Renova Foundation

The Renova Foundation and Terra Institute sign partnership

Published in: 11/11/2016

Doce River , Recuperação de Nascentes

This initiative is part of the recovery and lasting improvement process of Doce River Valley

As of now, the Renova Foundation can count with the support of Terra Institute for the recovery actions at the Doce River Valley area, impacted by the Fundão dam collapse, in November 2015, owned by Samarco Mineração. This initiative reinforced the Foundation commitment to perform with transparency and responsibility the renovation actions at the valley, protect its population, in addition to ensuring supply, food production, and the recovery of local economy.

Environmental actions already identified, by studies, as critical to recover the water in the area include implementing a sewage system in every urban agglomeration in the entire valley, as well as restoring permanent preservation areas (APPs) and legal reserves, as stated by the Brazilian Forest Code. This means reforesting the top of the hills to ensure rain water infiltrates the soil; reconstruction of riparian forest that will work as filter to protect the river from the tailings carried by rain; and replanting around watersheds springs.

Aiming at revitalizing the Doce River, the Terra Institute has increased the Olhos D’Água Program and, starting on November 500 springs will get the first protection works. They are spread around the Suaçuí Grande basins, including the municipalities of Jampruca, Campanário, Itambacuri, and Frei Inocêncio, in Minas Gerais; Santa Maria do Doce, in Colatina (ES); and in the Pancas and São José Rivers, in the municipalities of Pancas, Governador Lindenberg, Marilândia, and Colatina, also in Espírito Santo.

Visit the site for more information on Instituto Terra.

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