Renova Foundation


Published in: 04/09/2021

Renova Informs

In compliance with the Judicial decision in July 2020, the Renova Foundation implemented in January of this year a transition scheme for Emergency Financial Aid (AFE) paid to people from municipalities affected by the Fundao dam collapse with subsistence fishing and agriculture activities for personal consumption.

In a recent decision issued on January 18, 2001, in the same process, the court determined that the transition scheme must be extended throughout the year 2021 until further decision.

The judicial decision was issued in a pending lawsuit in the 12th Federal Civil and Agrarian Court of the Judicial Section of the State of Minas Gerais, recognizing that the concession of the “AFE” for those who suffered damage in subsistence fishing or agriculture activities for their personal consumption is not in compliance with what is stipulated in the Transaction and Conduct Adjustment Agreement (TTAC), a document that instituted the Renova Foundation. That is because, in these cases, there was no loss or compromise of the source of income since these people did not properly exercise a profession or trade directly linked to the Doce River.

The Renova Foundation informs that, up to December 2020, a total of R$ 3.07 billion were paid in indemnities and financial aid to approximately 321 thousand people.

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