Renova Foundation

Learn More About The Renova Foundation Document Checking System

Published in: 04/05/2022


All document proof sent in indemnity requests are analyzed by a specialized team 

The payment of indemnities for the damage caused by the Fundao dam collapse, in Mariana, was accelerated from 2020 with the implementation of the Simplified Indemnity System.

By decision of the Court, in order to prove the damage, the documents must be sent through an application, on the Attorney’s Portal, on the Renova Foundation website. To ensure the legality of the entire process, dedicated teams analyze, at all stages, the information declared and the documents sent by the claimants.

During the analysis, when suspected irregularities are found in the documentation presented in the indemnification request, which may demonstrate evidence of fraud or tampering with supporting documents, the Renova Foundation notifies the responsible attorney to provide the necessary clarifications and to provide new valid documentation. The applicant is also informed of the need to present a new document. After the clarification period, the applicant receives a denial and, if they deem it necessary, they can appeal via the appeal tab, on the Attorney’s Portal. The irregularities still found are forwarded to the investigation by competent authorities.

The Renova Foundation emphasizes that it is open to contact the applicants’ attorneys to clarify any doubts. Contact can be made through the online platform  Attorney’s Portal , open only to attorneys and public defenders, and through the Call Center: 0800 031 2303.

Anyone who becomes aware of any attempted fraud can contact our Ombudsman on 0800 721 0717, which will investigate the case. The report can be anonymous.

To learn more about the remedial actions carried out by the Renova Foundation, access the Reparation Data.

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