Renova Foundation


Published in: 09/22/2022

Forest Restoration , Mid Doce River Territory

More than R$ 170 million will be allocated to actions in an area of approximately five thousand hectares

Representatives of the Renova Foundation, the River Basin Committees (CBH), the Doce River Basin Committees (CBH Doce) and the Government participated in a ceremony in Guanhães to sign an Investment Commitment Term for forest restoration actions. About R$170 million will be allocated, via public notices, for the execution of actions in five thousand hectares.

In addition to Guanhães, the areas covered include the municipalities of Açucena, Divinolândia de Minas, Gonzaga, Sabinópolis, Santa Efigênia de Minas, Sardoá, São João Evangelista, São Geraldo da Piedade and Virginópolis. The efforts will also directly benefit the population of Governador Valadares, since it is from this source that the water from the new pipeline that is being built in the city will be collected.


Held on July 21, the signing ceremony included a cultural presentation by the Pataxó Gerú Tucunã Indigenous Community; participation of Éder Ferreira, rural producer and first participant in the spring fencing program, and a lecture on forest restoration in the Corrente Grande river basin, with Felipe Tieppo, a specialist in Forest Restoration at the Renova Foundation.

Also present were Dóris Campos Coelho, mayor of Guanhães; Cacique Bayara, from the Pataxó Gerú Tucunã Indigenous Village; Flamínio Guerra, President of CBH Doce; Flávio Chantre, Director of Institutional Relations, Communication, Dialogue and Integration at the Renova Foundation; and José Almir Jacomelli, Biologist and Restoration Coordinator at the Renova Foundation.

Total investments

The Renova Foundation will allocate more than R$740 million to promote forest restoration of approximately 19 thousand hectares, of which 8.6 thousand hectares in the Manhuaçu River basin (MG), 2.8 thousand hectares in the Piranga basins (MG) , Santa Maria (ES) and Corrente Grande (MG), 5 thousand hectares in the Guandu River basin (ES) and another 3.6 thousand hectares in Corrente Grande. The public notices aim to hire companies and/or consortia to provide technical, scientific and operational services related to forest restoration, serving part of the Program for the Recovery of Permanent Preservation Areas (APPs) and Water Recharge (ARH) and the Recovery Program of degraded springs in the Doce River Basin.

The amount is part of the amount of R$ 1.7 billion that will be used to fulfill part of the socio-environmental goal of recovering 40 thousand hectares of Permanent Preservation Areas (APPs) and Water Recharge (ARH) and 5 thousand springs along the of ten years. The Renova Foundation maintains contracts with 12 partners for forest restoration of 15,500 hectares.

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