Renova Foundation

20 – Fostering the local hiring

Objective of the program

To establish a process for prioritizing local hiring aimed at stimulating the use of local workforces and local networks of suppliers for the actions that were developed from the Fundão to Regência.

Progress of Program

Professional qualification:

Minas Gerais
Completion of 03 professional training classes in partnership with SENAI MG. Sao Jose do Goiabal: 01 Administrative Assistant class, with 20 graduates and 01 Conflict Management class, with 31 graduates.
Raul Soares: 01 Administrative Assistant class, with 20 graduates.

Espírito Santo
Completion of 01 professional training class in partnership with Senai ES.
Linhares: 01 class of Industrial Electrician, with 14 graduates.

Supplier Development | +Management:
The project +Management 2024 continues as planned, with the continuity of “Knowledge Leveling” activities with individual consulting firms and the application of technical content. During the period, 77 assistance sessions were carried out, covering the main management topics. Of these 77 consultancies, 58 were for companies in MG and 19 for companies in ES.
Business Meetings for Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo companies were also held on September 17, 18, 24 and 25.

Local Hiring Monitoring:
Promotion and monitoring of the hiring of 119 people by Renova Foundation suppliers, of which 94 were local hires and 25 were non-local hires. Of these 140 hires, 92 professionals are from Minas Gerais, 20 from Espírito Santo and 7 from other States.

Recycling and in the Quilombo Córrego da Fonte in Sabinópolis/MG.

Mobilization and Recycling in Quilombo Turvo in Sabinópolis/MG.

Local Hiring Monitoring:
Promotion and monitoring of the hiring of 121 people by Renova Foundation suppliers, of which 93 were local hires and 28 were non-local hires. Of these 121 hires, 81 professionals are from Minas Gerais, 30 from Espírito Santo and 10 from other States.

Supplier Development | +Management:
The project +Management 2024 continues as planned, with the continuity of “Knowledge Leveling” activities with individual consulting firms and application of technical content. During the period, 81 assistance sessions were carried out in person and remotely, namely:
- Logistics – Activities worked on: Quality and Productivity – verification and sequence;
- Commercial Management – Activities worked on: Quality and Productivity – verification and completion, Health, Safety and Environment – first tools;
- Marketing and Artificial Intelligence – Activities worked on: Health, Safety and Environment – verification and follow-up;
- Occupational Health and Safety – Activities worked on: Health, Safety and Environment – verification and completion
All activities foreseen in each company’s individual action plan.

Professional Qualification
Minas Gerais:
Completion of 03 professional training classes in partnership with SENAI MG.
Mariana: 01 Basic Computing Initiation class, with 17 graduates.
Timóteo: 01 Basic Electricity Initiation class, with 28 graduates.
Sem-Peixe: 01 Entrepreneurship class: Abilities for the Working World, with 30 graduates.

Completion of 6 professional training classes in partnership with EGB Ltda.
Alpercata: 01 Crafts class, with 15 graduates.
Conselheiro Pena: 01 Crafts class, with 12 graduates.
Itueta: 01 Crafts class, with 13 graduates.
Governador Valadares - São Tarcísio: 01 Hairdressing class, with 10 graduates.
Ipaba: 01 Hairdressing class, with 8 graduates.
Bom Jesus do Galho - Revés do Belém: 01 Hairdressing class, with 8 graduates.

Espirito Santo:
Completion of 02 professional training classes in partnership with Senai ES.
Baixo Guandu: 01 class of Basic Electrical Concepts, with 19 graduates.
Linhares - Povoação: 01 Industrial Painting class, with 21 graduates.

Completion of 01 professional training classes in partnership with Rodrigo Caliman.
Linhares - Povoação: 01 Carpentry class, with 8 graduates.

Professional Qualification:

Minas Gerais
- Completion of 01 professional training class in partnership with Allman Consultoria.
Sao Domingos do Prata: 01 Financial Education class, with 24 graduates.
- Completion of 6 professional training classes in partnership with EGB Ltda.
- Sobrália: 01 Makeup and Eyebrow Design class, with 10 graduates.
- Pedra Corrida: 01 Makeup and Eyebrow Design class, with 11 graduates.
- Liberdade/Naque Settlement: 01 Makeup and Eyebrow Design class, with 11 graduates.
- Itueta: 01 Barber class, with 10 graduates.
- Resplendor: 01 Barber class, with 10 graduates.
- Santo Antônio do Rio Doce/Aimorés: 01 Barber class, with 09 graduates.
- Completion of 01 professional training class in partnership with G2L Gestão.
- Sao Jose do Goiabal: 01 Entrepreneurship class, with 31 graduates.
- Completion of 6 professional training classes in partnership with SENAI MG.
- Governador Valadares: 01 Confectionery class, with 16 graduates and 01 Building Electrical class, with 25 graduates.
- Mariana: 01 IT class, with 15 graduates.
- Rio Casca: 01 Chainsaw Operator class, with 10 graduates and 01 NR12 class, with 10 graduates.
- Timoteo: 01 Electrician class, with 13 graduates.

Espírito Santo
- Completion of 01 professional training class in partnership with Marilia Silveira.
- Regência: 01 Photography class, with 13 graduates.
- Completion of 01 professional training class in partnership with Rodrigo Caliman.
- Regência: 01 Carpentry class, with 09 graduates.

Supplier Development | +Management:
The project +Management 2024 continues as planned, with the continuity of “Knowledge Leveling” activities with individual consulting firms and application of technical content.

During the period, 123 consultancies were carried out on the topics of Sustainability, Quality Management and Logistics, in addition to the development of tools in the quality and productivity dimension, provided for in each company's individual action plan.

In-person Business Meetings took place in Colatina - Es and Mariana - MG.

Local Hiring Monitoring:
Promotion and monitoring of the hiring of 163 people by Renova Foundation suppliers, of which 122 were local hires and 41 were non-local hires. Of these 163 hires, 131 professionals are from Minas Gerais, 12 from Espírito Santo and 20 from other states.

Supplier Development | +Management:
The project +Management 2024 continues as planned, with the continuity of “Knowledge Leveling” activities with individual consulting firms and application of technical content.
During the period, 109 consultancies were carried out on the topics of Sustainability, Quality Management and Logistics, in addition to the development of tools in the quality and productivity dimension, provided for in each company's individual action plan. In the month of May, planning meetings were held for the in-person Business Meetings, which will take place in June in the cities of Colatina- ES and Mariana – MG.

Local Hiring Monitoring:
Promotion and monitoring of the hiring of 149 people by Renova Foundation suppliers, of which 134 were local hires and 15 were non-local hires. Of these 149 hires, 129 professionals are from Minas Gerais, 17 from Espírito Santo and 3 from other States.

Professional Qualification and Preparation for the Job Market:

Minas Gerais
Completion of 05 professional training classes in partnership with Allman Consultoria.
Galileia: 01 Financial Education class, with 13 graduates, 01 Business Management class, with 13 graduates.
Tumiritinga: 01 Business Management class, with 12 graduates.
Naque: 01 IT class, with 21 graduates.
Cachoeira Escura: 01 IT class, with 16 graduates who completed the course at the end of April and are being counted in May.

Completion of 01 professional training class in partnership with Almah Treinamentos
Sao Domingos do Prata: 01 Sales Techniques class, with 08 graduates.

Completion of 2 professional training classes in partnership with G2L Trainings
Sao Jose do Goiabal: 01 Young Entrepreneurship class, with 31 graduates, 01 Entrepreneurship for Women class, with 30 graduates.

Completion of 01 professional training class in partnership with HVH Consultoria
Mariana: 01 Entrepreneurship class, with 07 graduates

Completion of 01 professional training classes in partnership with Instituto Mix
Mariana: 01 Self-makeup class, with 30 graduates

Completion of 01 professional training classes in partnership with L&D Consultoria
Conselheiro Pena: 01 Entrepreneurship class, with 08 graduates

Espirito Santo
Completion of 01 professional training class in partnership with CECAP Norte.
Colatina: 01 Financial Education class, with 24 graduates.

Local Hiring Monitoring:
Promotion and monitoring of the hiring of 92 people by Renova Foundation suppliers, 62 of which were local hires and 30 were non-local hires. Of these 92 hires, 64 professionals are from Minas Gerais, 22 from Espírito Santo and 26 from other states.

Professional qualification:
Completion of 2 professional training classes in partnership with HVH Consultoria.

Mariana: 01 Service Quality class, with 10 graduates, 01 Sales Techniques class, with 12 graduates.

Completion of 2 professional training classes in partnership with Allman Consultoria.

Tumiritinga: 01 Financial Education class, with 11 graduates and Cachoeira Escura - Belo Oriente: 01 IT class, with 09 graduates.

Completion of 01 professional training classes in partnership with Iraneide Félix.

Sobrália: 01 Elderly Caregiver class, with 11 graduates.

Supplier Development | +Management:
Assessment and selection of 65 companies to participate in the +Management Class 2024 Project. Holding the Virtual Tools Leveling Event on April 10th, this event presented the work tools that guide the conduct of Assistance, such as the Virtual Environment, Action Plan (Individual Report generated in the Initial Diagnosis - T0), and group of WhatsApp for communication for selected companies. Also during this period, individual Assistance actions began, 49 actions performed.

Promotion and monitoring of the hiring of 210 people by Renova Foundation suppliers, of which 179 were local hires and 31 were non-local hires. Of these 210 hires, 178 professionals are from Minas Gerais, 17 from Espírito Santo and 15 from other states.

Carrying out 100 Initial Diagnoses (T0) with companies, registered or prospective for selection for 2024 Class. The +Management Project aims to train 65 local companies to become more competitive in the market, through a series of actions such as diagnoses of the current situation, consultancy, individualized action plans and business meetings.

Planning for the execution of professional qualification classes in 2024 and qualification monitoring structure in 2025.
Completion of 2 professional training classes in partnership with CECAP Norte.
Regencia, completion of 01 Financial Education class with 12 graduates, and 01 Financial Education class with 06 graduates in Povoação.

Holding 4 launch events for the +Management
Project class 2024, two in person in Mariana (MG) and Linhares (ES) and two online for companies in MG and ES. The +Management Project aims to train 65 local companies to become more competitive in the market, through a series of actions such as diagnoses of the current situation, consultancy, individualized action plans and business meetings.

Start of planning for the execution of professional qualification classes in 2024 and qualification monitoring structure in 2025.
Receipt of the hiring schedule by the supply, for the execution of professional qualifications in 2024.

Promotion and monitoring of the hiring of 119 people by Renova Foundation suppliers, of which 105 were local hires and 14 were non-local hires. Of these 119 hires, 109 professionals are from Minas Gerais, 04 from Espírito Santo and 06 from other states.

Start of contract on 01/22/2024. Planning phase and design of the work plan for project execution + Management in 2024.

- Supplier Development | +Management:
Providing assistance regarding management issues in support of the Conquista Cookie Factory. Carrying out 02 Closing Events of the +Management project in Espírito Santo in the municipalities of Colatina and Linhares/ES.

- Local Hiring Monitoring:
Promotion and monitoring of the hiring of 91 people by Renova Foundation suppliers, 87 of which were local hires and 4 were non-local hires. Of these 91 hires, 87 professionals are from Minas Gerais, 3 from Espírito Santo and 1 from the other states.

Through the “Recoloca Rio Doce” Platform, 41 CVs were registered and 05 job vacancies were prospected.

- Professional Qualification and Preparation for the Job Market:
Completion of 6 professional training classes in partnership with SENAI MG and ES.

Mariana, completion of 01 class, ETE/ETA, with 16 graduates.
Pedra Corrida, Baixa Verde, Cachoeira Escura and Itueta, graduation of 3 classes, Financial Education, with 38 graduates.
Baixo Guandu - Mascarenhas, completion of 01 Sewing class, with 17 graduates.

Local Hiring Monitoring:
Promotion and monitoring of the hiring of 46 people by Renova Foundation suppliers, 31 of which were local hires and 15 were non-local hires. Of these 46 hires, 31 professionals are from Minas Gerais, 7 from Espírito Santo and 8 from other states.
Through the “Recoloca Rio Doce” Platform, 62 CVs were registered and 162 job vacancies were prospected.

Supplier Development | +Management:
Carrying out 02 assistances regarding management topics. Carrying out 01 T1 Diagnoses, at this stage, managers presented evidence of the management tools and good practices adopted after the Assistance and technical support content, in Knowledge Leveling. Carrying out 02 Closing Events of the +Management project in Minas Gerais in the municipalities of Mariana/MG and Timóteo/MG.

Professional Qualification and Preparation for the Job Market:
Completion of 2 of the professional training classes in partnership with SENAI MG.
São Domingos do Prata, completion of 01 Administrative Assistant class with 22 graduates and Excellence in Customer Service with 23 graduates.

Professional Qualification and Preparation for the Job Market:
Completion of 4 of the professional training classes in partnership with SENAI MG and ES.
Colatina, completion of 02 classes, 01 in Pastry Making with 13 graduates and 01 in Pizza Making with 16 graduates.
Regencia, completion of 01 class of Carpentry Techniques, with 13 graduates.
São Domingos do Prata, completion of 01 Supermarket Operator class with an emphasis on Cashier Operations with 23 graduates.

"Supplier Development | +Management:
Carrying out 117 knowledge leveling consultancies on management topics. Being 65 in Minas Gerais and 52 in Espírito Santo. "
"Professional Qualification and Preparation for the Job Market:
Completion of 02 professional training classes in partnership with SENAI MG.
Mariana, completion of 02 classes, 01 in Industrial Mechanical Maintenance with 22 graduates, and 01 in Solid Waste Management with 13 graduates."""
"Local Hiring Monitoring:
Promotion and monitoring of the hiring of 212 people by Renova Foundation suppliers, with 100 local hires and 112 non-local hires. Of these 212 hires, 123 professionals are from Minas Gerais, 14 from Espírito Santo and 75 from other states.
Through the “Recoloca Rio Doce” Platform, 253 CVs were registered and 132 job vacancies were prospected."

Monitoring of Local Hirings:
Fostering and monitoring the hiring of 198 people by Renova Foundation suppliers, of which 113 were hired locally and 85 were hired non-locally. Of these 198 hires, 138 professionals are from Minas Gerais, 7 from Espírito Santo and 53 from other States.
Through the “Recoloca Rio Doce” platform, 486 CVs were registered and 224 job openings were prospected.

Supplier Development | +Management:
Conducting 178 consultations to level knowledge on management topics. 91 in Minas Gerais and 87 in Espírito Santo.

Professional Qualification and Preparation for the job market:
Completion of 01 Job Market Preparation class in Santa Cruz do Escalvado MG, with 60 graduates.
Completion of 5 professional training classes in partnership with SENAI MG and ES.
Governador Valadares completion of 02 classes, 01 of Industrial Electrics with 18 graduates, and 01 of Building Electrics with 21 graduates.
Ipatinga completed 02 classes, 01 on Arduino Programming, with 20 graduates, and 01 on Human Resources Management, with 17 graduates.
Colatina completed 01 Risk and Cutting classes - Industrial Sewing, with 08 graduates.

Supplier Development | +Management:
Conducting 225 consultations to level knowledge on management topics. 129 in Minas Gerais and 96 in Espírito Santo.

Professional Qualification and Preparation for the job market:
Completion of 03 of the professional training classes in partnership with SENAI MG, with 44 graduates in the courses of Industrial Electrician, Metalworking of Ferrous Materials and Pastry Making.
Start of 05 professional qualification groups in partnership with SENAI MG and ES, 136 with people enrolled in Marking and Cutting courses, Building Electrical, Mechanics and Industrial Maintenance, Solid Waste Management, Supermarket operator, with emphasis on cashier operations ."

Monitoring of Local Contracts:
Fostering and monitoring the hiring of 168 people by Renova Foundation suppliers, of which 114 were hired locally and 54 were hired non-locally. Of these 168 hires, 124 professionals are from Minas Gerais, 11 from Espírito Santo and 33 from other States.
Of these 168 hires, 124 professionals are from Minas Gerais, 11 from Espírito Santo and 33 from other States.
Through the “Recoloca Rio Doce” platform, 321 CVs were registered and 305 job openings were prospected.

Professional Qualification and Preparation for the job market:
Completion of professional training classes in partnership with SENAI MG. In Governador Valadares, 24 people were trained in the Building Electrics Initiation course, in Mariana, 19 people were trained in the Plate Welding Improvement course using the Coated Electrode Process, and 20 people in the Municipality of Ipatinga were trained in the Professional Initiation course in Coated Electrode Welding.

Monitoring of Local Contracts:
190 people were hired by the Renova Foundation’s suppliers, 125 of which were local hires and 65 non-local hires. Of these 190 hires, 145 professionals are from Minas Gerais, 09 from Espírito Santo and 36 from other States.
Through the “Recoloca Rio Doce” platform, 325 resumes were registered and 266 job vacancies were prospected in the month. In total, 10,746 CVs are registered and 9,393 vacancies have already been filled.

Supplier Development | +Management:

Start of knowledge leveling consultancies for the +Management project. So far, 86 consultancies have been carried out in the state of Minas Gerais and 79 consultancies in the state of Espírito Santo.

The +Management project is an initiative of the Hiring and Local Entrepreneurship area and its main focus is to help strengthen the management of small and medium-sized local companies, so that they become more competitive in their market.

Monitoring of Local Contracts:
294 people were hired by the Renova Foundation’s suppliers, 180 of which were local hires and 114 non-local hires. Of these 294 hires, 234 professionals are from Minas Gerais, 10 from Espírito Santo and 50 from other States.
Through the “Recoloca Rio Doce” platform, 539 resumes were registered and 718 job vacancies were prospected in the month. In total, 10,071 CVs are registered and 8,754 vacancies have already been filled.

Professional Qualification and Preparation for the job market:
Completion of the professional training classes in partnership with SENAI in the Improvement in Excellence in Customer Service courses, which trained 10 people in Barra Longa/MG and Fabricação de Bolos trained 09 people in the Degredo community in Linhares/ES.

Supplier Development | +Management:
04 launch events for the +Management project, with the aim of presenting the project to medium and small companies in the municipalities covered and opening registrations for the class of 2023.
The +Management project is an initiative of the Hiring and Local Entrepreneurship area and its main focus is to help strengthen the management of small and medium-sized local companies, so that they become more competitive in their market.
The event took place in person in the municipalities of Timóteo-MG and Colatina-ES. And remotely with transmission to the municipalities in the area within the range of the Renova Foundation in Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo.

Monitoring of Local Contracts:
177 people were hired by the Renova Foundation’s suppliers, 127 of which were local hires and 50 non-local hires. Of these 177 hires, 152 professionals are from Minas Gerais, 11 from Espírito Santo and 14 from other States.
Through the “Recoloca Rio Doce” platform, 448 resumes were registered and 343 job vacancies were prospected in the month. In total, 9,532 CVs are registered and 8,036 vacancies have already been filled."
"Professional Qualification and Preparation for the job market:
SENAI: In February, 17 people completed professional training courses in Espírito Santo, on the topics Introduction to Carpentry Techniques in Colatina and Production of Snacks in the community of Degredo, in Linhares.

"Monitoring of Local Contracts:
238 people were hired by the Renova Foundation’s suppliers, 139 of which were local hires and 99 non-local hires. Of these 238 hires, 164 professionals are from Minas Gerais, 14 from Espírito Santo and 60 from other States.
Through the “Recoloca Rio Doce” platform, 279 resumes were registered and 154 job vacancies were prospected in the month. In total, 8,105 CVs are registered and 6,983 vacancies have already been filled."
"Supplier Development | +Management:
Closing event, held online, for Project +Management 2022 class.

113 companies located in 8 municipalities in the states of Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo were trained.

The +Management project is an initiative of the Hiring and Local Entrepreneurship area and its main focus is to help strengthen the management of small and medium-sized local companies, so that they become more competitive in their market. In 2022, the project operated in the municipalities of Mariana, Governador Valadares, Ipatinga and Resplendor (MG) and Colatina, Linhares, Baixo Guandu and Marilândia (ES).""
"Professional Qualification and Preparation for the job market:
RECOLOCA: In the month of December/2022, 02 events were held with the theme “Preparation for the Labor Market”, being the 02 events in Mariana -MG. Where 41 vacancies were offered and we had 41 participants.
SENAI: In December, 192 people completed professional training courses. 154 were students who started courses in the previous months. In December, 02 training groups were offered in Governador Valadares, (Improvement in Excel) and Periquito - Settlement Liberdade, (Handmade Cakes). 45 vacancies offered, 41 students enrolled and 38 graduating.

"Monitoring of Local Contracts:
215 people were hired by the Renova Foundation’s suppliers, 119 of which were local hires and 96 non-local hires. Of these 215 hires, 167 professionals are from Minas Gerais, 10 from Espírito Santo and 38 from other States.
Through the “Recoloca Rio Doce” platform, 296 resumes were registered and 420 job vacancies were prospected in the month. In total, 7,826 resumes are registered and 6,828 vacancies have already been filled.
"Professional Qualification and Preparation for the job market:
RECOLOCA: In November/2022, six (06) events were held with the theme “Preparation for the Labor Market”, being (02) events in Mariana and four (04) events in Ipatinga. Where 296 vacancies were offered and we had 296 participants.
SENAI: In November, we started fourteen professional training classes. In Espírito Santo, two classes were offered (Introduction to joinery techniques), in Colatina and Povoação, and one in Degredo (Snacks Production). In Minas Gerais, two classes were offered in Mariana (Administrative Routines), (Quality Control), two classes in Ipatinga (Professional Initiation of Basic Electricity), (Coated Electrode Welding), two classes in Governador Valadares (Electrical Controls), (Basic IT), two in Itueta (Building Electrics), (Administrative Assistant), two classes in Pedra Corrida (Administrative Assistant), (Basic IT) and one in Cachoeira Escura. In total, 385 vacancies were offered and we had 260 students enrolled.
"Supplier Development | +Management:
Business Round held by +Management project in Linhares-MG on 11/08/2022, with the participation of 61 people representing 35 local companies, 5 purchasing companies. 102 consultations were carried out, in addition to the participation of the Manager of Institutional Projects at the Secretariat for Innovation and Development of Espírito Santo – Sectides, Alessandro Drumond.
The purpose of the event was to bring small and medium-sized local companies closer to large companies (buyers) operating in the region, with the possibility of generating new business, contributing to the local economy."

Monitoring of Local Contracts:
281 people were hired by the Renova Foundation’s suppliers, 162 of which were local hires and 119 non-local hires. Of these 281 hires, 186 professionals are from Minas Gerais, 29 from Espírito Santo and 66 from other States.
Through the “Recoloca Rio Doce” platform, 406 resumes were registered and 419 job vacancies were prospected in the month. In total, 7,530 CVs are registered and 6,408 vacancies have already been filled.

Professional Qualification and Preparation for the job market:
RECOLOCA: Thirteen events were held in October with the theme “Preparation for the Labor Market”, in the municipalities of Ipatinga. Where 498 vacancies were offered and we had 498 participants.
SENAI: In October, we started fourteen professional training classes. In Espírito Santo, two were offered in Colatina (Introduction to joinery techniques) and (Notions of Administrative Routines), one in Baixo Guandu (Risk and Cut), two in Linhares (MAG Welding) and (Manufacture of Pastries) and one in Povoação (Joinery technical initiation). In Minas Gerais, five classes were offered in Mariana (Improvement - Pattern Assembler), (Fundamentals of Management), (Photovoltaic System Installer), (Administrative Assistant), one class in Ipatinga (MIG Welding), and four classes in Governador Valadares / Resplendor (Basic IT), (Building Electrics), (Administrative Assistant) and (Basic IT). In total, 395 vacancies were offered and we had 318 students enrolled.
Supplier Development | +Management:
+Management Project Business Meeting held in Mariana with the participation of 70 people, which had the objective of establishing relationships between large companies that are operating in the municipality with local entrepreneurs so that they have the opportunity to present themselves and to negotiate their products and services from that contact. Large participating companies: Renova Foundation, Dinâmica, ERG, Gemma and Sapore.

Supplier Development | +Management:
Realization of the “Leveling Workshop” with the companies participating in the +Management project, with the objective of presenting the schedule of visits by the consultants, presentation of the virtual environment and the work tools that will be used in the development of activities.
Conducting individual consultancy on Quality and Productivity topics in the companies participating in the +Management project.

Monitoring of Local Contracts:
306 people were hired by the Renova Foundation’s suppliers, 158 of which were local hires and 148 non-local hires. Of these 306 hires, 197 professionals are from Minas Gerais, 12 from Espírito Santo and 97 from other States.
Through the “Recoloca Rio Doce” platform, 390 resumes were registered and 538 job vacancies were prospected in the month. In total, 7,124 CVs are registered and 5,989 vacancies have already been filled.

Professional Qualification and Preparation for the job market:
RECOLOCA: Eleven events were held in August with the theme “Preparation for the Job Market”, in the municipalities of Mariana Sem Peixe and Barra Longa. Where 231 vacancies were offered and we had 231 participants.
SENAI: In August, we started six professional training classes, two in Mariana (administrative assistant), one in Colatina (Basic Industrial Sewing) one in Povoação (Industrial Painter) one in Regência (Risk and Cut of Fabrics and one in Governador Valadares (Basic IT) in total 167 places were offered and we had 141 students enrolled.

Monitoring of Local Contracts:
522 people were hired by the Renova Foundation’s suppliers, 248 of which were local hires and 274 non-local hires. Of these 522 hires, 251 professionals are from Minas Gerais, 16 from Espírito Santo and 255 from other States.
Through the “Recoloca Rio Doce” platform, 733 resumes were registered and 446 job vacancies were prospected in the month. In total, 6,734 Cvs are registered and 5,451 vacancies have already been captured. "
Supplier Development | +Management:
1. 4 events to launch the +Management
project. There were 2 face-to-face events (Ipatinga and Linhares) and 2 online events. Total applicants 162 and 81 participants.
2. Conclusion of the initial diagnoses in 200 companies in the municipalities where the project operates, namely: Mariana, Ipatinga, Governador Valadares, Resplendor, in Minas Gerais and Baixo Guandu, Marilândia, Colatina and Linhares, in Espírito Santo.
3. Holding of the Business Meeting in Colatina on 08/09/2022. The event aimed to create opportunities and generate business by contributing to the development of Espirito Santo Companies located in the municipalities of Colatina and Linhares. The State Government participated, represented by Alessandro Gris Drumond, Manager of Institutional Projects, presenting the Government projects, particularly the Compre do ES project. The Business Round was carried out by the Renova Foundation in partnership with Findes through IEL (Instituto Euvaldo Lodi) and the +Business Program. The event was attended by 5 buying companies and 12 selling companies, totaling 60 meetings.
Professional Qualification and Preparation for the job market:
RECOLOCA: Eighteen events were held in August with the theme “Preparation for the Labor Market”, in the following municipalities: Mariana and Resplendor. Where 464 vacancies were offered and 464 participants joined .
SENAI In the month of August, we started eight professional training classes, two in Mariana (administrative assistant and Photovoltaic System Installer), four in Ipatinga (Scaffolding and Welder, Low Voltage Building Installer) and one in Regência (Scaffolding Assembler) in total 195 places were offered and 150 students were enrolled.

Supplier Development:
The final event was held for the conclusion of the Espírito Santo PDF class.

In July, the final diagnosis and feedback was carried out in the 18 companies that completed the PDF in Espírito Santo.

Monitoring of Local Contracts:
448 people were hired by the Renova Foundation’s suppliers, 335 of which were local hires and 113 non-local hires. Of these 448 hires, 369 professionals are from Minas Gerais, 63 from Espírito Santo and 16 from other States.

Through the “Recoloca Rio Doce” platform, 917 resumes were registered and 570 job vacancies were prospected in the month. In total, 6,001 resumes are registered and 5,005 vacancies have already been captured.

Professional Qualification and Preparation for the job market:
RECOLOCA: Eighteen events were held in July with the theme “Preparation for the Labor Market”, in the municipality: Mariana Where 485 vacancies and 485 participants were offered.
SENAI In the month of July, we started ten professional training classes, two in Mariana (administrative assistant and coated electrode welding), two in Ipatinga (scaffolding and welding), two in Sem Peixe (administrative assistant), two in Barra Longa (administrative assistant), one in Governador Valadares (Professional Initiation in Occupational Health and Safety) and one in Regência (Basic Industrial Sewing) in total 285 places were offered and 268 students were enrolled.

Supplier Development:
Held in June, lecture and seminar on the following topics: Commercial management, budgeting and marketing and Business innovation.

Monitoring of Local Contracts:
302 people were hired by the Renova Foundation’s suppliers, 239 of which were local hires and 63 non-local hires. Of these 302 hires, 225 professionals are from Minas Gerais, 48 from Espírito Santo and 29 from other States.
Through the “Recoloca Rio Doce” platform, 767 resumes were registered and 362 job vacancies were prospected in the month. In total, 5,042 resumes are registered and 4,398 vacancies have already been captured.

Professional Qualification and Preparation for the job market:
RECOLOCA: Seventeen events were held in June with the theme “Preparation for the Labor Market”, in the following municipalities: Mariana, Governador Valadares, Colatina and Linhares. Where 928 vacancies and 928 participants were offered.
SENAI In June, we started three professional training classes, one in Mariana (Welding) and another two in Ipatinga (Scaffolding and Welder). In total, 85 places were offered and 81 students were enrolled.

Supplier Development:
Held in the month of May, the lectures and seminars with the following themes: ""OSH and Social Responsibility"" and ""People Management"" for the 18 companies participating in the 2nd group of the Supplier Development Program | SDF, from Espírito Santo.

Professional Qualification and Preparation for the job market:
RECOLOCA: Seven events were held in May with the theme “Preparation for the Labor Market”, in the following municipalities: Mariana, Barra Longa, Santa Cruz, Governador Valadares, Antônio Pereira and Ponte do Gama district of Mariana. Where 318 vacancies were offered, 235 registered and 202 participants.

SENAI In May, we started two professional training classes, one in Mariana (Industrial Electrician) and another in Ipatinga (Scaffolding Assembler), in total 50 places were offered and 35 students were enrolled.

Supplier Development:
Held in the month of April, the lecture with the following theme: Accounting, tax and labor management for the 20 companies participating in the 2nd group of the Supplier Development Program | PDF, from Espírito Santo.

Local Contracting

180 people were hired by the Renova Foundation’s suppliers, 138 of which were local hires and 42 non-local hires. Of these 180 hires, 138 professionals are from Minas Gerais, 31 from Espírito Santo and 11 from other States.
Through the “Recoloca Rio Doce” platform, 241 resumes were registered and 642 job vacancies were prospected in the month. In total, 3,879 resumes are registered and 3,761 vacancies have already been captured.

Local Contracting
428 people were hired by the Renova Foundation’s suppliers, 231 of which were local hires and 197 non-local hires. Of these 201 hires, 341 professionals are from Minas Gerais, 16 from Espírito Santo and 71 from other States.

Through the “Recoloca Rio Doce” platform, 158 resumes were registered and 58 job vacancies were prospected in the month. In total, 3,632 resumes are registered and 2,803 vacancies have already been captured.

Supplier Development:
Held in March, lectures on the following topics: Productivity Management and Financial Management with a Focus on Results for the 20 companies participating in the 2nd group of Espírito Santo.

In-person Professional Training
Seven workshops were held in March with the theme “Preparation for the Labor Market”, in the following municipalities: Mariana/ (Bento Rodrigues/ Paracatu), Linhares Headquarters, Regência, Povoação, Ipatinga and Governador Valadares.
175 places were offered, 134 registered and 72 participated.
In March, we started two classes of the Administrative Assistant course for the communities of Regência and Povoção | ES 50 vacancies were offered and we had 17 applicants in each district.
In Mariana we started a class of the Building Installation Electrician course. 25 vacancies were offered and 23 applied.

1. 201 people were hired by the Renova Foundation's suppliers, 127 of which were local hires and 73 non-local hires. Of these 201 hires, 167 professionals are from Minas Gerais, 1 from Espírito Santo and 33 from other States.
2. Through the “Recoloca Rio Doce” Platform, 172 resumes were registered and 262 job vacancies were prospected in the month. In total, 3,474 resumes are registered and 2,745 vacancies have already been captured. "
On the 22nd and 23rd of February, two “preparation for the job market” workshops were held, one in Rio Doce and one in Sem Peixe. 50 places were offered and 21 people participated in the training, 12 in Rio Doce and 9 in Sem Peixe.
The Baker course in partnership with SENAI, in the community of Degredo | ES Topics such as: good hygiene practices, bakery metrology, bakery technology, among others, will be addressed throughout the course. 20 places were offered and we had 21 students enrolled.
On February 1st, the Administrative Assistant course for the community of Degredo | ES 25 places were offered, all were filled.
Started on February 9, the follow-up for entrepreneurial training, carried out by the accelerator FA.VELA, for the entrepreneurs of the Degredo Biscuit Factory | ES Monitoring aims to train participants with techniques and procedures that improve their performance in the work environment in which they work.
Held in an online environment, on February 8th, the 1st Lecture of the Supplier Development Program | SDP, from the 2nd class of Espírito Santo, with the theme: "THE IMPACT OF QUALITY ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION".

102 people were hired by the Renova Foundation’s suppliers in January/22, 79 of which were local hires and 23 non-local. Of these hires, 95 professionals are from Minas Gerais, 4 from Espírito Santo and 3 from other states.
Closing, on 01/18/2022, of the 3rd group of the Supplier Development Program | Minas Gerais PDF. There were 48 companies that concluded, as follows: 24 companies in Mariana, 05 in Barra Longa, 05 in Rio Doce, 04 in Santa Cruz do Escalado and 10 in Governador Valadares. In ES, 10 companies in Colatina and 10 companies in Linhares.
Approval, by the Renova Foundation technical team and supplier, of the 20 companies that will participate in the Supplier Development Program | PDF Espirito Santo
Conclusion of the initial diagnostic phase in the 20 companies that will participate in the Espírito Santo Supplier Development Program.

Approval of the new Definition of the PG20 Program, on December 17, 2021, during the cca Ordinary Meeting of the CTEI, through SEI/IBAMA - 11561807 - Electronic Protocol Receipt.
Through the PG20 monitoring axis, which aims to guide the Renova Foundation's suppliers on prioritizing local hiring (labor and suppliers), the hiring of 40 people by the Renova Foundation's suppliers in December/21 was identified, being 33 local hires and 7 non-local ones, 38 professionals from Minas Gerais and 2 from Espírito Santo.

Completion of the face-to-face course “Qualification in Infrastructure Mason” in Santa Cruz do Escalvado (MG), given by the National Service of Industrial Education of Minas Gerais (SENAI MG).

Offer of two types of professional training for residents of Degredo with the beginning of in-person registration for communities located in Linhares (ES) and which were impacted by the Fundao dam collapse (MG). The action is an initiative of the Renova Foundation's Contracting and Local Entrepreneurship area in partnership with the Espírito Santo National Service of Industrial Education (SENAI ES). Administrative Assistant and Cook Assistant courses were offered, both with 25 vacancies.

Resumption of face-to-face training in Regência and Povoação. In all, 75 places were offered for three training modalities, two in Povoação (Storekeeper and Administrative Assistant) and one in Regência (Storekeeper). Classes started on December 6th and will continue until February, each training lasting 160 hours.

Release of social contributions made, as part of compliance with clause 22 of the Mariana Agreement Term, signed in 2018, which says that in contracts worth more than BRL 3 million in the municipality, suppliers must support social projects. In all, in 2021, six suppliers made donations to non-profit institutions in Mariana.

Conclusion of the 3rd cycle of the Supplier Development Program (PDF), which aims to prepare entrepreneurs to become more competitive in the areas where the Renova Foundation operates in Minas Gerais. 24 companies were trained in Mariana, 10 in Governador Valadares, 05 in Barra Longa, 05 in Rio Doce and 04 in Santa Cruz do Escalvado.

Through the PG20 monitoring axis, which aims to guide Renova Foundation suppliers on prioritizing local hiring (labor and suppliers), the hiring of 158 people was identified by Renova Foundation suppliers in November/21, being 127 local and 31 non-local, 152 professionals from Minas Gerais, 1 from Espírito Santo and 5 from other states of the federation.

Completion of the on-site course ""Professional Initiation in Basic Notions of Masonry"" in Mariana (MG), given by the National Service of Industrial Education of Minas Gerais (SENAI MG).

Start of on-site registration for two types of professional training for residents of Povoação and Regência, communities located in Linhares (ES) and that were impacted by the Fundao dam collapse (MG). The action is an initiative of the Renova Foundation's Contracting and Local Entrepreneurship area in partnership with the Espírito Santo National Service of Industrial Education (SENAI ES). Administrative Assistant and Warehouse courses were offered, both with 25 places for each community.

The 3rd cycle of the Supplier Development Program (PDF) aims to prepare entrepreneurs to become more competitive in the territories where the Renova Foundation operates in Minas Gerais, in October 2021 it held lectures open to the public, training and technical assistance, which are exclusively aimed at program participants, promoting interaction and debates regarding the content covered.
-Online lecture on 11/03/2021 themed ""Contract and Project Management"", with 37 subscribers, 70 participants and 86 views on YouTube as of 12/02/2021.
-Four classes of online training addressing the topic ""Management of Contracts and Projects"" from 11/8/21 to 11/09/21.

The 3rd cycle of the Supplier Development Program (PDF) aims to prepare entrepreneurs to become more competitive in the territories where the Renova Foundation operates in Minas Gerais, in October 2021 it held lectures open to the public, training and technical assistance, which are exclusively aimed at program participants, promoting interaction and debates regarding the content covered.
- Online lecture on 10/05/21 with the theme “Purchase and Inventory Management”, with 52 subscribers, 98 participants and 155 views on YouTube until 11/05/2021.
- Four classes of online training addressing the topic ""Purchase and Inventory Management"" from 10/07/21 to 10/15/21.
- Online lecture on 10/19/21 whose theme was “Workplace Safety and Quality of Life”, with 20 subscribers, 59 participants and 90 views on YouTube until 11/05/2021.
- Four classes of online training addressing the topic ""Health and Safety at Work and Quality of Life"" from 10/20/21 to 10/21/21.
- Online lecture on 10/26/21 whose theme was “Recoloca Rio Doce”, with 14 subscribers, 27 participants and 40 views on YouTube until 11/05/2021.
- The first ""Business Round"" of the 3rd Cycle of PDF MG was held. Event that promotes the meeting between potential buyers and local companies participating in the project, creating a favorable environment for doing business.

Launch of the 2nd Cycle of the Espírito Santo Supplier Development Program, which aims to prepare entrepreneurs to become more competitive in the territories where the Renova Foundation operates.

The PG20 held on 10/27/21, in the communities of Linhares (ES) and Sooretama (ES), for families who are registered in the agile flow, Financial Education workshops, also addressing entrepreneurship as a way of resuming productive activities.

Beginning of pre-registration for several professional training courses for residents of Degredo, a community located in Linhares (ES) and which was impacted by the collapse of the Fundão dam (MG). The action is an initiative of the Renova Foundation's Contracting and Local Entrepreneurship area in partnership with the Espírito Santo National Service of Industrial Education (SENAI ES) and, initially, the opportunities are for ten courses.

Through the PG20 monitoring axis, which aims to guide Renova Foundation suppliers on prioritizing local hiring (labor and suppliers), the hiring of 291 people by Renova Foundation suppliers was identified in October/21, of which 193 were hired locally and 98 were non-local, 222 professionals from Minas Gerais, 27 from Espírito Santo and 42 from other states.

The 3rd cycle of the Supplier Development Program (PDF) aims to prepare entrepreneurs to become more competitive in the territories where the Renova Foundation operates in Minas Gerais, in September/21 it held a lecture open to the public, training and technical assistance, which are exclusively aimed at program participants, promoting interaction and debates regarding the content covered.
- Online lecture on 09/08/21 whose theme was “How to Innovate in My Company”, with 66 subscribers, 53 participants and 82 views on YouTube until 10/04/2021.
- Three classes of online training addressing the topic ""How to Innovate in My Company"" from 09/09/21 to 10/09/21.
- Started the fifth cycle of online technical assistance with companies participating in the 3rd Cycle of the Supplier Development Program in Minas Gerais. 40 companies participated in this stage, 20 in Mariana, 10 in Governador Valadares, 5 in Barra Longa, 3 in Rio Doce and 2 in Santa Cruz do Escalvado."
Planning for the 2nd Cycle of the Espírito Santo Supplier Development Program was carried out, which aims to prepare entrepreneurs to become more competitive in the territories where the Renova Foundation operates.
Through the PG20 monitoring axis, which aims to guide Renova Foundation suppliers on prioritizing local hiring (labor and suppliers), the hiring of 78 people was identified by Renova Foundation’s suppliers in September/21, being 41 local and 37 non-local, 62 professionals from Minas Gerais, 4 from Espírito Santo and 12 from other states of the federation.
Beginning of pre-registration for several professional training courses for residents of Regência and Povoação, communities located in Linhares (ES) and that were impacted by the collapse of the Fundão (MG) dam. The action is an initiative of the Renova Foundation's Local Contracting area in partnership with the Espírito Santo National Service of Industrial Education (SENAI ES) and, initially, the opportunities are for nine courses in Regency and another six in Povoação.

The 3rd cycle of the Supplier Development Program aims to prepare entrepreneurs to become more competitive in the territories where the Renova Foundation operates in Minas Gerais, in August/21 it held lectures open to the public, succinctly presenting the topics covered. Training and technical assistance were also carried out, which are exclusively aimed at program participants, promoting interaction and debates regarding the content covered.
- Online lecture on 08/10/21 themed “People Management and Leadership”, with 82 subscribers, 37 participants and 169 views on YouTube until 08/20/2021.
- Online lecture on 8/24/21 themed ""How to attract customers to my company"", with 47 subscribers, 71 participants and 104 views on YouTube until 9/3/2021.
- Three classes of online training addressing the topic ""People Management"" from 08/11/21 to 08/12/21.
- Three groups of online seminars addressing the topic ""Sales and Negotiation Technique"" from 08/25/21 to 08/26/21.
- Initiated the second and third cycles of online technical assistance with companies participating in the 3rd Cycle of the Supplier Development Program in Minas Gerais. 40 companies participated in this stage, 20 in Mariana, 10 in Governador Valadares, 5 in Barra Longa, 3 in Rio Doce and 2 in Santa Cruz do Escalvado.

Through the PG20 monitoring axis, which aims to guide Renova Foundation suppliers on prioritizing local hiring (labor and suppliers), the hiring of 204 people was identified by Renova Foundation suppliers in August/21, with 151 hired locally and 53 non-locally, 187 professionals from Minas Gerais, 7 from Espirito Santo and 10 from other states of the federation.

The amendment to carry out the 2nd Cycle of the Espirito Santo Supplier Development Program was completed, which aims to prepare entrepreneurs to become more competitive in the territories where the Renova Foundation operates.

The online course on ""Notions in Food Safety"" was carried out, with 40 places offered for the entire scope of the Renova Foundation, 39 enrolled and 16 were approved. This course aims to qualify people who already work in the area, improving their knowledge, and those who wish to work, leaving them able to fill the vacancies made available with the resumption of economic activities.

Through the “Recoloca Rio Doce” project, which aims to carry out actions to prepare people for the labor market, an online workshop was held on 07/20/21 with the theme “Preparing Women for the Labor Market” The event covered the entire area within the range of the Renova Foundation, with 42 people enrolled and approximately 29 participants.
Through the PG20 monitoring axis, which aims to guide Renova Foundation suppliers on prioritizing local hiring (labor and suppliers), the hiring of 209 people by Renova Foundation suppliers was identified in July/21, with 157 being local and 52 non-local, 180 professionals from Minas Gerais, 10 from Espirito Santo and 19 from other States.
The online course on "Notions in Food Safety" was carried out, with 30 places offered for the entire scope of the Renova Foundation, 29 enrolled and 8 were approved. This course aims to qualify people who already work in the area, improving their knowledge, and those who wish to work, leaving them able to fill the vacancies made available with the resumption of economic activities.
The 3rd cycle of the Supplier Development Program, held in July/21, aims to prepare entrepreneurs to become more competitive in the territories where the Renova Foundation operates in Minas Gerais, lectures open to the public briefly presented the topics covered. Seminars were also held, aimed exclusively at program participants, promoting interaction and debates regarding the content covered.
• Online lecture on 07/06/21 whose theme was “Financial and Tax Management”, with 150 participants, 136 spectators and peak simultaneous transmission to 48 people.
• Online lecture on 07/21/21 whose theme was “Creation of Technical and Commercial Proposals”, with 118 participants, 145 spectators and peak simultaneous transmission to 45 people.
• Four groups of online seminars addressing the topic “Financial and Tax Management Applied to Pricing” from 07/14/21 to 07/16/21.
• Three groups of online seminars addressing the topic “How to Understand the TR (Technical Request) and Build Technical and Commercial Proposals” from 07/27/21 to 07/29/21.
• Started the first cycle of online technical assistance with companies participating in the 3rd Cycle of the Supplier Development Program in Minas Gerais. 40 companies participated in this stage, 20 in Mariana, 10 in Governador Valadares, 5 in Barra Longa, 3 in Rio Doce and 2 in Santa Cruz do Escalvado.
The 1st cycle of the ES Supplier Development Program held on 07/15/2021 the closing event and business roundtable with the 9 companies participating in the project. Four anchor companies that supply the Renova Foundation participated in the round.

Completion of initial diagnosis of companies participating in the 3rd cycle of the Supplier Development Program in Minas Gerais: 40 in Mariana, 20 in Governador Valadares, 10 in Barra Longa, 6 in Rio Doce and 4 in Santa Cruz do Escalvado.
In June/21, Renova monitored the hiring process by its suppliers of 236 people, of which 125 were local and 111 were non-local.

In Espirito Santo, 5 companies from Linhares and 4 from Colatina completed the 1st Cycle of the Supplier Development Program.

In Governador Valadares, the initial diagnosis was completed and in Mariana, Barra Longa, Rio Doce, and Santa Cruz do Escalvado participating companies started the 3rd Cycle of the Supplier Development Program in Minas Gerais.

Online Professional Qualification workshop attended by 11 participants.

Launch of the 3rd Cycle of the Supplier Development Program in Minas Gerais, attended by 133 participants.

Two online workshops were held, attended by 31 participants, in which professional objectives, resume and job interview preparation were addressed.

Online course on “Food Security”, with 34 spots, 33 registrations and 17 approved participants.

Talk VIII "Innovation in Business” was held for companies participating in the Supplier Development Project in Espirito Santo.

Seminar VIII "Innovation Management” was held, for companies participating in the Supplier Development Project in Espirito Santo;

Providing Support VIII, for companies participating in the Supplier Development Project in Espirito Santo.

Conducted online workshops: “How to Prepare for Interviews”, “Creating Your Resume” and “Questions Frequently Asked by Interviewers”.

Seminar VII "Commercial Management, Budgeting and Marketing".

Talk VII "Commercial Management and Customer Attraction".

Assistance VI (People Management) and VII (Commercial Management, Budgeting and Marketing).

Online workshops on "Curriculum Development and Interview Preparation".

Provided assistance for the seminar “OSH and Social Responsibility" for companies participating in the Supplier Development Project in Espirito Santo.

Talk on "People Management" for companies participating in the Supplier Development Project in Espirito Santo.

Talk on "People Management" for companies participating in the Supplier Development Project in Espirito Santo.

Talk on ""Accounting, Tax and Labor Management"" for companies participating in the Supplier Development Project in Espirito Santo

Seminar on ""Accounting, Tax and Labor Management"" for companies participating in the Supplier Development Project in Espirito Santo

Talk on “SST and Quality of Life"" for companies participating in the Supplier Development Project in Espirito Santo

Seminar on “SST and Social Responsibility"" for companies participating in the Supplier Development Project in Espirito Santo.

Seminar on “Accounting, Tax and Labor Management”. Event for businesspeople from Colatina and Linhares.

Webinar for local Mariana businesspeople on the use of SAP ARIBA.
Lecture for businesspeople from Espírito Santo (Colatina, Linhares, Regência and Povoação). Theme: Business Productivity to Reduce Waste and Improve Results.

"Seminar on ""Quality Management"" for companies participating in the Supplier Development Project in Espirito Santo."
"Lecture titled ""Quality of products and services and the impact on customer satisfaction"" for companies participating in the Supplier Development Project in Espirito Santo."

Technical Advice for Supplier Development
* Delivery of the final development evaluation diagnosis to the last company participating in the Supplier Development Project in Mariana / MG and in Governador Valadares / MG;
* Delivery of the individual reports and the final report of the 2nd cycle of the Supplier Development Project in Mariana / MG and in Governador Valadares / MG.

Technical Assistance Supplier Development
• Final development assessment diagnoses were carried out for some of the companies participating in the Supplier Development project in Mariana/MG and Governador Valadares/MG.

Technical Assistance Supplier Development
• The cycle 8 lecture "People management: a strategy to leverage business" was held for companies participating in the Supplier Development project in Mariana and Governador Valadares, both located in the state of Minas Gerais.
• The cycle 8 "People Management" seminars were held for companies participating in the Supplier Development project in Mariana and Governador Valadares (MG).
• Cycle 8 assistance was provided to companies participating in the Supplier Development project in Mariana and Governador Valadares (MG).
• The webinar "Paths to good negotiation" was held for companies participating in the Supplier Development project in Mariana and Governador Valadares (MG).
• The webinar "Leadership by Leveraging Business" was held for companies participating in the Supplier Development project in Mariana and Governador Valadares (MG).
• The webinar "The Importance of Social Responsibility in Contemporary Organizations" was held for companies participating in the Supplier Development project in Mariana and Governador Valadares (MG).
Professional Training 2020
• Signed the contract for the Professional Qualification project with SENAI.

Technical Assistance Supplier Development
• The "Commercial and Technical Proposal Writing" lecture of cycle 7 were held for companies participating in the Supplier Development project in Mariana, Minas Gerais, and Governador Valadares, Minas Gerais.
• The "Commercial and Technical Proposal Writing" seminars of cycle 7 were held for companies participating in the Supplier Development project in Mariana, Minas Gerais, and Governador Valadares, Minas Gerais.
• Providing cycle 7 assistance to companies participating in the Supplier Development project in Mariana, Minas Gerais, and in Governador Valadares, Minas Gerais.
Professional Training 2020
• Signing the contract for the Professional Qualification project in Espirito Santo with SENAI.

Technical Assistance Supplier Development
• Lecture "Digital Marketing" of cycle 6 was held for companies participating in the Supplier Development project in Mariana/MG and in Governador Valadares/MG.
• The lecture "Good Management Practices and Credit Alternatives during the Pandemic" of cycle 6 was held for companies participating in the Supplier Development project in Mariana/MG and in Governador Valadares/MG.
• The seminars "Commercial Management, Sales, and Attraction of Clients" of cycle 6 were held for companies participating in the Supplier Development project in Mariana/MG and in Governador Valadares/MG.
• Assisted companies of cycle 6 participating in the Supplier Development project in Mariana/MG and Governador Valadares/MG.

Technical Assistance Supplier Development
• "Inventory and Purchasing Management” lectures of cycle 5 were held for companies participating in the Supplier Development project in Mariana/MG and in Governador Valadares/MG.
• “Tax, Accounting and Labor/E-social Management” seminars of cycle 5 were held for companies participating in the Supplier Development project in Mariana/MG and in Governador Valadares/MG.
• Provided assistance in cycles 3, 4 and 5 to companies participating in the Supplier Development project in Mariana/MG and in Governador Valadares/MG.

Professional Qualification
• Finalization of the Initial Shielded Metal Arc Welding course, in Mariana/MG, for 21 students, with a workload of 80 hours and conducted by SENAI MG.
Technical Assistance Supplier Development
• Organized the lectures: “Compliance: Basic Concepts and Notions”, from cycle 4, for companies participating in the Supplier Development project in Mariana/MG and in Governador Valadares/MG.
• The “Strategic Planning” seminars of cycle 4 were held for companies participating in the Supplier Development project in Mariana/MG and in Governador Valadares/MG.
• Assistance was provided to companies participating in the Supplier Development project in Governador Valadares/MG.

Professional Qualification
• Conclusion of the course Residential Electrical Installation in Mariana/MG, for 25 students, with a workload of 37 hours and conducted by SENAI MG.
• Conclusion of the course Electrical Installation in Buildings in Mariana/MG, for 38 students, with a workload of 80 hours and conducted by SENAI MG.
Technical Assistance Supplier Development
• Lectures “Health and Safety for Suppliers of Products and Services”, of cycle 3, were held for companies participating in the Supplier Development project in Mariana/MG and in Governador Valadares/MG.
• The seminar “Everyday Workplace Safety: Challenges and Opportunities” of cycle 3 was held for companies participating in the Supplier Development project in Mariana/MG and in Governador Valadares/MG.
• Provided assistance in cycle 2 to companies participating in the Supplier Development project in Mariana/MG and in Governador Valadares/MG.
Buy Products from Affected Population Project
• Purchased products from affected suppliers.

Technical Assistance Supplier Development
Held the seminar “Quality Method and Tools” of the Supplier Development program in Mariana and Governador Valadares.
The implementation of the “Business Roundtable” action with other trade associations throughout the Territory was not carried out. Cause: There was no support from the other Associations. Countermeasure: Carry out the “Business Roundtable” action without the support of trade associations.
Compliance with Clauses 6 to 23 of the Agreement Term signed on August 08, 2018, specific to the Municipality of Mariana, has not been finalized. Cause: As it is a continuous action of the program, it will only end with the closing of the PG020. Countermeasure: There is no countermeasure associated with this deviation.
Development of 50 local companies, to be apt to be potential suppliers of the Renova Foundation, has not been carried out. Cause: The supplier development program will only end in 2020. Countermeasure: There is no countermeasure associated with this deviation.
Professional Qualification Project
Qualification courses for Sewage Treatment Plants and Water Treatment Plants, scheduled for 2019, have not been completed. Cause: There was no adhesion to the offer of training for Sewage Treatment Plants and Water Treatment Plants. Countermeasure: There is no countermeasure for related delivery since these courses will no longer be offered.
Completion of the Qualification Courses in progress at the end of 2018 was not carried out. Cause: The last course to be concluded, called "Ecosystem Restoration", was not carried out because it is not the responsibility of PG020. Countermeasure: There is no countermeasure for related delivery.
Completion of the 2019 Scope Qualification Courses was not carried out. Cause: Lack of interest in the offered courses by the population. Countermeasure: Replacement of some qualification courses by others to meet market demands.
Survey of Professional Qualification needs in the territory was not carried out. Cause: A histogram was not received from the other districts, with the exception of Mariana. Countermeasure: Requested update from the works manager with support from the Executive Manager.
Offer and execution of at least 800 spots in Professional Qualification Courses in the territory not carried out. Cause: Lack of interest in the offered courses by the population. Countermeasure: Replacement of some qualification courses by others to meet other demands of the works.

Supplier Competitiveness Development Process
• The lecture “Economic-Financial Management in Practice” by the Technical Supplier Development Advisory was held in Mariana and Governador Valadares. This delivery refers to the milestone “Completion of the execution of the 2019 Technical Supplier Development Advisory in Minas Gerais”.
• Held the “Excel for Business - Management Tools” seminar by the Technical Supplier Development Advisory in Mariana and Governador Valadares. This delivery refers to the milestone “Completion of the execution of the 2019 Technical Supplier Development Advisory in Minas Gerais”.
• Assistance started for selected businesses and participants in the Technical Supplier Development Advisory program in Mariana and Governador Valadares. This delivery refers to the milestone “Completion of the execution of the 2019 Technical Supplier Development Advisory in Minas Gerais”;
• Lectures launching the program of the Technical Supplier Development Advisory in Colatina, Linhares, Regencia and Povoacao. This delivery refers to the milestone “Completion of the execution of the 2019 Technical Supplier Development Advisory in Espirito Santo”.

• Initiation of the advanced bakery and confectionery courses in Santa Cruz do Escalvado for 12 students, with a 75-hour workload and held by SENAI MG, and of the initial professional course in Administrative Services in Mariana for 30 students, with a 60-hour workload and held by SENAI MG, scheduled for November, were not realized. Cause: Schedule deployment not fully realized. Countermeasure: Conduct analysis with the technical team to deploy the schedule according to program actions.

Labor Qualification Process
• Completion of the vocational course in Structural Iron Worker in Rio Doce, for 30 students, with a workload of 160 hours and conducted by SENAI-MG. This delivery refers to Milestone “Completion of 2019 Vocational Project in Candonga”.
• A new group started the initial professional course in Quality Inspection Agent in Mariana, for 30 students, with a 40-hour workload and conducted by SENAI-MG. This delivery refers to Milestone “Completion of the 2018-2019 cycle vocational courses in Mariana”.
• Completion of the training course in Confection of Pouches in Baixo Guandu, for 30 students, with a 40-hour workload and conducted by SENAI-ES. This delivery refers to the Milestone “Completion of SENAI/ES 2019 Vocational Courses”.

In the September Report (reference month: August), it was reported that the vocational course in Infrastructure Mason, held in Rio Doce, had been started. However, the course started at that time was the vocational course in Iron Structure Worker, which was completed in October.

Labor Qualification Process:
• In Mariana, professional initiation course in Quality Inspection Agent for 30 students, with a 40-hour workload and conducted by SENAI-MG.
• Kick-off in Mariana of the professional training course for Ferrous Materials Locksmith (roofers) in Mariana (MG) for a new group of 40 students, with a 80-hour workload and conducted by SENAI MG.
• Kick-off in Mariana of the professional training course for Low Voltage Building Electrician (roofers) in Mariana (MG) for a new group of 60 students, with a 80-hour workload and conducted by SENAI MG.

Supplier Competitiveness Development:
• Initiated the project to develop the competitiveness of suppliers.
Training for Professional Labor:
• Started the professional training course for Infrastructure Mason in Rio Doce (MG) for 30 students, with a workload of 160 hours and conducted by SENAI-MG.
• Completed the professional training course for Low Voltage Building Electrician (roofers) in Mariana (MG) for 30 students, with a 80-hour workload and conducted by SENAI MG.
• Completed the professional training course for Ferrous Materials Locksmith (roofers) in Mariana (MG) for 20 students, with a 80-hour workload and conducted by SENAI MG.

Labor Qualification Process:
• Started the professional initiation course of Low Voltage Building Electrician in Mariana for 30 students, with a 80-hour workload and conducted by SENAI MG.
• Started the professional initiation course of Ferrous Materials Locksmith (roofers) in Mariana for 20 students, with a 80-hour workload and conducted by SENAI MG.
• Started the professional improvement course of Quality Inspection Agent in Governador Valadares for 30 students, with a 40-hour workload and conducted by SENAI MG.

Manpower Qualification Process:
• Completion of the professional qualification course in Rio Doce by 12 lunch ladies, with a 75-hour workload and held by SENAI Mobile Centers.
• Initiation of the confectionery professional qualification course in Rio Doce for 12 lunch ladies, with a 75-hour workload and held by SENAI Mobile Centers.

Manpower Qualification Process:
• Completion of professional qualification courses in Mariana: Finishing touch masonry and ceramic tiles installer; Real estate painter.
• Completion of professional qualification courses in Governador Valadares: two groups of masonry.

• Completion of the professional qualification courses in Mariana: solid waste management, building electrician, plumber, locksmith of ferrous materials.

Completion of initial project of the professional qualification process in Marilandia.
Initiation of addendum for the deadline of the professional qualification process in Marilandia.

Qualification courses started in Mariana (MG), in finishing mason; solid waste handling; building electrician; specialty plumber; locksmith of ferrous materials; and painter of real estate projects.
Completion of courses of specialty plumbers in Marilandia (ES) and tailoring and sewing in Santa Cruz do Escalvado (MG) - 25 and 20 students, respectively.

Event for closing the 2018 cycle of the Supplier Development Program in Mariana and Governador Valadares. During the event, certificates were granted to the companies and there was a presentation of the final report of the Development.

First class of the ironworker course held in Governador Valadares. There were 30 spots available for this course.

All equipment and furniture has been delivered, making way for expansion in the current SINE facility, located in the Convention Center of Mariana.
Completion of professional courses for masonry worker and residential hydraulic installer.
Completion of the professional course for residential hydraulic installer in Colatina.

Conclusion of 9 professional qualification courses in the municipalities of Mariana, Colatina, Linhares and Baixo Guandu, totaling 139 graduating students.
Sewing courses were started in Novo Soberbo/Santa Cruz do Escalvado, Mariana. All the professional courses are being conducted by SENAI in partnership with the Renova Foundation.

Ceremony to award certificates related to the Masonry Assistant courses in Governador Valadares was held on September 13.

Kick-off of Qualification Courses in Construction Carpentry and Masonry Assistant in the Mariana region. All the Qualification courses are being conducted by SENAI in partnership with the Renova Foundation.

To attend to the Resettlement works, on August 8, the first classes were held of the vocational courses for Locksmith specialized in Ferrous Materials and House Painter. Graduation of the vocational courses Mason Worker and Carpenter took place on August 15. In all, 193 graduates participated in the ceremony.

On 07/09 the vocational training courses kicked off in Governador Valadares.

This month, the training courses for the second semester were defined in Mariana, Barra Longa, Santa Cruz and Rio Doce. Through integration with the Resettlement Program team, the training included activities required in the future, such as certification for locksmith in ferrous materials and management of solid waste.

Furthermore, the carpenter course for construction works in Linhares (ES) was completed by 18 of the 21 enrolled students.

The vocational training courses to be implemented in Governador Valadares were defined.

In that period, there was also an increase in the percentage of calls to local suppliers and local contracting, representing the highest index in the series. In May, 96% of competitive calls for bids were directed at local suppliers.

The first vocational training course in NR10 (Safety in electrical installations) was completed. It was taught by Senai Mariana and Senai Espirito Santo in partnership with the Renova Foundation.

A contract was signed with the National Services of Industrial Learning (SENAI-MG/SENAI-ES) to offer vocational courses. 12 courses will be offered in Mariana (MG) and 38 courses in Espirito Santo, distributed over the municipalities of Marilandia, Linhares, Colatina and Baixo Guandu. There are opportunities for different qualifications. Communication actions were carried out to promote the courses to the community.

Vocational courses were opened for registration and inaugural classes were held at the Social Service of Industry of Mariana (SESI-Mariana), with 200 professionals attending and showing interest in the courses that start in 2018. The content of the courses was designed according to the workforce required in the Resettlement and Axis 1 operations and currently do not have qualified professionals available at the local SINE.

The National Service of Industrial Education of Minas Gerais (SENAI) has been contracted as part of the technical cooperation agreement signed in June 2017 between the Renova Foundation, the Minas Gerais State Industry Federation (FIEMG) and the Espirito Santo State Industry Federation (FINDES). SENAI will act in the qualification of local labor in the municipalities impacted by the dam collapse.

A stimulus-to-local-contracting workshop was held in Governador Valadares. The purpose of the workshop was to present local companies with opportunities for contracting and supplying Renova Foundation products. Based on the activities to be carried out by the institution, it sought to inform and prepare local companies for the contractual needs required by the Foundation.

DVF Consultancy presented to Renova the elaborated plan of action, with the objective of strengthening the trade associations of the impacted regions. After that, two workshops were held in Mariana and Barra Longa (MG), respectively, to demonstrate the strategic planning developed by the consultancy to strengthen class entities.

Progress was also made in the negotiations between Sebrae, BDMG and the Renova Foundation to create a project for the financial recovery of companies with the potential to become suppliers in the municipalities. Negotiations were concluded with the SENAI institutions in Espirito Santo and Minas Gerais and IEL-ES for the operationalization of the professional training plan and the supplier development program.

At the beginning of December, in Vitoria (ES), a supplier qualification workshop was organized by the Euvaldo Lodi Institute in partnership with the Renova Foundation. The objective was to present local companies with opportunities to be contracted and supply products to the Renova Foundation, based on the activities to be performed by the institution, seeking, informing and preparing local companies for the required contractual needs. The workshops featured stands to register local suppliers.

Also, an initial alignment meeting was held with DVF, a consulting firm hired to support local suppliers whose businesses were affected by the Fundao dam collapse and require qualification and support in managing their entities.

Mid-December, the certificates were presented of the vocational courses offered by SENAI-ES in Regencia and Povoacao, districts of Linhares, resulting from the agreement signed with the Espirito Santo State Industry Federation (Findes). In the second half of 2017, approximately 132 professionals graduated from a total of 180 slots offered.

At the end of the month, 27 participants graduated from the Masonry and Construction courses offered by SENAI-MG, as a result of the agreement signed with the Minas Gerais State Industry Federation (FIEMG). The vocational courses took place during the second semester of 2017 in the municipality of Mariana (MG).

Between November 21 and 23, the Social Service of Industry (SESI) organized, in Rio Doce (MG), the “Cook Brazil” project, a free course on food education aimed at improving the quality of life of industrial workers, promoting healthy eating. The training, the result of a partnership between the Minas Gerais State Industry Federation (FIEMG) and the Renova Foundation, meets the demand from entrepreneurs in the sector and is supported by the Municipal Government of Rio Doce. Participants received a certificate, plus a book with healthy food recipes.
The company DVF was hired to support the local suppliers, whose businesses were affected by the Fundao dam collapse and require training and support in the management of their trade organizations.
The vocational courses offered by SENAI-ES in Regencia and Povoacao, districts of Linhares, are ongoing. In November, the last vocational course in Regencia began, resulting from the agreement signed with the Espirito Santo State Industry Federation (Findes). To date, approximately 117 professionals have been qualified out of a total of 180 spots offered.
The Stimulus to Local Contracting Program, together with the State Department of Social Development (Sedese), arranged a meeting with the Socioeconomic Technologies and Regional Development and Diversification programs, in order to present the actions of the respective programs, in order to identify possible joint activities with the department.
The team of this program, together with the Springs Recovery Program, paid a visit to Periquito Town Hall with the intention of mapping work cooperatives that can carry out activities to recover the springs in the region. Representatives of this program also continued to attend alignment meetings with new contractors. The meetings have the objective of disseminating the guidelines for contracting local workers by the Renova Foundation.

The Renova Foundation, in partnership with Senai-MG, has developed a new proposal for qualification courses to attend all the municipalities affected in Minas Gerais.

In Espirito Santo, the qualification courses offered by SENAI-ES in Regencia and Povoacao, districts of Linhares, are ongoing. Two professional qualification courses were also started in Povoacao, resulting from the agreement signed with the Espirito Santo State Industry Federation (Findes). In addition, 15 slots were opened for the pattern making course and 20 slots for the carpenter course.

Representatives of the program continued to participate in alignment meetings with new contractors. The meetings have the objective of disseminating and promoting the Renova Foundation guidelines for hiring local workers.

The local hiring stimulus team, working together with the Dialogue team, was in Rio Doce, Santa Cruz do Escalvado and Santana do Deserto, in Minas Gerais, to assess the current situation of restaurants in the municipality that indicated they were noticing a commercial impact due to the competition of a new and bigger restaurant in the region of Ponte Nova (MG). The assessment sought to identify and look for the need of such restaurants for individualized technical improvements such as menus and business management. Considering this, a new proposal of qualification courses was articulated with SENAI-MG. In all, 18 training courses will be offered along the municipalities affected in the state of Minas Gerais.

The second professional qualification course began in the municipality of Mariana (MG), resulting from the agreement signed with the Minas Gerais State Industry Federation (FIEMG). The Masonry course includes up to 20 participants and has a total duration of up to 180 hours.

In the state of Espirito Santo, the qualification courses offered by SENAI-ES in Regencia and Povoacao, districts of the municipality of Linhares, are ongoing. So far, 104 professionals have been qualified in Masonry, Regional Espirito Santo Cuisine and Industrial Sewing courses.

A task force was registered for the registration of labor in affected municipalities. The actions took place in Santa Cruz do Escalvado (MG), on August 15 and 16, and in Rio Doce (MG), on the 22nd and 23rd of the same month. Approximately 350 people were registered.
The team also participated in seven supplier contracting meetings with the Renova Foundation. The objective is to inform and advise contracted companies on the need to prioritize the hiring of local labor during the term of the contract.

As a complementary part of the previous activity and resulting from the agreement signed with the Federation of Industries of Espirito Santo (Findes), training courses and professional qualification by the National Service of Industrial Education (Senai) began in the municipalities of Regência and Povoação, Espirito Santo. In total 10 courses were offered; five for each locality.

The courses offered are in Carpentry for Construction, workload of 200 hours and class size of 20 students; Industrial Sewing of Clothing, workload of 200 hours and class size of 15 students; Espirito Santo cuisine, workload of 96 hours and class size of 20 students; Bricklayer masonry, workload of 200 hours and class size of 20 students; Pattern making, workload of 80 hours and class size of 15 students; Business in Practice, workload of 40 hours and class size of up to 20 people.

As a result of the agreement signed with the Espirito Santo State Industry Federation (FINDES) and the Minas Gerais State Industry Federation (FIEMG) in July 2017, the National Service of Industrial Education (SENAI) submitted the technical commercial proposal regarding the provision of training/qualification courses for professional training of local suppliers along the Rio Doce basin. The proposal offers 18 courses of different performance areas, which will be taught during the second half of 2017 in the municipalities of Aimorés, Conselheiro Pena, Governador Valadares, Resplendor, Mariana, Rio Doce, Santa Cruz do Escalvado, and Barra Longa, in Minas Gerais. The respective action is part of the qualification and training activities to make the market more competitive, innovative and sustainable, capable of generating new business, wealth and development.

Inaugural lesson for the first group of infrastructure masons, offered by SENAI in Mariana (MG), the result of the first interlocution and action organized with the institution. A total of 20 spots were offered, with a duration of 200 hours.

In Espirito Santo, progress in the negotiations for the implementation of courses of masonry, carpentry, local cuisine and sewing in the districts of Regency and Povoação.

The Economy and Innovation team was called for a meeting with the municipal government of Barra Longa (MG) to discuss the return of the SINE Itinerant to the municipality and the progress of the local contracting actions of the region. Subsequently, the National Employment System (SINE) returned to the municipality for a new session of local labor registration.

In order to identify potential local markets in the municipality of Barra Longa, meetings were held with the local producers of Ciara Tiara, who showed an interest in integrating the movement for incentive to the economy, through the development of a social project that aims to reactivate the activities of Embroiderers of the region.

The team of the program attended the initial meetings of the Renova Foundation to contract companies. The objective is to inform and advise the companies contracted to provide services to Renova on the need to prioritize the hiring of local labor during the period of validity of the contract, aiming to achieve the determined by the clauses of the Transaction and Conduct Adjustment Term (TTAC). The initiative is due to the actions outlined for prioritization of contracting local suppliers and local labor.

Based on the diagnosis of potential entrepreneurs, businesses and markets of the 39 municipalities impacted by the collapse of the Fundão dam, eight workshops were held to stimulate local contracting, with the objective of presenting opportunities to companies to supply products and services to the Renova Foundation, related to the activities performed by the institution. The workshops had stands for registration of suppliers and preparation of local companies for the contractual needs required by the Foundation.

In the period from May 31 to June 23, eight workshops were held in Linhares and Colatina, in Espirito Santo, Barra Longa, Doce River, Santa Cruz do Escalvado, Mariana, Governador Valadares, Aimorés and Baixo Guandu, in Minas Gerais, with 930 participants and 521 registrations during the events.

On June 26, an agreement was signed with the Espirito Santo State Industry Federation (FINDES) and, on the 30th, with the Minas Gerais State Industry Federation (FIEMG). Both are aimed at qualifying and training the workforce and local suppliers to make the market more competitive, innovative and sustainable, capable of generating new business, wealth and development.

The diagnosis of potential entrepreneurs, businesses and markets of the 39 municipalities originally impacted by the collapse of the Fundão dam, conducted by contracted consultant DVF, was concluded.

Workshops to stimulate local contracting are being held to present proposals and activities carried out by Renova and its contractors and to register local suppliers. The events were programmed for Linhares and Colatina (ES) and Governador Valadares, Aimorés, Baixo Guandu, Rio Doce, Santa Cruz do Escalvado, Barra Longa and Mariana (MG).

In April, the contracted consultant DVF submitted the initial report to Renova containing the diagnosis of the potential entrepreneurs, businesses and markets of the municipalities impacted by the collapse of the Fundão dam. The document presents the plan with future actions to be carried out in the next stages of the program, such as the strengthening of entities for entrepreneurship classes.

That same month, taking in account the result of the diagnosis, four workshops were held with the aim of showing business owners and trade associations the opportunities that may arise from Renova actions throughout the entire territory. The workshops took place in the municipalities of Barra Longa, Mariana (MG) and in Povoação e Regência, districts of Linhares (ES).

Another important point is the initiation of the process of contracting a mason course in the town of Mariana which might be useful for the resettlement works.

In March, the stage of diagnosis of the potentials of the municipalities affected by the collapse of the Fundão dam was finalized. Based on the result of the study, lectures were held in municipalities in Espírito Santo and Minas Gerais to discuss the diagnosis and also issues involving entrepreneurship. During these occasions, the Renova Foundation and the Program to Stimulate Local Hiring were presented to the participants. In addition, workshops were held in Linhares, Colatina, Baixo Guandu, Espírito Santo, and Governador Valadares, Resplendor and Aimorés, in Minas Gerais, to make the entrepreneurs and associations aware of the opportunities that may arise from actions of Renova throughout the whole process.

The market research study and diagnosis of the availability of services, goods and labor has been completed. In addition, studies have started for the development of specific projects for local hiring of fishermen of Regência and Povoação, in Espírito Santo.

An assessment of the services, goods and labor is ongoing. There was also an inaugural meeting in partnership with the National Service of Industrial Education (Senai-MG).

Contracting of a consultancy agency for the assessment of potential market development and local hiring and receiving proposals from the National Service of Industrial Education (Senai) to facilitate courses in the civil engineering area for the resettlement works.

Continuation of the local labor hiring process and receiving new technical proposals of competitors. In November, 2,077 people were hired, representing 59% of mobilized professionals.

In October, the hiring of local workforce was 1,799, representing 57% of the deployed professionals and 668 local suppliers, representing 76% of the active contracts.

Until the month of September, the hiring of local workforce was 1,276, of a total of 1,759 hired, representing 73% of the deployed professionals.


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