Renova Foundation


Published in: 10/11/2021

Renova Foundation

Compensatory resource was approved by the 12th Court of Belo Horizonte, it should be used with the Public Unified Health System (SUS) and will leave a structural legacy

The Renova Foundation will allocate R$ 150 million in compensatory resources for exclusive investments in health. In all, R$ 82.8 million will be transferred to Minas Gerais, R$ 60 million to Espírito Santo and R$ 7.2 million to 36 municipalities in Minas Gerais. The resources will be used in the Unified Health System (SUS) to support the fight against Covid-19 and provide a structural and permanent legacy for the regions covered. The Renova Foundation has 30 days to make the judicial deposit.

The approval of the designation of amounts took place on August 23rd, by the 12th Federal Court of Belo Horizonte (MG), and was provided for in Priority Axis 11, in compliance with deliberation 470 of the Interfederative Committee (CIF). 

The amounts allocated to the states will be exclusively for the acquisition of capital and durable consumer goods, such as medical equipment, ambulances, heart monitors, respirators, hospital beds, tomography and ultrasound equipment, as well as construction and renovation of hospital areas for the expansion of the number of beds. In the municipalities, the amounts may be allocated to different fronts, such as the acquisition of medication and hiring of professionals.

According to Wagner Elisio Tonon, manager of the Program to support Physical and Mental Health of Impacted Population, the financing of compensatory actions to strengthen the Public Unified Health System (SUS) will contribute to the health care of the entire population in the municipalities affected by the collapse of the Fundão dam (MG). “The way in which these resources will be used was defined by the states and represents significant support from the Renova Foundation for the Public Health Care Network at such a delicate moment experienced by municipalities in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic”, he says.

The funds cannot be used to pay rent, stay fees, telephone and tax expenses. The inspection will be subject to judicial control, and the parties must report to the 12th Federal Court, without hampering the performance of other internal and external control bodies (TCE/MG and TCE/ES).

Minas Gerais

The Regional Hospital of Governador Valadares will receive an additional R$ 54.3 million, in addition to the R$ 75.3 million transferred through the Integrated Agenda. With the completion of the works and purchase of equipment, the hospital will have 265 beds, 176 in the infirmary, 39 in the emergency room and 50 in the ICU, in addition to 9 operating rooms.

For the implementation of SAMU Leste do Sul, R$ 28.4 million will be allocated. This amount includes the payment of the agreement for the renovation of decentralized bases and the Emergency Regulation Center (ERC), in addition to the purchase of 23 basic or advanced support ambulances. The total cost of emergency service activities for 12 months is also considered. SAMU Leste do Sul will serve 53 municipalities, 8 of which are recognized as affected by the TTAC and another 45 cities.

Mining municipalities

As nominated by the Rio Doce Forum of Mayors, R$ 200 thousand will be allocated for each of the 36 municipalities in Minas Gerais, totaling R$ 7.2 million. It will be up to the municipalities, observing their local reality, to make the designation that best meets their interests. The amounts can be used for the purchase of medicines and hospital products, hiring/providing exams, hiring doctors and nurses, institution/maintenance of urgent/emergency units, purchase of ambulances and purchase of medical equipment.

The funds will be awarded to the 35 cities in Minas Gerais provided for by the TTAC, in addition to Ponte Nova: Aimorés; Alpercata; Barra Longa; Belo Oriente; Bom Jesus do Galho; Bugre; Caratinga; Conselheiro Pena; Córrego Novo; Dionísio; Fernandes Tourinho; Galileia; Governador Valadares; Ipaba; Ipatinga; Itueta; lapu; Mariana; Marliéria; Naque; Periquito; Pingo d’Água; Ponte Nova; Raul Soares; Resplendor; Rio Casca; Rio Doce; Santa Cruz do Escalvado; Santana do Paraíso; São Domingos do Prata; São José do Goiabal; São Pedro dos Ferros; Sem Peixe; Sobrália; Timóteo; Tumiritinga.

Espirito Santo

R$ 60 million will be allocated to be invested in the construction of emergency care units in Linhares and Colatina, and in the construction of a small hospital in Baixo Guandu. The UPAs and the hospital will directly benefit 300,000 residents, as well as municipalities in the northern region of the state, which will have more hospital care structures.

Up to R$ 15.2 million are also planned for the acquisition of 45 ambulances, 37 of which are Basic Support Units (USB) and eight Advanced Support Units (USA), and hospital equipment such as tomography, ultrasound, cardioverters, and medical equipment. fixed and mobile x-rays, computerized radiography systems and contrast heaters.

See how the resources will be distributed:


SAMU LESTE DO SUL: R$ 28,489,743.95.
TOTAL: R$ 82,800,000.00.


UPA LINHARES: R$ 9,652,500.00.
UPA COLATINA: R$ 9,652,500.00.
BAIXO GUANDU HOSPITAL: R$ 25,492,500.00.
TOTAL: R$ 60,000,000.00.



TOTAL: R$ 150,000,000.00

* Sum can be up to R$ 15,206,434.00, exceeding the R$ 60 million foreseen for the State of Espírito Santo.


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