Renova Foundation


Published in: 02/15/2019

Renova Clarifies , Renova Esclarece

The Renova Foundation announces that it is complying with the judicial decision of 02/08/2019, intensifying its service to those affected eligible for full payment of the 2018 Loss of Profit amount.

This legal decision, by the Federal Regional Court of the 1st Region, suspended the preliminary decision of the 12th Federal Court of Belo Horizonte, dated 12/27/2018, authorizing the discount of the amounts received in 2018 as Emergency Financial Aid (AFE) from the annual indemnity installment for loss of profit related to 2018, to be paid in 2019.

Those affected who signed the agreement of the Mediated Indemnity Program (PIM) received indemnification for the loss of profits in previous years and those who remain impacted in their economic activities, even when partially in the year 2018, will be contacted by the Renova Foundation to schedule a meeting for presentation of a proposal in one of the Mediated Indemnity Centers (CIMs).

After signing the Agreement, the indemnity will be credited to a bank account in the name of the affected person in the first quarter of 2019.

The Renova Foundation is available to provide further clarification through the customer service channels, by calling 0800 031 2303 or at the Information and Service Center (CIA) in your region.

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