Renova Foundation

Minas Gerais features five new water monitoring stations

Published in: 07/10/2017

Water quality

Last month, new automatic monitoring stations were installed

Last month, the Renova Foundation installed new stations for the automatic monitoring of water quality in Minas Gerais. The stations will measure precipitation, ambient temperature and river level. The data collected will be transmitted by cellular network every 30 minutes, which will enable a more agile and accurate actuation regarding the recovery actions of the region.

Find out where the stations are located:

● Three stations in the Gualaxo do Norte River, in the region of Mariana (MG)
● Six stations along the Doce River
● Two stations in the Carmo River, in the region of Barra Longa

The Doce River is one of the basins with the highest water-quality monitoring rate in the world.

The Doce River is one of the basins with the highest water-quality monitoring rate in the world. | Photo: Release

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