Renova Foundation

First fruit seedlings in the backyards of New Bento Rodrigues

Published in: 03/06/2023

Reconstruction of villages , Resettlements

Families are involved with planting in their new homes

Restoring the livelihoods of families in the district of New Bento Rodrigues also includes recovering the harvest from the garden in the backyard and the fruit extracted directly from the tree. Thus, marking another step towards the delivery of the houses, the future residents, with the support of the Renova Foundation, began planting fruitful seedlings in the backyards of their new homes. The action is part of a broader initiative, aimed at the productive and economic recovery in the community, and was created to restore improvements that existed in the original homes, whether reproductive, such as gardens and orchards, and also non-reproductive, such as the making of chicken coops, pens and cattle pens.  

As a premise of the participatory resettlement process, the community gave its opinion and deliberated on the plan and each family could choose to receive funds or have it executed by Renova. Some houses are already being contemplated with planting. 

Whoever chose to carry it out under the responsibility of the Foundation was invited to participate in the definition process and received a book containing details of the improvement project and the list of materials that will be used in each house for approval. Before moving forward, each family receives this personalized material. 

This community involvement was present at each stage, as Rosiellen Franca, environmental and production sustainability analyst at the Renova Foundation, says: “The fruit seedlings planted were all chosen by the families. In the development of the project, the families choose the quantities, species and varieties they would like to cultivate and feed themselves after moving to the new district”. 

Until the families move to their homes, Renova will be responsible for maintaining the seedlings, watering, mowing, fertilizing and crowning what was planted. In addition to the fruit seedlings, the plan provides for the implementation of masonry beds and the preparation of the land to receive vegetables as well. A seed kit will be delivered, so that the families themselves can compose their gardens.

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