Renova Foundation

Position on yellow fever

Published in: 01/17/2017

Regarding a possible link between yellow fever outbreaks in Minas Gerais and the November 2015 collapse of the Fundão dam in Mariana (MG) the Renova Foundation clarifies that it did not have access to the Fiocruz studies on the subject.

However, aware of the seriousness of the issue the Foundation will mobilize experts to promote a panel discussion on the matter. This is at the frontiers of knowledge and Renova believes that scientific progress should be pursued, together, for the benefit of the community, regardless of a possible relationship between the current episodes and the dam collapse.

The Foundation understands that the environmental restoration of the Doce River is a situation of high complexity that requires a continued medium/long term recovery process and in order to accelerate this it should be conducted together with the environmental agencies and civil society organizations.

The Renova Foundation

The Renova Foundation is an autonomous and independent institute aimed at repairing the damage caused by the collapse of the Fundão dam, property of Samarco Mineração, located in Mariana (MG). A private non-profit organization, Renova was created to guarantee transparency, legitimacy and sense of urgency to a complex and long term process. The Foundation was established by means of the Transaction and Conduct Adjustment Term (TTAC), signed between Samarco, its shareholders, the federal government and the state governments of Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo, as well as several autarkies, foundations and institutes (like Ibama, the Chico Mendes Institute, the National Water Agency, the State Forestry Institute, Funai, Governmental Departments of Environment, among others), in March 2016.

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