Renova Foundation

Renova Foundation prepares socioeconomic and environmental diagnoses of properties

Published in: 06/07/2017

Agricultural Activities

The objective is to plan actions that promote the resumption of agricultural activities

After the completion of the emergency actions, a new and important phase begins for the resumption of agricultural activities. Based on the conduction of detailed diagnoses of the rural properties between Mariana and Candonga, it will be possible to guarantee the continuity of the work of the rural producers of the whole region.

The new stage will include three analysis tools for the composition of socioeconomic and environmental diagnoses of the properties:

● Productive Environmental Zoning: maps the impacted areas, highlighting the main uses of land occupation and water situation;

● Indicators of Sustainability and Agrosystems (ISA): surveys the particularities of each property, highlighting the producer as the main manager of the area. It also enables the implementation of various actions for the qualification of agriculture and support to rural producers; and

● Rural Environmental Registry: provides a database of the impacted properties, identifying the needs of environmental adjustments for each property.

Renova Foundation conducts diagnostics of rural properties to plan actions to resume agricultural activity.

Renova Foundation conducts diagnostics of rural properties to plan actions to resume agricultural activity. |Photo: Leo Drumond / NITRO

After the diagnoses, the construction of solutions for each property will begin, starting with plans that promote the adequacy of properties, recovery of springs, degraded pastures, legal reserves, besides the promotion of grants, water conservation technologies and the implementation of sanitation systems and soil conservation techniques.

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