Renova Foundation

Renova Foundation organizes talks to clarify contractual conditions for possible service providers and suppliers

Published in: 06/02/2017

Local Economy

Meetings are part of the Stimulation of Local Contracting actions

Between May 31 and June 23, the Renova Foundation organizes a Series of Talks on the Stimulation of Local Contracting actions in seven municipalities of Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo, impacted by the collapse of the Fundão dam.

The meetings aim to present local companies with contracting opportunities for providing services and supplying products to the Renova Foundation. Therefore, each area of ​​the institution, part of this registration and contracting process, will give a talk explaining the procedures regarding the sector it represents, such as sourcing and finance.

The idea is to prepare and inform entrepreneurs about the contractual needs required by Renova, as well as contributing to the creation of a list of local suppliers for the purchasing processes of the institution.

Series of talks discuss opportunities and conditions for contracting by the Renova Foundation

Series of talks discuss opportunities and conditions for contracting by the Renova Foundation. | Photo: Leo Drumond / Nitro

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