Renova Foundation

Interconnection of wells increases water security in Resplendor (MG)

Published in: 04/16/2018

Water Management

Alternative water withdrawal system will guarantee the supply of 30% of the demand of the municipality, reducing the circulation of water tank trucks

Starting April 16, the Renova Foundation will work on the interconnection of the groundwater wells for water withdrawal in Resplendor, Minas Gerais. The objective of the project is the removal of raw water from these sites and transportation to the town’s Water Treatment Plant (WTP).

The alternative water withdrawal system will guarantee 30% of the supply demand of the municipality, reducing the circulation of water tank trucks and increasing the water security of Resplendor.

In addition to the interconnection of the wells, the delivery of an automated water treatment system is planned. It is expected that all operations will be finalized by July 2018.

The interconnection of the wells is also to generate about 35 jobs. About 70% of the vacancies, published in the Sine (National Employment System) of Resplendor, should be filled by people from the community.

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