Renova Foundation

Selection process for general ombudsman is completed

Published in: 11/22/2023

The Renova Foundation completed the selection process for general ombudsman in November. The selected candidate is Pedro Daniel Strozenberg, current ombudsman, who will be reappointed to the position for another four years in office. 

The responsibilities of the position include liaising with the various stakeholders of the Renova Foundation and receiving, analyzing, forwarding and monitoring information relating to the procedures and actions of the Renova Foundation in repairing the damage caused by the collapse of the Fundão dam. 

This hiring is a determination of the TTAC and TAC-GOV (Conduct Adjustment Term – Governance), and was made through an official notice, with the selection carried out by a Technical Evaluating Committee composed of representatives from the Public Prosecution Service, Public Defender’s Office, Technical Advisors, Interfederative Committee and the Renova Foundation, thus ensuring their transparency and impartiality.  

The result can also be checked through the website:

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