Renova Foundation

Informative sessions help to improve support to affected communities in Espírito Santo

Published in: 03/08/2017

Registration of Impacted Parties

8About 430 people were assisted in the districts of Colatina and Baixo Guandu

A team of professionals of the Renova Foundation programs Dialogue, Integrated Registration and Indemnification, organized a number of informative sessions with communities of Colatina and Baixo Guandu (ES). The action goal was to individually clarify doubts regarding the Integrated Registration.

According to Eric Rafael, who works for the Foundation’s Social Dialogue program in Espírito Santo, the idea of informative sessions grew out of a need identified by the team in the region. “In dialogue meetings, we identified the need to develop a personalized service for the registration, because the personal questions were very specific and difficult to clarify in a group”, he explains.

Among the advantages of this more personalized approach; Eric Rafael highlights the identification of people who have not started the registration yet, making it possible to direct them to the program.

Team of Renova Foundation clarifies doubts of residents about the registration of impacted parties.

Team of Renova Foundation clarifies doubts of residents about the registration of impacted parties. | Photo: Release


Residents of Itapina and Maria Ortiz in the district of Colatina, and Mascarenhas, in Baixo Guandu, have participated in the informative sessions. In total 430 people were assisted.

It is expected that in the coming months, Regência, Povoação, and Entre Rios, districts of Linhares, and Barra do Riacho, district of Aracruz, also receive the informative sessions. “The idea is to expand to all regions of the Doce River, making the process faster, transparent and efficient,” says Eric Rafael.

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