Renova Foundation

Santa Maria River Basin Receives More Than R$35 Million For Forest Restoration

Published in: 08/17/2022

Lower Doce River Territory , Doce River Mouth Territory

Investment includes more than a thousand hectares in three municipalities in Espírito Santo, and another R$135 million allocated to Baixo Guandu

The Santa Maria do Doce river basin will receive more than R$35 million for forest restoration actions in around 1,000 hectares in the Espírito Santo municipalities of Colatina, São Roque do Canaã and Santa Teresa. The planned investment, via RFPs, is intended for the hiring of technical, scientific and operational services.

The director-president of the Renova Foundation, Andre de Freitas, signed on June 2, in Colatina, the agreement that guarantees the transfer of funds. The event was attended by representatives of the Santa Maria do Doce and Doce River Basin Committees and the state and municipal public authorities. 

Total investments

Altogether, the Renova Foundation will invest, through RFPs, around R$540 million to promote forest restoration of approximately 16 thousand hectares. 

According to Andre de Freitas, around R$106 million will be allocated to the recovery of 420 springs and 2,800 hectares which, in addition to the Santa Maria do Doce river basin (ES), include the Piranga (MG) and Corrente Grande river basins. (MG). “In May, we signed an investment of R$135 million in forest restoration on 5,000 hectares of the Guandu River basin, in Espírito Santo. Now, we are announcing this transfer that will directly benefit three more municipalities in Espírito Santo”, he says.

These amounts are part of the amount of R$1.7 billion, which will be used to fulfill part of the socio-environmental goal of recovering 40 thousand hectares of Permanent Preservation Areas (PPAs) and Water Recharge (ARH), and 5 thousand springs in a span of ten years. 


The Renova Foundation maintains contracts with 12 partners for forest restoration of 15,500 hectares. By offering technical, scientific and operational services, the companies or consortia hired become responsible for carrying out the actions established by the Program for the Recovery of PPAs and Recharge Areas of the Rio Doce Hydrographic Basin and the Program for the Recovery of Springs. 

Rural Producers

In addition to the procurement RFPs for suppliers, the Renova Foundation maintains a permanent RFP for rural producers and landowners in 66 municipalities in Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo. The RFP for Adhesion of Rural Producers to Forest Restoration Programs is aimed at those who wish to collaborate with the forest restoration process in PPAs, ARHs and springs on their properties. By May, more than 1,600 registrations had been made, totaling an area of approximately 23,000 self-declared hectares.

According to the Forest Restoration coordinator, José Almir Jacomelli, the Renova Foundation provides the necessary supplies for the fencing of areas with forest restoration projects, maintenance, operational technical assistance and support in registering the property in the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR). “The rural producer is responsible for maintaining the protected area, being able to carry out the fencing and maintain it for a period of five years, as well as choosing or not to carry out forest restoration practices”, he highlights.

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