Renova Foundation

Residents of six locations in eastern Minas Gerais have until the end of October to join the Mediated Indemnity Program

Published in: 09/21/2017


The Renova Foundation assisting by appointment in Alpercata, Cachoeira Escura (Belo Oriente District), Galileia, Itueta, Resplendor, Tumiritinga

Os moradores de Alpercata, Cachoeira Escura (distrito de Belo Oriente), Galileia, Itueta, Resplendor e Tumiritinga, no leste de Minas, têm até o fim de outubro para agendar seu atendimento para ingressar no Programa de Indenização Mediada (PIM), da Fundação Renova. O objetivo é ressarcir os danos causados pela falta de abastecimento e distribuição de água potável após o rompimento da barragem.


Appointments can be scheduled by calling 0800 031 2303

Appointments can be scheduled by calling 0800 031 2303 | Photo: Release

The residents of Alpercata, Cachoeira Escura (Belo Oriente district), Galileia, Itueta, Resplendor and Tumiritinga, in eastern Minas Gerais, have until the end of October to schedule their appointment to join the Mediated Indemnity Program (PIM) of the Renova Foundation. The objective is to compensate for the damages caused by the lack of supply and distribution of drinking water after the dam collapse.

Appointments can be schedules by calling 0800 031 2303. The call is free of charge. The idea of the program is to compensate those affected in a timely manner and without the procedures and costs of a lawsuit. Participating is always voluntary and free of charge. In these locations, the PIM was initiated in May of this year and has assisted about 25 thousand people.

With only one meeting, the resident can reach an agreement and leave with the payment card on which the indemnity amount will be credited. The payment is made within 90 days after signing the conciliation agreement.

The indemnity amount was calculated considering the period when the sites were left without water supply and distribution services in November 2015, based on the average value of the water bills. R$1.000 per person will be reimbursed, always considering an increase of 10% for children under 12 years old, elderly, pregnant women, infants and people with disabilities. This value is received in full by the impacted resident who joins the PIM.

“The residents can join the program on their own or, if they prefer, they can be accompanied by a lawyer or assisted by a public defender. When scheduling the appointment by phone, the person will be informed about the necessary documentation to bring on the day and time scheduled and can also clarify any doubts”, explains PIM leader Gabriel Rossoni.

In addition to these six locations, since October last year, the PIM is taking place in Governador Valadares to compensate residents for lack of water supply and distribution. In the municipality, more than 147 thousand people have already been attended. The Pedra Corrida district, in Periquito, was also attended by the program and the schedules have already been finalized.

Indemnity for minors and disabled

To indemnify minors and disabled, the process is conducted differently, as required by law. The Renova Foundation can only make the payment after authorization of a judge. Therefore, all the Conciliation Terms that include the indemnity of minors and disabled have to go through a process called homologation. The entire process is conducted by the PIM team, without the need to hire lawyers. Once the court has verified that the indemnity process is in order, the Foundation may initiate the payment to these people. The payment is made within 90 days after signing the homologation.


Service Center: 0800 031 2303


Rua Paulo Geovane de Sá, 76 Ground floor, Aurelino Rodrigues neighborhood

Cachoeira Escura:
Rua Guimarães Rosa, 65, Alex Muller neighborhood

Rua Coronel Faria, 747, Downtown

Avenida Coronel Osório, 875, Downtown

José Vicenconte Street, Matriz Square, 50, Downtown

Praça Tiradentes, 91, Downtown

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