Renova Foundation


Published in: 05/18/2021

Economy and innovation

Partnership with five institutions with subsidized projects; classes are offered online

About a thousand young people living in the Doce River Basin signed up for the online training course for young leaders in several locations affected by the Fundao dam collapse in Mariana (MG). The distance learning platform (EAD) was launched in March 2021 by the Renova Foundation. Classes are held online due to the novel coronavirus pandemic.

The course is scheduled to last until the end of July 2021. After that, in the next stage of the program, the young participants will develop their projects to promote transformation and engagement in the repair of the Doce River Basin. The selected projects will have a financial subsidy guaranteed by the Renova Foundation. The actions are aimed at the environmental, social, economic, and cultural revitalization of the affected municipalities.

Classes can be accessed on multiple devices: desktop, notebook, Android and iOS phones, tablets, and Smart TVs. Students enrolled in the projects of the 41 affected municipalities participate in activities of various formats, both streaming (real-time transmission) and pre-recorded classes. The contents are transmitted through quizzes (games), forums, or e-books, for example.

The Renova Foundation initiative has a partnership with five institutions: Minas Gerais Association of Family Farming Schools (AMEFA); Community Center for Culture and Development (CPCD); Geraldo Perlingeiro Abreu Foundation (FGPA); Integrated Center for Sustainable Development Studies and Programs (CIEDS); and Lumiar Ambiental.

The institutions were divided into five areas along the Doce River Basin, in Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo. Each of them elaborated a proposal for the young participants to get involved, respecting the objectives and engagement with the local and regional revitalization of the territories. They already started the stages of mapping/diagnosis/ground zero, integration, mobilization, and welcoming of the young participants.

Since the Family Farming Schools was the last organization to close its registration, it is still in the selection process stage in the lower Doce River region (Resplendor, Itueta, and Aimores, in Minas Gerais; and Baixo Guandu, Colatina, and Marilandia, in Espirito Santo). The course started with standard content for the five areas, including historical, socio-economic, and socio-environmental aspects related to the Doce River Basin. After this stage, each institution will work with its own conceptual methodology, proposed in the initial work plan presented and approved in the RFP.

The Young Leadership Training Project is a compensatory action and is part of the Educational Program for the Revitalization of the Doce River Basin, in compliance with the Transaction and Conduct Adjustment Term (TTAC).

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