for the work of Renova
• The need to rebuild the house
• The need for assistance
• Intervention complexity
• Handling of tailings

Meetings were held among the programs involved in the implementation of the Socioeconomic and Environmental Adequacy Plans (Paseas), which, in turn, are included in the Environmental Regularization Plan (PRA), in order to define the attendance priorities of the owners. The properties were examined for each program according to five points:

1. Social aspects
2. The need to rebuild the house
3. The need for assistance
4. Intervention complexity
5. Handling of tailings

Delivery of the first Productive Environmental Zoning (ZAP), prepared by Emater, in reference to the Gualaxo do Norte hydrographic sub-basin. With ZAP, it is possible to provide a database and information that will allow the formulation, implementation and monitoring of plans, projects and actions that seek to improve the planning and environmental management of the territories. Three other zonings are to be delivered.

A meeting was held with rural farmers of Barra Longa (MG) for alignment of the program. During the meeting, the questions of the impacted communities about the ISA tool (Sustainability Indicators of Agroecosystems) and the PASEA project (Socioeconomic and Environmental Adaptation Plan) were answered.

A meeting was held with rural farmers of Rio Doce (MG) for presentation of the program.

In February 2017, a meeting was held with the State Forestry Institute (IEF), together with the managers of the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) and the Environmental Adjustment Programs (PRA), to align the work.

A meeting was held with the farmers’ community of Barra Longa and Mariana (MG), to discuss the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR), and the mobilization of the Technical Support and Rural Extension Company of the State of Minas Gerais (Emater-MG) to begin the activities.

A meeting was held with the farmer’s community of Barra Longa (MG) to discuss the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR). Furthermore, a partnership was defined with the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV) for the application of the CAR diagnostics, in addition to the signing of the contract with the Technical Support and Rural Extension Company of the State of Minas Gerais (Emater-MG).

A meeting was held with the farmer’s community of Barra Longa (MG) to discuss the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR). Additionally, a partnership was defined with the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV) for the application of the CAR diagnostics.

A partnership with the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Enterprise of the State of Minas Gerais (EMATER-MG) was established in order to carry out awareness-raising meetings with rural producers on the importance of the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) and the Environmental Regulation Programs (PRA).

Together with the State Forestry Institute (IEF) a verification took place of the amount of registries in the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) that had already been recorded between the Fundão and the Candonga region, as well as a data collection of the affected property owners in order to perform or review the registries. There was also held a meeting with the Viçosa Federal University (UFV) for discussing potential partnerships for the preparation of the CAR and PRA.


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