Renova Foundation


Published in: 10/01/2021

reading incentive project

To encourage reading, civil servants from municipalities in MG and ES will be trained to create plans to revitalize these spaces

The Renova Foundation started the Reading Incentive Project in municipalities affected by the collapse of the Fundao dam (MG). The initiative aims to support the modernization of municipal public libraries by encouraging interaction and valuing the professionals who work in this space, thus contributing to improving the quality of life of the local population.  The project will offer online training for public servants linked to participating public libraries.  The goal is to support one public library per city. Access the list of participating spaces and cities: List of Participating Libraries 

Each city hall may appoint from two to four employees linked to the municipal public library, such as librarians, monitors, assistants, among other professionals, to participate in this online training, held between August and November 2021. The activity will address contents related to library management and build, together with the participants, the revitalization plan for the space, indicating actions for the modernization and dynamization of the library as a place of knowledge and transformation. 

This modernization process is part of a menu of options for library items, in the categories of collection (acquisition of books), furniture and equipment, training, infrastructure and accessibility. Each participating municipality will have up to R$ 200 thousand to set up its revitalization plan. At the end of this process, the Renova Foundation will be responsible for acquiring and delivering the materials. 

According to Daniela Terra, Education, Culture and Tourism analyst at the Renova Foundation, “the project will impact municipalities that participate in the activities on two fronts: by acquiring important items for the libraries’ collection and physical space and by strengthening the work of professionals who work in these spaces, recognizing their role as agents of transformation and creating a fundamental link between public libraries and the local community”, she says.

See the schedule of the participatory journey online:

1st Online Meeting – August 31st, at 2 pm
Release of the contents of the modules from Step 1 – From September 6th
Step 1: Alignment of concepts related to the management of a public library
Module 1 – Public Library Management
Module 2 – The role of libraries in the contemporary world 

2nd Online Meeting – September 21st, at 2 pm
Release of the contents of the modules of Step 2 – From September 22nd on
Step 2: Participatory elaboration of the library revitalization plan
Module 3 – Inclusion, accessibility and reader training
Module 4 – Reading encouragement and cultural actions 

3rd Online Meeting – October 19th, at 2 pm
Release of the contents of the modules of Step 3 – From October 20th
Step 3: Library sustainability actions
Module 5 – Information and organizational sustainability units
Module 6 – Good practices for a sustainable library 

Completion of the participatory route – November 11th

The project has a partnership with Sapion Nova Educação, a company with experience in conducting participatory processes, training and impact projects in the educational area. In addition to the participation of the coordinators of the State Systems of Public Libraries of Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo. 



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