Renova Foundation

Renova presents correct data on its performance

Published in: 07/07/2017

The Renova Foundation

In line with its transparency, the entity discloses data on registration, indemnification, resettlement and suppliers

Due to recently released unfounded information about the actions carried out by the Renova Foundation, the entity finds it essential to share real data on the ongoing repair and recovery process in partnership with various spheres of society.

About the indemnities, there are currently about 180 thousand people who have already been served by the financial aid, indemnification and anticipation programs. The sum of already paid amounts reaches approximately R$ 400 million.

An instrument for the indemnity payments is information, which is organized by means of a register, on a voluntary basis. This means that the statement saying that the register is an imposition is incorrect. This register was created with the participation of federal, state and municipal governments. Among them, the Staff of the Presidency of the Republic, the Ministry of Social Development, responsible for CAD Único, the mechanism for all social programs in Brazil, among other entities.

The process of creating this register, as well as monitoring its implementation, is guided by the Inter-Federative Committee (CIF), which joins more than 40 public and civil society organizations. Certainly, it is not perfect, its application generates discomforts. The Renova Foundation is also bothered by the speed of the ongoing compensation process, but its complete disqualification certainly does not contribute to the yearning of the affected population. In addition to the registration, the Foundation uses other methodologies for the indemnification processes related to cultural, social, environmental and economic aspects, in an integrated way.

In relation to the supplier default in Mariana, the statements are also incorrect. In a differentiated legal solution, the Foundation has paid the debts left by the company Gonçalves and Costa in the region and will go to court for the reimbursement of these amounts to apply them in the ongoing repair process. This conduct is aligned with its social role, its governance and mission, which go beyond legal obligations.

In the case of the reconstruction of Bento Rodrigues (MG), Renova is adjusting administrative and technical issues with the competent bodies that inevitably precede the environmental licensing process. These definitions are fundamental for compliance with the legal requirements and the timelines for initiation of the works, scheduled for the second half of 2017.

At the same time, the Renova Foundation began to work on the details of the projects, competitive processes and the purchase of materials to accelerate and enable the initiation of the implementation.

The Renova Foundation was created in mid-2016 as an autonomous and non-profit entity to take care of the impacts caused by the collapse of the Fundão dam, in Mariana (MG), by means of a Transaction and Conduct Adjustment Term (TTAC). This term was signed by the parent companies and representatives of the federal governments and the states of Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo, and a number of entities, such as Ibama, the Chico Mendes Institute, the National Water Agency, the State Forestry Institute, Funai, Environmental Departments, among others.

This document establishes an innovative governance model for the recovery of an environmental tragedy, breaking away from the norm of only demanding indemnity payments to public authorities. Renova’s actions are all monitored and supervised in a system of governance formed by the CIF and Technical Boards, composed of more than 100 entities of public authority and civil society, covering a large variety of specialties, such as health, education, environment, traditional peoples, among others.

The Renova Foundation model goes beyond repair. It is acting as a facilitating agent for the effective recovery of affected communities and regions. Such a project should not be discredited. Disqualifying the performance of this entity means disqualifying the effort and involvement of thousands of people and all those social, economic and environmental agents mobilized in the recovery of this enormous tragedy.

The Foundation understands that some of the ongoing processes are taking longer than expected, but is devoting efforts and resources to reducing these delays.

At the moment, there are constructive processes with several organs, including the Prosecution Service, which by no means is an antagonistic or disruptive relationship, but rather a search for joint solutions. Renova exists precisely to repair the impacts unconditionally, following the parameters defined in the TTAC. The Foundation accepts and encourages criticism of its work because it understands that they are part of the process of joint construction of the solutions. And, in this sense, all those interested are invited to be part of this reconstruction, which is the responsibility of the Renova Foundation, but which requires the participation of the whole society.

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