Renova Foundation


Published in: 07/24/2019


The goal is to engage farmers in the recovery of springs and Permanent Preservation Areas (PPAs)


The Renova Foundation is preparing to launch a RFP for Adhesion to the Forest Restoration Program, which will involve farmers in the recovery of Permanent Preservation Areas (PPAs) and springs along the Doce River Basin.

The RFP aims to recover 500 springs in the Pontoes, Suacui and Piranga River Basins between 2019 and 2020; and one thousand hectares of degraded land located within Permanent Preservation Areas (PPAs) or Water Recharge Areas identified as priorities.

Initially, the RFP will cover areas that are within the Manhuaçu, Guandu, Pontoes, Suacui and Piranga River Sub-Basins. In the coming years, other RFPs will be launched to contemplate other basins that are important for the recovery of the Doce River.

Participation is open to all farmers and rural producers who can proof that they legally occupy rural property located in the areas covered by the RFP; have an interest in recovering at least 1 hectare of PPA or two springs on their property; can present their Rural Environmental Registry for verification (if no CAR Registry, the producer must provide the necessary information for registration); present a copy of their ID, CPF (individual) or CNPJ (legal entity) and document proving possession of the land.

Those who adhere to the RFP will receive benefits, such as support in registration in the CAR Registry, installation of water fountains or providing an area exclusive for cattle (if there are rivers on the property) and Payment for Environmental Services (PSA) – receiving the incentive for at least five years.

Registration will open on August 5 and run until December 1, 2019.

The Renova Foundation will meet with farmers in the regions in scope for presentation of the project and answering questions. Social mapping will also be done (a type of map of the region, which takes into account important aspects for the local community, such as rivers, lakes, houses, schools, among others) and elaborate Individual Property Projects (IPP) of each rural property.

After identifying the areas to be recovered within the properties, the Renova Foundation will be responsible for carrying out environmental restoration, providing inputs, labor and technical assistance. But for conserving the areas the support of the landowner is essential.

See the RFP page for more information about the program, area of scope and deadlines for each step.

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