Renova Foundation


Published in: 05/17/2019

Indigenous peoples

The courses are promoted by Faemg/Senar System Minas, in partnership with the Rural Producers’ Union of Resplendor and the Renova Foundation


Since April, indigenous people from the Resplendor region, in the Doce River Valley, have been participating in the fencing course (barbed and smooth wire) organized by Faemg/Senar System Minas, in partnership with the Rural Producers’ Union of Resplendor and Renova Foundation. The objective of the initiative is to have them implement what has been learned, promoting the fencing of springs on the land where they live.

The Renova Foundation invests in the promotion of labor qualification courses because it believes that these actions enable the communities to get involved in the reparation process, and generate knowledge for the improvement of rural property management and new possibilities for integration into the labor market.

The leader of the Sustainable Land Use front of the Renova Foundation, Jose Almir Jacomelli, believes in the exchange of knowledges.” Within this plan, considering that we are working with a traditional population, indigenous knowledge will be exchanged with the fencing techniques presented by Senar and will ensure the active participation of these communities in the process of protection and recovery of their areas,” he explained.

The instructor Wandeir dos Santos Vieira said he is surprised by the interest of the indigenous people. “It’s been a different and very good experience teaching them the techniques. One or two of the participants aren’t indigenous but live in the village. All are very interested in learning and many already requested to organize more courses,” says the instructor.

The mobilization was the responsibility of the Rural Union of Resplendor. “The Renova Foundation has reparation programs and within one of these programs they have fencing and reforestation projects for the springs in the region. From there came the interest in empowering the natives in this course that teaches the technique of building a conventional fence, the correct way, from the alignment to the closure of the fence,” says union mobilizer Woxlainy Silvestre Neves Kliper.

With a total length of 40 hours, the course teaches about planning, the best type of wire according to the location, alignment of the stakes in the stretch and the best cost-benefit for building the fence.17



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