Renova Foundation

Cook Brazil Project (Cozinha Brasil) takes food handling and low food-waste techniques to the municipalities of Rio Doce and Santa Cruz do Escalvado

Published in: 11/17/2017

Local Economy

There are 70 spots available for restaurant workers and public servants and the community in general.

Registration for the Cook Brazil Project is now open. The food education course is the result of a partnership between the Minas Gerais State Industry Federation (Fiemg) and the Renova Foundation, as part of the actions of the Program to Stimulate Local Hiring and will take place in Rio Doce (MG), between November 21 and 23. There are 70 spots for restaurant workers, public servants and the communities of the municipalities Rio Doce and Santa Cruz do Escalvado.

The food education course is an initiative of SESI/Fiemg, and will take place in Rio Doce (MG), from November 21 to 23

The food education course is an initiative of SESI/Fiemg, and will take place in Rio Doce (MG), from November 21 to 23

The classes are free of charge and cover food handling and low food-waste techniques. Those interested should go to the Rio Doce Town Hall – 19 Antonio da Conceicao Saraiva street, Downtown – and register by November 20, between 12:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. ID, CPF and proof of residence must be presented.

The initiative meets the demand of entrepreneurs in the sector and is supported by of the Rio Doce Town Hall.

The Cook Brazil project is developed by SESI and, in addition to qualifying professionals, aims to improve the quality of life of workers in the industry through the promotion of healthy food. Created in 2004, the course teaches the preparation of tasty and nutritious foods at low cost, without wastage, making the most of the ingredients’ flavors and nutrients.

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