Renova Foundation


Published in: 12/16/2021

reading incentive project

Structures will have up to BRL 200 thousand for the purchase of books, equipment, training and infrastructure improvements

The Renova Foundation’s Reading Incentive Project will have another stage completed, in December, with the delivery of plans to revitalize public libraries in 37 municipalities in the Doce River Basin. The plans are drawn up with the participation of employees who work in the public libraries of each municipality that joined the initiative, along the Participatory Model.

One of the phases of the revitalization plan was the elaboration of the document that contains the items chosen by the participating public workers from the Options Menu with the following categories: collection (acquisition of books); furniture and equipment (reading tables, shelves, computers); capacity building (training of library staff); and infrastructure and accessibility (improvements in infrastructure, including access roads for all audiences, minor electrical or plumbing repairs and installation of equipment such as air conditioning).

Each participating public library will have up to BRL 200 thousand to purchase the items. The next stage will be the period in which the Renova Foundation will acquire the chosen materials and equipment. Delivery is scheduled for the second half of 2022.

In all, 37 municipal governments in the Renova Foundation’s area of activity joined the project. They are from 33 locations in Minas Gerais (Barra Longa, Aimorés, Alpercata, Belo Oriente, Bom Jesus do Galho, Bugre, Caratinga, Conselheiro Pena, Córrego Novo, Dionísio, Fernandes Tourinho, Galiléia, Governador Valadares, Iapu, Ipaba, Ipatinga, Itueta, Mariana, Marliéria, Naque, Periquito, Pingo d’Água, Raul Soares, Rio Casca, Rio Doce, Santa Cruz do Escalvado, Santana do Paraíso, São Domingos do Prata, São José do Goiabal, Sem Peixe, Sobrália, Timóteo and Tumiritinga ) and four in Espírito Santo (Baixo Guandu, Colatina, Linhares and Marilândia).

According to Daniela Terra, Education, Culture and Tourism analyst at the Renova Foundation, the actions planned by the project will have a positive impact on municipal public libraries. “The acquisition of important items for its collection and physical space contributes in a material sense. From the moment it reinforces the role of professionals, recognizing them as protagonists and agents of transformation capable of weaving creative and continuous ties between the Public Library and the local community, it also creates contributions in the human aspect”, she comments.


The Reading Incentive Project of the Tourism, Culture, Sports and Recreation Program, from the Renova Foundation, aims to structure and implement actions to modernize public libraries in the municipalities affected by the collapse of the Fundão dam (MG), through the training of professionals who work in these spaces, the participatory preparation of revitalization plans and the promotion of actions to encourage reading. The initiative seeks to contribute to the personal growth and collective strengthening of communities.

Participatory Model

The Participatory Model, carried out in an online format, was divided into three stages: Alignment of Concepts (library management, National Book Policy); Participatory preparation of the Library Revitalization Plan (based on the Options Menu); and Sustainability actions for libraries.

To carry out the project, the Renova Foundation hired the company Sapion Nova Educação, which has extensive experience in conducting participatory processes, training and impact projects in the educational area.


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