Renova Foundation

Families from rural areas of Mariana visit the Renova Foundation office

Published in: 05/23/2017

Reconstruction , Rural Area

The event was an opportunity to introduce the impacted people with the team involved in the repair process

In May, families from rural areas of ​​Mariana and Barra Longa, in Minas Gerais, paid a visit to the São Pedro office of the Renova Foundation in Mariana. All families live in properties in remote areas and were impacted by the collapse of the Fundão dam.

The visit was an opportunity to introduce the Renova team, involved in the repair process, and to create an environment that generates knowledge about the reconstruction process, providing interactive moments that strengthen the trust between the team and the families.

“People always receive us in their homes. This time, we invite families to learn more about our work place and the set-up of the team involved in the repair process”, explains Bruna Tropia of the Dialogue team. We hope that all are able to come to Renova and learn a little bit more about the institution’s processes.

Families from rural areas of Mariana and Barra Longa visit the Renova Foundation office

Families from rural areas of Mariana and Barra Longa visit the Renova Foundation office. | Photo: Release

So far, four families have visited the office, all residents of rural properties that were destroyed due to the collapse of the Fundão. These are mapped properties in this sense that, initially, they will have their repair process treated separately from the three-major anticipated collective resettlements (Bento Paracatu and Gesteira). The families assisted at this time are those who have shown interest in rebuilding their properties on the same original property, and it can be expected that all of them will have the opportunity to visit Renova and learn a little more about our processes.

“People are eager to see the results of our actions and this is normal. Even so, some processes are more bureaucratic, depending on contracts with several suppliers, the approval of environmental agencies and even the purchase of materials. When families interact with our workplace, they understand better how our daily routine works. It is a way to generate confidence in the process in relation to the execution of the commitments we have signed and to strengthen our ties”, Bruna points out.

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