The application process is open until May 22. Institutions that already signed up previously should review their registration.
The RFPs Ater Sustainability Minas Gerais and Ater Sustainability Espirito Santo were reopened and revised, to contribute to the promotion of sustainable rural development of properties impacted by the Fundao dam collapse, in Mariana (MG). Public and private institutions, non-profit organizations, and work cooperatives may submit their proposals until May 22, on the RFP pages. The entities that were registered should review their proposals.
The Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (Ater) actions support the process of resuming agricultural activities and the environmental readjustment on the impacted rural properties, as well as the application of sustainable production practices and ways of conserving soil and water.
In Minas Gerais, the RPF is divided into two lots. Lot 6 corresponds to the municipalities of Bom Jesus do Galho, Caratinga, Corrego Novo, Dionisio, Pingo D’água, Rio Casca, Sao Domingos do Prata, Sao Jose do Goiabal, Sao Pedro dos Ferros, Sem Peixe, Bugre, Fernandes Tourinho, Iapu, Ipaba, Ipatinga, Santana do Paraiso, Sobralia and Timoteo. Whereas Lot 11 corresponds to the municipalities of Tumiritinga, Resplendor, Itueta and Aimores.
In Espirito Santo, the call is also divided into two lots. Lot 12 corresponds to the municipalities of Baixo Guandu, Colatina, and Marilandia. Lot 13 concerns the city of Linhares.
“The Renova Foundation believes that producers are the protagonists in the process of recovering their rural properties. It also believes in collective construction for the establishment of strategies that optimize the use of natural resources and contribute to the productive and economic reinclusion of their impacted properties,” says Rodrigo Bruschi, engineer of Agroforestry Operations for Sustainable Land Use (UST) at the Renova Foundation.
The RFP Ater Sustainability is part of the Renova Foundation’s Resumption of Agricultural and Livestock Activities Program, in compliance with clause 125c of the Transaction and Conduct Adjustment Term (TTAC). They follow the guidelines and principles established by federal law 12.188 / 2010, which institutes the National Policy for Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (PNATER).
Entities can apply on the Prosas platform until May 22, through the following links:
Ater Sustainability Minas Gerais – Lot 6
Ater Sustainability Minas Gerais – Lot 11
Ater Sustainability Espirito Santo – Lot 12
Ater Sustainability Espirito Santo – Lot 13
To participate, the Ater entity must be registered with the Anater Management System (National Agency for Technical Assistance and Rural Extension/SGA) and/or the Ater Computerized System (SIATER), or in the process of doing so at the time of signing the contract. Priority will be given to entities located in the Doce River Basin and with proven experience with local operations.
The selected organizations will be announced on June 30, 2020. Questions about the RFP, such as proposal presentation and contractual draft, can be sent by email until May 15, 2020, to Questions regarding the application process of proposals should be submitted through the Prosas platform using this link:
There is more information available on the RFP pages: