Renova Foundation

The Renova Foundation conducts daily water monitoring in marine region of mouth of Doce River

Published in: 12/20/2016

Water Monitoring

Data collected contribute to the joint decision making with relevant authorities and specialized companies

The current water monitoring managed by the Renova Foundation is divided into two action fronts: the monitoring of the Doce River water and the monitoring of the marine water around the river mouth area. Due to the rainy season, the first takes place on a weekly basis. The second occurs daily and is carried out by laboratories contracted by the institution that are responsible for collecting water and sediment samples for analysis of physical-chemical parameters, dissolved and total metals, among others, in accordance with the provisions of the Public Prosecutor of Minas Gerais (MPES) and the State Environmental Institute (IEMA).

The main water monitoring includes 115 sampling points, 84 in the basin of the Doce River (Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo) and 31 in the ocean (Espírito Santo), which stretch along approximately 1000 km. Until December 16, 87,669 reports were issued by the laboratories responsible for monitoring the water and sediments quality. The total number of analyzed parameters generated over two million results.

The reports are send to the National Water Agency (ANA), Geological Survey of Brazil (CPRM), the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama), the State Environmental Institute (IEMA) of Espírito Santo, the National Foundation of Health (Funasa), the Federal Public Prosecutor (MPF), the Public Prosecutors of the States of Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo and the State Department of Environment and Sustainable Development (Semad) of Minas Gerais.


In November, the Renova Foundation coordinated two simulations at the piers in Coqueiral de Aracruz, Espírito Santo, in partnership with the Vitória Tugs Company, authorized by the National Agency of Waterway Transportation (Antaq) to provide maritime services in the coastal and port areas of Espírito Santo and neighboring states.

Simulation of oil spill sponsored by the Renova Foundation at the piers in Coqueiral de Aracruz (ES)

Simulation of oil spill sponsored by the Renova Foundation at the piers in Coqueiral de Aracruz (ES). | Photo: Release

The first simulation took place on the 8th with the main objective to evaluate the contingency plan in case of oil spill by boats used in marine monitoring. The training also included the participation of Bioagri Laboratories. However, the simulation of the man overboard, which evaluates the security measures of the marine water monitoring operations, took place on November 22.

The marine monitoring serves the determination of the Public Prosecutor of Espírito Santo (MPES) and the State Environmental Institute (IEMA) for the monitoring of water and sediment of the coastal zone of the mouth of the Doce River.

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