Renova Foundation

Service Points bring the Renova Foundation closer to the communities

Published in: 01/19/2017

Information and Service Centers

New Information and Service Centers have been opened in Espírito Santo

The affected communities of Espírito Santo now have one more channel to clarify their doubts and get information about issues related to the performance of the Renova Foundation. Four Information and Service Centers were installed in Colatina, Baixo Guandu, Linhares and its district and Regência, which have been open since December.

“The centers are designed to facilitate the communication with the locals and provide transparency regarding the completed rebuild and repair actions”, says Paulo Henrique Cardoso, who works in the Communication, Participation, Dialogue and Social Control Program Department.

Service Point in Colatina (ES), operating since December 2016

Service Point in Colatina (ES), operating since December 2016.


Eight other sites are in operation in Minas Gerais (see the towns on the map) and a new in-person service point is being prepared in Tumiritinga. The towns of Mariana, Barra Longa and Santa Cruz do Escalvado were the first to provide assistance in physical offices, starting about a year ago.


The centers are open from Monday to Friday, from 8am to 5pm, and their multidisciplinary teams are well-prepared to provide information about ongoing programs. Enquiries about waste/tailings, the state of the Doce River and the water monitoring in the Water Treatment Plants (ETAs), among other environmental issues can also be clarified.

The requests that cannot be answered and solved immediately at the centers are forwarded to the technicians responsible and will be returned subsequently to the requester.

Renova Foundation Service Points installed along the Doce River basin

Renova Foundation Service Points installed along the Doce River basin.

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