Renova Foundation


Published in: 08/10/2020

Agriculture and Fisheries , agricultural activity

Institutions selected through the  Request for proposals (RFP) Ater – Sustentabilidade Mineira (Technical Assistance and Rural Extension entity – Sustainability Minas Gerais)  will provide services to affected communities in 34 cities in the state of Minas Gerais

The Ater Sustainability Minas Gerais RFP released the result of the selection of institutions interested in providing technical assistance services to rural producers from Minas Gerais who were impacted by the collapse of the Fundão Dam, in the city of Mariana, state of Minas Gerais. In Minas Gerais, the RFP was divided into eight lots, divided by region, to provide services to almost 700 families in affected rural communities.

The reparatory actions performed by the  Technical Assistance and Rural Extension entity (Ater) will support the process of resumption of agricultural activities and environmental readjustment in impacted rural properties, in addition to the application of sustainable production practices and methods for soil and water conservation.

Selected institutions must perform the Ater activities with an expected service time of 48 hours a year of individual activities and 16 hours a year of collective activities to each family and their respective properties, considering social, economic, and environmental aspects for the full resumption of agricultural activities.

The reparatory actions performed by the  Technical Assistance and Rural Extension entity (Ater) will support the process of resumption of agricultural activities and environmental readjustment in impacted rural properties, in addition to the application of sustainable production practices and methods for soil and water conservation.

Selected institutions must perform the Ater activities with an expected service time of 48 hours a year of individual activities and 16 hours a year of collective activities to each family and their respective properties, considering social, economic, and environmental aspects for the full resumption of agricultural activities.

The names of the winning organizations of the Ater Sustainability Minas Gerais RFP for work on lots 6 and 11 were released. The Associação Humana Povo Para Povo Brasil (People for People Humane Association Brazil)  was the winning institution of Lot 6, which corresponds to the municipalities of Bom Jesus do Galho, Caratinga, Córrego Novo, Dionísio, Pingo d’agua, Rio Casca, São Domingos do Prata, São José do Goiabal, São Pedro dos Ferros, Sem Peixe, Bugre, Fernandes Tourinho, Iapú, Ipaba, Ipatinga, Santana Do Paraíso, Sobrália and Timóteo.

Rede de Valorização de Itueta para o Desenvolvimento Auto Sustentável (Itueta Valuing Life Network for Self Sustainable Development – Rede Vidas) won the bid to work on Lot 11, corresponding to the municipalities of Tumiritinga, Resplendor, Itueta, and Aimorés.

The initiative is part of the program of resumption of agricultural activities of Renova Foundation and meets clause 125C of the Transaction and Conduct Adjustment Term (TTAC). It also follows the guidelines and principles established by Federal law 12.188/2010, which establishes the National Policy of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (PNATER).


Other lots


Ater Sustainability Minas Gerais lots 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, and 10 had been previously disclosed. For the first two lots, Organização Cooperativa de Agroecologia (Agroecology Cooperative Organization -OCA) was selected to work in the municipalities of Mariana, Barra Longa, Santa Cruz do Scalvado, Ponte Nova and Rio Doce.

The Cooperativa dos Trabalhadores e Trabalhadoras da Agricultura Camponesa (Workers ‘ Cooperative of Peasant Agriculture – COOPERTRAC) was hired on Lot 3 and will provide services for the settlements in the municipalities of Periquito and Tumiritinga. 

On Lot 7, the company Ferreira Dos Santos Consultoria e Gestão Sociedade Simples Ltda – Plan Soluções (Ferreira Dos Santos Simple Society Consulting and Management  Ltd.-  Plan Solutions) was approved for the part that corresponds to the municipalities of Belo Oriente, Alpercata, Naque and Periquito.

On Lot 8, the winning institution was the Labor Rural Serviços e Empreendimentos Ltda (Labor Rural Services and  Enterprises Ltd.) which will operate in the municipality of Governador Valadares. Finally, Instituto Antônio Ernesto de Salvo – INAES (Antônio Ernesto De Salvo Institute) will work in the municipalities of Galileia and Conselheiro Pena, which are part of Lot 10.


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